Title: The Dream Lady Author: Findswoman Characters: Young Leia, Breha and Bail Organa, Padmé Amidala (in ghost form) Era: Ca. 9–8 BBY Genre:...
Author: Findswoman Title: Topatoes (My Heart Is Not Here) Era: Saga—OT: post-Siege of Lasan, pre-Rebels Genre: Introspection, slice of life, mild...
Author: Findswoman Title: Sighs of a Daughter of Lasan Era: Saga—OT, Imperial Era, between the Siege of Lasan and the Battle of Yavin (in other...
Title: As with a Mantle Author: Findswoman Era: Saga—OT; Imperial era Characters: Telfien Viurraanvi (Gand female OC); Zuckuss Genre: Drama,...
Title: The Bearer of This Pass Author: Findswoman Era: Saga—OT; ca. 5–4 BBY Characters: OC Imperial bigwig, various other ECs and OCs Genre: Humor...
Author: Findswoman Title: The Book of Gand, Part the Fourth: The Findsman’s Secret Era: Approximately 10–15 BBY Characters: Zuckuss, Gand OCs...
Title: Season of Sharing Author: Seldes Katne Summary: Students, faculty and guests at Sanbra University host a spring celebration showcase. Word...
Rose Garden, Evergreen Forest by Findswoman In memoriam Findsdad (1943–2022) native and resident of the Evergreen State Era: Mostly Saga, with...
Author: Findswoman Title: The Secret of the Water Gardens Era: Saga—OT (semi-early Imperial era; probably a little before 10 BBY) Characters:...
Author: Findswoman Title: From a Flimsi Scrap Found on the Crystal Cliffs, Lira San Era: Saga—OT (sometime post-Rebels and post-Endor) Genre:...
Title: A Moment Of Peace Author: Valiowk Timeframe: 1 BBY–4 ABY Characters: Talesan Fry, Original Character Genre: drama Keywords: Talesan Fry,...
Author: Findswoman Title: Rose ’s Eleven Era: Saga—PT and OT (by and large, leaving open the possibility of incursions into other eras)...
Author: Findswoman Title: Nine Down, One to Go Era: Saga–OT (at some point before or about 10–11 BBY) Characters: OCs: Glockel Sternenkranz (Human...
Title: Beginnings Author: Raissa Baiard Characters: Caleb Dume (Kanan Jarrus), Hera Syndulla, Cham Syndulla, Depa Billaba, Chopper Timeframe: PT,...
Author: Findswoman Title: A Rose Has Five Petals Era: Saga–OT (at various indeterminate points between ca. 10 and 0 BBY) Characters: Crew of the...
Title: Dinner at the Hungry Hutt Authors: Findswoman and Chyntuck Timeframe: Approximately mid- to late Saga—PT Continuity: Legends (mostly)...
Author: Findswoman Title: The Captain, the H-Goater, and the Voorpak Era: Saga–PT, a year or two before the Siege of Lasan (i.e., around 12–11 BBY...
Title: “So Few Things” Author: Mira_Jade Genre: Drama, Romance (a bit of action; a smidge of humor; a dash of angst and suspense) Rating: PG...
Author: Findswoman Title: Spikes; or, Chitin Deep Era: Saga–PT (approximately 10–15 BBY) Characters: Zuckuss, OC, mentions of other OCs Genre:...
Author: Findswoman Title: Sure Looks Strange to Me Era: Saga—OT (Rebels season 3) Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios; a large critter; mentions of...
Title: The Simplest Gesture Author: Gabri_Jade Timeframe: Saga-PT, 18 to 1 BBY Characters: Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus Genre: friendship, romance...
Author: Findswoman Title: Sixth Time’s the Charm Era: ca. 10 BBY, shortly after the events of A New Dawn Characters: Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla,...
Author: Findswoman Title: Long, Lonely Time Era: Saga—PT through Saga—OT Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, Shulma Trilasha Orrelios (OC),...
Author: Findswoman Title: Righteous Indignation of a Hutt Betrayed Era: Saga—PT (if I absolutely had to guess) Characters: OCs: Bonvika the Hutt,...
Title: “new world, now you’re a home” Author: Mira_Jade Genre: Drama, Romance Rating: PG Time Frame: ~1 year post-TCW/RotS; slight AU Characters:...