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Beyond - Legends Saga Before - Legends Before the Saga Beyond the Saga A Hundred Drabbles (UDC IX-Multi Era, Ensemble Cast)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by devilinthedetails , Apr 26, 2020.

  1. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha As always, thank you so much for your kind comments!:) I'm so glad you found the title for this series so lovely. It came to me when I was writing the "Golden Inside" drabble, and I realized how much I love that idea of staying golden inside so I couldn't resist using that concept in the overall title for this series of drabbles.

    For the misty morning drabble, I have to admit that I was picturing a sort of ethereal mist like might be found in Ireland, and I just can't imagine that on Tatooine, but I also confess my overall ignorance of the intricacies of moisture farming...

    And I'm so happy that you highlighted some of my absolute favorite lines from these drabbles[face_love]

    Golden Inside might have been my favorite drabble this time around so it means so much that you thought it was so exquisite and could capture their love so lyrically. I really found that the prompts this week combined with the short nature of a drabble really invited lyrical writing for me, which was awesome.

    In the final drabble, it was so nice to have an opportunity to showcase Luke's sweetness and Ben's sort of teenage "gross, Dad" that perhaps masks how deeply he is touched by his father's words.

    @earlybird-obi-wan Thank you so much for commenting! :) I'm happy to hear that you found this a lovely set, and it was so nice to have a chance to explore the love between Luke and Mara as well as between Luke and his son.

    @Kahara As always, thank you so much for commenting!:) I really enjoyed being able to show the sweetness and depth of Mara and Luke's love for one another. These prompts were so wonderful in that they encouraged me to think of love and relationships being reflected in nature, and, yes I think there is something transcendent about the love between Mara and Luke that makes it outlast time and death.

    Haha, I couldn't resist making Ben a typical teenager with his "gross" reaction[face_laugh], but I think that Ben hearing the mushiness from his dad will ultimately be a strength for him and his emotional development as you say.
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Here's a song that PERFECTLY fits the Luke/Mara set of drabbles

    [face_love] [face_love]
    Last edited: May 17, 2020
  3. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Oh, I love Frank Sinatra, and that is beautiful, powerful song that as you say is perfect for Luke/Mara[face_love] Thank you for sharing!
  4. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    These were a beautiful set of prompts and I love what you've done with them!

    I love the way you've used colors and nature throughout this set - the misty morning, the white cloud, Mara's red hair, the green and golden plants, and Luke's sunlight yellow hair. It all feels very peaceful and beautiful.

    And Luke and Mara's love is just as beautiful and shines through in every word. I can't even pick a favorite out of this set. They were all amazing. [face_love]
  5. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @amidalachick As always, thank you so much for your kind comment!:) I agree that this set of prompts was absolutely beautiful, and that really inspired me to be very poetic in my drabbles.

    I definitely wanted to show a range of colors such as the white clouds, red hair, green and golden planets, and sunlight yellow hair throughout this story, and to show how beauty and emotions can be reflected in nature so I'm so happy that shone through for you and that you found it so peaceful and beautiful to read.

    I really wanted to show the beautiful and transcendent nature of Luke and Mara's love so I'm so glad that came across in every word, and it's so flattering that you found all of these drabbles so lovely that you couldn't pick a favorite. Thank you again for your kind words! [face_love]
  6. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Title: Jedi Temple and Pilgrims

    Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn; Dooku.

    Genre: General.

    Era: Before the Saga.

    Summary: Qui-Gon and Dooku discuss the Jedi Temple and the foundations on which it was built.

    (Author's Note: The idea of the Jedi Temple being built on the ruins of a Sith shrine was borrowed from James Luceno's Tarkin novel.)

    Jedi Temple and Pilgrims

    Temple of Light

    “I can feel the warmth in the marble.” Qui-Gon placed a palm on a sun-baked pillar of the Jedi Temple balcony where he and Dooku were standing in the clouds of Coruscant. “This place was built to be a breathing testament to peace, a living monument to justice, and a shining beacon in the Force.”

    Qui-Gon expected his Master to say something to affirm this, but when Dooku remained stone-silent he asked more uncertainly,“Wasn’t it, Master?”

    “It was built to be a Jedi Temple.” Dooku’s lips were thin. “Do you know what that means, Padawan?”

    Placid Sanctuary in a Chaotic Galaxy

    “It means it was built to be a Temple of Light.” Qui-Gon’s forehead furrowed at his Master’s question because he felt he had already explained what it meant to be the Jedi Temple. Recalling the serenity that flooded him whenever he meditated cross-legged amid the music of the flowing water in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, he added, “It was built to be a placid sanctuary in a chaotic galaxy, a place of reflection and refuge from all turmoil.”

    “It was.” Dooku nodded. “Yet even the serenity of sanctuaries may be shattered when built on corrupted foundations.”

    Shrine of Darkness (or Corrupted Foundations)

    “Corrupted foundations?” Qui-Gon echoed his Master’s words on the Jedi Temple’s foundations.

    “Before this place was a Temple of Light, it was a Shrine to Darkness.” Dooku’s finger tapped a thoughtful tattoo against his cheek. “When the Jedi conquered Coruscant, they razed the Sith Shrine and constructed this Jedi Temple over its smoldering ashes. That is the deep darkness beneath the Temple’s light, Padawan.”

    “Why build a Jedi Temple on the ruins of a Sith Shrine?” Qui-Gon was astonished.

    “To neutralize the dark energies, but over the millennia, perhaps the dark energies seeped out.” Dooku’s words weren’t reassuring.

    Monastery of Evil

    “I didn’t know the Sith ever had a shrine on Coruscant.” Qui-Gon frowned at his own ignorance. “I only knew they had their monastery of evil on Korriban.”

    Qui-Gon shuddered at the thought of young, Force-sensitive acolytes taken to train there as he had been taken to the Jedi Temple, and instead of finding the selfless freedom of the Light Side of the Force as he had being trapped in the prison of their own selfish desires when they were trained in the Dark Side. As Yoda said, the ever-hungry Dark Side always ate its own.

    Pilgrimage of Discovery

    “I imagine there are a great many things you don’t know, Padawan.” Dooku’s comment might have been humorous if not for the asperity in it.

    “Yes, Master.” Qui-Gon was the picture of a humble apprentice.

    “It’s my duty to teach you the things you don’t know.” Dooku’s mouth twisted at some internal joke. “You’re on a pilgrimage of discovery, and I’m to guide you.”

    “Aren’t all Jedi pilgrims of a sort, Master?” Qui-Gon’s head tilted inquiringly.

    “You could say that.” Dooku’s amusement was no longer merely internal. “In a way, it’s fitting that Jedi reside in a Temple.”
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Excellent use of the current prompts!

    “This place was built to be a breathing testament to peace, a living monument to justice, and a shining beacon in the Force.”

    Lovely!!! I can so hear Qui-Gon express such sentiments.

    "Placid Sanctuary in a Chaotic Galaxy"

    This is very poetic and is a compelling description of the original intent. [face_thinking]

    "Shrine" and "Monastery" continue this fascinating discussion.

    You capture the characters' voices, their personalities and perspectives expertly in this brief exchange.

  8. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Really interesting to see Qui-Gon and Dooku -- I've always wondered about that odd apprenticeship and it's a rich mine for fanfic like this. This version of Dooku is still Jedi, but he has a more suspicious outlook on his surroundings; even the Jedi Temple is not all to be taken as necessarily good. [face_thinking] There's definitely a bit of foreboding around his words, in contrast to Qui-Gon's earnest sense of idealism. And I do love how Qui-Gon already has this strong commitment to the Jedi path, in a way that Dooku maybe even now does not. It's an intriguing contrast, for sure! =D=
  9. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    great use of the prompts to discuss the origin of the temple
  10. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha As always, thank you so much for your kind comments!:) I'm so glad you found this to be an excellent use of the current prompts. As soon as I saw this week's prompts, I knew I wanted to write something about the Jedi and their Temple. Then I remembered the tidbit from the Tarkin novel in New Canon about the Jedi Temple being built over the ruins of a Sith Shrine and decided that was a lore that would definitely be of interest to Dooku. And from there these dribbles between Qui-Gon and Dooku were born.

    It's great to know that you could "hear" Qui-Gon expressing such sentiments about the Temple. I like to picture him as someone who would be very connected to those sort of peaceful, Light Side feelings of the Temple because of his focus on the Living Force.

    I admit that I had fun getting poetic in "Placid Sanctuary in a Chaotic Galaxy." So far, many of these prompts have given me the opportunity to get quite poetic, and in this case, I could also explore the original intent in building the Jedi Temple.

    Dooku had a sort of darkly fascinating perspective that was interesting for me to delve into in the shrine and monastery drabbles. It really was a very intriguing set of drabbles with a single thread of conversation running through it for me to write.

    I think my favorite thing about this set of drabbles was having a chance to explore the different personalities and voices of Dooku and Qui-Gon, because I seldom write about their relationship, so in a way doing that here was a real treat for me as an author.

    @Kahara Thank you so much for commenting!:) It was really interesting for me to be able to write about Dooku and Qui-Gon's relationship since this is only the second time I've done so in fan fiction, but you're right it really is a rich mine that often (at least in my own stories) goes untapped. I definitely wanted to show that more suspicious side of Dooku, the distrusting side of him that makes him dig deep to try to find the corrupted foundations and rotten cores of everything, even the Jedi (or the Republic). I was trying to inject some of that sense of foreboding to his words so it's nice to know that you picked up on that element. With Qui-Gon, it was very rewarding for me to be able to explore that earnest sense of idealism that to some degree stays with him throughout his life and to sort of have him be the voice of commitment to the Jedi Order and their principles in this story. Often Qui-Gon's more maverick side is explored including in my own works, so it was good to be able to showcase how loyal he can be to Jedi values and how he is a Jedi at heart even if he doesn't always follow the rulebook word for word. It definitely was an intriguing contrast for me to write, and I loved how it allowed me to explore different traits in Dooku and Qui-Gon respectively.

    @earlybird-obi-wan Thank you so much for commenting, and I'm so flattered you found this to be an excellent use of the prompts to discuss the history of the Jedi Temple:D
  11. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    I like the idea of carrying a single conversation and scene through the entire set. It's really not as easy as it seems! [face_laugh] But you did a great job of it.

    I have to say, this line really struck me because sadly, it's true.

    It was really interesting to see Dooku and Qui-Gon here, and their discussion was fascinating. Great use of the prompts, and great set as always! :)
  12. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @amidalachick As always, thank you so much for commenting on my drabbles! :DYou're right that carrying a single conversation and scene through an entire set wasn't easy but it was very rewarding, and I'm so flattered that you thought I did a good job with that. The line you highlighted was one of the most haunting ones for me from this set so I'm happy to hear that it resonated with you. It was definitely interesting for me to explore Dooku and Qui-Gon's relationship and to delve into the history of the Jedi Temple with these two characters. Thank you again for your kind comment, and I hope you'll enjoy the next set as much!

    Title: Memory and Music

    Characters: Leia Organa Solo; Han Solo; Anakin Solo.

    Genre: Family, romance, and angst.

    Era: Saga-OT and Beyond the Saga-Legends.

    Summary: Leia Organa, her memories, and her music.

    Memory and Music

    Voice of an Angel

    “You’ve the voice of an angel.” Han’s compliment when he came up behind Leia as she sang an Alderaanian lullaby to the kicking twins inside her made Leia start.

    “How would you know I have the voice of an angel?” Leia laughed. “Have you ever heard one sing?”

    “Not before I heard you sing.” Han kissed her cheek.

    “Then you’ve never heard an angel sing.” Leia shook her head in exasperation though inside she was flattered, not that she ever intended to tell Han that.

    “Keep singing.” Han’s eyes drifted shut. “I can imagine I’m on the moons of Iego.”

    Beast under the Sleep Couch

    Anakin’s lower lip quavered as Leia tucked the blankets about him. “I’m scared of the dark.”

    “Why?” Leia wished she could assure her son there was no need to fear the dark, but she couldn’t when she thought of her father.

    “There’s a beast under my sleep couch.” Anakin pulled the blankets to his chin. “I can’t see it in the dark, and it’s scarier when I can’t see it.”

    “There’s no beast under your sleep couch.” Leia brushed a soothing hand over his hair, wondering how different the galaxy might have been if Anakin’s namesake had feared the dark.

    A Hero but a Rogue

    Leia had been fourteen when a fortuneteller at an Alderaanian spring festival had first told she would marry a rogue.

    “Your life line proclaims your vitality will never fade. Your wisdom line says you’ll learn when to fight and when to listen.” The fortuneteller’s wizened finger traced the lines on Leia’s outstretched palms as she read the destiny imprinted in them. “Your love line promises you’ll find true love with the one you least expect. Your fate line announces that you’ll transform the galaxy, and your marriage line makes it clear you’ll marry a rogue—a hero, but a rogue.”

    Frost Palace

    Leia blew on the viewport, letting her warm breath frost the cold panes. Finger pressed against the glass, she drew the palace in which she had been raised on Alderaan. She painted its proud spires and the snow-crowned mountains that girded it. She sketched the terraces where she had eaten on sunny days, the high windows of the soaring grand entrance hall where her parents had received visitors, and the lush gardens that smelled of night-blooming candlewick flowers during evening strolls.

    She drew a palace that now only existed in misty memory as icy grief frosted her heart.

    Dancing in the Eye of the Storm

    Leia danced in the midst of a raging storm, not caring that the rain soaked through her shimmersilk dress to her skin. The droves of water cleansed her, flowing through her to scrub away her sorrows. The sound of the storm was the drumbeat of revival and renewal, part of an eternal cycle that created and sustained her life and all life in the universe.

    In the eye of the storm, she was at the center of everything, and when Han suggested she come inside, she held out her hand and invited him to dance in the rain with her.
    Last edited: May 29, 2020
  13. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    love the set centered on Leia with her children and Han
  14. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Love all of them but Frost Palace is my favourite even though it’s so sad.
  15. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Angel: Aww. Han is a romantic [face_shhh]

    Beast: Very natural childish fears which Leia wishes she could soothe away completely [face_thinking]

    Frost: Very touching and poetic. =D=

    Storm: Lovely sense of togetherness and sharing in the midst of a storm.
    Last edited: May 30, 2020
  16. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @earlybird-obi-wan Thank you so much for commenting on this set of drabbles!:) I really enjoyed writing this set that explored Leia and her relationships with Han and her children, so it makes me so happy to know that you enjoyed these drabbles as well!

    @Kit' Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment!:) I'm so flattered that you loved all the drabbles in this set, and I can understand you finding Frost Palace to be your favorite since to me it was the most poetic and lyrical to write. It was reflective even though it was very sad because of Leia's lost home as you say.

    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha As always, thank you so much for your sweet comments!:) I was smiling to myself as I wrote Han the romantic, but of course, he would want us to keep it secret that he does have a romantic side.;)

    Beast was a moving drabble for me to write in the sense that I could explore Leia trying to allay and soothe away the natural fear of her child while still wrestling with the dark legacy of her father. Frost was in many ways the most poetic one for me to write this time, and I always embrace the opportunity to get poetic like that, and it was very touching to sort of delve into Leia's raw grief for her lost childhood home. And Storm was a nice positive note for me to end on with Leia and Han being able to come together to dance in the rain even as the storm rages around them. Strangely tranquil and renewing in the way that only rain can be.
  17. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    Oh, I'm so happy to see a Leia set!

    And of course you did a beautiful job with all of them. Lovely Han/Leia moment in "Angel", a lovely mother-and-son moment in "Beast", and awesome use of the prompt in "Rogue". :D

    And then "Frost" and "Storm" - those two were stunning. I really loved the juxtaposition of Leia's grief over her lost home and then the next scene having her celebrating life and love.

    The image of Leia dancing in her silk dress in the rain, and the storm as a "drumbeat" of life made me think of this gorgeous song: Year of the Cat by Al Stewart

    I wanted to quote a line from "Storm" but I honestly couldn't pick one, every word was just perfect. I think this is my favorite set of yours yet! =D=
  18. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @amidalachick Thank you so much for your kind comment!:) I really enjoyed writing this Leia set since it was so nice to be able to slip into her wonderful perspective, and I'm so flattered you thought I did a beautiful job with them all.

    I always enjoy writing Han/Leia romantic moments, so I'm so happy that you found Angel lovely, and that you appreciated the mother-son moment between Leia and Anakin in Beast. Rogue was a prompt that just screamed Han/Leia to me, so I'm so happy that you felt I used it in an awesome way.

    It's great to know that you found Frost and Storm stunning in how they contrasted Leia's grief over her lost home with her celebrating life and love with Han at the end. I felt that would be a happy note to end the story on as well. There is something hopeful about dancing in the rain.

    I'd never heard the Year of the Cat song before, I admit, but listening to it now, I find it a very beautiful song and can understand why you thought of it when reading about Leia dancing in her silk dress in the rain.

    And nothing could be more flattering than the idea that you couldn't pick a line to quote because every word was perfect. Thank you so much for your sweet words, and I'm so glad you loved this set about Leia so much[:D]
  19. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    You can write so many characters nicely, canon and legend ones. No matter what time they are in. The good as much as the ugly ones.

    And thanks for those words here:

    With Orson, I think the temptation is with his ambition, which leads him to do terrible things in service of an evil empire. But I don't imagine Orson as someone evil from the beginning so much as someone corrupted by a desire for power.

    I really, really appreciate that.
  20. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @AzureAngel2 Thank you so much for commenting!:) I'm flattered that you find I can write so many characters from Canon and Legends so well since for me characters are at the heart of the stories I love to tell, and there are so many different time periods in the galaxy far, far away that I want to do them all justice when I write about them. I believe the good times and the bad times as well as the good and bad characters have a certain depth that I like to try to explore if that makes sense. And I'm so glad that you appreciated my comments on Orson since I do find him to be one of the more fascinating characters created by Disney and part of why Rogue One worked so well for me.

    Title: Under Lock and Key

    Characters: Padme Amidala; Palo Jemabie; Ruwee Naberrie; Jobal Naberrie; Sola Naberrie.

    Genre: General; Family; Mild Romance.

    Era: Before the Saga and Saga-PT.

    Summary: Padme and the memories and emotions she keeps under lock and key.

    Brushstrokes Make a Bight

    “Is that a sound?” Padme watched Palo’s smooth brushstrokes create a canvas of cream-capped aquamarine waves that forever crashed against a rugged recess of coastline.

    “No.” Palo smiled as he always did when she failed to identify his drawing. “It’s a bight.”

    “Oh.” Padme wished she could touch the dancing waves in his picture. “What’s the difference between a bight and a sound?”

    “Bights are shallower.” Palo added more cream to a wave cap. “You can see that in the depths of my waves.”

    Padme nodded, thinking she could almost hear the music of the waves hitting the rocks.

    Dark-Spotted Thrush Eggs

    Padme was five when her father first showed her a thrush nest in his garden. Bending over a bush, he pointed out the mud-lined cup nest concealed among the branches, explaining this was where the thrushes she loved to hear sing lived.

    Her attention was captured by the five dark-spotted blue eggs in the nest, and she reached out, longing to touch them, but her father’s hands gently trapped hers as he said softly, “We must not disturb the eggs, but let them become thrushes to inspire Naboo poets and songwriters. We must respect nature because we’re Naboo.”

    Barrel of Aid

    Padme tried to feel optimistic as she loaded a barrel of foodstuff into the transport that would carry it to the displaced population of Shadda-Bi-Boran, a planet destroyed by a supernova sun. She had been so hopeful when the Refugee Relief Movement had managed to evacuate the entire population of Shadda-Bi-Boran, but hope turned to despair as the volunteer scientists proved unable to replicate the environment the refugees needed to survive.

    The barrel was full of foodstuff, but the nutrients the refugees of Shadda Bi-Boran needed to survive could only be found in their sun.

    Lovely Old Rags (or Vintage)

    “That’s a lovely dress, Sola.” Padme embraced her sister for the first time in months and thought that even if Sola had been wearing rags, her dress still would’ve seemed gorgeous because long absence truly did make the heart grow fonder.

    Echoing what was in her mind as only a sister could, Sola’s lips quirked wryly. “These old rags? I thought a queen would have a sharper eye for style.”

    “My eye is sharp enough to know that dress isn’t made of old rags.” Padme laughed deeply, throwing back her head as she only did with her family. “It’s vintage.”

    Beautiful Heirloom

    “A politician must keep emotions and secrets under lock and key,” Padme’s mother murmured the night before she joined the Legislative Youth Program. “This’ll help you keep your emotions and secrets locked inside.”

    Her mother offered her a beautiful perlote wood jewelry box with a lock and key Padme had always admired but never dared touch on her mother’s dresser. “It’s an old family heirloom mother has passed to daughter for generations. It’ll remind you of home.”

    Padme clutched the jewelry box to her chest, holding generations tight to her heart, a legacy to be preserved under lock and key.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2020
  21. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    "Brushstrokes Make a Bight" =D=

    I could visualize this lovely drawing.
    Enjoyed this serene moment between Palo and Padme.

    For "Thrush", that was a lovely father-daughter moment and a valuable lesson taught.

    In "Vintage", Sola and Padme share a delightful sisterly time together.

    "Beautiful Heirloom", Padme will cherish the gift and will take the advice to heart, as does Leia later on. [face_thinking]
  22. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Love to see the young Padme and her family and friends in your set
  23. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha As always, thank you so much for commenting!:) I wanted to sort of paint a picture in readers' minds as they read "Brushtrokes Make a Bight" so I'm so happy to hear that you could visualize the painting Palo was creating so well in your mind as you read that drabble, and that you enjoyed this serene moment between Padme and Palo. I definitely felt a peaceful feeling settle over me as I wrote that drabble.

    I really enjoyed being able to offer a glimpse of Padme's father teaching her something about the beauty of the natural world and the importance of respecting all forms of life so I'm so glad that you loved that father-daughter moment and found it taught a valuable lesson.

    For "Vintage", I admit that I drew upon my own experiences of fun times talking fashion with my sisters even though none of us are queens...So I'm so glad that drabble resonated with you as delightful sisterly time together, which was exactly what I was hoping to achieve.

    I definitely agree that Padme will end up cherishing the gift from "Beautiful Heirloom" and taking her mother's advice to heart as Leia will end up doing. In a way, that is another legacy passed from mother to daughter...

    @earlybird-obi-wan Thank you so much for continuing to read and comment on this drabble collection:) I'm so glad that you enjoyed this set focused on a young Padme and her family and friends. It was so nice to be able to put Padme in the spotlight in this set of dribbles!
  24. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Title: Drinking Vessels of Tatooine

    Characters: Luke Skywalker; Beru Lars; Owen Lars.

    Genre: General, Family, Fluff.

    Era: Between ROTS and ANH when Luke is growing up on Tatooine.

    Summary: Luke, Beru, Owen, and the drinking vessels of Tatooine that shape their lives.

    Cup of Cold Quintberry Juice

    “I’m hotter than a dewback in the sun.” Luke fanned his sweaty face as he entered Beru’s kitchen, escaping the heat of the noon sun.

    “You must be thirsty.” Beru clucked her tongue sympathetically as she opened the cooler door. “We have water, blue milk for your strong bones and quintberry for your sweet tooth.”

    “I’ll have quintberry juice.” Luke grinned as he stood on tiptoe to grab a cup from the cabinet. “There’s nothing in the universe as good as cold quintberry juice is there, Aunt Beru?”

    “No, there isn’t,” she agreed, returning his smile and ruffling his hair.

    Mug of Warm Blue Milk

    “Aunt Beru. Uncle Owen.” A pale-faced Luke appeared like a ghost in the doorway. “I had a nightmare and can’t go back to sleep.”

    Owen grunted something indistinct and rolled over on the sleep couch, tugging the blankets over his eyes and a pillow over his ears.

    Beru climbed out from under the covers and padded over to her nephew. Slinging an arm around his shoulders, she steered him away from the doorway toward the kitchen, murmuring, “I’ll just heat you up a mug of warm, and you’ll be asleep in a wink. Nothing’s soothing as warm blue milk.”

    Glass of Surly Sarlaac

    “Nothing like a glass of cold Surly Sarlaac to celebrate a selling a good harvest,” Uncle Owen slurred, voice raised along with glass of Surly Sarlaac he’d lifted in a toast as he and Luke sat in Anchorhead’s lone cantina. The alcoholic beverage was cold enough to make condensation form on the glass rim and orange as sunset.

    “I think I should drive home, Uncle.” Luke reached for the speeder keys. He was being responsible but also eager for a chance to fly. That was why he hadn’t argued when his uncle ordered a non-alcoholic juma juice for him.

    Initials Carved into a Japor Goblet

    “Who’s S.S. and C.L.?” Luke ran a finger over the initials engraved into a heart on a goblet he was dusting for his aunt.

    “S.S. is Shmi Skywalker, your grandmother, and C.L. is Cliegg Lars, your grandfather.” Aunt Beru looked up from her dusting with a smile. “Your grandfather carved that goblet for your grandmother as a wedding gift. He carved it from japor wood to bring good luck and happiness to their marriage.”

    “Was their marriage lucky and happy?” Luke asked.

    “Yes.” Aunt Beru’s smile had a sad edge now. “Until the Tusken Raiders came.”

    A Golden Chalice

    “That’s a beautiful chalice.” Luke stared at the golden chalice embedded with glittering gemstones his aunt was polishing. “Why don’t you drink from it every day?”

    “It’s too beautiful and valuable to drink from every day.” Aunt Beru laughed. “It’s the chalice your uncle and I drank out of at our wedding feast. We drank out of it once for wealth and health, but if we drank out of it again, we’d tarnish the gold.”

    “So you keep it polished but never use it?” Luke’s forehead furrowed at this baffling behavior.

    “Exactly.” Aunt Beru nodded as if this made sense.
  25. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    a great set showing Luke and his family