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Saga A Deserted Hope (Obi-Wan's Diary, 'Dear Diary 2008 Challenge') Updated and Completed 12/28

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by RX_Sith, Jan 1, 2008.

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  1. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Title: A Deserted Hope
    Author: RX_Sith
    Timeframe: Right after RoTS
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Owen, Beru, OC's
    Genre: A diary, it will cover the story of Obi-Wan after he leaves Luke with Owen and Beru.
    Keywords: Obi-Wan, diary, journal
    Summary: Obi-Wan decides to keep a diary for Luke when he is older.
    Notes: This is a response to the Dear Diary Challenge 2008, a challenge to keep the diary of a character for a year, I have chosen Obi-Wan Kenobi after he drops off Luke to Owen and Beru.

    [b]Entry One[/b]

    I have just left young Luke Skywalker with his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. He and I are now deserted hopes on this dustbowl, Tatooine. I made a promise to Yoda that I would watch over the last hope of the galaxy. It will be a very long time before I can ever use my Jedi abilities again. I will now have to start over and find a new trade to do.

    But what will it be? I search through the Force for the answer to my problems. Where do I live? What will I do? Is Skywalker truly a new hope? I can only wait for the answers to these questions and more to be answered.

    I will prevail no matter how dire the circumstances may be. For the Force is my ally, and a powerful one it will be. It will provide the answers to my questions. It will provide for my needs and wants. It has to. I have no other choice. I am now a deserted hope.
  2. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Wonderful beginning.

    I love Obi-Wan's determination to make his new life work, for himself and Luke.

    Please PM me when you update

    Looking forward to more

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  3. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Nice beginning. and you can put me on your PM list
  4. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Kelia: Thank you for reading and enjoying this diary.
    earlybird-obi-wan: No problem.

    [b]Entry Two[/b]

    Everything was going well on Tatooine until yesterday. A garrison of Imperial troops have now been assigned here on the planet. It has forced me to do a few things different than I had wanted to. I was living in Mos Eisley, but now I am forced to look elsewhere for a new place to live. I had to use the Jedi "Mind Trick" on numerous Imperial troopers to escape from Mos Eisley. I have decide to no longer go by the name of "Obi-Wan", instead I will take the name of Ben from my great grandfather.

    I went to the Lars homestead to inform them of the troops that are now on the planet and to take precautions. "Owen and Beru, Imperial troops are looking for any Jedi. Please, take whatever precautions that you can to avoid any suspicions that I am still here on Tatooine."

    "Why should we protect you, Obi-Wan?" Owen asked angrily, "Maybe if there is a reward, I should just turn you in to the Imperials."

    "I am no longer going to go by the name of Obi-Wan, I will be known as Ben Kenobi instead," I told Owen, "Also, I assure you that if you do turn me in, they will probe into why you have young Luke here, and that would cause more suspicion into how you acquired him."

    "If Luke is harmed in any way, I will kill you myself, Jedi or not!" Owen shouted, "I do not want to see you ever again! Leave myself, my wife, and [b]OUR[/b] child alone. If I ever see you again, I will turn you in, I promise you that!"

    "Beru, please talk some sense into him?" I begged her pleadingly.

    "I am sorry," she stated solemnly, "But I want to protect Luke as much as possible. Please, Ben, do as my husband says. It is for the best. Now, please go."

    I looked one last time at young Skywalker and then his adopted parents. I had failed for the first time in my life. I could see that they were now very protective of their adopted son as I would be if I were in the same situation.

    I left their homestead and wondered off into the desert sands never looking back. I wandered aimlessly for over a day in the harsh desert heat. Some Tusken Raiders tried to take advantage of the situation by attacking me. Luckily, my lightsaber skills were still as powerful as ever as I dispatched them. I looked down at their mangled flesh and I felt sick to my stomach.

    I did not want to kill anything ever again. I tossed my lightsaber as far as I could into the desert sands. The wind would now consume my rage. I sat down and just waited for the sand to consume me as well. I no longer wanted to live. I had lost hope. I laid down my head and awaited my fate.

  5. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Hey Obi, don't give up hope.

    Great update
  6. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    I had lost hope. I laid down my head and awaited my fate.

    Obi! :_| :_| :_|


    He's been hit with just about everything one can be hit with in life.

    It's unfortunate the Lars couldn't/wouldn't see the wisdom of them helping each other to survive.

    Great update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  7. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    earlybird-obi-wan: Do not worry, Obi will be rescued.
    KELIA: Yes, life sometimes deals people things that seem like it is too overwhelming all at once. And yes, Owen never did give Obi-wan a chance to help.

    [b]Entry Three[/b]

    The sands of the desert swirled over the nearly lifeless form. Suddenly, a voice called out to the nearly buried Jedi. "Obi-Wan.... Obi-Wan..." his former Master's voice called out to him.

    Ben stirred from his sandy grave. He could have swore that he had heard Qui-Gon's voice, but was it an illusion in the searing heat that engulfed his body or a mirage of some kind.

    "Obi-Wan..." Qui-Gon called out again, "Do not give up hope. You do have a purpose."

    "Qui-Gon..." Ben answered through his parched lips, "What purpose?"

    "You are to train the new hope of the galaxy," Qui-Gon answered him, "He will be the greatest Jedi ever."

    "Who?" Ben quizzically asked as the sands seemed to part all around him.

    "Young Skywalker," Qui-Gon told him, "You must continue to watch him, from afar."

    "Why him?" Ben asked, "I will be too old to train him by the time he grows up," he started to give excuses, "His Uncle won't even allow me to see him again. How am I suppose to train him?"

    "Certain things will transpire eventually that will bring him to you when he is ready. You must continue to monitor his progress no matter what obstacles are put in your way," Qui-Gon answered him mystically, "The Force is very powerful in him. The Son of Skywalker will do things that no Jedi has ever done before."

    "But won't Vader sense his son if he becomes a Jedi?" Ben questioned him.

    "Eventually yes," Qui-Gon replied, "But by that time it will be too late."

    "Too late for what?" Ben asked.

    "You will see," Qui-Gon answered, "Just remember that when the time is ready, he will come to you and then you will start to train him."

    "But I threw away my lightsaber into the desert sands," Ben solemnly replied, "I only have Anakin's now."

    "Look besides you," Qui-Gon stated.

    Ben looked besides him and saw his lightsaber come up from beneath the sand. He ignited its blue blade and then turned it back off attaching it to his belt. "Amazing," Ben replied, "How did you find it?"

    "The Force found it," Qui-Gon answered, "All is possible with The Force. I will return to give you more training again later when you are ready."

    "More training?" Ben asked quizzically, "What kind of training?"

    "You will see," Qui-Gon cryptically answered his question, "Stay prepared, do not let go of your abilities, continue to practice in the ways of The Force and soon you will be ready for your training."

    Ben stood up and the sandstorm parted around him and suddenly disappeared. He looked at the twin suns in the sky and smiled widely. [i]"Twin suns like the twins that were separated," he thought to himself, "Always together, yet always apart".[/i]


  8. Gkilkenny

    Gkilkenny Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2004

    Interesting, and Qui-Gon is there to train Obi-Wan. At least he has a friend to talk to. Owen doesn't deserve Luke.

    Can you PM me please.=D=
  9. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    great how you are bringing Qui-Gon to Ben
  10. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Hurray for Qui-Gon!!

    [face_dancing] [face_dancing] [face_dancing]

    I'm glad Obi-Wan was willing to listen to him, even if he doesn't quite understand how things will work out.

    Great update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  11. hyperspace_police

    hyperspace_police Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 22, 2005
    Nicely done. Can you add me to your pm list if you've got one?

    I like hos you captured the total sense of non-purpose Obi-Wan must have felt.

  12. Myriad_Daydreams

    Myriad_Daydreams Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 22, 2007
    Wow, I can't believe I missed this! :eek: I love the idea of seeing what happens to Obi-Wan after he drops off Luke... very interesting! :D I'm excited to see how this goes!

    May I have PM's please? [face_batting]
  13. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Gkilkenny: Yes, it is great that Obi-Wan has Qui-Gon. And yes, Owen never did deserve Luke.
    earlybird-obi-wan: Thank you. Obi-Wan definitely needed Qui-Gon's help.
    KELIA: Yes, Obi-Wan is of course very respectful of his former Master.
    hyperspace-police: Thank you. Yes, I will add you to the PM list. Obi-Wan was very depressed and Qui-Gon definitely helped him.
    Myriad-Daydreams: Thank you. I always thought about doing a story about what happens to Obi-Wan after he drops Luke off, so I figured that the diary challenge was a great way to tell it. Of course, you can have PM's.

    [b]Entry Four[/b]

    It's hard to believe that it took me so long to figure out where to live. But, because of the Imperial garrison that is now on the planet, I was forced to look in a place where no one would be foolish enough to live; except me.

    The Junglund Wastes are definitely one of the worst places to live, let alone travel, on Tatooine. Blinding desert storms whip through the harsh sands of the desert almost nonstop. My little hut is well hidden from any probe droids that the Empire could use to try to find me out here. Not only would their circuits fry from the searing heat, but also, the Tusken Raiders would shoot any kind of technology so that they could tear it up and use it in their camps. I have just started to get accustomed to my tiny little home on this hostile part of the planet. Qui-Gon reassures me that it is for the best.

    Still, the idea of solitude and loneliness does not entirely make me jump for joy. Qui-Gon tells me to be patient, "Obi-Wan," he teaches me, "You must still constantly hone your skills and abilities".

    "How, Master?" I ask him. "Go outside," he instructs me. I walk out into the blinding winds of the desert as the sand swirls all around me. It makes me want to itch myself from head to toe. "How do you expect me to practice my skills in this sandstorm?"

    "Calm yourself," Qui-Gon tells me as I relax myself in the Force. "Now, spread your arms out." I do as he instructs and I can feel the wind whipping at my tunic. "Now, calm the storm". I concentrate and the forces of the sandstorm suddenly start to cease in there violent intensity.

    "Now shape the sand," Qui-Gon instructs me. "What shape should I make?" I ask. "A surfboard," Qui-Gon states. "A surfboard?" I ask quizzically. "Yes, a surfboard," Qui-Gon reassures me.

    I extend my hands and start to shape the sand all around me into the shape of a surfboard. I complete it as well as I can. "Get on," Qui-Gon tells me. I get on the surfboard. Suddenly, the wind picks up again and the surfboard roars to life with me standing on it. I ride the hills of the dunes up and down. I slide the surfboard sideways on the sandy dunes as the sand rushes over my head. I continue this for a good five to ten minutes and then the storm subsides again. I step off of the board and look back at the sand dunes.

    I nearly faint when I see what I have carved into the sand dunes, "[i]The Force Will Be With You Always[/i]". The winds pick up and the sand comes at me at fierce intensity. I extend my hands and the sand envelops around me but does not touch me. It coalesces around me as I walk into the blinding storm, but still the sand does not even touch me.

    "You see," Qui-Gon tells me as I walk back to my hut, "The Force is a powerful ally, and with constant use, it can help you to accomplish anything." I merely enjoy the basking sun for probably the first time ever since being marooned out in the harsh desert. I approach my hut and spread out my hands to clear the sand from the opening to my hut. I enter and as I turn to look outside, I see that the harsh winds will always be with me. Like my Master, they will never leave my side.


  14. Myriad_Daydreams

    Myriad_Daydreams Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 22, 2007
    I liked the bit about shifting the sands.... very cool :cool:
  15. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Surfing, that's cool.:cool: Loved the update and his master teaching him.
  16. Gkilkenny

    Gkilkenny Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2004
    The sands may annoy him but at least he has Qui-Gon to teach him patience,
    and have a bit of fun surfing as well.[face_laugh]

    great update.=D=
  17. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    "The Force Will Be With You Always"

    Now that's a neat trick!

    And so what Obi-Wan would write in the sand, whether he's doing it consciously or unconsciously.

    Great update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  18. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Myriad_Daydreams: Yes, it was very cool indeed.

    earlybird-obi-wan: Yes, sand surfing is a pretty neat thing to do.

    Gkilkenny: Yes, sand is not the greatest thing in the world, but at least Qui-Gon helped Obi-wan appreciate it.

    KELIA: Yes, a very neat trick indeed.

    [b]Entry Five[/b]

    I have been finding new and unique ways to have the sands that whip around the desert form amazing objects that I have found useful. I have hardened the sand into bowls, cups, and even a chair for me to sit on. Other things that I have been able to do include coalescing the sand into floating objects that I can continue to practice against in lightsaber tactics.

    They may not be as random as I would want them to, but it will have to do for the moment. Another thing that I have found was a krayt dragon. It emits a rather unique roar that scared some sandpeople that were also close by. I have begun to emulate the noise that the dragon made so that if I run into the Tusken Raiders again, I will now have a way of frightening them instead of fighting them.

    More and more each day I am finding new ways to use the Force for good things. I have become to have the sand as an ally when I want to hide from the view of the Imperial garrison that still continues its daily searches for any remaining Jedi.

    I can now cause sandstorms to erupt to make the troops turn around and never find my hut. Even for the Jawas that sell their various droids and other parts to the farmers and other citizens on the planet. The Jawas are a very short little scurrying race of beings that seem to enjoy ripping innocent citizens off with their defective objects.

    Each day it seems like a different race of beings that I have never encountered before comes into view when I observe them on my daily trips to the outskirts of the different settlements on Tatooine. I have even begun to keep an eye on the Lars' homestead.

    I know that Owen and Beru have forbidden from having further contact with Luke, but still I spend hours viewing their homestead even for the slightest chance of seeing the young child. It is so hard for me to believe that he will one day be the new hope that the galaxy is waiting for. But Qui-Gon tells me that I will one day train him in the ways of the Force.

    "You must have patience," my former Master instructs me, "And you must continue to find different ways to use the Force in non-threatening ways. I am very pleased with you progress Ben. By the time Skywalker is ready, you will be prepared for performing the ultimate sacrifice."

    "What sacrifice will that be?" I question Qui-Gon. "It will be revealed to you when you are ready," he cryptically replies. I try to foresee the future of what Qui-Gon is talking about, but all I can see so far is a massive metallic moon that I believe the Empire is constructing.

    I can foresee this space station as one that will cause numerous deaths to a planet in the future. Which one, I am not quite sure of yet. I hope that it will be revealed to me before it is too late to avoid this terrible disaster.

    "Can you tell me anything about this station of terror?" I ask my former Master.

    "Unfortunately, I cannot," Qui-Gon tells me remorsefully, "Sometimes the deaths of millions can cause those fighting for good to band together even more to form a new Republic that will one day be a one of peace and hope for the galaxy."

    "Will I be a part of this New Republic?" I ask Qui-Gon. "Again, Ben, I cannot tell you if you will be or not. I cannot disrupt what the Force has in motion to occur in the future. You and I will have to trust in the Force for in the end it will restore the Jedi."

    "You mean that once again that the Jedi Temple will be on Coruscant?" I question my friend.

    "A new Jedi Temple will be built after everything comes to pass," he states to me, "As to its location, it will be one where the Jedi will thrive and perform amazing feats from the range of new Jedi warriors that will be trained there."

    "I just wish that I knew e
  19. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Great update seeing his interaction with Qui-Gon and wanting to know what's in store for him
  20. Gkilkenny

    Gkilkenny Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2004
    And so a long wait is in front of Ben.
    Before the rise of the Jedi once more.

    very good update.=D=
  21. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    More and more each day I am finding new ways to use the Force for good things

    That is so nice to see. It's important for Obi-Wan to continue to develop his skills.

    I love how Qui-Gon is there to tell him what he needs to know when he needs to know it.

    Great update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  22. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    earlybird-obi-wan: Yes, I also like how Qui-Gon helps Obi-Wan discover even more powers of the Force.

    Gkilkenny: Yes, Ben has a very long time to wait before Luke is ready.

    KELIA: Yes, again, it is amazing how many different and new things Ben discovers through Qui-Gon different ways to use the Force to his advantage.

    [b]Entry Six[/b]

    I decided to go into Anchorhead today. It is a small little town that I can at least catch up on the gossip of the Stormtrooper garrison that mainly patrols the bigger settlements of Mos Eisley and Mos Espa.

    The moisture farmers gather at a little bar called "Anchor's Aweigh" and they discussed how much harassing they are getting from the Stormtrooper garrisons. I feel sorry for them that I cannot help. I sometimes wish that I could do something, but realize that just waiting is the best course of action for me right now.

    A beautiful woman with black hair flowing with braids sits next to me and we start discussing how troublesome the Stormtrooper garrison is on Tatooine. She has a very athletic build and is wearing a warrior's garment of purple and green, with a black shirt. She has green armbands that extend to her wrists on each side. I tell her that I am a moisture farmer as well and that I live not far from Anchorhead.

    She tells me of her torment from the Stormtrooper garrison. They have seized all of her possessions and her apparent royalty and sentenced her to ten years of banishment. I lose track of time and we talk for hours and hours. As the sun starts to set, I finally excuse myself telling her that I will return next week to Anchorhead.

    "I am sorry, but I have to go to check on my evaporators on my moisture farm," I tell her, "I have to make sure that my droids are doing their jobs," I fib to her.

    She looks forlornly at me, "Then we will meet next week here again... I am sorry, what is your name?" she asks. "Ben," I tell her, "My name is Ben."

    "Well Ben, I look forward to our next meeting," she replies, "By the way, my name is Narandin, Narandin D'ulin."

    "That is a lovely name," I reply looking deeply into her eyes as I kiss her hand, "Until we meet again, Narandin," I say as I finally exit the bar looking back at her and waving as I exit. "Yes, until we meet again," she repeats as she waves back.

  23. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Great to see that Ben is meeting friendly people.

    Nice update loved it.
  24. Gkilkenny

    Gkilkenny Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2004

    I thought it wonderful that the bar is named Anchors Aweigh,o_O especially
    when tatooine is all sand and no water, it made me laugh. You have done a wonderful job describing the woman. I hope she isn't a spy.[face_thinking]

    The moisture farmers gather at a little bar called "Anchor's Aweigh"

    I often wonder how did Ben survive in the desert[face_thinking]

    great post:cool:
  25. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    I can feel Obi-Wan's frustration at not being able to help and I'm glad he's making the right decision. The last thing he needs is to bring unwanted attention to himself.

    Nice to see him making a new friend.

    Great update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=

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