Title: The Black Star Author: Ewok Poet Characters: OCs (see them here), [a young and not as badass yet] Tendra Risant, cameos may occur later in...
[IMG] Hi everybody, I'm Ewok Poet and you may know me from non-sequiturs in multiple threads or from Snowed In. I most likely hail from the...
Title: Notes for When You Are Older Series: Unquiet Waters (prequel to Shark Kibble) Timeframe: Beyond the Saga (Legends); starts in 4 ABY...
Title: Sword & Saber Author: Tarsier Summary: Crossover with Final Fantasy VIII. Mara is sent to the FFVIII planet to recruit an elite soldier...
* Format has been fixed for the new boards, so older posts are not truncated if anyone wants to start reading. Title: Shark Kibble: The Datapad...
Title: Or Characters: Unnamed Narrator (OC), Original Characters Timeframe: The original trilogy Summary: The same day her brother is sold into...