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Saga A Father's Love/Chewbacca/Dear Diary Challenge 2009/Companion to "The Heart of a Smuggler"

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Thrawn1786, Jan 14, 2009.

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  1. Thrawn1786

    Thrawn1786 Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 8, 2004
    Title: A Father?s Love
    Author: Thrawn1786
    Timeframe: During the course of The Empire Strikes Back
    Characters: Chewbacca, the main players from ESB
    Genre: Diary
    Keywords: Diary, Chewbacca
    Summary: Chewbacca keeps a record of his thoughts and the events that take place in the film for his son, Lumpy
    Notes: This is for the Dear Diary Challenge 2009 and goes along with Trimaj?s diary /The Heart of a Smuggler Also, none of these characters/settings/what-have-yous are mine, they?re George Lucas?s, I?m just getting to play in the sandbox with ?em for a bit.

    A big thank you goes out to my extremely nice e-brother, Trimaj, for suggesting this and unintentionally getting my booty back into writing on a regular basis.

    (translated from Wookiee)

    Dear Lumpy,
    I am writing this for you, as I have written before, so that you can grow and learn something more of the galaxy that you will someday travel through, once you are a bit older. Your mother has told me how much you enjoyed the previous journals I sent-your reactions when she would read them aloud to you when you were little, and how you would slowly go through each entry when you were learning to read- so I continue this now.

    Day One

    Han and I are currently with the Rebel Alliance on the planet Hoth. It is quite cold, and I pity the humans who seem to shiver despite the layers of clothing they have beneath their uniforms. Every day it?s windy and there?s a lot of snow-it seems to never stop! Were it not for my life debt to Han, I would almost wish I was off-planet.

    Speaking of Han, I wish he would let me go out on the patrols with him and Luke. It may be just a funny feeling, but I do worry that something will happen to them while they are gone. Though I don?t owe Luke a life debt, I enjoy his company-he reminds me a bit of myself in my younger days, before life turned dark and Han saved me.

    I?m not sitting around waiting though. Something is wrong with the Falcon, I?m not sure what yet, but I?m trying to find out. Of course, that means moving this and that around, which Han will not like, but he will see that it is necessary to do such to get to the main problem. The fact he is so protective of the Falcon is good-the best pilots need to be=but he is too uptight about the ship, I believe. Lately every waking moment, when he?s not out patrolling, has been spent fixing this, or rewiring that. My guess is Han is worried about the bounty that infernal Hutt, Jabba, has placed on him. If only Hutts were smaller?I would feel no guilt about choking the life out of that vile Jabba for all the stress he has put Han through. To think it used to be ?Han, my boy!? and such?.Jabba is a fool. A dead fool, if he gets too close to me again.

    And now Han is back! Time to get back to work-no, your father is not lazy, Lumpy, the welder was overheating?Han needs to quit rewiring our tools since they are starting to malfunction too-so I will write more later. Hopefully we can get this latest problem halfway fixed before the shield closes. Maybe, when he comes back, I will ask Luke if he has any spare time to help. It would be nice to have someone around that doesn?t constantly grumble about the ship.
  2. The Great No One

    The Great No One Jedi Grand Master star 8

    Jun 4, 2005
    *steals first post*

    great job rach. i've never really seen anything from chewies point of view, much less an actual diary but this is about how i'd imagine it'd be done. strong, sensible, caring and thoughtful. especially since it's to his son. very, very nice touch.

  3. Qui-Gon_Reborn

    Qui-Gon_Reborn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 11, 2008
    *steals second post*

    Very nice work! It's amazing that it sounds like Chewbacca even though I've never really heard Chewbacca speak. I'd say you captured his character very well.

    And I'm really interested in seeing how this turns out! =D= =D= =D=
  4. LASOS

    LASOS Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 13, 2008
    I love it already. Great idea!

    If you're doing a PM list, I'd love to be on it.
  5. BultarSwan

    BultarSwan Founder: Grand Rapids, MI FF star 10

    Jul 5, 2003
    Very well done, sis! [:D] Love hearing from Chewie's pov for once. :)
  6. dancing_star

    dancing_star Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 24, 2007
    Aww, this is great!![face_love] [face_dancing] Very nicely done! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one! ;)
    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  7. hyperspace_police

    hyperspace_police Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 22, 2005
    Nicely done...

    Cool to see things from Chewie's POV!!![face_dancing]
  8. Thrawn1786

    Thrawn1786 Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 8, 2004
    AN: Time for a bit of an update. Mine's going to be going a little bit slower than Trimaj's, but not by too much.

    Entry Two

    Well, I finally finished welding part of the outer lifter, Lumpy. It was a bit of a mess, thanks to all the modifications Han recently made (and yet he blamed me when it didn?t work!), and I nearly burned off some of my fur a few times, but it?s done. I?m pretty sure Han won?t like it-this has recently become typical behavior for him, he does something, it doesn?t work, and so I fix it, and his temper goes wild until he notices it works better- but if he hadn?t messed it up in the first place, I wouldn?t have had to go back and-

    Hmm. Now the central lifter is smoking. Great.

    And here comes Han, grumbling about something else. If I had a million credits, I?d bet that it has something to do with the princess. Ever since Yavin, all they?ve done is squabble like a pair of Barabels. Lucky for us that they don?t have the teeth and claws of Barabels, though, or I?m sure things would be a lot uglier!

    Han?s just noticed the central lifter too. More to come later, Lumpy.
  9. LASOS

    LASOS Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 13, 2008
    Hmm, I wonder if this new bad mood of Han's is due entirely to a certain princess....

    Great update! Very funny!
  10. dancing_star

    dancing_star Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 24, 2007
    Well, I finally finished welding part of the outer lifter, Lumpy. It was a bit of a mess, thanks to all the modifications Han recently made (and yet he blamed me when it didn?t work!), and I nearly burned off some of my fur a few times, but it?s done. I?m pretty sure Han won?t like it-this has recently become typical behavior for him, he does something, it doesn?t work, and so I fix it, and his temper goes wild until he notices it works better- but if he hadn?t messed it up in the first place, I wouldn?t have had to go back and-

    Hmm. Now the central lifter is smoking. Great.

    :oops:[face_laugh] Wonderful update!! :D
    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  11. The Great No One

    The Great No One Jedi Grand Master star 8

    Jun 4, 2005
    *chuckles* great job again rach.=D=

    still very definitely sounds like chewie, and i like the humor addition to it.

    thanks for the PM.

  12. Darth Gangrenous

    Darth Gangrenous Chosen One star 10

    Jun 1, 2005
    Great so far, sis! [:D] I love the humor of it. :D
  13. UnderCoverJedi

    UnderCoverJedi Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 19, 2006
    [face_laugh] Excellent! Please put me on the PM list for this. =D=
  14. dm1

    dm1 Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 9, 2004
    Yup, I'd say Han's mood is definitely due to a certain princess. Ahh, human courtship rituals can be so strange, especially when the couple involved doesn't quite get it!

    Nice to hear Chewie's point of view on things. Please send me PM notification when this updates.
  15. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    And here comes Han, grumbling about something else. If I had a million credits, I?d bet that it has something to do with the princess. Ever since Yavin, all they?ve done is squabble like a pair of Barabels. Lucky for us that they don?t have the teeth and claws of Barabels, though, or I?m sure things would be a lot uglier!

    [face_laugh] =D=
  16. Thrawn1786

    Thrawn1786 Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 8, 2004
    Entry Three

    Several hours have passed since Han left to look for Luke-which, in turn, he was gone for a few hours before anyone noticed. I wanted to go along, but Han wouldn?t allow it-?someone?s gotta stay here in case the kid does come back. And Chewie, don?t touch the lifters!?

    I of course did not listen-I am not saying you should be disobedient, Lumpy, do not think this is another lesson for you-but I justified this by saying Han was worried and not thinking correctly. He?d mentioned something this morning about wanting the ship ready to leave tomorrow before dawn, so if I just left it alone we would never make our launch window.

    It?s just as well that the lifters were a quick repair ? my mind has wandered to why it?s taking Han and Luke so long to return. It gets very cold at night, and they will freeze if they don?t get back soon.

    Dusk is falling ?I don?t see how such is truly possible on this snowy planet, but according to time that is what is happening now ? so I?m going to wait by the shield for them, Lumpy. I hope ?no, pray- that they ride through on the tauntauns any minute now?
  17. dancing_star

    dancing_star Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 24, 2007
    Loved it!! [face_love] That part of ESB is truly one of Han's shining moments as a hero and friend. @};- Great job!! I can't wait for more! [face_dancing][:D]
    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  18. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Dusk is falling ?I don?t see how such is truly possible on this snowy planet, but according to time that is what is happening now ? so I?m going to wait by the shield for them, Lumpy. I hope ?no, pray- that they ride through on the tauntauns any minute now?

    Loved seeing these events from this POV! =D=
  19. Thrawn1786

    Thrawn1786 Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 8, 2004
    Entry Four

  20. BultarSwan

    BultarSwan Founder: Grand Rapids, MI FF star 10

    Jul 5, 2003
    Very well done, sis. I love to hear from Chewie and it's interesting how he speaks with Lumpy. It's very unique and you make it flow throughout. [:D]
  21. Darth Gangrenous

    Darth Gangrenous Chosen One star 10

    Jun 1, 2005
    Something must be wrong with my computer. All I see for the 4th entry is an "H", an "A", a bunch of "N's" and a few "!" .

  22. Thrawn1786

    Thrawn1786 Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 8, 2004
    Entry Five

    Han and Luke are back! Princess Leia sent the snowspeeders out as soon as sunrise hit while the droids and I continued our shield door vigil. Not one of us made a sound, not even Threepio for once, which is quite something, Lumpy. He?s the chattiest droid I?ve ever seen, but I do enjoy Han?s retorts whenever they?re around each other. It always throws Threepio off-guard, every time!

    But back to Han and Luke. We stood there for a long time, waiting, still hoping against hope, when Princess Leia ran up. She used to be nervous around me ?most people are, since Wookiees aren?t too common in the Alliance, it seems ? but all that was forgotten in the midst of her joy and relief.

    ?They?ve been found, Chewie,? she said wearily. Apparently she had stayed up all night too. ?It?ll be a little while before they can return, but thank the Force, they?re both alive.?

    Just then, her comlink squawked and so she ran off. It was just as well, because I had heard all I needed to. I nearly sagged against the wall when no one was looking, I?d been so worried.

    ?Did you hear that, Artoo?? Threepio asked in the slightly condescending tone he always used when talking to him. ?Master Luke has been found! And Captain Solo as well!?

    I didn?t catch Artoo?s response (though I?m quite sure it was something that put Threepio in his place. Artoo is quite at doing that, Lumpy) as the snowspeeders returned and shouts went up. I took off running, eager to see Han again. A crowd had gathered, and by the time I got through I could not see him or Luke. This was frustrating, but according to Princess Leia they had both been taken to the medical examiner- Han for a routine checkup, Luke for bacta treatment. I?m going there now, and I will tell you their condition when I can, Lumpy.
  23. Turin2221

    Turin2221 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Nov 23, 2008
    Chewbacca grumbles.....I'm hungry why didn't those thoughtless humans bring back some real dinner? That Wampa scent smells delicious.
  24. dancing_star

    dancing_star Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 24, 2007
    Glad to see Luke and Han back safely. :) Great update!! :D
    =D= =D==D==D=
  25. Thrawn1786

    Thrawn1786 Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 8, 2004
    Entry Six

    Luke is currently being helped out of the bacta treatment, so I have time to give you a quick update, Lumpy. He was badly attacked and wounded by an animal of some sort; the medical droids and technicians are guessing it was a wampa, though they are not entirely sure. I personally believe that's what it was-what else lives out there to cause such giant claw marks? He was, when Han found him, severely suffering from hypothermia. Thank the Force that Han did, before Luke could've fallen to an even worse fate!

    Han, for his part, seems to be okay. He was given a thorough examination and seemed to suffer only from the severe cold, and has thawed out nicely. I am grateful for that. It made me smile, Lumpy, to see him fuss at the doctors, saying all the while, "Forget me, check on the kid! I'll be all right." Han acts tough, but he really does consider Luke a good friend and would gladly take out anyone who tried to harm him without thinking twice. We both would! Luke is a wonderful person. I hope you will get to meet him someday, son. You can learn much from someone like Luke.

    I see they are currently moving Luke into a private room, so I need to go check on him.
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