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CT Rewriting the OT to suit the Prequels (humor)

Discussion in 'Classic Trilogy' started by Darth Downunder, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. Scott109

    Scott109 Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 22, 2016
    LUKE: No, my father didn't fight in the Clone Wars. He was a navigator on a spice freighter.

    OBI-WAN: That's what your uncle told you. He didn't hold with your father's ideals, such as slaughtering children and ushering in totalitarian dictatorships; he felt he should've stayed here and not abandoned his mother to die at the hands of Tusken Raiders, only to bring back her corpse after it was already too late and then rush off in the middle of her funeral to rescue me on Geonosis before fighting in the Clone Wars.

    Luke: You fought in the Clone Wars?

    Obi-Wan: Yes. I was once a Jedi knight, the same as your father.

    LUKE: I wish I'd known him.

    OBI-WAN: Your father thought he was a hot shot pilot when I first met him in spite of the fact that he was only nine years old and could barely win a pod race. He thought he was the best star pilot in the galaxy, but he wasn't. I don't mind flying, but whenever he was in the cockpit, it wasn't flying; it was suicide. He was an overrated warrior who could not win a fight without having the high ground. I understand that you've become quite a good pilot yourself. And he was a lousy friend.
    J7Luke, ZY-Fighter, TX-20 and 10 others like this.
  2. theMaestro

    theMaestro Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 16, 2015
    OBI-WAN: Which reminds me....I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it....nah, just kidding. I actually took it from your father whilst giving him one last patronizing speech as he lay there with his limbs chopped off, burning to death. Yep. True story. Anyway, here it is. Remember, don't lose it because this weapon is your life!
    J7Luke, oncafar, TX-20 and 6 others like this.
  3. -Jedi Joe-

    -Jedi Joe- Jedi Master star 2

    May 6, 2013
    *Greedo sits down across from Han*

    *Han and Greedo stare at each other for a few seconds*

    HAN: So who shoots first? You shoot first? I shoot first?

    (I know it's not PT, but I couldn't resist!)
    Kole, Darth__Lobot, J7Luke and 20 others like this.
  4. Nate787

    Nate787 Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 29, 2016

    Lol! I believe an exception could be made for that one.
  5. theMaestro

    theMaestro Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 16, 2015
    YODA: A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack......except Force pushes and Force KO's....totally okay, those are.
    Cynda, J7Luke, MidKnighT and 12 others like this.
  6. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    Han: Tell Jabba that I've got his money.
    Greedo: No problem. A friend warned me that picking fights would lead me to a bad end, so I won't bother you.

    Luke: Ben, why didn't you tell me that my father was a whiney creep? You told me that he was a good friend.
    Obi-Wan: I said he was a good friend, but I didn't say that he was a good husband. He never whined with me.
  7. The Vanguard

    The Vanguard Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2016
    Obi-Wan to Luke: "Sand People move in single file to conceal their numbers. Look at the blaster scoring, it is consistent with an imperial stormtrooper attack."

    Luke: "You mean they shot the Jawas aaaand everything else?"
    WriterMan and Sarge like this.
  8. Lulu Mars

    Lulu Mars Chosen One star 5

    Mar 10, 2005
    OBI-WAN: That boy is our last hope.

    YODA: No. There is another.

    OBI-WAN: Again with the girl! We've been over this. I simply do not trust women! All they do is drive men to join the dark side. Then they die. The end.

    YODA: ...........Know you anymore, I do not.
  9. PCCViking

    PCCViking Chosen One star 10

    Jun 12, 2014
    *After being knocked out of the trench by Han's shot and the collision with the other TIE fighter*

    Vader: I'll try spinning. That's always a good trick.
  10. Lulu Mars

    Lulu Mars Chosen One star 5

    Mar 10, 2005
    BIGGS: Luke, at that speed, do you think you'll be able to pull out in time?

    LUKE: It'll be just like Boonta Eve back home.
  11. The Vanguard

    The Vanguard Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2016
    VADER: “I’ve been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master.”

    OB-1: "You can't win Darth- wait..when you left me?! Oh I don't think so. You tried doing the flip that I did on Maul, but then you got sliced up like a pie because the writers realized how exposed that maneuver was. Then I left you."

    VADER: "From my point of view you're wrong...and your powers are weak...old man!"

    OB-1: "Are you crying Darth?"
  12. Scott109

    Scott109 Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 22, 2016
    VADER: Your powers are weak, old man. I have a higher Midi-chlorian concentration than you.
  13. PCCViking

    PCCViking Chosen One star 10

    Jun 12, 2014
    Palpatine: I can feel your anger, which is what I also told your father when I revealed my status as a Sith Lord.
  14. The Vanguard

    The Vanguard Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2016
    LUKE: I'll not leave you here. I've got to save you.

    VADER: You already have, Luke...besides - I've lost the will to live so I'm just going to die now.
  15. theMaestro

    theMaestro Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 16, 2015
    (Luke watches in amazement as Yoda lifts his X-wing)
    LUKE: I don't believe it.
    YODA: not why you fail. Low midi-chlorian count you have, because skipped a generation they did!....hehehehe....*cough* to be you, it does.
  16. PCCViking

    PCCViking Chosen One star 10

    Jun 12, 2014
    Obi-Wan: That's no moon...that's a bigger version of part of a Trade Federation battleship.
  17. Howard Hand

    Howard Hand Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2015
    Luke: I wish I could just wish away my feelings about you father, but I can't
  18. PCCViking

    PCCViking Chosen One star 10

    Jun 12, 2014
    Han: Didn't we just leave this party?
    Luke: Didn't Master Windu say this party was over?
  19. Drewdude91

    Drewdude91 Jedi Knight star 3

    May 21, 2011
    I know this is rewriting the OT, but I want to rewrite a PT moment to suit the OT if that's okay.

    Palpatine: "Execute Order 66!"

    (The Order 66 montage starts. Every time a clone turns on the Jedi, they miss. This causes the Jedi to take them out with ease. No Jedi casualties)
  20. Drewdude91

    Drewdude91 Jedi Knight star 3

    May 21, 2011
    Vader takes out Luke's lightsaber and ignites it.

    "I see you've constructed a new lightsaber. I did this when I was nine years old. It's the first thing a Jedi does in training. Your training is complete. Indeed you are powerful as the Emperor has foreseen".
  21. WriterMan

    WriterMan Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 26, 2012

    My sides were hurting from laughter after this.
  22. Darth Downunder

    Darth Downunder Chosen One star 6

    Aug 5, 2001
    Leia: General Obi-Wan Kenobi. Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Actually I should apologize Sir, my father has always exaggerated to make himself sound more important. He means you served the Republic represented by the Senate of which he was one member representing some piss-ant planet. Anyway, now he begs you to help in his struggle against the Empire. Not that you have much choice, I've just led a Star Destroyer & a horde of Imperials to your secret hide-out. This is your most desperate hour. Good luck!

    Obi-Wan: You must learn the ways of the Living Force if you're to become my new Padawan.
    Luke: Padawan? I can't be a Padawan. I have to get home, I'm late as it is. Besides, I don't know what the hell a Padawan is!
    Obi-Wan: That's your uncle talking.

    Luke: I wanna come with your to Alderaan. There's nothing for me here now. I wanna learn the ways of the Living Force & become a Padawan like my father.
    Ben: Good call Luke. I have every confidence you'll pass this simple standard blood screening. Sleeve up please.
  23. Saun Dann

    Saun Dann Jedi Youngling

    May 15, 2016
    Vader and Obi fighting on the Death Star. Vader closes blast door, trapping Obi on the other side. Obi plunges saber through door.
    Vader: They are still coming through!
    Stormtrooper: This is impossible!
    Vader: Where are those droidekas?

    On Leia's ship.
    Vader: Bring me the passengers, I want them alive!
    Stormtrooper: Rodger Rodger, take them to Camp 4.

    In Cloud City, Lukes saber falls down shaft after Vader cut his hand off.
    Obi Ghost: Luke, that weapon is your life!

    Vader: Luke, I am your father!
    Luke: Can you teach me how to murder children just like you daddy, PLEASE?

    In Obi's house.
    Obi: Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it.
    Luke: What is it?
    Obi: Your father's mediclorian counter.
    Luke: That's lame, I was hoping for the weapon he used to murder a tribe of sand people and a bunch of children!
  24. Darth Downunder

    Darth Downunder Chosen One star 6

    Aug 5, 2001
    Luke: You fought in the Clone Wars?
    Obi-Wan: Yes.
    Luke: Boy, I heard they were incredible. Those Clones must've been tough!
    Obi-Wan: Oh the Clones were on our side.
    Luke: What?
    Obi-Wan: Yes we fought alongside the Clones.
    Luke: So...who did you fight against?
    Obi-Wan: Robots.
    Luke: Robots??
    Obi-Wan: Yes Luke, robots. We almost always fought against robots in the old days.
    Luke: Then why call them the Clone Wars? Why not the robot wars? Ah the robots named the war then?
    Obi-Wan: No we did.
    Luke: [Looks confused]
    Obi-Wan: Luke what is the problem?
    Luke: Well I dunno, I just always imagined the Jedi were up against a fearsome Clone army. What were the robots like?
    Obi-Wan: Oh they were easy to defeat. We cut through them like butter. I remember one time I was against thirty of them & I...
    Luke: Anyway it's getting late. I'd better get going.
    Obi-Wan: Wait Luke, wait. Don't you want to become a Jedi?
    Luke: Nah [leaves].
    Obi-Wan: Luke wait [shouting]. There was this one robot who had sort of, internal organs…& real eyes. It was amazing. Come back!!
  25. AshiusX

    AshiusX Jedi Knight star 3

    Feb 7, 2016
    The Clone being the so called ''good guys'' of the Clone Wars was actually clever on the part of Lucas. In actuality, they were the force that eroded the Republic away and helped usher in the Empire.
    SavedByChristAlone and Torib like this.