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Oregon 2009 OFF CR Election Time

Discussion in 'Pacific Regional Discussion' started by jawafett, Jun 9, 2009.

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  1. Larena_Jade

    Larena_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 19, 2002
    I agree with not wanting to bicker, which is why we should all do what we can to communicate what is needed and return to friendlier things. [face_peace]

    What I want to ask is, are you one to look at the inner person? And are you one to recognize true maturity, childishness, and everything else that comes from within? You should not look at the outter behavior of one socializing in an online message board. Rather, what kind of person are they when matters of importance arise? Yes, it would be good to get the shirts done. And I apologize for dancing around with my little lute being distracting. Of course I cannot change the scope you view the world in. Everyone is different and everyone lives in their own little world... unfortunately we cannot help that.

    Really, I should be the one realizing that I can prove nothing to you and just continue tipping my hat politely. I just know such poisonous behavior and attitude cannot go on like this. I love that you care about the fanforce and I respect your intentions greatly! But to be annoyed at people and situations in life is only a waste of time. The fact is, if you presented yourself differently I might want to nominate you for CR! But someone who can parade around being annoyed at trivial matters and who lacks the means of being friendly within circumstance cannot represent the people. Especially when you go around giving our newest members a hard time(having an opinion about a layout you neither designed nor control). Hey, my OFF pride rolled within me when I read that post too! I've become accustomed to this layout as I've been visiting for years! But that's just someones opinion and no reason to give them a bad welcome. Big deal. I'm not going to go cry when someone insults my beloved message board layout, haha.

    Colt and I PMed each other lots and we were completely cool with each other(even during the times I took up the flag of the OFF in revolt against him!) Because you see, we were both persons of understanding. My revolt was to fight a cause. Everyone elses revolt was to fight Colt himself. There is much of a difference in what is important. What was important there was protecting an idea! And that's where the fun(yet seriousness) comes into play!
    It is a waste of time and the breeding of bad seeds when we turn to take down a single person for their faults(instead of helping them overcome their faults).

    I'll just end with this. You cannot control people. Those who have gathered to be serious about turning the OFF into something I give a big huzzah to! But does this mean that the people who for certain reasons(life, desire, exc.) are not as focused on the non-message board part of the OFF need to leave? Be gone? Else we get smoked for sticking around and not "taking action". That is where Colt went wrong(and branched off). And that is where your way of looking at and acting in the OFF has gone wrong. Like Colt, smoking everyone into controlled submission and seriousness does not work. I realized that back in my day of giving leadership here a go. When all was said and done, the people here just didn't want to get off their butts and make this place something else. They either liked it, or were too lazy. Unfortunately, like most leaders, you have to respect that. No matter how wrong you think they are. No, you cannot control a bunch of online SW fans here to chat it up. I say, go for making this place bigger and better! Take the followers you can and be proactive! But you must disregard those cannot or will not.(As for me, obviously I cannot...I'm not even in Oregon to do so!) But I'm content sitting here chatting it up with my fellow SW nerds, joking, debating, voting on fun t-shirts, exc.

    And let those out there know, they need not be scared away by this "bickering". I do not view it as such. I view it as communicating a need or a problem. And that's healthy. Sometimes it doesn't look so pleasant. But if those within the conversation remain open and agreeable, there is no reason it should ever affect the two parties after conclusion.
  2. AramysStrael

    AramysStrael Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 9, 2004
    Never once did I believe that you can control anyone into a course of action - more, you have to steer them. How do you do that? You start by being the example. People follow leaders because they are following the example. We've had leaders who never grasped that concept. Their idea of steering the masses was by guilting or strong-arming the masses into a course of action designed by them. We can see how well that went over.

    As far as revolting against Colt, for the sake of revolting against him? I disagree. All of us rallied behind you because we all felt passionate about the cause. The fact that we all collectively told Colt to stick it was secondary.

    I was willing to give the kid a chance because he had a lot of zeal for the FanForce. That is something I can always respect. I can respect that there are those that want to make this place pop. What I have a hard time with are the lazy butts who aren't doing anything to help the growth of the OFF. I'm certainly not saying that they shouldn't be here, but I would ask them why they are a member of this club if they have no desire to help it along. To me, that just doesn't make any sense. Are people signing on for the status symbol? Because if that is the case, I'm not getting that either.

    I don't wish to force anyone to be something that they aren't. But there are certain levels of behavior I do expect from fellow members. I do expect that we be civil to each other and so forth. Disagreements are one thing, but full on flaming or baiting is unacceptable. Anyone who knows me, know that I have always stood up for the little guy. When I see something that I don't feel is right I will check that person, right then and there.

    A CR isn't just a representative, they are an advocate for their chapter, even in the face of other members that are being a$$ hats! How many times have I stood up for you, Larena? or you Eric? or you Crash? How many times have I stood up to someone who's comments were always just short of being flammatory in nature? Quite a bit. I've had the colors called on me on several occasions. And in every situation, I've told them the same thing that I'm saying right now: I will always stand up for what is right. And if you are going to reward the other guy for being the jerk that they are, you can kindly kiss my.... well, you get the idea.

    I really don't even see a need for the poll, Eric. You are the only one who is in the running. Let's all just unanimously declare you the winner and move on....

    - Bill
  3. jawafett

    jawafett Oregon Fanforce Chapter Rep star 3

    Mar 13, 2003
    Does anyone else want to be Oregon FanForce CR?? Do we need a poll? July 1st will be start of CR position for 6months, or 1yr? Thoughts please.

  4. AramysStrael

    AramysStrael Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 9, 2004
    As I have said before, I wouldn't mind the job, but I am not going to beg for it, either. I don't feel like running another sham of an election where people have already made up theirmind before the candidates even made their opening statements. Nor do I feel like being chumped by those who would ask very pointed questions in which the end result is to make me look like a fool. It has happened before and I don't care to ever deal with the crap again.

    I think it really depends on how much of a work load do you want on your shoulders. Are you wanting to go back to a six month term, or stay on for a full year? Give us an honest assessment of how you are feeling toward the job ad its duties. We will support whatever decision you make.

    - Bill
  5. jawafett

    jawafett Oregon Fanforce Chapter Rep star 3

    Mar 13, 2003
    Unless anyone else doen't want to run, it's either ArmysStrael or Jawafett for OFF CR. It's time to make a decision. Poll goes up 6/3 Thurs.

    Jawafett's Proposal for Oregon FanForce CR position:
    Looking to the future, I see greater membership participation not only in topic discussions, but in future events. There a number of walks for charity that we as a group can participate in/raise awareness for, group gatherings at Star Wars events along side the local costumers, and other things that have been suggested like a selected book reviews, Portland Comic Book show, Orycon. We just need to have more meetings (every month), to help plan out the logistics of having tables at said conventions, Flier redesign?, and in general, a great group of like minded Star Wars fan group for Oregon. I will take in your suggestions, and work with you to help make our group better, and I ask for your inputs, your topics of discussion, and ask for calm attitudes in your responses when posting. MTFBWY!
    Thank You.
  6. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
  7. AramysStrael

    AramysStrael Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 9, 2004
    Since I have been put in the running, I am just going to keep this simple.

    We all know that I am passionate. Indeed, it is my desire to see this group - and all other groups that I associate with to grow and prosper. What can expect out of me is really no different than what you see in me already - someone who is working tirelessly to bring about a positive upgrowth and recognition to the community. Be it t-shirts or "Jail and Bail" organization, what you see is an individual who cares enough to want the best for the group he is representing.

    Not to sound like Eric, but it is true that we both want to see more activity from the membership. We both want to see more community participation. Otherwise, what is the point?

    I would like to see OFF participate in more charity events, like run/walk marathons, and the like. But you know the old addage, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Not that I am likening the membership here to that of beasts of burden, but it is true that people are led by example. So, I will make it my mission to do so whenever possible. I will take on the role of setting up meeting gatherings, if that is what it takes to motivate this membership to grow beyond their means and become a Fan Force I think it is capable of becoming.

    Some may hold my boldness in the calling out of questionable things as a deterent to having me as CR. All I can say is that I am not one to not speak out when I see something that is questionable. In the end, as it always has been, it is done so with the interest of fellow members at heart. One thing I have found here is that there is very little in the form of accountability, or advocacy. How many times have certain members said something that was just short of flaming and it never got checked, unless I spouted off - again, it was on the behalf of the offended. Yet, I've always been made out the bad guy? Personally,I would think that people should want that kind of person as CR - the one who is standing up for what is right, despite what the outcome may be.

    That is all I have to say. I have rattled off more than I intended. There it is... you have Eric's statement, and you have mine. Now choose who you think is the best man for the job.

    - Bill
  8. jawafett

    jawafett Oregon Fanforce Chapter Rep star 3

    Mar 13, 2003
    Well Said AramysStrael=D= . Poll goes up 7/2.
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