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Awards 2009 Saga Fanfiction Awards - Full Winners List Now Posted!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by SagaFanficAwards, Jul 25, 2009.

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  1. SagaFanficAwards

    SagaFanficAwards Saga FanFic Awards Sock star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Jun 2, 2006
    It is 11:30 a.m. BST (Boards Standard Time) and preparations are in full swing for the most anticipated event of the year. It is nearly time for the Saga Awards and as we join our faithful volunteers backstage, we find them hard at work putting the finishing touches?

    But no, the lights come up to find the stage buried under piles of envelopes. Occasionally, over the top of the stacks, we can see the tops of heads. Presumably, these are attached to human beings, but it?s tough to tell.

    JINNGERBREAD, aka Fearless Leader, tries to stride confidently onto the stage, but even she is hampered by the sudden conversion of the stage into the local USPS branch.

    JINNGERBREAD: What the?

    Two stacks gracelessly fall over in response to the sound. She scampers back.


    Muffled shouts sound, ranging from ?Melp? to ?Marco!/Polo!? Bravely, JINNGERBREAD wades into the midst of the envelopes. Some of the stacks sway slightly?someone?s having fun back there. JINNGERBREAD sighs impatiently, counts to ten and then plants her hands on her hips.

    JINNGERBREAD: All volunteers to the front!

    It takes some time, but eventually, RK_STRIKER_JK_5, BIGFATTY, THE_PIED_PIPER, GENERALKENOBI7 and NIENNA_NARMOLANYA come to the front. This does not stop the stacks of envelopes from growing. Apparently, they?re not the only ones in on this scheme.


    No one does. They?re too busy trying to look innocent.

    JINNGERBREAD: At least tell me, where?s MAVJADE?

    BIGFATTY: Modding?

    JINNGERBREAD: She was supposed to take today off! Half the dance numbers need her! And now my stage is?What exactly is my stage?

    RK_STRIKER_JK_5: Well, you see?

    GENERALKENOBI7: It?s NanaVader?s fault! We needed more philanthropy hours and she suggested Soldiers? Angels!

    JINNGERBREAD looks dumbfounded.

    JINNGERBREAD: Philanthropy hours? You?re the volunteers!

    They shuffle nervously and look everywhere but at her.

    JINNGERBREAD: All right, your motives were good, but why?s it on my stage?

    THE_PIED_PIPER: Well, USPS was late today. They were supposed to pick all of this up by ten o?clock.

    A look of horror slowly crosses JINNGERBREAD?s face.

    JINNGERBREAD: Where are the envelopes?

    The volunteers start contemplating navels in a hurry.

    GENERALKENOBI7 (mumbles): We had good intentions.
    BIGFATTY: Support the troops.
    THE_PIED_PIPER: Encourage VADERLVR64?s hobby.

    Fearless Leader folds her arms and frowns a sullen-bordering-on-angry frown.

    JINNGERBREAD: When our presenters say ?May I have the envelope, please,? I don?t want there to be a five-minute waiting period!

    BIGFATTY: Don?t worry about it! We?ll have this all cleared out by the time awards start.

    RK_STRIKER_JK_5: We?ve got it under control. MAVJADE is running the green room. I?m on the committee of food and drinks with GENERALKENOBI7. BIGFATTY is the bouncer.

    BIGFATTY flexes.

    BIGFATTY: THE_PIED_PIPER is in charge of the envelopes and Nienna?s working crowd control.

    Nienna has a messenger bag stuffed with chocolate for bribes, but has a nightstick on her belt.

    JINNGERBREAD: I?m sorry for doubting you guys, but I still have to cuddle with my kitties, get some crocheting done and have my annual heart-to-heart with Qui-Gon Jinn. I was hoping we could all sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labors.

    Nienna: And we will! Trust us.

    JINNGERBREAD exits stage left. As soon as she leaves, the mood breaks.

    RK_STRIKER_JK_5: Okay, I think I saw the character envelopes in the stack of letters going to Afghanistan.

    GENERALKENOBI7: I found the Best Songfic envelope, but it?s empty. Who has the master list?

    Relatively unnoticed, THE_PIED_PIPER picks up a small cardboard box.

    THE_PIED_PIPER: Hey, guys, this one is addressed to MamaVader. We should get it to her.

    BIGFATTY: No way! It might be dangerous.

    Everyone glances nervously at the box, but since it doesn?t blow up or tick or anything ominous like that, it seems to be relatively harmless. THE_PIED_PIPER shakes it and the
  2. SagaFanficAwards

    SagaFanficAwards Saga FanFic Awards Sock star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Jun 2, 2006

    The stage lights come up to reveal a very sheepish-looking Obi-Wan from the previous scene. He is, unfortunately, alone and has acquired several stains on his dress robes. The audience applauds uncertainly.

    OBI-WAN: Welcome, ladies and gentlebeings. I?m Obi-Wan Kenobi and I am your, er, ah, well, that is, temporary host for this evening. We are sure that the volunteers will be up to taking command just as soon as?

    He looks nervously off-stage to where JINNGERBREAD is playing with her kitty, Nienna is playing a clapping game with MAVJADE and GENERALKENOBI7 is taking a nap.

    OBI-WAN: Er, yes, as I was saying. We had a wonderful musical number prepared, but our lead tenor?s voice has not yet changed, our baritone has colic and?well, I guess I shall be turning our quartet into a solo. He turns uncertainly to the conductor. Hit it?

    The lights turn to a spotlight on him.

    There?s no business like fic business
    Like no business I know
    Everything about it is repealing
    Everything the moddess will allow
    Nowhere you will get that anxious feeling
    When authors want to kill you now

    There?s no people like fic people
    They filk when they are low
    Yesterday they left you dead on Yuuzhan-tar
    That night they give you a nasty scar
    Next day on your lightsaber they?ve hung a star
    Let?s go on with the show.

    A line of dancers, obviously recruited from whatever characters were not affected by the agequake stumbles on-stage and does a conga line with Obi-Wan at its head while the orchestra does an interlude.

    There?s no people like fic people
    They filk when they are low
    Yesterday they left you dead on Yuuzhan-tar
    That night they give you a nasty scar
    Next day on your lightsaber they?ve hung a star
    Let?s go on with the show.

  3. Jade_Pilot

    Jade_Pilot Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2005
    Woot! Let the fun begin. Good luck to all the nominees!
  4. JediXManSerenaKenobi

    JediXManSerenaKenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 27, 2007
    WOOT!! Haha, those were hilarious.
  5. geo3

    geo3 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 29, 2002
    Great opening! Kudos to the organizers.
  6. SagaFanficAwards

    SagaFanficAwards Saga FanFic Awards Sock star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Jun 2, 2006


    We regret to inform all participants that due to the young audience, we are compelled to adapt the program We apologize for having to scrap most of the titillating entertainment and are ensured that Oola?s Dancers will be performing after the show once we have cleared the building of impressionable children. On with the show!

    Also, if you see a yellow binky, PADME AMIDALA wants it back.

    In the hubbub of the opening number and trying to sort out what exactly happened to the volunteers, no one noticed that one person escaped. Princess Leia is sitting on the podium, clutching her security blanket and wrapping up a long story.

    LEIA: An? me and Daddy and Mommy had a big picnic with Unca Papatine an? we haded cake!

    ANAKIN, the most senior member of the characters? group at twelve, runs on-stage after his future daughter.

    ANAKIN: Leli, we?re supposed to stay with the others until Master Obi-Wan fixes things. Don?t go running off.

    LEIA: But it?s bohwing!

    He scoops her up and is about to run off-stage when one of the stage-hands passes him an envelope. The audience can see the hand waving him back onto stage.

    ANAKIN (laughs nervously): Guess Master Obi-Wan?s still trying to find Padme and her binky. They?ve both wandered off. The nominees for

    Best Alternate Universe:

    Fortune's Gate by geo3
    Into the Storm by blank101
    I, Rebel by padawan lunetta

  7. Jade_Pilot

    Jade_Pilot Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2005
    Yesterday they left you dead on Yuuzhan-tar
    That night they give you a nasty scar

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]
  8. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Nice to see the awards off to a smooth start :p
  9. SagaFanficAwards

    SagaFanficAwards Saga FanFic Awards Sock star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Jun 2, 2006

    And the winner for [b] Best Alternate Universe [/b] is......

    [b][color=steelblue][hl=white]Fortune's Gate by geo3 [/b] [/color][/hl][face_applause][face_applause][face_applause]


  10. geo3

    geo3 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 29, 2002
    Whoa! [face_blush] That is very, very kind.

    Thanks so much!
  11. Jade_Pilot

    Jade_Pilot Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2005
    Congrats geo3 =D=
  12. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    good luck to all nominees[face_good_luck] It's 9 p.m. here and after a very busy day I hope I will be up early (I am an earlybird);)
  13. JediXManSerenaKenobi

    JediXManSerenaKenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 27, 2007
    Huge congrats, Geo3!!! :)
  14. DarthBreezy

    DarthBreezy Chosen One star 6

    Jun 4, 2002
    Congrats geo!!! @};-@};-=D=
  15. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    congratulations geo3!!

    =D= =D= =D=
  16. SagaFanficAwards

    SagaFanficAwards Saga FanFic Awards Sock star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Jun 2, 2006

    Nine-year-old Palpatine and ten-year-old Han Solo are in the green room, having an argument as we look for our next presenter.

    PALPATINE: The Imperial Star Destroyer has the best cannons!

    HAN: Nuh-uh! The Falcon does! We got SWIVEL cannons!

    PALPATINE: But Star Destroyers can blow up whole ships!

    HAN: But you can?t aim!

    PALPATINE: Who cares? I want to wipe ?em out! All of ?em!

    We finally find our quarry and someone hustles a reluctant Admiral Piett onto stage.

    PIETT: The combined forces of the Imperial Star Fleet are honored to present the award for the author who best is able to tell an accurate version of even the most absurd storyline. The nominees for

    Best Canon:

    It Makes My Dome Hurt II: R2 Remembers ESB by brodiew
    The Hour Before Dawn by Knight_Aragorn
    Commencement by Thumper09
  17. DaenaBenjen42

    DaenaBenjen42 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 15, 2005
    Congrats to geo3!!!!!

    Edit: Good luck to nominees. :)
  18. Alley_Skywalker

    Alley_Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 27, 2005
    Congrats, geo3 =D= =D= =D=
  19. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    The combined forces of the Imperial Star Fleet are honored to present the award for the author who best is able to tell an accurate version of even the most absurd storyline.

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

  20. SagaFanficAwards

    SagaFanficAwards Saga FanFic Awards Sock star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Jun 2, 2006

    And the winner for [b] Best Canon [/b] is......

    [b][color=steelblue][hl=white]The Hour Before Dawn by Knight_Aragorn [/b] [/color][/hl][face_applause][face_applause][face_applause]


  21. geo3

    geo3 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 29, 2002
    Congratulations Knight_Aragorn!
  22. JediXManSerenaKenobi

    JediXManSerenaKenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 27, 2007
    Congratulations, Knight_Aragorn!!! :)
  23. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Congratulations, Knight_Aragorn! =D=

    The awards intro is great, LOL. Though now I'm feeling really old. :p
  24. DaenaBenjen42

    DaenaBenjen42 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 15, 2005
    Congratulations to Knight_Aragorn!!!!! =D=
  25. Alley_Skywalker

    Alley_Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 27, 2005
    Congratulations, Knight_Aragorn @};-
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