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Full Series 100+ things we have learned from Resistance

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by Jedi Knight Fett, Jul 20, 2018.

  1. Darth_Accipiter

    Darth_Accipiter Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 2, 2015
    28. Neeku is not an excellent conductor of electricity.
  2. FiveFireRings

    FiveFireRings Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 26, 2017
    29. Contrary to what we may have been led to believe, there was not a post-ROTJ "xenocide" that wiped out the vast majority of all the PT and OT species (or at least relegated them to novels and comics).
  3. Darth Kronos

    Darth Kronos Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 2, 2016
    30. The Colossus is a neutral ship station that caters to anyone and everyone, regardless of their background or political affiliation.
    31. Like Mos Eisley and its cantina, the Colossus can get a little rough.
    32. There are different branches of work within the Colossus. There's racing, which is basically the main source of entertainment there, defending, basic grunt work (repairing ships and their parts is the main one), probably something else that I haven't mentioned, and there are countless different vendors that sell a vast variety of different items.
    33. The Colossus is divided into four quadrants. The marketplaces Kaz and his friends frequently visit is in Quadrant A. It is "just above Yeager's garage, and adjacent to the corner where Aunt Z's is located."
    34. Bolza Grool sells life gorgs.
    35. Gorgs are cute, but they aren't nearly as cute as porgs.
    36. Bolza probably drew this gorg himself.
    37. The Colossus is essentially like a city. It has an extremely diverse set of species each doing their own thing.
    38. The Colossus is located on the ocean-planet Castilon, which (I believe. I don't remember exactly what Poe said. If I'm wrong, please correct me) is somewhere near the far edge of the Outer Rim.
    39. Castilon looks really pretty at night. Ditto for its storms.
    40. A "Triple Dark" is a special type of storm that pirates use for surprise attacks.
    41. A giant squid monster lives beneath the deep waters of Castilon.
    42. Kazuda is a **** mechanic. Even when he does something right, he does it wrong. :p
    43. He can be dumb and a major klutz.
    44. Despite this, he's a good person with his heart in the right place. He may be overzealous and overly hyperactive, but he genuinely wants to help people. He offered to let his New Republic friends escape while he stayed behind to fight Major Vonreg, he saved Jace Rucklin, a complete, selfish ***hole, from his own moronic decisions, and he tried to keep the Tehar kids (Kal and Eila) safe immediately after discovering that the First Order was after them.
    45. Kaz can also think quickly on his feet.
    46. Neeku is extremely naive and always happy.
    47. Neeku often blurts out whatever is on his mind.
    48. Yeager was once a pilot in the Rebellion. He fought during the Battle of Jakku.
    49. He was also close with Poe at one point.
    50. He was even a former racer on the Colossus. He even got a good rep before he quit for unknown reasons.
    51. Though, at one point, he did have a family. We don't know what exactly happened to them, but their fate likely influenced him to leave the Rebellion in favor of a simple life.
    52. He has a brother who is still alive.
    53. He has a no-nonsense attitude, and Kaz gets on his nerves because of that. Though part of him does like Kaz.
    54. Tam is sarcastic. She tends to keep her emotions to herself.
    55. She was once friends with Hype Fazon, but he became an Ace and an egotist, and Tam became a mechanic.
    56. She was once like Kaz.
    57. Torra is the youngest Ace and the daughter of Captain Doza, the leader of the Colossus.
    58. In a way, she also comes from a place of privelege, just like Kaz.
    59. Despite her age, she is an extremely talented pilot.
    60. Captain Doza is working with the First Order, though their relationship isn't friendly.
    61. He also occasionally deals with the criminal underworld, which goes against New Republic regulations.
    62. The First Order is funding pirate attacks against the Colossus to convince Captain Doza that they need the First Order's protection.
    63. The First Order has currently unknown motives for wanting control of the Colossus.
    64. Captain Phasma seems to be the one orchestrating this plan.
    65. Major Vonreg is an elite pilot for the First Order. Like Phasma, he has special armor. It's a sleek red, and it looks cool af.
    66. Commander Pyre is another elite member of the First Order. He has a cool voice, and he also has a nifty piece of special armor, this one a sleek gold.
    67. Tehar is a planet located in the Unknown Regions.
    68. Kylo Ren staged an assault on a Tehar village. He had nearly everyone in that village slaughtered, but two children, Kal and Eila were lucky enough to escape.I
    69. The First Order is trying to keep their war crimes hidden from the New Republic. Eliminate all witnesses.
    70. The Resistance is not looked highly upon by those in high status.
    71. Though they do have their sympathizers within the New Republic, and they are secretly supported by some of them, they are publicly denounced as extremists and terrorists. One of the senators who genuinely believes this is Kaz's father.
    72. Kaz's father, and the rest of the New Republic, seem to be unaware that Kaz is secretly working for the Resistance.
    73. Kaz and his father do not seem to have a healthy relationship, and there is little warmth between the two.
    74. Poe is as charismatic as ever. <3
    75. BB-8 is delightful. <3
    76. The way he goes down stairs is so goddamn adorable, like seriously. <3
    77. BB-8 is a ****ing juicer. <3
    78. He basically has a gadget for every problem that may arise. <3
    79. He is an adorable ball of usefulness. <3
    80. Star Wars: Resistance is going to overlap with The Force Awakens at some point in the future, and, if the series gets a second season, it could move beyond that film and delve into the state of the galaxy post-The Last Jedi.
    whostheBossk likes this.
  4. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    Gee, save some for the rest of us. :p

    (also, these are ostensibly supposed to be tongue-in-cheek tidbits)
  5. Darth Kronos

    Darth Kronos Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 2, 2016
    I may have gone too far in a few places. :p


  6. Darth_Accipiter

    Darth_Accipiter Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 2, 2015
    81. Other people can learn Resistance thingys too
  7. Wrenegade

    Wrenegade Jedi Master star 4

    May 8, 2015
    82. There are turtles in space, apparently, and they're very Studio Ghibli-esque.
  8. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    83.) Star Wars has a mutant monkey problem
    84.) BB-8 can get pretty jealous
    85.) Kaz might be a bit cocky when it comes to flying
    86.) Kaz is not the b best at making coffee
    ThisIsMe1138 likes this.
  9. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    87.) There are 2 seat T-70s
  10. Darth_Accipiter

    Darth_Accipiter Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 2, 2015
    88) Poe hates Kowakian Monkey Lizards
    89) Kowakian Monkey Lizards hate Kaz
    90) We will never look at Salacious B. Crumb the same
    chrcharcor2 likes this.
  11. Darth Kronos

    Darth Kronos Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 2, 2016
    91. BB-8 only wants to be helpful. <3
    92. BB-8 has a crush on CB-23. <3
    93. BB-8 is objectively the cutest Star Wars droid. <3
    whostheBossk and dekaneas like this.
  12. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    So I don't think we will learn a thousand things from Resistance :p

    94.) The first order loved to hire some aliens
    95.) There is always a bigger stingray bird
    96.) always two tgere are a season 1 and two
    97.) Sith temples are filled with traps don’t go near them
    98.) Super Battle Droids only need a little tune up before they work
    99.) Don’t join the First Order if you will later have second thoughts
    100.) Jedi love building their temples over Sith temples
    101.) Pirates can never be trusted unless they get to know you
    102.) B1 droids are still doing pretty good.
    103.) A giant stingray can feed a whole battle station.
    104.) Kix did not appear this episode
    105.) Selling battle droids can be good for business
    106.) Kaz is finally an Ace
    107.) The first order does not care for its recruits
    108.) keep those com links close
    109.) never let the force sensitive kids near the temple
    110.) Spinning blades of death still work after 1,000 years
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2020
  13. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    111.) there are a lot of stormtroopers with their own armor
    112.) Nikto can appear in all colors
    113.) not all Nikto can speak basic
    114.) Aunt Z has a clone trooper helmet
    115.) People still don’t know if the show is ending or was cancelled
    116.) the first order can only give you old imperial stuff
    117.) It’s a bad time to be apart of the resistance
    118.) dragons are real
    119.) Don’t mine for gas in dragon caves
    120.) family should always stick together.
    121.) Resistance has a hard time getting over.6 million views
    122.) Kaz is old enough to drink
    123.) BB and CB units are the same
    124.) fuel matters a lot more in the sequel era
    125.) Hutts are as nasty as ever
    126.) Don’t bet your life on a race
    127.) Fo bet the station though
    128.) First Order doesn’t just steal children
    129.) Leia recruits people personally
    130.) There are some great first order scuba troopers
    131.) The Colossus can fly now
    132.) The Colussus hasn’t flown in years
    133.) The first order is very convincing
    134.) A rebel and an imperial make a fine racer
    135.) it’s hard to let the aces race while in space
    136.) First order hyperspace tracking isn’t universal
    137.) Hux’s image doesn’t translate well over hologram
    138.) B2 Battle Droids look just as frightening as ever
    139.) B1’s can be very helpful.
    140.) All the pirates will go softly into the night
    141.) The first order will betray you
    142.) The first order can sense your disloyalties
    143.) Kaz doesn’t think the force is real
    144.) artificial light is great
    145.) Never visit your family
    146.) Katz’s family is not to be trusted
    147.) Resistance is the longest game of cat and mouse
    148.) Don’t mess with Ithono
    149.) Always pay the agreed apon price
    150.) the first order isn’t the best at searching
    151.) Pirates are always missing a limb
    152.) These aren’t really good pirates
    153.) Kix has been very useful for Ithono
    154.) Finn would have shown up if he just had joined Ithono
    155.) The Colossus suffers minor damages yet again.
    156.) Pirates don’t always win
    157.) Don’t help every stray you come across
    158.) If a new character joins the crew don’t expect to see them again
    159.) Resistance has the lowest kill count in any canon show
    160.) Video games exist especially rip offs of ones on earth
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2020
  14. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    161.) we are not even close to 1000 a shame
    162.) the show only lasted 2 seasons
    163.) animated Hux looks so smooth the opposite of sand
    164.) Star Killer base is good at making tunnels
    165.) Poe is busy please call again later
    166.) Jedi temples are not a fun place to run around nor are Sith for that matter
    167.) just don’t trust anyone
    168.) Battle droids are still usable after 50 something years
    169.) Pirates aren’t the best of friends
    170.) TIE fighters no matter who makes them are not stable
    171.) if you regret a choice try to not join the enemy
    172.) Red armor is best armor
    173.) Dont worry your dad wasn’t on the planet when it blew up
    174.) an ex imperial is automatically cool
    175.) video games exist on Star Wars
    176.) Turtle people are real
    177.) food runs out fast on a ship
    178.) they fly now
    179.) hyperdrive will always malfunction.
    180.) Fish like to bite you
  15. ScorpioGirl

    ScorpioGirl Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 2, 2019
    181) Kaz has got to be the most resilient and strong minded person in the galaxy, second only to Leia.
    182) How lame can the FO be that THREE people defected within two years?! (Terex in the comics, Finn in TFA, and Tam in Resistance)
    183) Kaz may not know that the Resistance is not an official military, which is why he wasn't sworn in.
    whostheBossk likes this.