Title: Because Reasons Author(s): UltramassiveUbersue Timeframe: AUish Legends post TTT to CotJ Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Lando...
Title: Broken Author: Gabri_Jade Timeframe: from the end of Dark Empire to approximately twelve years later Characters: Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker,...
This is a Star Wars Legends / Dollhouse crossover. I really liked that show, at least until it all went to Hoth, and I have so many ideas for a...
[IMG] Title: Interregnum Author(s): Bel505 (Admiral Byzantium) and DrMckay Timeframe: One year after The Last Command, a few months after Isard's...
Title: Karrdeās Crew Author: Tarsier Timeframe: New Republic era and later (technically the first couple posts are probably Saga, but it seems...