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Saga - Legends “And death shall have no dominion", story about Krennic's daughter (canon & legends mix), 27 Ch. FIN

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by AzureAngel2, Mar 24, 2018.

  1. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    @Nehru_Amidala & @earlybird-obi-wan: Here you have some more sweetness on the way you, two.

    I guess that @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha & @Kahara were waiting for it, too.

    Perhaps even the lurkers such as @Cowgirl Jedi 1701 that I seem to have for this story.

    But I am sure that @DarthUncle loves every word of mine he can read these days. Thanks for always encouraging me in rough times like this.

    "And death shall have no dominion", Chapter 10:

    While Daddy and everybody else is busy packing up after a day at the beach, a small boy stands in front of me and my towel suddenly. He is all but smiles and big eyes. I suppose he is two years my minor.

    “My name is Jori, Jori Lekauf,” he introduces himself.

    “Erm, hi?” I reply baffled.

    Nervously, he scans Uncle Alex who folds the sun chairs together. He has not noticed the boy yet.

    “Are you Cassandra?” Jori asks.

    “I suppose?” I give back carefully.

    The boy takes a step closer. “My grandfather Erv told me to give you this.”

    A small cylinder is pressed into my lap.

    “This is from… you know who.”

    Actually, I don't. I keep staring at the device, totally puzzled.

    He places a hand on his mouth and makes a strange breathing noise.

    Daddy turns around and asks, “What is wrong, little fella?”

    “He just wanted to know where I got my cool snorkel,” I lie because I know that my present from Lord Vader, whatever it is, will get confiscated immediately otherwise.

    Jori and I exchange a wink.

    Then he runs off without further explanation.

    Daddy gets distracted by something that Uncle Alex says to him and turns his back on me again.

    This gives me time to hide the cylinder that is as large as my palm in my beach bag.

    In the distance I can see Jori getting hugged by a man in comfy beach wear. Even in the distance I can see that his face looks funny. As though a bomb has gone off right in it.


    That night I have trouble sleeping. But it is not about Jori or the device that I have hidden between my underwear and my stockings. And it is certainly not about his poor grandfather, who seems to have a connection to Darth Vader. The latter would not trust anybody lightly.

    I place my hands on my face, feel how sweaty my palms are.

    “Yuck!” I whisper.

    Fact is that I have never played with another child before. Zevulon Veers is two years older than me and a boy. What am I supposed to do with him? He likes to kill poor insects. This is not the fun companion that I have hoped for. Why can't he be a nice girl around my age?

    “Are you a squall?” Daddy mutters sleepily. “Because you certainly move like one. You have very wiggly hind legs.”

    “Must I speak to that Veers boy?” I complain.

    “You can stare at him in complete silence.”

    “Daddy!” I squeak.

    “What?” he yawns widely. “I am just trying to find a solution for your problem.”

    “You are horrible.”

    “Horribly tired, yes.”

    I break out in tears.

    “Was a bit much today, wasn't it?” Daddy asks and gathers me into his arms. “Too much sun. The shopping tour. Those freckin' cadets.”

    I cannot answer. All I can do is cling to him. Inside my head I yell that I have this present from Lord Vader and that it's eating at me as well.

    “And if you do not know Maximilian any better, he can be a bit on the spooky side. But he really is an okay guy, loving his little family very much.”

    Daddy keeps comforting me for a while, saying sweet stuff. But I listen more to his heartbeat, enjoy the caress of his hands.

    Just a couple of days ago there was just me, Uncle Alex and him. And the occasional official visitors such as medical experts and the social workers. Now there are so many other people in our life. It is scary really.

    His chests radiates a lot of heat, but I want him close. I need to feel his skin against mine. He is my fortress. The one who keeps the darkness at bay.

    A rumble goes right through him. “Listen! Not all boys are terrible, Cassie dear!” His laughter is soft and low. “This Zev might actually be fun to hang out with. Just give him a chance. For me. Okay? Can you do that?”


    We are not meeting at the lake. The Veers family is asked to come to the farm for afternoon tea. Daddy and Uncle Alex are both busy in the kitchen, wearing silly aprons that seem to have belonged to my grandmother.

    I sit in a kitchen chair and watch the two clowns teasing each other non-stop. If they keep making such a mess with the cake's ingredients, they will need to fly to Hanna City for new groceries. Or, more likely, a pre-made cake from a bakery.

    “What are you doing there?” I ask after a while.

    “The traditional repast of scones, tea and sandwiches, Cassie dear!” Daddy has some wheat flour on the tip of his nose and on the cheeks as well. “It has to be done before supper at
    Zero Five Hundred Hours.”

    I nod to the explanation.

    “On Coruscant you would call it High Tea,” Uncle Alex adds. “It is a heavier meal for the working classes, served 'high' at the counter or kitchen table.”

    “Yeah, rub your fine Coruscanti pedigree straight into my face, blondie!”

    “Why are you full of complexes, Orson?”

    “Not only was I born on Lexrul. For what reasons ever my old man moved to Chandrila and I had to grow up here in the West Country.”

    “Is that why you are such a whiny nerf?”

    They start another fierce kitchen battle.

    More dough lumps fly by, accompanied by some raw eggs.

    As long as they are going to clean their mess up afterwards it's fine for me. Jay certainly will not do it for them. That altered 2-1B surgical droid is not a slave but a personal assistant of Gramps.

    Machines have status, too. That is what I believe in anyway.


    The moment Daddy has finished wiping the last surface clean our visitors knock at the front door.

    “You actually perform very well under high-pressure,” Uncle Alex laughs. “I should tell Tarkin and Amedda.”

    “Very funny!” Daddy tries to struggle out of the kitchen apron.

    “Here, let me help!”

    They can be a pretty good team if they want to.

    While Daddy rushes to meet our visitor, Uncle Alex scoops me from my seat and carries me into the living-room. “You look nervous,” he remarks. “Don't!”

    “I don't have your sabbac face.”

    He gives me the strangest look ever. “Then I will teach you how and much, much more.”

    His promise makes me more uncomfortable than the fact that Zevulon and his parents are here.

    “It is nice to be so open and heart-warming, but times have changed,” my godfather moves on. “Good girls like you are not safe when they stay their sweet, irresistible selves. The Separatists and the Jedi have destroyed that for good.”

    “You mean I have to lie from now on, Uncle Alex?” I am shocked.

    “Not lying, Cassie, no. Don't get me wrong there.” He is on the nervous side all of a sudden. “But what I need you to learn is how to protect your own interests. Never give all your heart. It ends up in tears and misery.”

    I am not sure if we are talking about befriending a boy or being a citizen of the Galactic Empire.


    Zevulon Veers is not what I had expected him to be. His face is heart-shaped and his smile is honest. But before I can start to like him, he gives me a look that I do not want in the least. It feels worse than the look of that officer cadet from yesterday. There is nothing but pity in his brown eyes.

    His mother, Cornelia Veers, gazes at me the same way. There is nothing wrong with her warm smile, but I cannot stand it.

    The tea time seems endless and I soon lose my appetite.

    Under the pretence that I have a headache, I let Gramps' geriatric droid carry me upstairs to the room that Daddy and I inhabit since our arrival.

    “Oh, Jay?” I ask sweetly before he can leave again.

    “Yes, Mistress Cassandra?”

    I fumble around in the top draw. “Do you know what that is? Daddy dropped it.”

    He takes the cylinder between his metal fingers and gazes at it with his yellow eye lenses. “You better be careful with that, Mistress Cassandra.”

    I laugh nervously. “Is it a bomb?”

    “Master Orson might be a complete idiot at times, but he certainly would not bring any dangerous military objects into this house. Certainly not explosives.”

    My grandfather seems to have programmed his personal aid to have a huge amount of dry humour.

    “If this is not a bomb, Jay, what is it?”

    “A subspace transceiver. It can be used for instantaneous, faster-than-light communications between nearby systems. Wealthy individuals have those. Not only governments.” A pause. “Expect a raise in your pocket money, Mistress Cassandra.”

    Now I am on safer ground again. “I can give it back to Daddy,” I suggest.

    He hesitates. “Then demand a raise straight away, Mistress Cassandra. For being such an attentive girl.”

    In slow motion the blue droid gives the subspace transceiver back to me. Something else seems to be in his electronic mind.

    “I would like to thank you for being such a healthy influence for Master Orson. He was a troubled kid. Master Agrippa told me all about it. And he grew up to be a difficult man doing dark things. But you have him under control like a restraining bolt.”

    I giggle.

    “Without you the kitchen would look like a Clone Wars battlefield.”

    The former surgical droid closes the curtains.

    “Now find some rest, Mistress Cassandra. Perhaps you can be back for the barbecue in the evening.”

    The door is closed discreetly.


    “How could you know that I am basically next door to you?” I ask into the semi-dark of my chamber as if Lord Vader was present in person. “Who told you that I am on Chandrila?”

    I remember our last meeting at the Coruscant Intergalactic Art Gallery. The one that Daddy does not know about. Those few, but intense words that we had exchanged in the Tatooine chamber.

    “Oh, Daddy!” I can barely swallow the lump in my throat. “How am I ever gonna explain this to you?”

    There is something complex going on between my prince and me. Something I cannot put into words. The only thing that I know is that I want to keep it for myself. It is almost a question of honour for me.

    I place a hand above my fast pounding heart.

    Daddy claims that Uncle Alex should have gotten the 'Star of Courage' for what happened on Lasan. The SC used to be a special bravery decoration here on Chandrila, awarded for acts of conspicuous courage in circumstances of great peril.

    Of course my godfather does not like to hear praise. Especially not about the battle he was an essential part of. “A soldier has to do his duty,” he gives back all the time the battle against the Lasat race comes up.

    My duties are so much more complicated these days.

    With trembling fingers I activate the subspace transceiver. “Hello?” I say, not really certain that I am doing the right thing.

    In an instant, his breathing fills the room. “Just a moment.”

    There is the sound of his flame sword and I hear some screaming. It sounds too human.

    “Am I calling at a bad moment, my prince?”

    “Merely. I am just about to finish my daily training. There is nothing to worry about.”

    More screaming.

    “Your training droids make funny noises though,” I wonder, gnawing on my underlip.

    “Then I will shut them down with haste, Cassandra,” he promises.

    The background noises only get worse, before they finally stop altogether.


    I can hear that the flame sword gets deactivated.

    “Ready when you are,” I suggest.

    I can hear his boots marching away from something. Perhaps it's his training room.

    “What is the matter?” Lord Vader asks back after several heartbeats.

    “I… oh… I don't know.”

    He patiently waits on the other side.

    “Don't you hate it when people regard you just as a useless cripple?” I say in one rush.

    “Nobody ever gave a thought to that. Just you.”

    “Hum.” I stare at the patterns of the flowery quilt that I am sitting on. “But am I bothering you with my views?”

    “Again. You are the first one to wonder.”

    I have to smile. “Does it bother you?”

    “We are talking right now.”

    He is very cryptical, I grant him that. “I love talking to you.”

    No answer, but I imagine him smiling underneath his helmet.

    “Did you have a nice day until now?” I add.

    “I did what needed to be done in the name of the Empire.”

    Perhaps he did not get my question. “What I mean is, did you have fun?”

    “It is an honour to serve my master.”

    I change the position of my pillows a bit. “If that is your idea of fun.”

    “Why are you upset?” he inquires.

    I close my eyes.

    “Cassandra, tell me!” my prince invites me.

    “Daddy arranged a play-date for me. Right here on Chandrila. I never played with a boy before. I mean, I play with Daddy and Uncle Alex all the time, but that is different.”

    Even though his voice is filtered beyond recognition, I can sense the curiosity behind it. “That boy, what's his name? Not Jori Lekauf, I hope.”

    I feel compelled to say, “Certainly not. Daddy and Uncle Alex are clueless. I did not mean to bring that little guy into trouble.”

    “How thoughtful of you. His grandfather is one of my few allies.”

    There is silence for some heartbeats and I make up my mind to ask about the incident with the man's face. In the line of duty, this I know from my godfather, very bad things can happen. “Zevulon. Zevulon Veers,” I say instead. “He is my play-date.”

    The answer comes immediately. “I know his father. An able man and a great asset to the Empire. Our Empire.”

    He makes it sound as if I am part of a greater good.

    “Cassandra, did that boy hurt you in any way?”

    I think about the cadet officer who ranted in the shop. “Like you I cannot stand pity.”

    His breath goes like cold wind.

    “Are you still there?” I ask after a while.

    “Do you have the impression that I went off-line?” There is faint humour in his words.

    “But you did not say anything.”

    “Must I say the obvious, Cassandra? You are more than a pair of weak legs and nightmares. Go out there and fight your battles!” A shift in his mood knocks the air out of me. “Do not make me fight for you! It will make you stronger.”

    Tears swim in my eyes, because deep down I know he is right. “Can we talk again?”

    “Not for a while.”

    I reach out for the pillow and hug it. Now I made him angry, because I am so pathetic and unworthy of him.

    “There are some pressing tasks. Once I fulfilled them to my master's satisfaction, I will be the one contacting you. And I will know when.”

    Happiness floods me. “Take good care of yourself!”

    “Nobody else will,” he answers laconically.

    “Over and out?” I suggest.

    There is a sound that comes close to silent laughter. “Show that Veers boy who you truly are! That will be all it takes to win him over.”

    Before I have the chance to say something endearing Lord Vader has left our conversation. At least I do not feel bereft.

    There is a knock on the door.


    (To be continued!)
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2019
    Kahara and DarthUncle like this.
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    The Veers family is nicer than Cassie fears and a nice confiding chat with Vader. [face_shhh]
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2018
    Kahara and AzureAngel2 like this.
  3. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
  4. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Veers. And Veers and Vader that will be something
  5. DarthUncle

    DarthUncle Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 20, 2005
    Kids can sometimes show that dangerous guileless innocence, or maybe, their ability to not recognize when saying truth is 'not done' :)

    And great how Vader tells her what someone should have told him some during his youth "I can not fight your battles, even if I will support you as you fight them". I would, will.
  6. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Yeah, yeah, I know I lurk a lot. But I do thoroughly enjoy your storytelling.

    And I begin to wonder if perhaps it may be that our dear Cassie's gentle influence on Vader is what makes his eventual redemption in ROTJ possible. One thing is sure. She sees beyond the mask to the man within. And she cares.
  7. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    Well, before I am off to bed, I will give @earlybird-obi-wan more Veers family, @Cowgirl Jedi 1701 more text and perhaps Vader elsewhere :)D;)O:)) & @DarthUncle a reason to shut off his computer, too.

    Well, @Kahara and @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha here we go:

    (Still Chapter 10)


    My smile drops when I recognize my visitor as no other than Zevulon Veers. “Oh it's you!”

    He seems genuinely hurt. “I can leave again.”

    I push up in my pillows. “No, see I was expecting my dad,” I say quickly. “But I am cool with you.”

    “Are you?” He gives me a lop-sided smile. “How can I be sure?”

    I pat on my mattress, keeping the order of my prince in mind. “Come here!”

    Torn between triumph and uncertainty Zevulon makes his way towards the bed. He sits down at the very edge.

    “Stop doing that!” I chide him.

    “What?” he barks back. “You just told me to sit and now I am to get up again?”

    “No.” The Veers boy is vexing me. Definitely! “Please stop treating me like an orchid!”

    “Orchids are way prettier than you!” His cheeks are heated.

    “Thanks for the flowers!” I bite back.

    “Argh!” He stares ahead of him. “I told my mom that girls are difficult and she did not want to believe me.”

    “And I told my dad that I do not like to play with boys. He did not listen either.”

    Exhausted, we look at each other
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2019
    DarthUncle and Kahara like this.
  8. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    With true and unfailing Cassie style, she has made a new and true friend! :) Zevulon isn't as bad a guy as she might have feared he was. :p
    AzureAngel2, Kahara and DarthUncle like this.
  9. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
  10. Kahara

    Kahara Fanfic Festival Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 3, 2001
    Glad to see that Cassie and Zev were able to get over their first impressions of each other. :) She could definitely use more friends her age -- they can't all be intimidating folks like Vader, though she's certainly got the strength of personality to deal with the dramatic cape-wearers of the galaxy. ;) Cassie is always so worried about keeping up with expectations, but at least she's found a friend who seems to understand that and sees her adventurous nature as a good thing. Quite the opposite of what she'd been afraid of!
  11. DarthUncle

    DarthUncle Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 20, 2005
    Well, that's a very believable way they learn to appreciate each other, bonding over how their likes and preferences are different, but ultimately it is about having a friend and caring parents that make you feel valued and understood. As long as they also teach good morals, ethics, and empathy, I guess, but that might be harder when part of the Empire :)

    Oh, I also smiled plenty during their conversation, as I said, I could easily see two kids bond that way in real life.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
    Kahara and AzureAngel2 like this.
  12. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @earlybird-obi-wan, @Kahara & @DarthUncle, I am thrilled that you all like Zevulon Veers, called simply Zev by all that know him better.

    Giving Cassie a male friend around her age, not an older Imperial guy like Uncle Alex (Agent Alexsandr Kallus), her prince (Darth Vader) or Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Thrawn) was very essential to me.

    Unlike Nagina, who had a very sad and traumatic childhood due to her Palpatine grandfather AND her Uncle Sheev, Cassie just knows warmth, love and acceptance from her dad and those who are close to him in the line of duty. Therefore the Empire is a wonderful system with a kind and wise ruler on top of it.

    The Clone Wars, as described by her (adoptive) father (Director Orson Krennic), seem to have been a time of chaos and sorrow for the entire galaxy. So she grows up with the belief that she lives in a golden age.

    At one time in her life her believes will be crushed and her heart along with it, too. But not yet.

    If there are readers around who know more about the EU, now faded into legends, they will know the path that Zev, the oldest child of Maximilian Veers, will choose sooner or later.

    But here my update first:

    "And death shall have no dominion", Chapter 11:

    After a while, Zevulon dips his head. “Listen, my mom was not happy with my reaction. So she told me a bit about you.”

    “And that was the mistake,” I argue, less annoyed than before. “Because what my mom did do to me or possible didn't does not matter any more. It is the past. Let the past die, okay?”

    His mouth twitches, whether in a smile or in a sneer I cannot tell. “Glad we talked about that.”

    I stick my tongue out to him, because I cannot think of anything clever to say.

    “Will you be like that for the rest of the day?” he demands to know, giving me an incredulous look.

    “It depends on you, really.”

    He gives me a wolfish grin, revealing small, sharp teeth. His eyes look tawny in the twilight. “How bad is your condition then? Will you melt when sunlight hits you?”

    “Open the curtains and you will see.”

    He jumps up and hurries to the window opposite the bed. But then he pauses. “Are you sure that I will not hurt you by doing this?”

    Perhaps Zevulon is not such a bad guy after all.

    “Hour after hour in the sun light without SPF 50 are not a good idea,” I smile. “This is why Daddy gave me a thorough rubbing in session at the beach yesterday.”

    The Veers boy nods to himself. “And what about your legs?”

    “I can walk small distances,” I announce proudly.

    “Show me!” he prompts.

    As dignified as I can, I make it to the door.

    “Not bad!” He looks genuinely amazed. “But there is room for improvement, rainbow.”

    That particular army term coming from his lips sounds endearing and causes a warm glow deep down in my belly.

    We look at each other and laugh. Which feels good. Actually, he may not be such a dreadful person after all.

    But I need to make sure. “Do you really feed insects to a plant?”

    “Erm, yeah?

    My heart is about to burst into a thousand little splinters.

    He looks smug. “Some plants cannot survive without a decent diet of nutrients. They need more than just water.”

    That does sound very practical and thoughtful of him.

    “See, I also have all sorts of plants at home. Glower algae. Dromund Kaas lichen. Naboo swamp moss. Magenta onions. They all have their special needs.”


    With all the patience in the universe Zevulon helps me to walk downstairs, continuously talking about his plant collection back on Coruscant. He is not exactly into the plants that I prefer, the pretty and flowery ones, but that is okay. For he cares for the things that he grows and nurses.

    Now and again we pause on the stairs. My muscles, especially those in my legs, already hurt badly, but I do not want to give him the impression that I am a useless playmate.

    “Look who is there!” announces Maximilian Veers and toasts towards us with his mug. “Well, children we were about to go into the garden.”

    I feel like collapsing on the living-room floor.

    “I'll cover that,” Daddy says and gets up.

    “Don't you think that you spoil her, Orson? She made it until here. I bet she can walk outside.”

    Before his mood can shift, I pipe up. “Zev and I will manage, Daddy. Won't we, Zev?”

    My new friend nods. “She is a tough little rainbow, sir.”

    There it is again, that word that sounds so different from his lips.

    Daddy sits down again. “Then go ahead. We will follow in a bit.” He blushes. “Just don't forget to wear your sun hat, Cassie. And put on some sun lotion. Just in case, ya' know.”

    Cornelia Veers is all smiley all of a sudden, but does not say a word.

    Like a true gentleman Zevulon offers me his arm. Only I hear him say. “You are lucky to have such a nice dad. Mine is more stiff and military.”

    “Oh, you have no idea,” I whisper back.

    He is all ears. “But he seems so caring.”

    We are out of hearing range.

    “You should have seen him in that shop,” I confide to my friend. “After that officer cadet mistook us for local farmers, he summoned his Death Troopers with a little click on his comlink.”

    He smirks. “Your dad has real Death Trooper under his command?”

    “Comes with his office job for the Advanced Weapon Research unit, I suppose.” I shrug. “He is mainly an engineer and architect there.”

    “At least your dad is building things for our Empire.” Zevulon looks sad. “All that mine ever does is destroying everything in his path.”

    “That bad?” I inquire.

    “You have no idea, rainbow.”


    While Daddy dusts off the barbie and thongs, Cornelia Veers and Jay help placing the table mats, the dishes, the glasses and the cutlery. Uncle Alex gives them a hand. Just Maximilian Veers stands around as if watching an attack on its way.

    “Why the ice?” the special forces man asks curiously and stares at the metal bucket that his son was asked to bring from the kitchen.

    “You can never have too much ice,” explains Daddy, already wearing a BBQ apron. It has a large R2-series astromech droid on it. “You want to keep the meat and especially seafood cool while it’s waiting to go on the grill. Besides barbecuing is thirsty work.”

    “I see.”

    Zevulon reappears with a six pack of Corellian ale.

    “Don't forget the rosé for your mom!” Daddy advises him.

    “Sure thing, sir!” My friend salutes at him, then winks quickly at me and bounds off again.

    Condemned to do nothing apart from enjoying myself, I sit in the garden swing right next to Gramps. After a while I take his hand and put it into my lap. He gives me a grateful smile.

    “I like steak the best,” I tell the old man. “First I had trouble chewing it, but I got better with that.”

    He keeps smiling.

    “Daddy wanted me to enjoy the real taste of life instead of baby food until the end of days.”

    “Mind you, I have raised a little rancor lady!” Daddy calls towards us, his hearing range as astonishing as ever.

    I make a face. “I still don't like most vegetables, but he wants my diet to be balanced. He is very strict about it.”

    “Because you cannot live on raw meat only, Cassie,” Daddy shoots back. “Omnivores have a larger life expectancy than carnivores. You can ask any random rancor about that who runs out of prey.”


    While Maximilian Veers is sent on a mission to secure some tomatoes and lettuce from the kitchen garden, without trampling down everything, his wife approaches Daddy. She looks a bit too purposeful while she comes to stand still next to the barbie. I still don't know what to make of her.

    There are not many females in my life. The ones that I have contact with are either in health care or employed by the Child Protective Services. Even though all of them are nothing but kind towards me, I am their client, not just a kid.

    I try not to stare at Zevulon's mother in a too obvious way. She is a slim blond and way smaller in height than her husband. For the occasion she is dressed in a light blue tunic and white shorts. She wears flats, nothing too stylish. Apart from her wedding ring there is no jewellery. I can also not spot make-up, which means she has none or she adjusted it very discretely. Her dress code doesn't give away that she is a military wife or a Coruscanti from the upper levels. She looks more like a local that has come over for the occasion.

    For a while she remains shoulder to shoulder with Daddy, pretending that she is looking at the grillage and the sizzling sausages. Then she says, “I've come to understand that you were born on Lexrul, director.”

    “That's right, mam.” He keeps his gaze intently on the sausages, the barbie tongs firm in his left hand. “But I was raised here on Chandrila.”

    She smiles, even though he keeps concentrating on his task as tonight's pit-master. “It must have been a wonderful childhood around here.”

    Daddy opens his mouth to speak his mind about that, but I pretend to sneeze. His eyes scan me. Then he answers diplomatically, “I suppose.” There is a shrug. “As a child you tend to see the universe differently.”

    “So much greenery and sunlight.” There is sadness on her face. “Denon is very much like Coruscant.”

    “So I've heard,” Daddy cuts in, only looking at her now. “Another ecumenopolis, densely populated.”

    “If your duties would not bind you to Coruscant's surface all the time, Cassandra could flourish very much here. I am sure of it.”

    “That may be so, but I want her to grow-up as a clever city girl and not some clueless hayseed. She should have some style and class.”

    Gramps snorts softly.

    “But she already has that style and class, director.” Cornelia Veers looks towards me, her gaze ever so warm. “You can be very proud of your achievements in her upbringing.”

    Daddy laughs. “Children tend to grow-up all by themselves. Whether we want it or not. Before I know she is out of the house and married with children. If we are lucky if we have a say in which star ship they buy and with whose money.”


    Much, much later, when the dirty dishes are cleaned off by Jay and the soft light of solar lanterns lightens up the table, Daddy gets one of his instruments out of our room. Uncle Alex and I saw that coming, and perhaps Gramps, too, but everybody else is surprised.

    “I did not know that you were artistically inclined,” wonders Cornelia Veers.

    “Normally, I keep it at a very private level.”

    Daddy winks at me and keeps ignoring at his best friend, who grins at him non-stop.

    The Veers family have no clue what a treat they are going to get.

    When Daddy starts to move his slender fingers over the strings of the ukulele, I recognize the melody in an instant. It is one of my favourite lullabies.

    “Rainbows are a common sight in these parts of the planet. A long time ago one of the local farmers made a song about one. It has become sort of an anthem. For the Westcountry anyway.”

    I can't help but cheer.

    “If this isn't one of my favourite groupies out there in the crowd.” Daddy chuckles. “You've earned yourself a VIP backstage pass, girl.”

    When Daddy was in the bathroom this morning, my godfather had told me one of the reasons why the Krennic men have such a complicated relationship.

    I have to grin inwardly.

    It appears that a certain Krennic junior had left the Republic Futures Program to follow a musical career instead. The already troublesome youth mixed with a bad crowd that grew with each new success. My mother had been one of them, at least for a while.

    I give my Gramps a side look, hoping he can finally realize that his one and only son took the second chance that he was given. Not only did he return to the Futures Program, but he also enlisted with the military. It had saved him in so many ways. And then, one fine day, when the opportunity had arisen, he had filed for my adoption.

    “I am so proud of you, Daddy!” I whisper.

    He keeps the audience dazzled with his skill as a musician before he shows them what he really is capable of.

    “Ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Way up high
    And the dreams that you dream of
    Once in a lullaby

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Bluebirds fly
    And the dreams that you dream of
    Dreams really do come true

    Someday, I wish upon a star
    Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
    Where trouble melts like lemon drops
    High above the chimney top
    That's where you'll find me

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Bluebirds fly
    And the dreams that you dare to
    Oh why, oh why can't I?

    Well, I see trees of green and red roses too
    I'll watch them bloom for me and you
    And I think to myself
    What a wonderful world

    Well, I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white
    And the brightness of day
    I like the dark
    And I think to myself what a wonderful world

    The colours of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
    And also on the faces of people passing by
    I see friends shaking hands saying
    How do you do?
    They're really saying I, I love you

    I hear babies cry and I watch them grow
    They'll learn much more then we'll know
    And I think to myself what a wonderful world

    Someday I wish upon a star
    Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
    Where trouble melts like lemon drops
    High above the chimney top
    That's where you'll find me

    Oh, somewhere over the rainbow
    Way up high
    And the dreams that you dare to
    Why oh, why can't I?

    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh”

    There are of course tears in Cornelia Veers eyes. In her husband's face I can read new-won appreciation for Daddy. As for Zevulon, he sits on his chair with his right knee pressed against his chest, gaping in awe.

    I feel nothing but pride for Daddy. To me he will always be a magician in many ways. Instruments, architecture, crossword puzzles, art cuisine, languages – there is nothing he is not good at. Well, perhaps his temper, but around me he manages nicely. Nobody can be perfect.

    With a smile I take Gramps's hand, who sits just opposite me at the table. “Did you also like it?” I ask, even though I know he cannot answer verbally.

    “I found it very pathetic,” an unknown voice says with contempt.

    Daddy surges to his feet, almost dropping the precious ukulele. “You!”


    The stranger is a tall human with blond hair, cut in military style. When he comes closer to the table, I notice a pair of hard blue eyes. “My mom had wondered if your father was doing okay,” he remarks, sounding nothing but crisp. “So she sent me over. And what do I spot from the hill? Fairy lights all over this property.”

    I start looking around for fairies, but I can spot none. This upsets me. Perhaps he caused them to flee.

    “Since there usually is only old Jay hanging around here, it made me suspicious,” the man moves on, his voice still as sharp as a kitchen knife. “And now I find you hosting guests as it seems.”

    “Very well, Drav.” Daddy runs a hand through his greying hair, which means he is nervous about that person. “You were always one of my greatest critics. Worse than Tarkin really. So I took the liberty not to invite you over for our little soiree.”

    “Little soiree,” the other man repeats. “This is what you call a barbie this size.”

    The mood of Daddy shifts. I can hear ice in his voice. “Please thank your dear mother for her concerns and ensure her that we will take good care of my old man while we are guests under his roof. Good evening!”

    But the tall intruder remains frozen to the spot. He looks around, marks every face at the table. When it is my turn, he turns so pale that I can see it even under the given light conditions. “Tell me that this is not true!”

    Now Uncle Alex rises, his cheekbones working. Otherwise he has his usual sabbac face on. “I do not care whether you are the neighbour's son or not right now, Drav, but when you have any issues with our family then let us discuss them at a more appropriate time.”

    “Remind me, Alex, since when are you part of the Krennic family?”

    My godfather opens his palms wide. “It's a temporary arrangement.” His smile is on the grim side. “We will see you tomorrow. Then we will visit your mother to thank her for the cake and the flowers. Perhaps we can discuss the well-being of Master Agrippa then. Wouldn't you agree?”

    “I don't believe it,” the man mutters while strutting away.

    Soon the night has swallowed him.

    “Wasn't that your colleague Draven?” wonders Maximilian Veers.

    “Yeah, I'm afraid it was.” Uncle Alex shakes his head in dismay. “Orson and him had the typical neighbour boy rivalries. I think he never got over it.”

    “Draven is known to be into the hard things: sabotage, theft and assassinations,” muses Zevulon's father.

    “Darling,” his wife Cornelia warns. “There are children present. Please tell each other such stories during tomorrow evening.”

    “I am sorry, honey pie.” This is the first time that I see Maximilian Veers blush. It makes his face much softer. “This is indeed a story for a sabbac evening with the boys.”

    “Can I play sabacc, too, dad?” Zevulon cuts in hopefully.

    His father pats him on the head. “Ask me this in ten years time, son.”

    My friend looks grumpy. “But sabacc can have between two and eight players.”

    “We can play something nice,” I give to consider.

    “Yeah and what?” Zevulon barks.

    I am too hurt to answer.

    “Cassie is very good at strategy games,” promises Daddy. “Space War, Dots And Boxes, 4-wins, City-Planet-Star System – you name it, boy.”

    “I know something better.” Uncle Alex stands behind me all of a sudden, holding my shoulders. His grip is calming and gratifying alike. “Something that is so much fun that I feel almost tempted to stay behind with you, kids.”

    “Oh yeah?” Zevulon gives his best to sound disinterested.

    “I am going to build up my emergency tent right in the middle of the apple orchard.”

    “Cassie never slept outside,” Daddy protests straight away.

    “Tough cookie that she is, she might even survive that experience.”

    “Out of the question, Alex! We are not putting her in a tent in the middle of nowhere.”

    “If you feel any better, I can build up the rest of my equipment, too. Photoelectric sensors, smoke traps.”

    “Cool!” Zevulon says so eagerly, that my bad mood almost vanishes. Almost. A certain reserve stays and it strains.

    “Director Krennic,” says Cornelia Veers.

    “Please call me Orson.”

    She gives Daddy a shy smile. “I understand that you are concerned about Cassandra's safety, but can't you see the unique chance for her? To spend a night under a natural night sky. No flight traffic, no pollution.”

    I put on my most endearing face. “Please, Daddy?”
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2019
    Kahara and DarthUncle like this.
  13. DarthUncle

    DarthUncle Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 20, 2005
    Lots to unpack in there, great update once again; and let me be a bit quicker about commenting this time :D

    Such a Jane Austenite sentiment ;)

    Well said, I know true carnivores can only eat fibrous stuff to help them get rid of muck (no cat, please not inside on the carpet, seesh!), but us omnivores need a bit more, and actually if anything, a relatively protein rich diet is seemingly preferable (in general, individual conditions and situation may vary), but that should mainly be non-animal protein for best results, according to the latest I've read. And I do have to admit that this autobiographic bit can apparently be trained to improvement, even later in life @AzureAngel2 :*

    See, that shows me he's a good father, it is not all about his effort and his child and how it reflects on him, even if his ideas of what's good are influenced by his own experiences, he is able and willing to look at whether they match what his girl needs.

    Aww. Yeah, he might be an ambitious sleeze and a killer in his professional life (as we see in Rogue One and the Catalyst book leading up to it), but that doesn't mean he can't have a loving side either. Goes for most humans, and explains how the empire could function at all, in my opinion: despite the toxic atmosphere that drips from the top down.

    That last sentence: I had to LOL, bc. it reminded me of Father Ted. Was that intended? Maybe the guy isn't as much a stuck up a*hole as the rest makes him seem! I seem to recall he was always a bit of that, and a bully, even when we saw him from his adopted sister Nagina's view, who quite loved him, or in Rogue One. Hm, talking about Nagina, wonder if something stuck in his mind :)

    But: very smooth there Alex, very smooth; much better than what emotional Krennic managed.

    Indeed. Cleverly leaving out exactly who's not over it :)

    Aww, how very realistic a reaction again from Zev, and sweet to see them have such a tender moment, in a marriage that so far we haven't seen much of that. Also: again, just because they are on the wrong side of the Star Wars story, doesn't mean they are pure evil. And that doesn't make their role anything less bad, or chilling, but rather more, because we could almost relate to much of it, but hope we would make different choices (right Zev, Legend?).
  14. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Wonderful banter and sweet with the older Veers. Zevulon's reaction is LOL He and Cassie continue to bond. Yup, we do see a realistic disconnection between those who are strictly Imperial in their day jobs, but after hours, are just a normal, sweet close family. [face_thinking]
    Kahara , DarthUncle and AzureAngel2 like this.
  15. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    love the way you tell about Zev and Cassie and the Veers family
    Kahara and AzureAngel2 like this.
  16. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Krennic is a pretty good dad and maybe even an okay human being. *Sternly reminds myself that he is still one of the bad guys, so I shouldn't like him too much.*
    AzureAngel2 and Kahara like this.
  17. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_rofl] I know that's right! It's a reflection of the author's talent that we actually do! [face_shhh] [face_mischief]
    AzureAngel2 and Kahara like this.
  18. Kahara

    Kahara Fanfic Festival Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 3, 2001
    LOL, I still think he's a terrible human being! :p But I do understand why
    Cassie loves him so much. Put simply, because he loves her. And that shows a whole lot of writing skill! :)
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2018
  19. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    @ DarthUncle: I am grateful that you accuse me of making a Jane Austenite sentiment in my last update. Watching an old BBC version of "Mansfield Park" recently really helped.

    And thanks for making it known that I am a carnivore. I hope that people are not afraid to visit us now. Oh wait, we had two visitors last night. A former Kindergarten kid of mine & his dad. They brought ice cream from a local company and we had self-made Japanese food for them (= miso soup and various kind of maki sushi). The games the four of us played at the table (= the card play "Saboteur, the expansion", the dice game "Pako pako" & "Star Wars Bounty hunter dice game") might have helped to camouflage me, the rancor lady. Muhahaha!

    What you said about Orson as a loving father is very, very sweet. But you are totally right that it does not change a thing about him being a villain when it comes to enemies of the Galactic Empire.

    Dang, you always trace my ideas back. Now you even found out about "The Father Ted" link. About Dravits Draven and his foster sister Nagina that is a more complicated issue. This is why he has such a resentment against her clone copy Cassandra. For him AND Boba Fett she is not the real thing. Just a fake and, for Drav only, even worse: a freak.

    About Agent Kallus aka Uncle Alex, he is indeed a smooth operator. But as we know from the SW "Rebels" series, he can be fierce, too. Around hot-tempered Director Orson Krennic aka Daddy, he always looks better and more reasonable.

    As for being on the wrong side of the Star Wars story, don´t tell that to a person who is loyal to the Empire and its Emperor. Remember "Old Ben´s" certain point of view.

    The Zev decision is spoilered in THIS fic here!

    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha: In the end they are servants of the government, members of the military forces in one way or the other. Not everybody makes a moral decision like Alex, Zev, Crix or Drav to leave for the Rebellion.

    @earlybird-obi-wan: Then there will be more about the Veers bunch coming up.

    @Cowgirl Jedi 1701: I am mean, I know. But I always fall for the bad guys, but wait, I married DarthUncle almost 10 years ago and we are together since 13 years. Hum...

    @Kahara: Thanks for the praise of my writing skills. Same to Ny!

    Here we go, because I need to help my husband with getting his hair washed:

    "And death shall have no dominion", Chapter 12:

    To see Daddy unravelling inch by inch is rewarding. “Well, then we will play sabacc in the barn instead of the living-room and camp in there, too.” He grants Cornelia a hopeful glance. “Would you mind taking over the guest room for tomorrow night instead of returning to your hotel room in Hanna City?”

    “Mom?” begs Zevulon.

    “It depends on your dad, really.”

    “Well, see it as a practice for the Empire's Sub-Adult Group, son.”

    While my friend looks genuinely startled, his mother sighs and reaches out for her husband's chin. “Not now, Max.”

    “You keep delaying it. Out of a sudden our boy is nineteen and too old to join.”

    “Come here for a sec!” she pleads.

    “No kissing and touching in front of everybody.”

    “You are not on duty and neither are our hosts,” she says with a grin.

    Their faces come closer inch for inch. Then their lips touch and I can see two grown-ups kiss right in front of me for the first time ever.

    “Yuck!” complains Zevulon, but his eyes tell me a different story. Actually he is very happy that his parents have such a tender relationship.

    Being the daughter of a high-ranking Imperial officer I know that the Empire can be pretty harsh and scary. The event in town today proved that. But underneath the stern surface there is room for love, trust and family.


    Later, I am still busy waving the Veers family good-bye from my bedroom window, I can hear how Daddy hisses from outside our bedroom, “Why did you hide my blaster, Alex?”

    “What gives you the impression I would do such a thing?” my godfather jeers.

    “It's not where it is supposed to be.”

    “Perhaps you misplaced it, Orson.”

    “Stop looking smug, Alex! You took it and I freckin' want to know why.”

    “Isn't that obvious? This way problems are not solved.”

    “Do you fear I'll walk right over to the Anils and shoot Ducky Drav in his freckin' head?”

    I frown at the name. That grumpy man from earlier on is called Ducky? No wonder he is upset and hostile all the time. I concentrate on listening again.

    “You are always full of unusual solutions,” answers my godfather back in a much more moderate way. “The Geonosians. Malpaz. The Ersos.”

    “Really, Alex? You throw all of this in my face? Even after the jig that Drav danced in front of freckin' everybody.”

    “Calm down and get Cassie ready for the night!”

    “And what will you do?”

    “Putting up motion detectors with Jay's help.”

    “Ha, you are nervous, too.”

    “Simply cautious, Orson. For that family always comes in great numbers.”

    “You mean he will bring his siblings into this?”

    “Madine might show up. Teller is missing since the Carrion Pike got stolen. Chasdy is still in prison. Oh yeah and the little red-head might sneak around any time soon.”

    “Who are you talking about?”

    “Maddy, Mandy. No, May. Or was it Mary?”

    “Ah, the weird one with the jade eyes.”

    “If that is the girl who can make objects disappear and knows too much all the time.”

    “Right, this is Mara.”

    They move away from the bed room and I am not able to hear them any more, but what I have overheard makes it perfectly clear to me.

    The Anil clan is a bunch of criminals and lunatics. The mother seems to be the only exception. I wonder if there is a father.

    “How many kids do those people have?” I let out, somewhat exhausted.

    In my mind, I see them sneaking around the house with laser blasters in their hands. Keen to murder Daddy.

    Uncle Alex claims that there is so much evil in this galaxy. I never thought it would be able to find us on Chandrila.

    This is such a peaceful world, full of water and endless meadows.

    Evil is supposed to come from dull and hostile places such as Eriadu or Tatooine. Why Tatooine is not clear to me yet. Recently, Daddy muttered something about Hutt territory. And when I checked that name up in my educational data banks, it showed huge toad. Mind you, a cute toad!


    (To be continued!)

    Last edited: Mar 24, 2019
    Kahara and DarthUncle like this.
  20. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Bantering snark and Cassie reflecting on evil being confined to dull and arid places. [face_thinking] A Hutt being a "cute toad" [face_laugh] [face_mischief]
    Kahara and AzureAngel2 like this.
  21. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    A Ducky and a cute toad[face_laugh];)
  22. DarthUncle

    DarthUncle Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 20, 2005
    That was hilarious, I have to say, great snark being bandied about, and Cassie somewhat caught off-guard in understanding it adding an extra layer. Also, having met the Anils as good guys from Nagina's view, it is fun to see them characterised thusly.
  23. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha: Well, that is Cassie for you! Always focusing on the positive! Not like her Vader cousin. ;)

    @earlybird-obi-wan: To be honest, when I first heard the name Dravits Draven I had to think about Duffy Duck. [face_clown]

    @DarthUncle: We aim to surprise you, husband dear. [:D]
  24. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    As said elsewhere, a busy weekend is coming up and I am doing an update right now, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @Kahara, @earlybird-obi-wan & @DarthUncle.

    (To be continued!)


    I wait until Daddy has dressed me for the night and scoops me into our bed. “Why was that man so angry, Daddy?” I inquire.

    “You have paid attention to Uncle Alex' explanations, Cassie dear, haven't you?” There is a faint glow of panic in his eyes. “Dravits Draven...”

    “That is a silly name,” I burst out with laughter.

    “But it is his name.” Daddy gives me a wry smile. “See, he even kept it after getting adopted.”

    “Adopted like all the others?”

    He blinks. “Which others?”

    Just to be on the safe side, I name them all. “Madine, Teller, Chasdy, Mara.”

    “But you were over there.” He has paled considerably. “Right there by the window.”

    “Then you need to whisper much, much softer in future,” I suggest.

    Daddy looks so helpless and beaten that I just want to put my arms around him and hold him tight the entire night.

    “Did all these people beat you up when you were a child?” I ask. “And Mistress Anil never did anything to stop her kids? What kind of woman is she?”

    His left hand is cramped around a bed post. “Actually very kind.”

    “Are you sure?”

    He nods. “She was kind to me. Most of the time any way.”

    “But her kids were not.”

    “There were nasty ones among them.”

    “I can sleep with both eyes open, if that helps, Daddy?”

    My suggestion makes his mouth tremble.

    “Are you not well, Daddy?”

    He breaks down right in front of me, sobbing and shivering.

    “Oh, Daddy!”

    It costs me all my strength to crawl towards him, but I manage. Once he is in my reach, I press my face against his belly.

    His fit intensifies.

    “I am here with you, Daddy. Nobody can harm you. Not on my watch!”

    The door bursts open.

    “What the freck!” admonishes Uncle Alex. “Get a grip, man!”

    “I can't!” sniffs Daddy. “They are coming for me. All of them. To get me for what I did.”

    “Nonsense. Nobody is coming for you, nerfherder!”

    Flustered, my godfather joins our hug.

    “Besides, Orson, you did nothing wrong,” he adds. “What you did was the only reasonable thing. I am with you.”

    I have no clue what they are talking about, but it makes me happy that they have more in common than usual.

    There are noises outside and we all turn to the door.

    Somebody knocks. It sounds metallic.

    “Yes?” Daddy hicks.

    Jay enters. “Is anything the matter, Master Orson?”


    We had emergency meetings in our kitchen at home before. But this is the first one in Gramp's place.

    Reluctantly, Daddy holds a mug with chocolate in his hand. But that doesn't distress him. “No, for the third time. I don't want Corellian whiskey in it.”

    “Master Orson, trust me!” The geriatric droid tuts, which sounds funny due to his computer animated voice. “I have been a loyal servant in this household since four years. Therefore I know best what works for a Krennic man and what does not.”

    With a gloomy face, Daddy stares at his mug. “I never asked. Who did your programming?”

    “Master Crix and Master Draven.”

    A gurgling sound comes from Daddy's throat.

    I frown, especially at the mentioning of the latter. How can Dravits Draven be keen on hurting Daddy when he is helpful towards Gramps? “Perhaps this is all a big misunderstanding.”

    Everybody looks at me.

    “Perhaps Master Draven is just grumpy with Daddy because he thinks that grandfather and Daddy never made peace with one another!” I voice.

    “Cassie!” begs Daddy, the skin around his eyes still puffed and red from crying.

    “No, Orson. Your daughter is making much more sense than you,” Uncle Alex throws in. “Please go on, sweetie!”

    I am proud that my godfather is willing to hear me out. “Well, they already have history with one another. Right?”

    “Roger that. Permission to go ahead, strategic genius.”

    Sometimes Uncle Alex says hilarious stuff, but his sideburns are cute. That makes up for it. “And if Master Draven believes that Daddy is still a naughty boy then he might have the reason to show up here unannounced and check things out, you know. Like he did tonight.”

    “And your solution is?”

    “Peace talks.”

    Uncle Alex flashes me a smile as bright as a thousand suns. “We will walk over to the Anils first thing in the morning.”

    Hope pulses through me like a beam of light. “Can I come, to?”

    In my head I already see myself giving a big bouquet of pretty flowers to Mistress Anil, because she has such a difficult bunch of children to deal with.

    “No,” my godfather speaks softly. “I need you to watch out for possible intruders. Not that this Teller guy shows up and steals the ST 149.”

    “Cut it, Alex!” complains Daddy. “My daughter has a lively imagination already.”

    He pretends to pout, but only for a few heartbeats. Then he leans over t me. “Well, very trustful ISB sources told me that Teller stole a stealth ship from a Moff. A huge corvette. If you ask me, he isn't dead. He is still around and looks for the next great deal that he can make on the black market.”

    Daddy face-palms.

    “Excuse me, Orson, but Cassie is the best option that we have.”

    “Pardon me?”

    “It's simple really. You will give her your blaster and let her shoot on everybody who tries to enter your ship in our absence.”


    I am awakened at dawn by a fully dressed Uncle Alex. He is in his ISB combat armour with the ugly helmet on. “Your training starts at 5:30 am sharp, rainbow.”

    “Argh!” Daddy shouts into his pillow.

    “You can stay in bed, lazy arse. I just want your precious daughter at the training range. You and your silly white cape would be just in the way.”

    “Mad,” mumbles Daddy. “You must have gone mad.”

    “Oh yeah? You are the one who keeps talking about showing her how to deal with a laser. But you just keep talking about it. If I would not know any better this is exactly why your project fails.”

    Daddy sits straight up in bed, his face crinkled and his eyes blood-shot. “I freckin' hate you.”

    Uncle Alex has the nerve to blow him a kiss. “I fear you love me so much that you cannot live without me any longer.”

    “You assume too much, Agent Kallus!”

    Laughing, my godfather tears away the blanket. “Come, sweetie! Let us leave this morning grouch on his own. The early bird catches the worm.”

    I crinkle my nose. “We will have worms for breakfast?”

    He ruffles my hair while Daddy sinks into the pillows again. “I just noticed that the apple never falls far from the tree.”

    “Get lost, drill sergeant!” barks Daddy. “And do not wake me before 8:00 am sharp.”

    Uncle Alex lifts me into his arms and rubs his nose playfully against mine. “At least you have inherited my irresistible charme.”


    Things stop being playful when my godfather puts down five tins. He places them on a small mound. We are at the far end of the Krennic property. No apple trees grow here. It is just a patch of grassland.

    “Won't it hurt the clods when my laser beam hits them?” I ask full of concern.

    “Who cares about clods?” chuckles Uncle Alex, looking gleeful and boyish.

    “Earthworms might get hurt.”

    He laughs until tears flow.

    I keep looking at him. It sobers him after a while.

    “Push your religious thoughts aside! Just concentrate on the task ahead!” he advices me, his face a smooth surface again. “After we are finished here, you can go on feeling karmic joy of living in the light of the dharma.”

    Actually, I have no clue what he is talking about. Not really. But a small voice inside my head knows that 'dharma' means 'truth' and also stands for Mother Nature herself.

    “Cassandra, dearest,” my godfather says in a clipped army voice. “We are not here to found an organization for insect welfare. You are to learn how to wield a blaster.”

    I push aside all my inner knowledge about the teachings of the Naboo. There will be no act of killing, just the handling of a tool. I will learn about self-defence. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Calmness floods me, making way for clarity.

    Observing the breath, observing the mind.


    There are no favours. No softness at all. This is military training. Uncle Alex is not a fluffy plush to cuddle with. Not while we are out here. With lethal weapons in our hands.

    I remember what he had said only yesterday about learning to pretend. As an ISB agent it seems to be his second skin.

    Perhaps it will come in handy for me to be a pretender, too.

    Basically, the Force would grant me to be a sharp shooter. One of the best really. But I choose not to be. I'd rather be mediocre. If I am ever in the situation to fire at somebody, then I would prefer just to hurt that person. I do not wish to be an executioner.

    After a while, I start to hit the cans, but never at their very centre.

    My godfather tries to hide his pride from me, but it seeps down my consciousness.

    Soon, he reduces the amount of cans, makes the distance for me bigger.

    I am sweaty and my legs hurt, but I am too proud to give in. Too eager to call it a day.


    “How is it going?” Daddy asks, when he appears at lunch time with a picnic basket. He is in his civvies and unshaven as far as I can tell. A blanket is tucked up under his left arm and a huge parasol under the other one.

    “She is doing okay,” Uncle Alex muses, knitting his strawberry coloured brows. “Far better than any learner I ever had under my wings.”

    He still does not seem to realize that I am holding back. This is good news. I wonder though if my dark prince or Mitth'raw'nuruodo can ever be fooled so easily. But then again, my godfather would never suspect me to betray him in any way.

    During lunch Uncle Alex switches back into his private modus, leaving the cool and demanding instructor behind. He spoils me with smiles and jokes again. There is also a lot of praise.

    Deep inside me, I still feel guilty. I should have enjoyed our outdoor activities more. Should have been grateful to have been tuned into a far more valuable citizen of the Empire. To have gotten an upgrade.

    As far as I understand, the Jedi had been the guardians of our galaxy for many generations. They carried flame swords like Lord Vader, fought for those who were not able to defend themselves. But then something corrupted them. In absolute secrecy they created a clone army on the waterworld of Kamino. Then they started influencing a lot of people: businessmen, politicians, scientists and law enforcements. It did not stop there. They orchestrated a war like no other and at its peak they tried to murder Sheev Palpatine.

    This is common knowledge. Yet it is hard for me to believe that an entire religious order had been able to decay from within. There must have been upright individuals. Not keen on murder and deceit.

    With a smile painted on my face, I eat the food offered to me. Daddy has put a lot of effort into it. There are cucumber sandwiches with lemon herb butter, cherry tomato tartlets, Vanilla butterfly cupcakes plus classic scones with jam and whipped cream.

    It is not that I hate the Empire. I am already part of it, but I wish my little family could have more days like this. Out in the wide open under a blue sky, surrounded by whispering grass and pretty flowers.

    No military marches with boots that trample down everything in their path.

    From my point of view there should be more and longer holidays for soldiers and their families.

    There are three festival weeks on Coruscant, and of course, Empire Day. Despite the fact that this particular holiday falls on a single date of the year, celebrations of the event can last for several days or even weeks in certain regions of the galaxy, depending on the local culture.

    On Naboo, for example, the capital plays host to various parades and for days on end.

    “How do people celebrate our beloved Emperor here on Chandrila?”

    Daddy almost suffocates from the bite that he just took out of his juicy sandwich. Fraternally, Uncle Alex comes to the rescue and slaps him on the back. A little bit too enthusiastic.


    “You have turned into a quite softie since we are here, Orson.”

    “Ha, ha!” Daddy swipes his mouth clean with the back of his left hand. “Well, my daughter asked a jolly good question. Care to answer it, Alex?”

    Cluelessness shows in my godfather's face. “I'd rather have another one of those vanilla kisses.”

    I start to ask myself if our Empire is not popular on this planet.

    Strange whistling fills the air.

    “What is this supposed to be, Orson?” wonders my godfather.

    “The Imperial March.”

    “You mean that ill sounding jingle,” Uncle Alex laughs back.

    Daddy gets up and makes a wide gesture with his hands. “Enlist now! The Galactic Empire.”

    “I know a better one,” announces my godfather and also rises from the picnic blanket, trying not to knock over the parasol. “Take to the skies! Enlist today!”

    “Nay, you would not want to tout for the Navy, Alex! C'mon man!”

    “Ups, my mistake. Okay, what about this one? Security in strength, order in obedience!

    “Nice one! What ya think of: We fight, we win. Join the Imperial Forces!

    “A true beauty.”

    They continue for a while, trying to outdo one another.

    I watch them from the blanket, helping myself to a scone with whipped cream.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2019
    Kahara and DarthUncle like this.
  25. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_laugh] Wow, Cassie is the solution to the tensions between families. Not surprised. She wins hearts everywhere. :)
    Kahara , DarthUncle and AzureAngel2 like this.