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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. JadeSphera

    JadeSphera Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 10, 2018
    Hi @Cowgirl Jedi 1701 !
    Häxa is Swedish for Witch :p
    All intentional ;)
    Thank you for remembering my villain :D and tagging me in this post.
    Findswoman likes this.
  2. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    You're welcome. :D
    Jâd Sphera likes this.
  3. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    o_O That's news to me. The things I have seen treated it as the parents had a choices.

    No. There are those who are tonedeaf.

    I would say it depend on planet, and even the regions on the planets. Also, this is GFFA, if you want there to be fire-fighters there are fire-fighters.

    It's not a spectacle, it's about the interaction between temple dancer and the fire and vice-versa, and to show the beauty of fire to the faithful. To call it a spectacle would be like calling the choir a spectacle.

    I was actually more thinking of Rei and her fire-seeing in Sailor Moon :p

    How would specific woods give you far-sights without it involving the Force? I can see the smoke from right kind of exotic wood, and maybe combined with some specific other plants, working as a activator and boost for peoples natural (as in Force based) farseeing ability.

    If there are monastic orders is it possible that groups of monks/nuns actually establish monasteries to help out and convert in new (for them) territories.

    I was not thinking of curses but sayings, like: "better to light a candle than to curse the dark"; "even a lonely flame give light and warmth"; "this' not the time to be a candle, this' the time to be a fire"; "burned child fear the fire"; "fire that's closest kept burns most of all"; "success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire"; "playing with fire is bad for those who burn themselves. For the rest of us, it is a very great pleasure"; "when fire is applied to a stone it cracks"; "Big fires flare up in a wind, but little ones are blown out unless they are carried in under cover"; etc.
    Anedon likes this.
  4. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    I´ve seen the oppositte, at least with the old order post Russan. I think in the darth Plagueis book its even a plot point with a senator wanting his son back who was taken by the Jedi, so its seems there is a law on that and even influential people can´t stop it.

    Which is a) easily healable in the GFFA and b) splitting hairs.

    This logic also means if I don´t want my fanon to be used for firefighting, it isn´t used for firefighting. :p

    Well neither that nor a choir really fit into the quiet refelctive atmoshpere I imangine these fireshrines to have.

    Don´t know about that so can´t say anything to it.

    I would say its more guessing and interpreting than everything. Maybe these woods are a force sensetive material. Its the force itself that would send the vision through flames, the person watching it doesn´t need to be force sensetive to catch a glimpse, though of course a force sensetive person could see it more clear.

    Sure, but at the same time I think even before that there would be single priests laying a certian groundwork, already introducing communities to the faith before larger groups arrive.

    To me that would kinda make them sounds like supstitious flame worshippers.
  5. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    A) how do you heal tone-deafness? b) we will have to disagree

    Sorry, I did not mean to imply that the Church of the lonely Flame had a choir. I meant to write "a choir", instead of "the choir", to imply choirs overall.

    Also, I admit that I had not understood that you imangine the fireshrine atmosphere as quiet and reflective.

    You make me feel old :ben:

    Why do you think that? Going as a group is many time better no matter if you are just there to help or convert, if not both.

    o_O Okey, here we have an good example on how different we think. To me it's about showing their culture, people have saying based on their religion and environment. To me it's obvious that the people of the Church of the lonely Flame would be using fire and flame based sayings, just like people of today (at least where I live) have some sayings (even if they don't know/understand it) based on stuff from the bible and/or farming.
    Anedon likes this.
  6. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Implants? I mean they have cybernetic implants that can restore eyesight so why not restoring hearing? Keep in mind that droids are able to listen and understand what people say so the tech for it is there.

    I see maybe I was a bit unclear about this. Generally I guess if they seek entertainment and stuff like that the Eriaduan workers probably find it in bars and stuff like that. The shrines are more about reflection and have a quiet atmosphere, people still might discuss things but quietly in small groups.

    Well in therms of age I´m not that far from that series airing time but I generally haven´t seen much nor know much about animes.

    Well because they are not agressivley converting and given that their own homeworld has a large population of dirty poor workers most priests might consider helping them more important than spreading the religion. Keep in mind most eriaduan colonists come from this lower classes and so their respective priests then might acompany them directly instead of being send.

    To an extend they would yeah certianly. I just worry it getting too much. Can easilly become silly and turn them into carricatures who literally put a fire reference into each sentence they say. You know what I mean?
    Gamiel likes this.
  7. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    OK, stepping in for a moment in my capacity as thread host: @Anedon and @Gamiel, once again it's great to see you discussing these fanon elements so enthusiastically, but I think that this might be a good time to move the discussion to PM. :)
  8. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    I have invented a species and world to populate the galaxy far, far away. Here's a brief rundown of the relevant details:

    World: Vaowai (pronounced like "Vao-Way" in my head canon but feel free to tinker with this if you like).

    World's Economy: Dominated by cutthroat corporations in constant competition with one another; heavily industrialized; capital city (as yet unnamed) polluted by the many factories of its capital city, which is filled with smog and perpetually gray.

    Head of State: Called the Chief Executive. In the "Before the Saga" era, I have the Chief Executive named Chen Yile but if your story is set at a different time, feel free to get creative.

    Gender Dynamics: A society that strives for egalitarianism. Chief Executive Chen Yile is a female member of her species.

    Species: An insectoid with a hard shell and pincers that tend to click and hum to express emotions humans may find difficult to interpret. The pincers express much body language with this species that is also called the Vaowai (pronounced the same as their world in my head).

    Naming Conventions: Vaowai names have the family name first and then the individual, so in the case of my Chief Executive Chen Yile, Chen is her family name, and Yile is her individual name. Her daughter, who comes from the same family, likewise, would be Chen Linlin. Formal address would involve the full name (Chen Yile or Chen Linlin) with any titles (such as Chief Executive) proceeding it. Only family and close friends would use the individual name, so Chen Yile could call her daughter Linlin, but a person off the street would call Chen Linlin by her full name with the family name coming before the individual name.

    Real World Inspiration for the Names: The names I used were borrowed with respect from Chinese surnames and individual names. Wikipedia does provide a helpful list of Chinese surnames and the Behind the Name site allows you to search for Chinese first names by gender. These can be good bouncing points for your research should you choose to stay true to the Chinese roots of the names on Vaowai.

    Sith-I-5, Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  9. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Always nice to see a new fanonposter here. Post freely. Comment safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring.

    This description makes me think of TORG's Nippon Tech, or rather it's home cosm: Marketplace

    Can you describe the vaowai a bit more? As they are described right now do I not know if they are humanoid-ish, katydid-ish, mantis-ish, phasmatodea-ish, flea-ish, panorpidae-ish or have some other shape? Also, do they wear cloths? If yes, how do their fashion look like?

    Also, some of my usual questions: How do the architecture/s look like? Is there a kind of technology/gadget/items that the Vaowai don’t have/use or is unique to them? Any unique superstitions? Any kinds of festivals/holydays of interest? What kind of martial tradition do they have and what arms and armour do they use? Any ideas about the animal and/or plant life? How is their food? What specie/s make up the largest minority group/s? Any group/species that they have prejudice to?
  10. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Hi all! Your friendly neighborhood Fanon Sock here, just popping in with few new updates to this thread and its index:
    Anything else, or anything I've missed, just let me know. And of course please do keep me posted on how things are coming along in your preparations for the Gamiel Games! :D
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2019
    Gamiel and devilinthedetails like this.
  11. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000
    Here's my latest RPG setting for my D20 game.

    The Anchor

    The Anchor is a new settlement made from junk on the planet Jakku next to the enormous Lake Victory. Its primary feature is the former Star Destroyer Relentless and the back half of an Imperial Super Star Destroyer (The Doom Phantom). Its primary population consists of refugees from the Galactic Civil War that were unable to integrate back into regular life or could not return to their home lives. This means a lot of the planet's population is either criminals, ex-Imperials, displaced by war, or simply trapped here with no credits remaining.


    Jakku is officially a possession of the New Republic but it does not recognize any official settlement of the planet. This means that it has no representation in the Senate, law enforcement, or legal aid. Furthermore, all of the citizenry are considered to be squatters who can be held as trespassers on the planet. Instead, the New Republic has heavily mined the edges of the solar system in a dome and has a few patrol boats there to prevent passage to the system. Smuggling in and out is very common as are Star Tours of the famous battle (above planet only). The First Order does not recognize the New Republic's jurisdiction over the planet and regularly refuels on the planet as do pirates operating in the region or traders going to the Unknown Regions.

    The exception to this lack of government is twofold with Captain Cassian Jonns, the former captain of the Relentless and unofficially ruler of the Anchor. He operates the hotel and casino of the former ship as well as the Anchor Classic Space Races. Equally important to the planet, in some ways, is Viceprix Talmot Zorb. The prefect of the city, he is merely in charge of the Siennar-Kuat Energy Base and Refueling Station (called "Colossus") that is a multi-trillion credit industry the locals see none of save via gambling and prostitution by the employees. Talmont is a dirty coward from the Corporate Sector who has been exiled for embezzlement (and worse, getting caught).

    Law Enforcement

    Captain Jonns keeps a small army of security droids, a cadre of ex-Stormtroopers, and a few mercs as protection for the Relentless as well as its guests. He cares nothing for what happens beyond its superstructure, though. He also has control over the city's turbolaser emplacements and keeps the Four Aces on hand to guard important guests, cargo, as well as shoot down the occasional pirate.

    Viceprix Talmont would be a complete nonentity if not for the fact that he is the official employer of the Espos or simply as the locals call them, the Police. They are quite possibly the most corrupt police force in the galaxy and halfway criminals themselves, shaking down the locals for regular protection money and freebies. Their commander, "Inspector" Lance Reddick, is a former holo-movie star and stuntman that would be strange here if not for the fact all his movies were made as Imperial propaganda. Lance wishes to rebuild his fortune before getting off Jakku (like everyone really) but is afraid of the First Order.

    As can be guessed, most locals must fend for themselves or rely on the gangs to protect their prey for protection money.

    New Republic and Resistance

    The New Republic maintains the Jakku Bureau of Tourism and Culture that is the only way to contact them on the planet. It is also a base for the Resistance. This is headed by Olivia, a Holonet Reporter, who left a lucrative job to head up a listening post and Big Sal who is either a huge Ewok or a short Wookiee. Both act like they're in a spy holo that makes them very conspicuous.

    The Imperial Remnant and First Order

    The Imps are a Neo-Imperial swoop gang that embraces a reactionary pro-human, anti-alien ideology that mostly justifies them raising hell. The Imps ride ex-Imperial military swoops and wield Stormtrooper blaster rifles as well as officer pistols. They control a lengthy amount of territory in the city and are exactly the kind of scum you'd expect them to be. They're led by Yric Synnar, a scummy SA Youth Group soldier abandoned on Jakku with many of his brothers. Yric wishes to join the First Order but was rejected with a missing arm (that he's since replaced with an assassin droid limb) for his troubles.

    Fort Revenge is a First Order base tolerated by Captain Jonns but always trying to acquire more troops as well as operatives. It is led by Number One and is a beacon of professionalism and brutality in the city. Number One has occasionally lent the First Order's stormtroopers to help clean up the city or pay bounties for troublemakers. As such, he's slowly turning the city's opinion around on them. There are approximately 200 residents in Fort Revenge at present with some speculating there may be as many as ten times as many spread throughout the city.

    The Fringe

    Slugbeard the Pirate is a jolly Hutt with a large hat! Look at that hat! He also has a Kowakian Monkey Lizard that sits on his shoulder! Slugbeard's Food and Chips is an enormous Star Galleon converted into a casino and restaraunt for the whole family! Eat fresh bantha ribs, fish caught in Lake Victory, and the best reprocessed rations! Slugbeard is easily the nicest crime lord on Jakku and Munin's chief creditor. He has, on occasion, fed people to his giant Kashyykian Wookiee Eater Bush ("Daisy") after making them walk the plank but Sluggy is the lesser of many evils. Just don't comment on the fact his beard looks glued on. Slugbeard traffics in information, badly needed resources, weapons, and more. He also hates the First Order but doesn't let that interfere with business.

    Kobra Kal
    is a human being with reptilian cybernetic eyes and an artificial jaw that includes a serpent tongue. He affects Core World mannerisms and luxury while being a member of the Kazarack Slavers Guild. The Guild is forbidden from operating within the city limits by Jonns but buys many destitute Jakku citizens with their "indentured servant" contracts that are barely legal in some parts of the Republic. It is suggested he is supplying the First Order with many children and his operatives have no hesitation to outright raid Jakku villages in order to take them. The Racks are a collection of murderous scum but a higher quality of killer than most Anchorheads can deal with. He also buys lots of scavenged weapons and Imperial goods to sell to his clients.

    Torg the Unworthy is a bounty hunter who has reprogrammed an Imperial torture droid (T-00-L) into helping him psychologically analyze his opponents as well as intimidate whole populations. Torg and Tool run the Mercenary's Guild and deal in illegal contracts, murder for hire, protection money, and terrorism for hire. One of the few ones who operates off-world, he may not exist as Torg has been killed multiple times only to reveal a droid. Some speculate Torg is either an Assassin droid with many backups or has always been a face for Tool all along.

    "Lady" Jool is a white and gold furred Wookie frequently decked out in garishly painted claws, bows, and see-through silks with jewels. Jool has even gone so far as to have a cybernetic voicebox installed that allows her to speak Basic with an exaggerated "sassy" accent that leaves many people nonplussed. Lady Jool would be hilarious if not for the fact she is squeezing as much of the city dry and sells low-quality spice to feed her lavish needs. She claims to be an exiled clan chief's daughter attempting to raise money to retake her clan but the New Republic notes she's a former Grifter whose father helped invent the "Free us, kind human, by buying our freedom!" mark. She is currently looking for a husband and has offered top price for someone to bring her a sufficiently attractive Wookie male. She is addicted to chocmeats.

    Notable Locales

    The Church of Immaculate Carnage:
    A religion which worships the holy power of making things go boom. It is run by a bunch of Jawas and their criminal associates. Ironically, its leader, the Miralan ex-Imperial Hover Tank Commander Narissa 241 is entirely sincere in her faith that consists of supplying the finest weapons and ammunition to as many people as possible. Oddly, she can tell the future if she watches you fire at her range with surprising accuracy.

    The Clinic:
    A cyberneticist research and testing facility that consists of multiple Imperial medical droids and harvested med bays. Run by the mysterious Doctor E and his associate Ponda, they will repair anyone for 200 credits of almost any injury. Replacement parts are extra but they pay in cash for fresh corpses that aren't too damaged (or are still alive). People go missing around the clinic all the time some locals have already started passing around the hat to have him eliminated. It is believed they sell organs to wealthy clients abroad not to satisfy any financial need but simply to keep its sick operator in business.

    The Death Pit: Another highly illegal activity that, nevertheless, appeals to people from Hutt Space and the First Order. The Death Pit is a gladiator arena where humanoids and other aliens fight droids as well as deadly beasts. The Death Pit is not supposed to be lethal but, nevertheless, is prone to more than its fair share of lethal accidents despite safety equipment. It is actually owned and operated by a Mandalorian Zeltron named Shiva and a Bothan war criminal named Kurse. Mandalorians have been recruited from the Gladiators and sent to join the fight against the First Order's occupation of their world. Ex-Imperials have known to be grabbed and thrown into the arena to be killed but Mandalorian honor means they're let go if they survive.

    The Fiery Crash Course
    : A racing course set up on Lake Victory that goes through the Jakku canyons, through the eternal storm clouds over the Temple of 10,000 Screams, and the Jayak Dragon Nests among other locations. The Fiery Crash Course is modified repeatedly for exciting and spectacularly dangerous races. These are broadcast sector wide and subject to illegal holo sales across the galaxy. It is also the city's primary source of income. Podracing and speeder bike races are secondary attractions despite the former being illegal (well, because of it really).

    The General Grevious Saloon:
    Yee Haw! Are you ready for some genuine Outer Rim flavor with some rootin tootin Separatist Lost Cause apologia? Then do I have the bar for you, sir! Nothing but Nerfherder hats, spurs, smallnuts, reptile ribs, and loud Rim music with cross dancing all night long! It is entirely run by droids and no one has any idea who came up with this obviously franchised but horribly tasteless homage to one of the worst governments in galactic history. The droids are obviously malfunctioning and "quirky" but the food is surprisingly edible. Polky is a Super-Battle Droid that serves as its greeter.

    The Orphanage:
    A horrible place where locals drop off their children to be raised and run by a tyrant Quarren called Grandma Squidface. Children often end up being enlisted at fourteen in the First Order if they're human. Children of alien descent are either sold to one of the local crime bosses as muscle or indentured to one of the local businesses. Everyone hates Grandma Squidface but are afraid of what will happen to the children if they're killed.

    Weathermay's Relaxation and Meditation
    : The Weathermay sisters are a pair of identical blonde female mercs who run a brothel that is quite popular and surprisingly safe in a town where no one should ever let their guard down--especially when undressed. Elsa, Isla, and Ilsa are all white haired Echanni beauties that have mixed matching eyes. Some believe them to be clones or even human replica droids. The brothel caters to a wide variety of tastes but is not a location for slaves and is always in need of supplies like liquor and spice due to its independence from the local syndicates.

    Wuher's Cantina:
    Wuher made a fortune in the tourism boom to Tatooine following the Battle of Endor, so much so that he could buy his own bar. He ended up opening a franchise on Jakku and immediately lost everything. It is identical to the Mos Eisley cantina and most people assume he's an actor playing an embittered has been. In addition to Wuher, the bar is now co-owned by an enormously fat Talz woman named Auntie Freeze. She speeches with a High Corellian brogue and claims to be a wampa. Her name comes from the fact her office upstairs is refrigerated and she wields an Imperial Zero-Gun designed to nonlethally subdue humanoids by freezing them.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2019
  12. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Welcome, @Charlemagne19 - you understand that putting your world building on this thread, allows other writers to use it within their own fics?

    BTW, some interesting-looking books, within your sig.
  13. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000
    Absolutely, it's just Star Wars RPG ideas after all.

    Fun for everyone.

    And yes, Lucifer's Star was my attempt to do a dark Star Wars-esque story about an ex-Empire style pilot.

    The rest are mostly comedies. :)
  14. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Didn't even notice it. Straight Outta Fangton sounded interesting, though.
    Charlemagne19 likes this.
  15. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Hi all! Your friendly neighborhood Fanon Sock here, just popping in with few new updates to this thread and its index:

    A brief PSA: When posting a new fanon post, or when updating one of your existing ones, please remember to PM this sock with the relevant to let me know, so I can get it in the index and updates post in a timely manner. Many thanks!

    That's it for now; anything else, or anything I've missed, just let me know. And of course please do keep me posted on how things are coming along in your preparations for the Gamiel Games! :D
    Gamiel and devilinthedetails like this.
  16. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    How drinkable is the water? With two star destroyers crashed beside it and no sanitation laws can I see it being rather polluted

    Are the star destroyers used for housing; mined for resources and/or something else?

    How do that work?

    Don't at least some of them fall under refugees laws?

    is that a name or a title?

    You use different spelling for his name

    Played by Claude Rains I take it?

    I would do it that either his "beard" is either some kind of natural tentacle-like outgrowth that exist around/below his mouth, or some kind of leeches/similar that hang in clusters around/below his mouth.

    I guess his motto is "Strike first, strike hard, no mercy"

    That's a cool concept

    If there is no real law, can it really be said that anything is illegal

    Now that's a name.
    Sith-I-5 and Charlemagne19 like this.
  17. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000

    It's not terribly drinkable but that's more due to the fact that it is right next to the energy harvesting factory right next to the city. The city still processes its water from the location and various wildlife have sink escaped into the place or been introduced, resulting in a weird mutated and dangerous sort of place. The planet's Dark Side aura doesn't help its flora and fauna's aggressiveness either.

    The Relentless has been turned into a hotel of all things in a manner not too dissimilar to Booster Terrik's in the sense that whenever guests are staying in the city then they do so at the most secure location on the planet for gambling, food, and negotiation. The upper levels are the only ones that are actually luxurious (called "The Officer's Lounge") with a sort of Colossus-esque separation from the rest of the citizenry. Jonns has done some minor repairs but is nowhere near getting it spaceworthy again and even then it would destroy the shantytown city around it to take off.

    Generally, the Super Star Destroyer remnant has been harvested for its massive generators to power the entire city and as a massive apartment complexes, hospital, and other infrastructure that the dreadnought's ruins can provide. Even then lots of the interior is ruined and damaged because only now are many locals realizing they'll be here for the long haul.

    The Anchor is not considered a settlement, it is considered an unexploded ordinance-filled disaster zone. The New Republic Senate initially devoted billions of credits for the purpose of cleaning up Jakku but special interests eventually lobbied for a Sienar-Kuat Energy Subsidiary to start cleaning it up instead.

    They set up their energy harvesting business and lots of local corruption as well as disappeared weapons occurred. Budget cuts means the New Republic has suspended any clean-up of the planet for the past decade. NGO's have petitioned the Republic many times to be allowed to help dismantle the stuff as it is believed that scavengers are acquiring still-functional Imperial weaponry and material to sell on the black market.

    Indeed, the First Order is actually doing the most "good" in cleaning up the site with its own harvesting stations being put around it and a willingness to buy even scrap metal let alone usable material. Needless to say, the Resistance believes the junk of Jakku is going directly into their war machine whether as recyclable untracable raw materials or refurbished weapons and armor. Even so, only a quarter of the Battle of Jakku's aftermath has been cleaned up globally after decades of persistent scavenging.

    They would if not for the fact making your fortune on Jakku is explicitly scavenging a battlefield that has a lot of sentimental and historical meaning to many New Republic soldiers. Even then, the local systems commanders don't bother the majority of smugglers and travelers beyond attempting to keep them from leaving with crates of thermal detanators or turbolasers parts. The First Order's ships often pick these up just out of system and the local NR fleet is filled with people who realize better than most they're buying ordinance.

    VicePrix is from the Corporate Security Authority guidebook by West End Games and is roughly analogous to a Vice Presidential title. In the case of Talmont, he's in the absolute lowest position they can put him without firing him (and threatening the release of the blackmail material he's accumulated like all good hereditary executives). Talmont believes that he can figure some way to overcome his epic screw-ups on Jakku by perhaps hiring someone to kill his rivals or acquiring something of incredible value like the rumored vast art storehouse that Palpatine built here. The First Order briefly considered putting Talmont back into power but the FOBS agent determined that his usefulness as an asset was minimal.

    Who else?

    Slugbeard cultivates a deliberately nonthreatening appearance to disguise the fact that he is actually Jozulgo the Hutt or "The Red Scourge." He was a rare Rebel Alliance-allied Hutt privateer and anti-slavery advocate on his homeworld who helped in the revolt of the Death Gang. Unfortunately, he was also more Saw than Mothma and the New Republic declared him a renegade for blowing up a Grand Moff's shuttle to prevent his escape (the Moff's family allegedly being inside). There is a hefty price for Jozulgo's death in both Hutt Space as well as the First Order (who can't tell Hutts apart).

    Kal is a practicioner of the Teras Kasi Martial arts and learned them under Darth Maul before the fall of the Crimson Dawn.

    Torg was actually killed years before but his interrogator droid has reprogrammed a number of leftover assassin droids (it's amazing what you'll find in a Super Star Destroyers armory) with his psychological profile as well as general information. TOOL can be said to genuinely miss his friend, as much as a homicidal piece of malfunctioning Imperial machinery can said to have had a friend.

    The sale of bootleg holorecordings and holotransmissions makes it an issue.

    The Temple of 10,000 Screams is one of the many Sith Temples constructed on the planet as part of some kind of network by Emperor Palpatine linking up to his Observatory. There was actual Celestial-based construction on the planet and somehow he planned to warp the Force-based technology to his use.

    The locals just think of it as that big scary looking place over a live volcano and fly around it for scenery.

    It should be noted that Jakku is a planet that the Empire heavily fortified in the last years of the war so there's miles of tunnels and enormous abandoned duracrete fortresses spread across the land. At least a billion soldiers were stationed on the planet at one point with the belief it would be a permanent garrison. This resulted in quite a number of atmosphere processors that are still (semi) functional and loads of Imperial rations that have since been taken by the local crime syndicates and serve as the planet's defacto currency in many places. While credits are still in employ at the Anchor, most settlements use "portions" as a form of barter. Even 29 years later, it's still more than enough to feed the locals without actually introducing farming or large scale export.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2019
    Sith-I-5, Voltron64 and Gamiel like this.
  18. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Only until you edit it (the edit button is very long lived over here).

    Also, you wrote Talbot more than ones.
  19. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000

    I answered your questions above and added some more details.

    Last edited: Sep 6, 2019
    Voltron64 and Gamiel like this.
  20. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Okey, but I would still not have him using a hair beard, it would just feel wrong... unless he was trying to claim to be one of the few furred huts. Now that's an idea [face_thinking]
    Charlemagne19 likes this.
  21. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000
    Gamiel likes this.
  22. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Exactly. I would probably have Slugbeard not just using a fake beard but a toupée and a whole fake "fur" also.
  23. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    @FanonSock - SPAGETTI article repair - replaced hangar bay pic for Bulwark-class cruiser (different image host).
    Gamiel likes this.
  24. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Thanks, I-5! Please PM that information to the sock along with the relevant links, and I’ll get it into the next updates post. :)
  25. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Have updated my Species for the Unknown Regions post

    Just wondering: why has she gotten a cybernetic voicebox instead of having a translator? Would that not go a bit against her "exiled clan chief's daughter"-claim? Could not something like using a old BD-3000 as translator be a better fit?

    Is "chocmeats" space-cacao fruit meat?

    I expect that one of the members is a Deidare reference :p