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Nash, TN 2005 - A Year of Galactic Trivia

Discussion in 'SouthEast Regional Discussion' started by DVDMaster, Jan 6, 2005.

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  1. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Answer to Yesterday's Question:
    2/28: Tibanna gas (I guess Lucas believes that you can mine gas, they indicate that in the Rogue Squadron video game)

    Today's Question:
    3/01 (JK):
    Who am I?

    Answer to be posted tomorrow.
  2. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    Cat Woman?

    In that photo she looks like she is up to something!

    here is another image of THIS person:

  3. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Anser to yesterday's question: 3/1: Dorme'

    Today's Question:
    3/02 (JA):
    Who watched over Luke's campsite on Dagobah?

    Answer to be posted tomorrow.
  4. Hama

    Hama Retired GSA, Retired RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 14, 2000
    That's a trick question -- no one watched over the camp. It sure as heck wasn't R2-D2... we see him poking his head in Yoda's window shortly after Luke told him to "stay and watch after the camp."

    I should write an angry letter to the makers of the trivia desk calendar.
  5. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    In the words of Det. Starsky "DO IT!! Come on just DO IT!!"
  6. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Answer to yesterday's question:
    3/2: R2-D2

    Today's Question:
    3/3 (JM):
    Who am I?
  7. TK-6873

    TK-6873 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 17, 2003
    Here's my follow-up question....Why am I here?
  8. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Answer to Jeff's Question: Because George said to sit right there and scratch yourself.

    Yesterday's Answer:
    3/3: Muftak the Talz (we would also have accepted the Coca-Cola Polar Bear having a smoke).

    Today's Questions:
    3/4 (JK):
    The Millennium Falcon could allegedly fly the Kessel Run in less than how many parsecs?
    A) 4
    B) 8
    C) 10
    D) 12

    3/5 & 6 (JA): Jar Jar Binks is:
    A) Human
    B) Gungan
    C) Klatooinian
    D) Aduban
    E) The most annoying merchandising idea created by man

    Answers to be posted on Monday.
  9. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Answers to Friday's Questions:
    3/04: D) 12
    3/05 & 06: B) Gungan

    Today's Question:
    3/07 (JA):
    What political office does Palpatine hold at the beginning of Episode I?

    answer to be posted tomorrow.
  10. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    Bovine Excrement Engineer!!! [face_laugh]
  11. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Answer to yesterday's question:
    3/07: Senator (from Naboo)

    Today's Question:
    3/08 (JM):
    How is the Episode III Chebacca mask different from the original Chewbacca mask?

    It smells more like wet dog

    Answer to be posted tomorrow.
  12. Hama

    Hama Retired GSA, Retired RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 14, 2000
    It has a flea & tick collar. Believe me, those fleas and ticks on Kashyyyk are not to be trifled with.
  13. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Sorry that my flu got this thread delayed.
    Answer to previous question:
    3/08: It features greater lip articulation through animatronics.

    Today's Questions:
    3/09 (JM):
    During AOTC preproduction, which Jedi was originally conceived as a Sith Lord?
    A) Kit Fisto
    B) Luminara Unduli
    C) Shaak Ti
    D) Coleman Trebor

    3/10 (JK): Identify this alien species: [image=]
    A) Verpine
    B) Toydarian
    C) Ugnaught
    D) Twi'lek

    3/11 (JK): What does R2-D2 suggest Luke remove to view Leia's entire message?

    3/12 & 13 (JA): What "binds the galaxy together," according to Obi Wan?

    3/14 (JK): What weapon does Chewbacca carry?

    3/15 (JM): What 3 things comprise the dark side of the Force, according to Yoda (ESB)?

    3/16 (JM): Who am I? [image=]

    Answers to be posted tomorrow or later.
  14. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    [face_thinking] Caterpillar Face?

    One of the Fighting Urakhai?

    Hint, he was made into an exclusive action figure!

  15. Hama

    Hama Retired GSA, Retired RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 14, 2000
    3/11 - AOL.

    3/12 & 13 - Duct tape!
  16. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    It said "according to Obi Wan"

    Not MacGyver ;)
  17. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Answers to Yesterday's Questions:
    3/09: A) Kit fisto
    3/10: B) Toydarian
    3/11: His restraining bolt (& his pants)
    3/12 & 13: The Force
    3/14: A bowcaster
    3/15: Mary Kate & Ashley...Anger, Fear, & Aggression
    3/16: Pote Snitkin

    Today's Question:
    3/17 (JK):
    What was the first line spoken in the original movie trilogy?
    A) "They've shut down the main reactor."
    B) "Did you hear that?"
    C) "This is madness!"
    D) "We're doomed."

    Answer to be posted tomorrow.
  18. Hama

    Hama Retired GSA, Retired RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 14, 2000
    "Welcome to Regal Cinemas... refreshments are available in the lobby!"
  19. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999


    How Times Have Changed

    Prices in 1977:

    Gas: $0.63/gallon

    Minimum Wage: $2.30/hour

    Evening Movie Ticket: $2.25 :eek:

    Stamp: $0.13

    Average New Home: $54,000

    Milk: $1.68/gallon

    Median Household Income: $13,572

    Four-year college tuition: $1,913

    Events of 1976-1977:
    Betamax and VHS VCRs are released

    Elvis Presley and Mao Tse-Tung die

    Star Wars debutes
  20. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Answer to yesterday's question:
    3/17: B) "Did you hear that?"

    Today's Questions:
    3/18 (JA):
    Who were not allowed inside the Mos Eisley cantina?

    3/19 & 20 JK): What planet served as Princess Leia's homeworld?
    A) Dantooine
    B) Naboo
    C) Coruscant
    D) Alderaan

    Answers to be posted on Monday.
  21. Hama

    Hama Retired GSA, Retired RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 14, 2000
    DVDMaster posted on 3/18/05 9:25am
    [b]3/18 (JA):[/b] Who were not allowed inside the Mos Eisley cantina? [hr][/blockquote]
  22. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    good one Hama!

    Answer's to Friday's Questions:
    3/18: R2-D2 & C-3PO
    3/19 & 20: D) Alderaan

    Today's Question:
    3/21 (JM):
    Who was known as Echo 7 on Hoth patrol?

    Answer to be posted tomorrow.
  23. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Answer to Yesterday's Question:
    3/21: Han Solo

    Today's Question:
    3/22 (JA):
    True or False: Anakin Skywalker is from the planet Tatooine. (Outside of the EU has this question really been answered? think they should have asked where Anakin's lived when he was discovered by Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan).

    Answer to be posted tomorrow.
  24. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Answer to Tuesday's Question:
    3/23's question asked you to pick Lord Vader's weapon out from a selection of lightsaber pictures and I couldn't find a good enough picture on the Net to post. So we're skipping that day.

    Today's Questions:
    3/24 (JM):
    What false film title was applied to ROTJ to confuse the media?
    A) Blue Harvest: Horror Behond Imagination
    B) Black Harvest: An Experience in Terror
    C) Harvest Time: an Experience in Terror
    D) Blue Moon: Horror Beyond Imagination
    E) A Cop movie: NOT Star Wars 3

    3/25 (JM): In the film AOTC, we see droid armies from each of the following organizations except:
    A) The Techno Union
    B) The Commerce Guild
    C) The InterGalactic Banking Clan
    D) The Corporate Alliance
    E) The Rock & Sock Connection (shout out to Toymaster)

    3/26 (JA): Coruscant is one giant:
    A) Rain forest
    B) City
    C) Toxic waste site
    D) Convention center (no that's Indianapolis)
    E) Matte painting

    Answers to be posted on Monday. Happy Good Friday to all who get that day off.
  25. DVDMaster

    DVDMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 25, 2003
    Answers to Thursday's Questions:
    3/24: A) Blue Harvest: Horror Beyond Imagination
    3/25: D) The corporate Alliance
    3/26 & 27: B) City

    Today's Question:
    3/28 (JK):
    Which great man said, "Fear will keep the local systems in line"?

    Answer to be posted tomorrow.
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