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ST I Have A Bad Feeling About This - The "Haters" Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Pro Scoundrel , Dec 6, 2019.

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  1. Master Jedi Fixxxer

    Master Jedi Fixxxer Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 20, 2018
    I don't know who that is, but LFL hired two directors to create 439 minutes of Star Wars where less than 100 of those minutes were worth it.
  2. Darth Wardawg

    Darth Wardawg Jedi Knight star 1

    Oct 12, 2018
    But, as with everything in life, context is key. We aren't talking about a normal film. This film is the "end" of the so-called "Skywalker saga" and yet it will be the first Star Wars third film of a trilogy to not surpass the second film of the 3 set series. They marketed the hell out of it and this is the best they could do? I have a feeling Bob Iger isn't going to be pleased, neither will Alan Horn. Remember, TFA made what $2billion? That became the new goal at that point. No way they were happy with The Last Jedi making what, 30% less than the previous entry? Then you add to it Solo which flopped.

    Now we get to The Rise of Skywalker. It opened what, 30% lower again than The Last Jedi? I can't imagine they were happy with that. Let's see where it ends before we declare failure or success. It might have incredible legs.

    As usual with an Abrams film, once you start thinking the entire thing falls apart like a house of cards. LMAO
  3. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    How does she look like a physco?
  4. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    Miriedis likes this.
  5. kalzeth

    kalzeth Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 26, 2017
    Honest question about canon consistency. I seem to recall Bloodlines saying that Leia did not train. Did anyone read it or did I misremember that?

    If so the Luke/ leia training scene is going to need a pretty big retcon

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  6. Alliyah Skywalker

    Alliyah Skywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 18, 2017
    I think acting like he had literally a completely different personality as Ben Solo and Kylo Ren doesn't work. If a character has charisma, they will have it as both a hero or a bad guy. If they are a snarky person, that will come through no matter what. If someone is serious and somber, they will stay serious and somber.

    So Kylo is clearly a big introvert but hey, suddenly Ben Solo acts like the "yeehaw" funny scoundrel type of character? You can throw the force and the darkside at it but that will never make sense. They just did that to ape Han Solo.

    Say Luke fell to the darkside, does that mean he suddenly has Lando's personality as the smooth-talking ladies man? You know, why the hell not?

    And why does newly-redeemed Ben Solo have a yippity-doo-da attitude after years of committing atrocities? I only read how he seemed so much lighter, as if a weight was lifted off his chest. So wow, he really felt some guilt and regret there, huh? Oy.
  7. Jedi Ben

    Jedi Ben Chosen One star 9

    Jul 19, 1999
    Does anything surprise us at this point?
    DarthFixxxer and kalzeth like this.
  8. Vorax

    Vorax Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 10, 2014
    Cause she looks like one in the gif above my post,lol. Was having a laugh with that image with her looking like like she's constipated with marbles in her mouth.
  9. MrDarth0

    MrDarth0 Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 3, 2015
    Yep, its a retcon.

    Another retcon is Poe being a smuggler before joining the Resistance.

    Another retcon is Snoke being Palpatine's creation/clone/whatever.

    And there's Luke's X-Wing with all wings attached, despite the fact that Luke used one of those wings as door on his hut in TLJ.

    And that's just what I thought of in the first 5 seconds. I'm sure there's more.

    Great job Lucasfilm Story Group. I totally see how everything is connected and relevant, and there are no more levels of continuity how we used to have in that pesky old EU that was confusing people... :oops:
  10. christophero30

    christophero30 Chosen One star 10

    May 18, 2017
    I wouldn't exactly say Ben had a yippidee doo attitude. :p He was less somber than Kylo, but that ain't saying much.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
    Ruffmeian and Iron_lord like this.
  11. Serpico Jones

    Serpico Jones Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    The Emperor does not get his own “chapter” in the visual dictionary. In fact, he’s barely mentioned. I wonder how late the decision to add him to the story was made.
  12. reyvision

    reyvision Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 12, 2017

    The books and comics contradict SO much that happens in these films. It's actually comical at this point. I can't believe anyone thinks Disney had a plan for this trilogy from the start.
  13. Vorax

    Vorax Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 10, 2014
    Neither did Maul for the SOLO book.
  14. kalzeth

    kalzeth Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 26, 2017
    It’s just sad. I mean why would I ever buy supplementary material now

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  15. Ruffmeian

    Ruffmeian Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 19, 2015
    I’m standing strong that they had a plan and when CF died, it threw it all out the window
  16. jeangreyforever

    jeangreyforever Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 19, 2019
    The book keeps alluding to a higher power responsible for all these events and it's obvious they are referring to Palpatine. However, for whatever reason, they didn't want to give away that he's back so they attribute the Sith Eternal for all his evil plots. This seems more like a case where they didn't want to spoil Palpatine (like the lack of Tarkin and Leia in the Rogue One VD or Maul in the Solo one) than because he was a last-minute addition.
  17. godisawesome

    godisawesome Skywalker Saga Undersheriff star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 14, 2010
    I’d say the problem is that he should be more somber than Kylo, more guilt-ridden, and maybe even downright depressing compared to Kylo. This is a guy who just spent close to a decade being a mass murdering fascist, and who committed patricide... and he’s supposed to have just had an epiphany that all of that was in fact horribly wrong, and so was he.

    People sometimes complain about Finn not being serious and somber enough to match his origin, but at least he has the excuses of having freed himself before he murdered anyone for the First Order... and not being someone trying to ape Darth Vader’s story.

    Because in an ROTJ vs TROS comparison, the change in Anakin’s demeanor upon re-emerging is 1000x better than Ben’s. And there’s still the central problem that they’re trying to crowbar in the shallow as hell Reylo connection out make his death tragic compared to Luke and Anakin’s final moments.
    KSennia, wobbits, Miriedis and 3 others like this.
  18. christophero30

    christophero30 Chosen One star 10

    May 18, 2017
    the Emperor had a Return of the Jedi script he was reading from.
  19. jeangreyforever

    jeangreyforever Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 19, 2019
    Leia is asked by a friend why she never trained and she remains coy with her answer, not specifically stating that she did or didn't train, just that eventually she found the Jedi path was not for her. There's a level of discomfort from the question which could be attributed to her vision of Ben's death. Nothing in that exchange breaks the canon though and in fact, it lines up quite well imo.
  20. Jubz

    Jubz Jedi Knight

    Dec 20, 2015
    It's very sad and I am glad I never got too invested in the new canon, I only have a couple of books. I will stick to Legends stuff from now on for my occasional Star Wars reading fix. Thing is, JJ ruined Star Trek a bit, but the core stuff was insulated by the different timeline. What's happening with Star Wars is much worse.
  21. Def Trooper

    Def Trooper Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 6, 2019
    This. While I appreciate on some level that Adam/whomever decided to try to differentiate the two personas, it just comes off bizarre because Kylo just turns into this innocent, laid-back dude out of nowhere. Between the chill attitude and his earth-like designer shirt thing, it felt more like Kylo Ren had turned into Adam Driver instead of Ben Solo. Even Anakin's quick turn played off of his previous flaws and amplified them to a villainous degree.

    Imagine if Kylo, instead of being a broody manchild, was actually a charismatic Loki-type villain who's basically Evil Han Solo? Ben Solo at the end of TROS would make far more sense then...hell, maybe even Reylo wou...nah, never mind.
    QuangoFett, wobbits, Shadao and 6 others like this.
  22. reyvision

    reyvision Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 12, 2017
    They might've had a general idea and outline, but TLJ from TFA shows they had no plan. Even Rian has said he could do whatever he wanted. Rey Mystery Box > Rey Nobody > Rey Palpatine. None of that is cohesive to planning.
  23. Merrin

    Merrin Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 12, 2019
    And she was great. I thought she was Palpy's daughter but apparently not. I barely even noticed Palpatine Junior.
  24. reyvision

    reyvision Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 12, 2017
    I want her story. Also, why is Rey worrying about Palpatine when her mother is Villianelle?
  25. dick rodgers

    dick rodgers Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2016
    It was during principle photography. I think Matt Smith was playing the Son of Mortis and KK and Disney thought him being introduced woulda alienated casual audience because no one outside Clone Wars viewers know who he is. So they forced JJ to do Palps and they called Ian. This is a rumor doing the circuits. I think it sounds incredibly plausible.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
    -LordSkywalker- likes this.
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