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Oceania 3rd Annual JC-FF Rugby League footy tipping competition -- Now into the finals!

Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by wedge3210, Feb 28, 2002.

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  1. SWNZ

    SWNZ Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 27, 2000
    Tawera Nikau had a good win too. Looks kinda wierd without that mullet now though.
  2. Silmarillion

    Silmarillion Manager Emerita/Ex RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 1999
    Well, this doesn't really belong here, but I can't find the Stadium Australia thread.

    I went to the Reds/Chiefs game on the weekend at Ballymore and had an absolute ball. We had fantastic seats, about 3 rows behind the Australian coach and we also got to see Wendal's biffo with that other guy.

    Oh yeah, I think QLD won. ;)
  3. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    I got the shock of my life when I found out the Super 12 was on again. With all the talk about league this year, it's been a bugger to get air time for the Union boys.

    Apparently we've got the RU World Cup next year too. But last week the New Zealanders said they can't afford to host their games in NZ, so the poor old Union boys have to have the games in the 3 cities in Australia. It's no wonder the governing body and the ARU are thinking of relinquishing the tournament to the French.

    LOL it that happens!
  4. Princess HAL9000

    Princess HAL9000 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 11, 1999
    I'm in again, as HAL9000. For the first time in 3 years, this is the first time I've joined in time for the opening round! :)
  5. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    Good stuff!

    Also, my girlfriend joined up for the comp. And while her tips are suspiciously similar to mine... she's not me.

  6. farmboynz

    farmboynz Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 19, 2001
    I'm in

    go the warriors!!!!!
    Bye for the first week thou

  7. SWNZ

    SWNZ Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 27, 2000
    I don't think it's the fact we can't afford the the world cup, it's the fact we can't logistically provide clean stadiums. When our premiere stadium (the Wellington cake tin) has a huge "westpactrust Stadium" imprinted on the top of the stadium roof. Billboards that have to be removed upto 200m from all the stadiums. Seats removed from the stadium that are colour coded in a way that a sponsers name can be seen is just too much.
    Plus the fact the IRB want us to can the NPC, which is our magor domestic rugby competition that brings in more money than the World cup. We are saying we can have both comps at the same time but the IRB will have none of that.

  8. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    Well, if they really wanted it over there, then they would pay to do everything they needed for it. I still think it's funny that it won't be held over there. And with an ounce of luck it'll be canned in Australia too. John O'Niel deserves to have egg all over his face. Especially after the New Zealanders canned his plan for a fourth S12 team in Australia, he's still wiping that egg off his mug.

    Another reminder for all the would be tipsters, there's only 3 more sleeps till the season starts. And welcome to you too farmboy. Have a good one.

    Where is epic?????
  9. farmboynz

    farmboynz Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 19, 2001
    Thanks Wedge

    Let the games begin

    Woo Hoo footy fever

    Doesn't the whole RWC thing make the NZRFU, ARU, IRB look like a whole lot of ****ers

    How do they expect a stadium to change all of their existing sponsorship for a few games they would be breaking existing contacts.

    Also who is going to police the 500m no advertising zone around a stadium, i don't think the stadium or the rugby board has the power to do that.
  10. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    It's funny that John O'Niel (head of the ARU) has said that they would sell out all games if a RWC was held down here. So why are they worried about the seat's advertising? Surely the thousands of Spanish and United States fans will fill those stadiums to the brim!

    Newcastle put in an application to have some of those 'also ran' teams play up here. I won't be bothering.
  11. SWNZ

    SWNZ Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 27, 2000
    Just found out that John O'neil offered to buy our semi final off us because he thought we needed the money. It's not about the money though the NZRFU are willing to run the RWC at a loss if it means NZers get to see some rugby.
  12. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    There's only one more sleep to join people. If you decide to join after that, then you'll be on the backfoot.
  13. epic

    epic Ex Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 4, 1999
    I'm here!

    My account from 2 years ago still works.
  14. LisaJ

    LisaJ Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 1, 1999
    Let the games begin...I just hope that I go better this year than I did last year..

    Good luck to you all..

  15. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    Woohoo! epic is the token guy that pulls out after a month or so! :) So let's hope that's not the case this year.

    And LisaJ! Don't worry about last year. Were you worried about your tipping form? Or the Eel's grand final form? :p

    :) Cheer up!

    Alright then. I'm about ready to nod off. I will be on a bit tomorrow, but in case I'm not, here's your tip reminder. Do it!

    And if you're contemplating joining, you'd better do it now. If you decide to join next week, then you'll have to start in last place.
  16. SWNZ

    SWNZ Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 27, 2000
    Sweet it's kinda comforting knowing epic is in, cause it lesson the chance of coming last. :D

  17. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999

    Well, I'm off for the day I think. Take care and heppy tipping. Good luck to Souths tonight, but I've tipped the Roosters. I will be happy either way.

    I'll decide tomorrow If I'm going to Gosford.

  18. outback_dewback

    outback_dewback Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 16, 2002
    Er, can anyone join this, or is this for long-time JC-FF members only? :)

    New poster, long-time lurker but lifelong Australian and Rugby fan here! :D

    I have an account at OzTips if that's any help.
  19. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    Yes, you can join! Better hurry though mate.


    Wecome aboard too!
  20. outback_dewback

    outback_dewback Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 16, 2002
    Why thank you! :D Great to be here!

    Joined up and made my Week 1 tips already.


  21. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
  22. outback_dewback

    outback_dewback Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 16, 2002
    HA! Roosters thrashed those lowly bunnies 40 - 6!!! ... A sad reminder of their last encounter 2 years ago in fact - similar score (42-4 or thereabouts). :D

    Russell Crowe must have jinxed them or something ... [face_laugh]
  23. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    Hehehe to the sentimental tipsters.

    :p :)
  24. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    Here is today's winners... and losers.

    The Tigers upset the Bulldogs. The Tigers struggled early on, but after 20 minutes the Tigers turned it on. In past years they would have folded in the second half, is this a turning point for the easy beats? Wests 28 def. Doggies 22

    The Knights outclassed the Eagles. Newcastle was always on top and never looked like losing. Joey's passing game is on! The young players for the Knights also showed that they're in for a big year. Knights 38 def. Eagles 12

    Brisbane were too strong for the Cowboys. On a sad note, Tim Brasher's career may be over after he redamaged his knee early on. Sad for such a great player, especially after last year's disappointments as well. Broncos 42 def. North Queensland 6

    Canberra copped a bad call in Melbourne and ended up losing by 4. The no try was supposed to be because of interference, but it was touch and go. Could have gone either way. Good game. Storm 16 def. Raiders 12[/b]

    So I'm 4 out of 5 so far. I'm not too unhappy.


  25. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    Alright, round 1 is over! An interesting weekend. Great game today with the Sharks and Dragons.

    Here's the ladder:

    12 epic
    12 Outback Dewback
    12 Uruk
    10 and justice for MAUL
    10 farmboynz
    10 wedge's girl
    10 wedge3210
    8 HAL9000
    8 LisaJ001
    8 opium
    8 silmarillion
    8 SWNZ
    6 Stunty

    That's got to be a pleasent looking table for Steph! It's a change at least. :p Everyone is still pretty close. No worries about falling away yet... surely.


    And I know it's sad of me to be here on St Patrick's and all, but I can gaurentee that after an arvo of walking around the numourous cultural events (and pubs), I'm glad to be home. Is it hot or what out there???!?!?!?!

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