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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    I will say I never really though much about this. Guess best fitting would be a mix of several species brought in by different colonists not one dominant one. Though I guess at least the more traditional Terian´s would actually agree with the Athenar on the danger of introducing new species in exsisting ecosystems. So maybe the best fitting solution would be to up with local races that have been domesicated by the Terians or maybe some crosssbreeds from the animals brought by colonists with the local animals. Or maybe even bring the problems with a new species takeing over a habitat into the lore for a world. Also keep in mind that some worlds like Darvin would have weather conditions that the races you mentioned might not even be able to survive.

    They are not that primitive. They defenetly own, relatively, modern weaponry and tech and generaly understand how to keep the functioning, its more that they lack the abilities and machines to produce this stuff themselves. I think the word "tribe" might actually be a bit misleading here, they are not superstitious primitives. I mean tribe more in a sense of connection between the members, seeing each other more as a large family of families, than a nation.

    If putting them up here isn´t possible, you can also just send them to me via PM.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
    Gamiel likes this.
  2. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    @Findswoman ?
  3. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Yes, I think it would be fine for you to post some concepts in the context of discussion. I'm fine with linking to it in the discussions list, too, but I ask that you first please (a) show me approximately what to count as the starting post, and (b) suggest a title/name for the discussion. Thanks! :)
    Gamiel likes this.
  4. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I suggest: Fanoning in another's fanon: Anedon's Teris sector
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2018
    Findswoman likes this.
  5. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    @Anedon here are some word concepts. Which of them work for the Teris sector, which of them do not and which of them could work with some modifications? Can you also explain why they work/don't work as part of the discussion? Thanks :)

    * Constant tectonic upheaval creates ever-erupting volcanoes and at the edge of each lava field, dense rain forests loom hungrily, awaiting the inevitable cooling of the soil. Here tech-barbarians in dark-red tech-armour with purple-n-green lizard cloaks fight each other armed with guns and swords.

    * Surrounded by a mineral rich asteroid ring, mining ships shuttle between the belt and the surface to be processed and then sold. Lacking the technology for hyperspace drives, they have to rely on visiting trader nomads and the few hyperspace capable ships they have been able to buy or capture. The people live in processing cities rules by councils made up by representatives of guilds and worker-unions, but all council members and decisions has to take in the layers of family loyalty, blood alliances and old family grudged that exist among all but the outcasts and outsiders.

    * populated by Kadas'sa'Nikto, divided into clans that fight each other with spears and swords, their bare chested bodies only protected by large bronze and wood shields. They highly respect the athenar ruins and use them for their thing-meetings but beside that leave them alone.

    * a mad machine intelligence has declared itself the ruling god of people on and it guard them jealously from outsiders with advanced defensive system and fanatic cyborg-warrior-priests. This has not stopped some contact between freetraders and some of the outlaying communities

    * a relatively primitive planet where athenar science-sorcerers live in towers shielded from the world. Sometime the science-sorcerers intervene in the life of the tribes because they are doing something that disturb them or a specific tribe has been “adopted” by a science-sorcerer

    * once this world resembled a high-tech version of a romanticised chivalric society where knight road out on mechanical steads, heavy labour was mostly done by droids, etc., now this world has fallen, knowledge how to maintain technology have become scars and the real high-tech have become scarcer. Now only the high-nobles can ride out on mechanical steads and even then most families have only one or two mechanical steads in their garage-stable.

    * 157 city-states all over the planet, each of the walled and blaster-cannon defended cities are surrounded by farmland and networks of towns and villages that are under the jurisdiction of the city-state. There exist large areas of land outside of the city-states influence, here exist villages and towns that don’t answer to nobody but themselves and have no state to pay taxes to, but they are also not under the city-states’ protective umbrella and there is no law but the one they make themselves, leading to many unstoppable cycles of revenge between communities.

    * rocky highlands broken by swamps and wetlands. Populated by bronze skinned humans and green tinted selkath. They war with each other over land and honour, armed with short swords and many different kinds of spears; their elite warriors, the Spearkillers, are famous on many words outside of their system. When fighting outsiders they use portable blaster-cannons powered by "plasma pearls" that are mined in their world’s deepest seas.

    * society is based upon its system of government and inheritance, and the right to own property and govern must be obtained anew in every generation. Once children reach the age of maturity their rite of passage consists of being exiled from their parents’ homes. There is no system of inheritance and when an individual dies, his neighbours immediately begin to fight over his assets.

    * City-states built in and on the athenar ruins. They manufacture and rebuilt droids, are known for giving the droids they make/remake wooden plating.

    * world that had been colonised, built upon, tunnelled and mined since unknown ages by unknown mine- and forge-masters who once they had taken all they could abounded their workers to die or survive. Due to this unusually long period of exploitation, all of the world's natural resources had been stripped away and used up centuries before. The planet that remain was largely useless and abandoned, completely riddled with catacombs, crumbling industrial plant and exhausted mine-workings. In the infernal heat of abandoned mines and the tangled roots of hives gangs of killers swanned like vermin in a midden: there is no law but the law of the blade, no desire save that to survive.

    * A could world with great glaciers covering much of the southern and northern hemispheres, a taiga belt exist across the equator. The people is hardy, crafty and uncompromising, they are raised on the moto “live free or die fighting” and many of them rather see their village razed and kin killed then bend the knee to anybody.

    * rocky and mountainous world without trees but lots of shrubbery. Populated by nikto who was left there over 500 years ago when their Hutt masters decided that the attempt to bring in that part of the Teris sector was not worth it. Most technology is around WWII with some more advanced tech and the people live in clans, guilds or bands. Home to an heretical Morgukai sect

    * lacks continents, instead landmass is distributed among countless of islands of all sizes. Overall technology can be describes as “what if da Vinci’s inventions all worked and was used” (see The Three Musketeers (2011) and MAGE: the Sorcerers Crusade for some ideas). The people worship the gods trinity known as the Sword Rulers. The Sword Rulers are chaotic gods and many of their worshipers go on holy quests to oppose order and to spread anarchy. Since swordsmanship is seen as a way of showing worship and many of the cults rituals involve duelling so are many from the planet excellent swordfighters.

    * planet that was highly damaged in an ancient war between the athenar and an unknown foe. The damages from that war are still not visible as open wounds and scars on the surface where still functioning war-machines, bio-sculpted battle-beasts and strange things that should not be walks. Athenar tribes of noble tech-barabarians still live there, protecting the small islands of undamaged nature, slowly working to spread them and to hunt down the monsters, as a way to one day heal their world.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2018
    Ewok Poet, Anedon and Findswoman like this.
  6. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Okay, @Gamiel, you defenetly put a lot of though on those. :)
    Lets have a look, shall we?

    Kinda reminds me of Nocturne and the Salamanders from 40k. Should fit pretty well, maybe a bit too barbaric, though what do you mean with tech-armor?

    Should work fine, maybe go even further and instead of a planet surrounded by a mineral belt they could life in an old, ancient spacestaion, left behind from some long forgotten cooperation, inside an asteroid, field they mind. Either way they might also have incredibly skilled pilots and offer races through the asteroid belt/field.

    Again maybe a bit barabric with clans fighting with spears and shields, though certianly possible in a remote corner of the sector with little to no communication to the outside.

    Intresting idea. I was recently thinking about some old space stations, buildings, relics left behind in the Teris sector by an unkown race that has been gone even before the Athenar arrived(or maybe were the race the Athenar fought on the world you mentioned below). With their stuff being still maintained by dorids. Some of them to have actually realized the changed circumstances and adjusted to the situation while others still belive their creators are still around and need to be served. Maybe this mad machine intelligence could be connected to them?

    Hm, to me that sounds a bit OOC for the Athenar to do, manipulate other species, tribes in such a way. So maybe come up with a reason for why they would be on that planet specifically(unique weather conditions, search for artifacts?) or as the teris sector is a place for dark or outcast Jedi would go, maybe have them be the "wizards" rather than Athenar.

    Well this, pre fall kinda goes into the same direction as Serian, being a world inhabited primarily by nobles, served by droids. Maybe we could say there are on their way down the path to the "fallen" world you suggested?

    Reminds me of my ideas for Asterian where you also have a number of city states surrounded by wilderness in which more traditional Terians live in smaller villages and towns. 157 sounds like a lot of cities to me, keep in mind the sector is not that densly populated, maybe lower that number a bit. We could either combine this with Asterian or have it be a new world entirely.
    Also quick on the note of revenges and grudges the Terians usually do not pratice blood feuds as in times of conflict they pass judgement in their Things/meetings/assemblies and murdering or attacking someone for revenge is not acceptable.

    Nice to see Selkath around, these special blaster cannons how are they manfactured? Is there an industry for it on the world or do they simply modify exsisting blasters?

    This seems a little of to me as Terians value their ancestors and families quite a lot so I´m not sure if they would outright expell their kids from home upon reaching adulthood. That said the Teris sector is a place were people like that could exist undistrubed some maybe they left the core to follow this ideologie in the rim.

    Could also be connected to the robot, civilization I mentioned above. Would there be a reason for the wooden plating?

    Certainly an intresing idea and something else we could relate to possibly that other civilization. Could defenetly exist maybe attracting adventures and archeologists who want to search through these leftovers for artifacs/knowledge. Maybe hiring local guides or gangs for protection. Also maybe some pirate factions could use this place as a hideout from time to time.

    That´s actually a moto many Terians share, if maybe not as fanatical.

    Intresting idea, a leftover colony. Don´t really know much about the Nikto so I can´t say much in that regard. Though as a world at the edge of the sector close to the Huttspace it could work pretty well.

    I will admit don´t really like this. Sounds a bit too over the top for me, sorry.

    That´s defently a very instreting idea and it lines up with a few thoughts I recently had. Though I´m not sure if the Athenar would basically become tribal there, they have a pretty stable society and the other Athenar wouldn´t let their brethern slip into barabrism. So maybe it could be scienists/travelers/adevntures instead of an outright barbarians?

    Defenetly like your ideas in general, though I imagine the sector having a bit less infighting amongst itself. With pirates, slavers and mercenaries, in the aera I think most Terian tribes would usually stick together, at least loosley. Though as mentioned many of your suggestions defenetly feel as if they would fit into the sector.

    These are at least might general thought, if you want to go more in depth on any or all of thesejust feel free to ask. :)
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2018
    Gamiel likes this.
  7. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Reminds me of The Original Series Star Trek episodes The Apple and The Return Of The Archons.
  8. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    More or less, I have an over 100 pages long word document full of world building ideas, both my own and others who I have stolen for whenever I need.

    I also have to admit that I have been reading a lot of Robert E. Howard of lately, which probably explain all the barbarian cultures and people fighting with close combat weapon.

    Funny that it remind you of Nocturne because the people was inspired by a picture of a human warrior in a Warhammer 40k RPG book. I think the idea of the planet itself was just something that sounded primeval to justify the lizard cloaks.

    Tech-armor is “technological armour”, that is armour with some technological extra functions like enchanting strength, self-repairing, inbuilt gun and/or having other technological functions that normal armour don’t have. The picture that inspired me had cables going across it or something like that giving the impression that it was more advanced than just simple body protection. In practice it’s unspecified but sounds cool and give the impression of the people being more advanced then people that fight with swords and guns.

    That some good ideas, I could use both concepts actually [face_thinking]

    I was thinking it lay a bit remote, maybe having athenar appear there from time to time to try lead the people in the right direction and maybe get some of their warriors for roles as bodyguards and agents.

    Something pre-athenar that have left technology around ([face_thinking] that would be something really old) it could work, would make it very interesting for archaeologist when they find out about it. Also, I have to admit that the concept was stolen but I have given it some modifications from the original.

    So overall okey concept but use something else then Athenar [face_thinking] I don’t want to use dark Jedi (they feel overused thanks to all RPG material I have read), but there are other Force traditions that the tower living “science-sorcerers” could come from…

    Maybe. For this idea to really function there need to either be something that hinder contact with the rest of the sector so they can’t import new tech and/or knowledge or they use some kind of technology that’s rather different from most standard tech in the GFFA. One possibility could be that they us ancient athenar technology that are not complimentary with the standard GFFA techs… maybe they even could be a lost athenar colony world[face_thinking]

    If we go with this idea, there is still the problem with contact with the rest of the sector and why they don’t import new tech. One possibility is that since the Teris sector is not that explored could be that there is no outside contact or maybe the contact established is not that great.

    157 city-states are that many if you think about it, at least if we think that the city parts of the city-states are not in New York/London/Tokyo size but more historical/fantasy-city size. Also, if each city-stat, with surrounding towns and villages take up an area around the same size of the Netherlands they only take up 652 2251 km², compared to just the landmass of Earth: 148 940 000 km². That’s not really that heavy populated.

    My original idea with the land outside of the city-states were that they were a combination of people who more or less the ones who take the libertarian ideas beyond the ones found in the city-states (where there are Things/meetings/assemblies); and people that are outcasts and/or lawbreakers. They have no government and therefor no law or justice but the one they bring themselves and they don’t want to bring in the law from any of the city states since that would be “like inviting the government to come and take over”.

    I like the design for the Selkath and I wanted to use a species that could function both on land and in water and since they have been space faring for over 10.000 years don’t I need to think about how they got there.

    I was thinking that the people create their blaster cannons (after seeing Aquaman do I image them looking a bit like the Atlantians plasma rifles, if heavier), I had in mind that they were a bit like the gungas, highly advanced in some ways, rather primitive in other with a honour system that forbid using range weapons (or at least non-throwing ones) while fighting each other.

    I was expecting this to get a negative for this concept since it’s so extreme. It would be an interesting world as an example of the whole “make your own fortune” philosophy if it goes to the extreme but have to admit that I can’t really see how to develop it since it don’t really allow for a functioning community system… [face_thinking] maybe something where a guild/union/similar system is what society is truly built on instead of family [face_thinking]

    Maybe but I was mostly thinking that they were one of the sectors few real manufactures of droids with a lucrative market of fixing/rebuilding/reprograming other producers droids that people come with.

    The reason for the wood plating is mostly to give them something different and I thought it fitting with how you have presented the sector.

    Oooh, that some really god ideas I was not thinking about. I will put them to good use.

    That moto is something I had written down from a WH40k RPG book where it was the moto of a Tau human allied fighting force and I felt it a bit fitting for how you described the people of te sector and then I just thought: what if they more or less was fanatical followers of that moto. That would be something different for a planet. Probably makes it a no-stop for slavers since the people will rather die than be enslaved.

    Good. The culture would probably be a bit different from standard nikto culture since they have been cut off for hundreds of years.


    My idea was more or less that the ancient war hand in much smashed big parts of the athenars society and they had become tribal out of necessity an often each tribe had an area of undamaged (more or less) land that they had a duty to protect and expand. Regarding the “other Athenar wouldn´t let their brethern slip into barabrism” part so do I admit that I was thinking the same, and I come up with that the athenars on the planet probably are not really barbarians but have a barbarian-like appearance that makes outsiders think they are “just” tech-barabarians.

    This concept is actually inspired by the Auberond RPG article/setting in Best of Fenix vol. 1 (where an elf like people, the auberond, where living in an idyllic Fantasy world that suddenly turns into a death-world and the auberond had to drastically change themselves to survive and protect the memories of the past they had).


    In (possible) future concepts I will try to make them less barbaric and conflict filled.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2018
  9. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Yeah though we would have to come up with an explanation why people on some backwater world have such advanced armor, while in the rest of the galaxy the armor is pretty crappy(like imperial stormtrooper armor being penerated by basically everything).

    Hm don´t think the Athenar would go out their way to help a single backwards world, there aren´t that many left. Maybe have Terian priests visit them instead?

    I see, just keep in mind should these force users be malevolent the Athenar or Terian priests might come after them at some point.

    Well the Terian´s don´t really use Athenar tech, when they find some still functioning stuff they usually hand it over to the priests who give it back to the Athenar. If its some low key stuff maybe but in general with Serian already being present a second chivalrous society with automaton horses(which I find a bit silly in and of itself, and my take on Serian would have them use regular horses) feels a bit redunadant and unlikely.

    Well to me 157 still sounds too much especially if they are all supposed to be the size of the netherlands. The Teris sector isn´t that densly populated.

    Well the general idea in the Teris sector is usually the going in that direction, basically all greater settelments, towns and so are majorly the places where the newcomers live, places that can even have less libertairan ideals to an extend. While the tribes and the part of the population live more traditionally. Technically they have no law, in the sense as we would define it, but most Terians are defenetly against stuff like blood feuds and stuff like that. It quickly leads to martial law and the rule of the strongest, which is of course a danger all anarchist communities face so the Terians are wary of it and seek to prevent it. Of course their might be communities like that who have basically falled into barary through that so it is possible.

    Maybe but again be carefull not to make this stuff to advanced, maybe these special weapons need to be handcrafted, calibrated which leads to them being quite rare and unable to be mass produced?

    Certainly possible, the teris sector could certainly allow for something like this to exsist but their own phillosophy is of course very different. Maybe you could put this on the aforementioned mining space station? That they as a struggling society expect their children to prove their worth as miners before becoming proper memebers of society? Maybe once someone dies the collective inhertis his possesions and uses them to take care of the children who are still too young to work. But once they come of age they loose these benefits and work for their living starting at basically zero, with those who manage to earn a lot(i.e. will provide a lot for the collective once they die, being held in positions of respect. Also maybe some children there might seek to escape this life and flee to other worlds in the Teris sector.

    That is certainly present in the sector, of course differing from instance to instance but several terians will defently fight for the death. In a chapter I wrote recently Gaven even thinks about that while fighting the slavers he always was far more afraid of being captured alive to be tortured or enslaved, than dying in combat. And that´s kind of a thing through the Teris sector, this is why children are taught how to fight from a very young age. Though slavers still visit the sector as there there is no law, nor any real spacefleets to stop them and even their stuborn independence might be broken through torture, druggs or threats against their family members if they were captured as well. Also the versatile and tough nature of many Terians they are valuable slavesboth for hard work as well as combat. Infact in one possible future for them, that I once thought about, Gaven and Nev actually were captured by the slavers who killed their tribe and became gladiators forced to fight for the entertainment of the Hutt´s. So there there are still reasons for slavers to go to the Teris sector.

    Hm I see, would require a reason as to why they are so attached to this one world though. The Athenar have lost their original homeworld and many other of their worlds long ago, so they are used to relocating. Are these Athenar trying to find some lost relics on the world? Is there a unique thing to this planet that makes it valuable to them? Or maybe it being a gravejard for their people do they want to cleanse it so all their dead can rest there in peace?

    That sounds good.
    Gamiel likes this.
  10. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    That is true. Possible reasons could be: 1) just glancing blaster hits shuts down the electronic parts of the armour; 2) as 1 but the electronics have a tendency to explode instead of shutting down; 3) they are rather expensive to make and that makes them rare among the stars but for the tech-barbarians that’s not something they care about; 4) the planet is rich in some minerals/chemicals and/or you can extract something from the plants/animals that makes tech-armour making easier; 5) the tech-armour while looking more fancy and being harder to make in practice is just as good/bad as Stormtrooper armour when it comes to protection

    Rereading some of your stuff I agree that the Terian priests are probably a better idea. My original idea about the Athenar visiting them was drawn from the ideas of fey visiting people sometime to give them advice, sometime to take them away.

    Right now I fee I think strike off this concept and put it back among my unused ideas. I just don't really know right now how to make it feel Terian-sector

    As for now I feel I can’t really use this idea while also make it fit the Terian sector and making it a part of it. If it was just highly isolated it could work but then it could just be placed anywhere. I strike off this concept and put it back among my unused ideas.

    Sorry, I was not clear when I gave the Netherlands parable. I meant it just as an example, not that all of them are the size Netherlands.

    I was thinking the cities would look rather like medieval towns/cities (with blaster-cannons topping the wall towers) and have round 1000-10.000 citizens living inside of the walls.

    Okey. I think I strike off that communities really live in the no-man’s land beyond the city-states borders. There are probably small groups of outlaws there but nothing that last.

    I did not think that their blaster-canons would be more advanced than the standard ones and since the planets blaster tech (and possible all other non-imported high-tech) is based on the native “grown” plasma-pearls as energy source can’t they truly mass produce them.

    That some good ideas.

    I was thinking that the reason is that they/their ancestors failed to protect the planet originally and they have taken upon themselves as a mission to heal it from the damage the war created and destroy the still active/living war creation walking the world.

    Would something like this work as armour for this group, regarding how you image the athenar: "Galvaraan – The Living Armour: This armour is almost exclusively reserved for guardians. The armour is the ultimate bioconstruction. Galvaraan is built around a swamp coral and is grown specially for each guardian. The living organisms is selfhealing and in symbiotic contact with its wearer. Within the galvaraan, air-purifying algae is grown, and the exoskeletal mechanisms run on ancestor crystals and spells in communication runes. The armour and the guardian soon becomes one until eventually they cannot be separated unless the armour is place in a special container of swamp water."

    I forgot to ask last time, is it the technological aspect or the social or both that don’t work? Just so I, and anybody interested, know for the future.

    I think I will soon post new versions of the original concepts and some new ones
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    Anedon likes this.
  11. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Maybe, or the armored suits could be like Power armor in Fallout in that they make one slow, require constant fuel and maybe even special training. Something that isn´t easy to do on a major scale.

    The Athenar aren´t they aren´t really seen as fey people, the Terians know they exist and have worked with them openly on several occasions.

    Hm okay, though why would they have regressed to a quasi medival level?

    Okay but keep in mind the Terians might not have that many weapon factories.

    Yeah but why would that one world in particular be so important to them? Why would a dying race that could use every last member of their species in their own struggles spend time and effort to heal a single planet, instead of leaving it and maybe giving everyone else a warning not to go there?

    Hm my take on Athenar armor would be more some high tech stuff they still have leftover from their early days. Not sure if they would use bioarmor as mentioned before tinkering with living beings is something they are hugley against for the most part.

    Basically both to be honest. Again this whole regression is something I never really intended that much(it can happen localized but not on such a broad scale) the da vinci tech is a bit over the top and I don´t think would really fit with either the SW nor the Terian astetic. Their social aspect feels a bit silly to me as well. Generally the planet might work but in a different setting maybe (maybe a world at another place of the galaxy forgotten or through some cosmic desater cut of from the rest of the galaxy for a time?)

    Okay looking foreward to that. :)
    Gamiel likes this.
  12. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Yes, but the planet was inspired by the Celts and they are often associated with the fey in pop-culture

    You misunderstood me, they are not quasi medieval, their architecture is but not their technology/society (possibly their clothes are fantasy medieval)

    Because they are a bull-headed minority who have decided to make their stands on that planet.
    Anedon likes this.
  13. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Okay, I see.

    That´s what I got. Though why would these colonists suddenly being building medival esque cities and wear clothing in that direction, instead of going for whats functional?

    Athenar aren´t usually that egoistic. I would defently prefer it if there was a logical reason for it. Remember Athenar suppress their emotions and try to apply logic and common sense to things. Begin bull headed could easily lead them into an emotional breakdown.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  14. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    So you're saying that Athenar are basically the Vulcans of Star Wars?
    Anedon, Findswoman and TheRynJedi like this.
  15. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    They go into that direction, yeah.
    They are not as emotionless as Vulcans are, suposed, to be but they do suppress them most of the time, as they feel any and all emotions much more stronger than humans do and can easily be controlled by their emotions or suffer a complete emotional breakdown quite easily. To avoid the risks of suicidal depression, blind rage, the Athenar try to suppress their emotions and think more logical about the things surrounding them, while expressing their feelings through other means, mainly art. For example an Athenar who is pained by an unrequited love could easily fall into a depression that could lead him into sucide if he would embrace his emotions, so instead he would suppress his feelings and put them into something else, maybe writing poems about his sadness or paint pictures that express his emotions and he will do so for as long as it pains him.

    Another example could be an Athenar feeling so much joy in his life that he would get into a drugged like state of constant extreme happiness, becoming iresponsible and uncaring for the world surrounding him, while completly obsessing with the thing that causes their joy and should they ever loose it the resulting breakdown will likely kill them.

    If an Athenar in any case becomes too emotional
    the others will take notice and try and help the individual to become balanced amd focused again.
    Ewok Poet and Gamiel like this.
  16. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Fascinating. And it gives the saying "high on love" whole new levels of meaning.
    Ewok Poet and Anedon like this.
  17. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Here is my fanon post of the month. I´ve mentioned working on one on pirates lately but I´m still struggling with that.
    This one was mainly inspired my me playing an Eriaduan character in the Black Sheep RPG for over a year now and what I came up with for his background.
    This fanon piece is mainly a combination of my own fanon on it with the things we know about the world from canon and Legends sources:


    The Planet of Eriadu
    Population 22 Billions (86% percent humans)
    Capital: Eriadu city
    Days per Year: 360
    Length of day: around 24 standard hours
    Moons: One

    Eriadu is the fourth world within the Eriadu system which is located within the Seswenna sector, at the crossroads of the Hydian Way and the Rimma Traderoute. Its location at the crossings of the traderoutes makes the planet an important trade location and has eventually made it the capital world of the Seswenna sector. Also the place is often used as a launch point for colonists seeking new worlds in the galactic southwest.

    Eriadu is a cold terrestrial world with standard gravity, a single moon and a breathable, if these days polluted atmosphere. Rugged landscapes and dark cold oceans make up most of the surface. Several large mountain ranges cut through the five continents that make up around 60 percent of the planet's surface. Before the first colonists arrived on the planet Eriadu was home to a wide variety of dangerous flora and fauna of which now many have died out due to the planets industrial pollution. Today the landscapes outside the large cities, that house nearly the entire population, are toxic wastelands and forests that over time mutated into hardly passable thickets in which the creatures life that were either too hardy or adapted to the planets damaged ecosystem. The oceans have been hit by the pollution as well as are its inhabitants.

    Native Species
    Most of Eriadu´s original fauna is long gone by now but some species remain.

    -Flow-Mollusks are a race of giant kraken that live in the deep dark oceans of Eriadu, the pollution of the seas has driven them on the brink of extinction, but even as a dying species they are still dangerous and known to be able to destroy any ships they might come across. As their ink and some of their body parts are considered valuable some bold Eriaduans actually travel the oceans in search for these beasts to hunt them, but it's a risky venture and many never return.

    -Eriaduan rats are a six legged species of vermin that managed to survive in the broken ecosystem mainly through its massive breeding rate where one rat can give birth to hundreds of young so that even if most of them die still a large amount remains. They infest the lower parts of Eriaduan cities and many of the now empty mines below the planet's surface.

    -Septoids are a race of insects who seemed to have only become hardier from the ecological fallout on Eriadu. They are everywhere and hated by the planets human population who have attempted many times to eradicate them with no success. The Eriaduan saying "though as a Septoids" pays a certain respect to the hardiness of the species.

    -Eriaduan Veermoks are considered considerably more dangerous than the regular ones. While smaller they make up for this with higher mobility and speed and again in contrast to the regular version hunt in packs which makes them even more dangerous.

    -Eriaduan lizards are giant creatures that also poses a deadly poison they use to paralyze their victims before devouring them.

    -Carrion Vultures are birds that inhabit the Eriaduan wilderness seeking for dead corpses to devour, but in times of need also attack living beings.

    -Eriaduan Crayfish are not only found inside the world's oceans but also in the wilderness on land preferably in swamps and bogs. These giant lobsters posses incredibly thick scales that are tough to penetrate even for blaster fire

    -Eriaduan Equines aren´t a native species but have been brought in by the first colonists as ride able animals. Many of these first horses died in the early days of the planets history but some survived and through natural evolution, specific breeding techniques and some genetic modifications evolved into a much stronger, more resistant species of horses able to survive the planets harsh climate. These horses are larger and more muscular than regular ones, able to survive heavy wounds from the Eriaduan fauna and taken even take a few hits from modern weapons like blasters.

    Differences from Baseline Humans
    Due to living on a toxic world Eriaduans have a slightly higher tolerance for poisons and toxins than the average humans of the galaxy. (This is comperable to say the Hapan poorer night vision and greater beauty, or Dathomirian higher force sensetivity on average)

    This slight poison resistance also applies to non humans who have lived for several generations on Eriadu.

    Eriaduan Culture
    Due to the harsh climate of their world Eriaduans value strength, hardiness, bravery and independence over anything else.

    An individual must always improve him or herself through their life to stay alive and be able to deal with the challenges their life will present them. Still retaining some of their old colonist mindset, the group i.e. the world is valued over the individual and a person's worth is usually determined by their service. Turning against the group is considered treason which is why Eriaduans value honestly, loyalty and a sense of honor which includes to keep ones word and stay loyal to your friends and family. This honor code also demands fierce resistance against any possible opponent, though at the same time also restraint against enemy civilians, wound or captured enemies, this in combination with the planets unhappiness over the imperial occupation lead to many Eriaduans turning on the Tarkin family after the destruction of Alderaan, seeing it as needlessly cruel, barbaric act.

    With many of the early settlers coming from the human upper class of the galactic core Eriadu has a pretty human centric view, though this applies mainly for the upper classes and many members of the lower classes who are only marginally above the non humans in terms of societal standing are much more egalitarian and don´t share the racism of the upper class. Over the years this aspect of Eriaduan culture has began to fade away and successful trade and cooperation with non humans in the old (and later new) republic have made several nobles to change their views and adapt more egalitarian positions as well though some traditionalists like the house Tarkin are still extremely human centric.

    Though in contrast to the empire Eriadu isn´t sexist and men and women are in all things equal in their society.

    Another major part of Eriaduan identity is a desire for independence both on a personal as well as on a galactic scale. As their world was initially caught in massive depth problems with otherworldly colonial investors amongst them the Muun and had to pay exorbitant interests, (forcing them to exploit their planets natural resources which lead to the problems with the ecosystem) many Eriaduans are proud that they eventually managed to escape this dependency and at the same time worried to again fall into such a situation. As such they seek to distance themselves from the rest of the galaxy and have a strong economy so they can stand on their own feet. This has also lead to them developing their own armed forces the Outland Regions Security Force(ORSF) so they don´t have to rely on the Jedi or the republic to keep the peace in their territory.

    The Eriaduan society is mainly based on wealth and influence. At the top are rich quasi noble, exclusively human, families that own basically all of the planets industry and are the main employer for the rest of the population. They oversee the production and output of the worlds industry and usually are in command positions of the ORSF. The five most powerful of these families(most powerful among them being the house Tarkin) form the Quintad the ruling council of Eriadu, with the leader of it being the planetary governor.

    Below them are the intellectuals, merchants and higher lever employees who, together with the soldiers form the Eriaduan middle class.

    The soldiers are mainly drafted from Eriadu's lower population, though the higher officers usually come from the nobility, whose members are monitored while they are in school and considered whether they met the standards required by the military. If they do they will be offered a place in the ORSF which for the poor working class families is considered a step up in society as soldiers are better treated and better paid than regular workers allowing them to reach a higher standard of living(in fact if they earn enough they might be able to send their kids to a university or start a small trade business thus raise their families standing to become part of the worlds middle class).

    Below the soldiers are the workers. They live under very basic conditions and contribute the majority of Eriadu's manual labor in the factories and serve as servants to the rich. Their living standards are usually not much worse than those of other low level factory worker on Coruscant, the crime rate is considerably lower due to the ORSF´s presence. A way to improve their standing is seen by many in the colonist projects that are launched from Eriadu.

    Below even the workers are the non humans, who live in worse conditions and are tasked with the tasks the rest of the society considers undesirable. Though as time went on, more egalitarian ideals took hold amongst the nobility and the house Tarkin began to lose its influence the conditions for the non humans were improved.

    To non nobles on Eriadu marriage doesn´t differ too much from that on other human worlds in the galaxy. With the exception that Eriaduans general avoid creating double last names(like Organa-Solo) because in their mind keeping ones old last name shows one is not fully committed to the marriage. Usually the last name of the older partner is chosen by the couple(in the rare instance that both partners are born on the same day it might even come down to hours/minutes).

    Within the nobility tough things are a bit different. Mostly intermarrying amongst each other Eriaduan nobles will always take the name of the member of the couple who has a higher, personal standing in society. This means a noble from a smaller, less influential family marrying into a more powerfull one will take their name. Tough this isn´t always the case. For example Tobin Redan, a younger son of one of the five most powerfull families, marrying Ilona Malek, the head of a minor noble family, took her name, because while his family was much more influential he himself as a younger child/sibling had a lower status than Ilona who was the head of her family. (in the rare chase that two heirs/heads to a family fall for each other one of them will usualy relinquish their status to a younger sibling/cousin)

    This also applies to Eriaduans marrying outside of their homeworld: Adrian Malek(Ilona´s younger brother) became Adrian Firestone, when he became the life mate of Marie Firetstone(the daughter of a clan matriach on Dathomir), in accordance to not only her but his customs as well

    Eriaduan Colonies

    While Eriadu is a major launch point for all sorts of colonists the Eriaduan government also launches its own projects in nearby regions. As most of Eriadu´s natural resources are gone now the Eriaduans seek for other worlds to get the resources their industry needs. When a suitable world is discovered colonists are recruited from the lower classes of Eriadu and send out to claim it. Officially these worlds are considered equal parts of the republic but the Eriaduan government uses its influence to keep these worlds under their control and to prevent non Eriaduans to get a hold on these worlds.

    Eriadu was one of the few worlds in the old republic that has a standing military force, in the Outland Regions Security Force, which is exclusively recruited from Eriadu and its colonies. Made up of members from the lower classes, commanded by members of the nobility and armed and armored with equipment produced on Eriadu itself these forces are completely independent from the republics military and are sworn to the Quintad. They mainly patrol the trade routes through the Seswenna sector from the pirates that infest the region as well as protecting both Eriadu and its colonies from raids. They are a comparatively small but well trained and equipped force that is respected through the galaxy. They are also known for being one of the few, if not only, military force in the galaxy to still regularly use cavalry to some extend using the aforementioned Eriaduan horses for scouting and flanking units.

    Outside Relations
    Due to their desire for independence and fear of becoming dependent on other worlds Eriadu`s leaders are somewhat hesitant in terms of diplomatic relations. They primarily joined the old republic for economic reason and trade but at the same time not wishing for the republic to interfere with them further. During the old Sith wars the Eriaduans stood with the republic mainly because they saw becoming a Sith vassal as considerably worse than dealing with the republic.

    After the creation of the empire many Eriaduans were initially supportive of the new regime as they agreed with its harsh stance against criminals, non humans and former members of the CIS. But over the years many began to realize the extent of the empires tyranny and were horrified by it. so a largely anti empire sentiment grew on Eriadu, first amongst the lower classes but later also amongst the nobility when the Tarkin family used imperial pressure to depower their rivals in the Quintad and completely takeover the planet. During the rebellion many Eriaduans fought with the rebels, with several different motives ranging from ideological, to a common enemy in the empire.

    After the war and a brief period in which Eriadu had been controlled by a warlord, the world became member of the New Republic which also brought societal change, as the destruction of Alderaan and their collaboration with the empire had destroyed house Tarkin´s standing within the Eriaduan elite the world became considerable more egalitarian and even some of the remaining nobles began to grew past the human centrism and also brought better working conditions for the lower classes in general. These changes weakened Eriadu´s economy in the short term but in the long run helped the world achieve a better standing in galactic society and better relations to the outside which benefitted the trade, though Eriadu would still maintain a certain level of independence from the rest of the galaxy.

    During the Vong War Eriadu was bypassed by the extragalatical invaders(which many Eriaduan´s claim was due to the Vong being afraid of their military forces), but send a considerable portion of its forces to aid other worlds, which improved the Eriaduan reputation in the rest of the galaxy.

    After the war Eriadu was one of the worlds arguing for greater independence for individual members in the galactic alliance and eventually became part of the Confederation fighting against the increasingly tyrannical GA under Darth Caedus.

    During the legacy era the Seswenna sector had become a semi independent part of the GA, that during a brief time of Sith occupation fiercely resisted Darth Krayt. At this point the human centrism was almost fully gone and the living conditions on Eriadu had generally improved across the board.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2020
  18. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I can see many of the species on Corucant surviving on Eriaduan if they are brought there.

    just wondering, do they live outside or inside the cities?

    Have to say, the first images that popped up in my head when I read the description was that of the Krieg Steed

    You make it sound like medieval architecture and clothing was not functional

    Okey. Then I can't really come up with any reason but pride and that don't sound fitting either.
    Anedon likes this.
  19. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Certainly, though I think there would be little reason for Coruscant species to be brought to Eriadu. Its an industrial world and most animal species are considered pests.

    Outside of course. The only creatures inside the city are the rats and insects. Of course it does happen every few years that one of the larger beasts makes their way into the lower levels of a city and runs rampant until being conered and shot by the guards but that´s pretty rare.

    They were the main inspiration. As you had brought up the topic of ridable animals in the Teris sector quite a bit I was thinking about potential steeds on Eriadu. Inithially I was thinking about some domesticated version of the lizzards but I´ve been playing a lot Battlefield 1 lately and I really like the astetic of the WW1 cavalry, which then made me think of the death crop and how they brought this astetic into a sifi setting, an astetic I think fits with my idea of Eriadu.

    Maybe they are though why would someone build walls when the main threat in the Teris sector are usually pirates coming from the skies. But maybe functional is the wrong word. My main idea for the Teris sector astetically, especially amongst the not so traditionalists is just a hodgepogde of clothing and arictecture from the rest of the galaxy with the only common thing being a certain praticality. Not sure if a uniformly medival style world would directly fit there. That said the Teris sector certainly leaves some space for worlds like this and its defenetly a possibility, just in that case I would suggest it being one of the lesser populated worlds a bit distant from the Terian "mainstream" so to say. So you can defenetly go for it.

    Well as I mentioned, recovery of artifacts, some unique ecosystem that the Athenar consider important, the symbolism of the place as a graveyard for their species, all could be reasons for them to go there.
    Gamiel likes this.
  20. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    @Anedon some more concepts and update versions of the old ones.

    * Surrounded by a mineral rich asteroid ring, mining ships shuttle between the belt and the surface to be processed and then sold. Lacking the technology for hyperspace drives, they have to rely on visiting trader nomads and the few hyperspace capable ships they have been able to buy or capture. The people live in processing-cities, rules by councils made up by representatives of guilds and worker-unions, but all council members and decisions has to take in the layers of family loyalty, blood alliances and old family grudged that exist among all but the outcasts and outsiders.

    * an old, ancient spacestaion whose creator/s have long been forgotten, that lay inside an asteroid field that the people now occupying the station mine. Many of the asteroids nearest the stations have, after being hollowed out by the mining, been turned into lesser space stations and defense positions. The station lacks hyperspace capability (or maybe the people just don’t know how to activate them) and the people have few hyperspace capable ships so they have to rely on visiting traders and space nomads for most of their trade. Known for their incredibly skilled asteroid navigators and daring asteroid field races.
    The stations society is based upon its system of government and inheritance, and the right to own property and govern must be obtained anew in every generation. Once children reach the age of maturity their rite of passage consists of being exiled from their parents’ homes. There is no system of inheritance and when an individual dies, his/her assets are taken by the undertaker guild and sold at highest price, with any surplus money going to the upkeep of the spacestation. Craft-guilds and worker-unions function as the base unit for society instead of family and ancestral respect are given to those who have come before in your guild/union not your biological forbearers.

    * a relatively remote world populated by Kadas'sa'Nikto, divided into clans that fight each other with spears and swords, their bare chested bodies only protected by large bronze and wood shields. They highly respect the athenar ruins and use them for their thing-meetings but beside that leave them alone. The Terian priests have a small monastery on the planet and to try lead the people in the right direction and maybe get some of their warriors for roles as bodyguards and agents. Most of Terian priest that come to the planet stay for one or some seasons but there are a few that stay permanent.
    - have still, water- and wind-mil technology of Late Middle Ages level and a the practical medical understanding is around WWI level

    * a mad machine intelligence has declared itself the ruling god of people on and it guard them jealously from outsiders with advanced defensive system and fanatic cyborg-warrior-priests. This has not stopped some contact between freetraders and some of the outlaying communities. The machine intelligence is incredibly ancient, possibly predating the athenars and the more foolhardy of the sector’s archaeologist and historians would probably flock to the planet to find out as much as possible if they found out about it (and then pay other as much as their budget allows to do that for them when they realize how xenophobic the machine intelligence is).

    * many city-states spread all over the planet, each of the walled and blaster-cannon defended cities are surrounded by farmland and networks of towns and villages that are under the jurisdiction of the city-state. The land not part of any of the city-states jurisdiction is lawless wildlands.
    - I was thinking the cities would look rather like medieval towns/cities (with blaster-cannons topping the wall towers) and have round 500-10.000 citizens living inside of the walls. The larger city-states have landing areas for spaceships within the walls while the smaller ones can only offer some empty area of unused farmland to land on

    * rocky highlands broken by swamps and wetlands. Populated by bronze skinned humans and green tinted selkath. They war with each other over land and honour, armed with short swords and many different kinds of spears; their elite warriors, the Spearkillers, are famous on many words outside of their system. When fighting outsiders they use portable blaster-cannons powered by plasma pearls that are mined in their world’s deepest seas.
    - after seeing Aquaman do I image the blaster cannons looking a bit like the Atlantians’ plasma rifles, if heavier.

    * Jungle/forest covered plateaus and swamp filled lowland with city-states built in and on the ruins of athenar cities. They manufacture and rebuilt droids, are known for giving the droids they make/remake wooden plating. The people are known to not forget easily, neither kindness, nor wrong.
    - I was mostly thinking that they were one of the sectors few real manufactures of droids with a lucrative market of fixing/rebuilding/reprograming other producers’ droids that people come with.

    * world that had been colonised, built upon, tunnelled and mined since unknown ages by unknown mine- and forge-masters who once they had taken all they could abounded their workers to die or survive. Due to this unusually long period of exploitation, all of the world's natural resources had been stripped away and used up centuries before. The planet that remain was largely useless and abandoned, completely riddled with catacombs, crumbling industrial plant and exhausted mine-workings. In the infernal heat of abandoned mines and the tangled roots of hives gangs of killers swanned like vermin in a midden: there is no law but the law of the blade, no desire save that to survive.
    The most powerful of the gangs are the ones controlling the space ports. The most common visitors the planet has come in two kinds’ archeologists and pirates. The archeologists searching for clues for the planets ancient past and need to hire local guides and/or gangs for protection. The pirates use the planet as a hideout and a recruiting ground: the natives are coldblooded expert close combat killers, unhindered by any tightness of space or lack of light.

    * A could world with great glaciers covering much of the southern and northern hemispheres, a taiga belt exist across the equator. The people is hardy, crafty and uncompromising, they are raised on the moto “live free or die fighting” and many of them rather see their village razed and kin killed then bend the knee to anybody.
    - people live mostly in villages and small towns ruled by an assembly known as a vetje where everybody has speaking right but only people that are married, own their own farm/business or are of a high age have voting right. The villages keep in communication with each other and there are a great-vetje where all villages in an area are represented every sixth year or whenever something that needs to be discussed happens. The different great-vetje don’t happen at the same time and a village can belong to different
    - the population is mostly devaronian and humans, with a small but notable minority of wookiee. The majority of humans are naturally pale skinned but tan easy in the sun, they usually have brown or black hair. Men sport a mustache or a full beard (often braided) and both genders keep their hair long. [face structure is East European and Mongolian and everything in between]. The devaronian females are brown or black in fur and, like the human males, often braid their beard; the devaronian males often hide their bald scalps with and decorate their horns with glass pearl works. Clothing is the same for all three of the species (even if the wookiees usually only wear parts of what the other would call a full suite of clothing) and looks like a combination of Swedish folk costumes and traditional Eurasiatic steppe nomad clothing.

    * rocky and mountainous world without trees nor grass but lots of shrubberies and mosses. Populated by nikto who was left there over 500 years ago when their Hutt masters decided that the attempt to bring in that part of the Teris sector was not worth it. Most technology is around WWII with some more advanced tech and the people live in clans, guilds or bands. Home to an heretical Morgukai sect.
    - most of the planet’s towns/cities are built around the old Hutt colony towns/landing fields

    * a world of craggy dark mountains and shallow oceans teeming with corals and algal blooms. Villages rest high in the mountains, above caverns where rare flowers grew. The villages trade the flowers with outsiders for high tech and luxury items.
    - the people of the world is obsessed with genealogy, with being able to recite your lineage at least four generations back (with mention of important deeds) considered not just normal but a standard. People that don’t know at least their grandparents (and their important deeds) are seen as suspect, people without a lineage (like Jedi) are seen as highly suspect.

    * a primordial planet (think LV-426 from Alien) whose native life is only made up by microorganisms, where a number of small shantytown/cities have been created out of old spaceships, landers and pre-fab hab-units. People farm (mostly beans, fungus and algae) inside jury-rigged-turned-permanent greenhouses.

    * lots of islands and one small continent [ca. Australia] whose inlands is mostly desert/semi-desert, people live mostly along the coastlands. By old law and tradition so can’t you hunt/fish using technology more advanced then sailing ships and muscle powered weapons.
    Populated by selkaths, devaronians and humans, with the later two’s having skin colour ranging from terracotta to deep (nearly black) brown.

    * Steaming equatorial jungles provide a band of green on this mostly barren desert world. Anybody who lands outside of the green belt will find themselves harassed by rogue droids that want to dismantle their ship and other tech for spare parts.

    * Calm, shallow seas cover the whole world with the few island that exist are covered in ruins of athenar cities. Most of cities exist on continent sized underwater high plateau, making it possible to wad between most of them (if you have the time, most cities have days, if not month of wading between them). Most of the ruins are much larger than the population living in them can fill, and most of the city-ruin-islands are only occupied along the waterfront.
    Anedon likes this.
  21. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Yeah that works, maybe put these two together in some capacity. Maybe the first was founded by children from the second who rebelled against that system and brought back family values?

    Hm why would they still have backwards tech if they are in contact with the rest of the Terians?

    Would maybe change the xenohopia too more a secrecy. That it is willing to work with others, as you mentioned, as long as they don´t look to deep into it.

    Again I find this a bit strange but okay, I think it could work as a world that is a bit detachted.

    Haven´t see that movie so can´t say much about that.

    Hm would actually think that stuff like that would be on worlds like Asterian with a, for the Teris sector, dense population. Thought that said Asterian is covered by forrests and swamps and probably have jungles as well. So I would suggest merging this concept with Asterian. Even that with never forgetting a kindness fits with the one character from Asterian who appaered in my story.

    Works pretty well, maybe make a distiction though wether these are the "terian pirates" or slavers/raiders that seek to attack the Terians, or both.

    So I assume these are very traditionalist Terians? For them more traditionaly inspired clothing would fit pretty well.

    Should work as long as they are pretty isolated.

    Sounds intresting, and could defenetly work.

    So basically space Netherlands with all the greenhouses?

    I see, could potentially go into a similar direction as Tyrek 4 a waterworld in the Teris sector.

    With that deserts and an aquetorial jungle makes me think of Armageddon from 40k at least geographically. Would these droids be linked to the intelligence on that other world(as in having the same creator/s)?

    Sounds intresting, might have archeologists that explore the unihabited parts of the ruins.
    Sinrebirth and Gamiel like this.
  22. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I can see pilgrimages coming to Dearan from all over the sector, with all that means.

    I was more thinking that they would come as stowaways aboard ships…
    But maybe there exist some strange group that work with spreading animals that can only exist in cities to cities all over the galaxy.

    I was asking because if there is something 2000AD, Drakar & Demoner Chronopia and TMNT have thought me is that sewer systems in big cities (and possibly their abounded/semi-abounded parts) have many large animals living in them.

    I was thinking that the planet had a core of traditionalist (who built the original cities) with the larger cities having newcomer block/s (that sometime are as large as the rest of the city). Regarding the walls so OoU are they there because of the same reason as why Jedha City, has one: it looks cool. IU do they probably provide protection against pirates by preventing them from rushing into the city at any point, they can only enter and leave through the gates or by blowing holes into the walls.

    To fit those possibilities I need to rethink my concept. Maybe I will repost it in reworked form later, maybe not.

    I was more thinking that they was not related, a sector is big enough for different societies with similar means of carving out a living. It also makes their social difference so much notable and interesting if you ask me.

    Contact with the rest of the sector don’t mean that many traders come to the planet and offer them large amount of higher technology in exchange for food, gold and objet d'art. I was thinking that it was mostly the Terian priest that had contact with them and they are the reason why the natives have such a (relatively) advanced medical knowledge.

    I need to restate that since you misunderstood - the machine intelligence is xenophobic against anybody not of its people and has forbidden contact with outsider but some of the outlying communities break this decree by having some secret contacts with freetraders.

    Go and see it if you have the time & money, it entertaining and beautiful.

    I need to come up with some other high-tech that the natives have beside the blaster canons and deep water mining equipment…

    I can see a fuse of this concept and Asterian working. If that’s done maybe the corsairs put the planets droid makers/fixers to make them/reprogram stolen battle droids for their pirate forces.

    Regarding the visiting pirates do I image the natives not caring one bit who or what they are as long as they are willing to pay. Raiders will be defended against and attacked but those who come to trade or just lay low will find them willing to trade, f.ex. their enemies to them (the natives don’t have any loyalty to each other outside of kin and gang), and even joining them.


    For overall feeling I was thinking late 19th-centery to early 20th-centery countryside along/near the taiga belt. People use animal (or in some kind droids) to pull their farming machinery and wagons [and yes I know some kind of “space tractors” would most likely be more practical but this is space opera/fantasy, them using animals feel more fitting to me]

    I can see newcomers having established some kind of mining/drilling operations in the glacier areas.

    Good. Now I need to work out how to make them interesting and possibly rework their tech.

    Good :)

    Space Netherlands? That was not an association I was expecting but now I want to make something out of it.

    Sorry but can you clearfy what you mean with “could potentially go into a similar direction as Tyrek 4”?

    This is one of those already existing concepts I had come up with and your mention that there existed an pre-athenar civilization that left things/tech around after they disappeared made me think of it. What I’m trying to say is that: yes, the droids (or at least their oldest members) are linked to the intelligence.


    With all the athenar stuff (and the Sith war/s stuff, and the pre- athenar stuff, and probably more old stuff) laying around in the sector I can see Serian’s archeological department/s* having some real problem when it comes to financing all the digs they want to do.
    * I guess that there are not so many other planets that have the real time/money/interest of archeology
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
    Anedon likes this.
  23. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    To an extend certianly, though keep in mind that the Athenar aren´t seen as gods or anything so these pilgramadges would be more about the ritual sites and the actual rituals there, than the Athenar ruins.
    If it interests you my story Forefathers´Eve takes place on Dearan during such a ritual.

    That is certianly possible, though the pollution in the air of Eriadu is considerably worse than on Corsucant where they actually have air filtration so Its hard to say wether they would survive the environment and Eriadus predators.

    Hm I think the Eriaduan´s would think ahead of this, especially if it causes problems. Maybe if it gets to bad the guard is send down there to clean up the mess and get the animals out.

    Sorry but I´m still not really convinced about this idea.
    Maybe we move this concept out of the Teris sector? Your obvously very invested in it while to me it just doesn´t feel fitting and I have/had so many objections. If we move it out you could go your own way without me complaining.

    Okay, though in my opinion giving them a direct connection would pronounce the contrast.

    A main problem with that is though, what protects them against pirates/slavers? If their completly isolated we could argue there are no attacks because nobody knows were they are. But when the Terians are trading the slavers would know the planet and see it as an easy target.

    Ah okay, though this would bring up the questions why the Terians haven cleared up the place if it is a danger to everyone around.

    Maybe don´t take this too far, remember the Teris sector is somewhat backwards and wouldn´t have much high tech.

    That could defenetly work.

    Okay makes sense.

    Yeah that could fit with the general "border territory" idea I have for the Teris sector.

    That was mainly a refernce because of the famouse Dutch greenhouses, not anything culutrally.

    I meant that this concept could potentially be merged with Tyrek 4.

    Ah I see that fits.

    Yeah they would defenetly be the only ones, maybe a few explorers from the core but that would really be it. Most Terians are more intrested how to survive the week and keep their children save than archeology. For Serian well I think it would only be a small number of people on that academy so yeah its hard to say how many digs they could organize. Also of course they respect the other Terians so if they are told not to dig on a certian world they would likely respect that, not to mention the danger behind some of these places.
    Sinrebirth and Gamiel like this.
  24. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Happy New Year to all! Some updates as we dip our feet/paws/appendages into 2019:

    @Gamiel has a new post on Military Units (currently including Croop’s Fighting Cocks and Omurandik’s Free Lances).

    @Anedon has a new post on Eriadu (canon planet).

    Per Gamiel's request, I've also linked his and Anedon's recent discussion in the "Discussions" section of the index, in case it might prove helpful to others: Fanoning in Another Person's Fanon: Anedon's Teris Sector

    Finally, I am planning to have a new challenge posted by this weekend, so keep watching this space! :D
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
    TheRynJedi, Kahara and Gamiel like this.
  25. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I feel attacked by this relatable content. :p
    Anedon likes this.