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Before - Legends A New Beginning...A Shmi Skywalker short story...Complete 09/04/07

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by KELIA, Jul 10, 2007.

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  1. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    So beautiful. :_| Sad, but hopeful too.


    Obi-Wan jerked back to the present. ?Master,? he flushed.

    Qui-Gon frowned as he handed the baby to him.

    ?Wha?what am I supposed to do with it?? he gasped in disbelief.

    ?Him, Obi-Wan,? Qui-Gon chided gently. ?He?s a person and his name is Anakin. It?ll be good for you to take care of him until we reach Coruscant.?

    ?But Master!?

    ?I?ll be in the cockpit if you need anything,? Qui-Gon replied, walking away.

    Obi-Wan glanced reluctantly down at the squirming infant. ?Hello there,? he said softly.

    Anakin gazed intently into Obi-Wan?s eyes as if sizing him up.

    Obi-Wan shifted uneasily. He had never spend much time with children and none at all with newborns. What was Qui-Gon thinking putting him in charge of Anakin? He had no idea what to do next.

    ?How you like to lay right next to me?? he suggested, eager to put the baby down. Carefully, he lowered Anakin onto the seat, slowly moving his hands away.

    Anakin immediately began to cry.

    ?All right, all right, it was just a suggestion,? Obi-Wan breathed, picking him back up. ?I guess I could hold you a little while longer.?

    He began to rock Anakin, hoping to quiet him. ?Maybe you?d like a story??

    Anakin cried louder.

    ?Don?t tell me you need to be changed?? A look of horror crossed Obi-Wan?s face as he leaned down, sniffing cautiously.

    ?Well that?s a relief,? he mused, racking his brain for what to do next. ?You can?t be hungry. Qui-Gon assured me you ate a bit at the hospital and your next scheduled feeding won?t be for a few hours yet. It?s very important to stay on schedules you know.?

    Anakin continued to cry.

    LOVED this whole section! Poor Obi-Wan, so flustered! [face_laugh]

  2. DarthBerryStraw

    DarthBerryStraw Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 20, 2007
    Awww, what a lovely ending! :_| Sad, but very, very nice!
  3. Nienna_Narmolanya

    Nienna_Narmolanya Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 5, 2005
    Aww! [face_love] Lovely ending, KELIA! Shmi's goodbye to Anakin was perfect (*sniff*), and I loved Obi-Wan's reaction to having to look after baby Anakin. [face_laugh] Sometimes, no matter what you do, babies just don't want to quiet down.

    Obi-Wan gazed down at him, continuing the song as the tendrils of an unbreakable bond began to form between the two.

    *happy sigh* Great job on this! =D= A satisfying story.
  4. Kestrel_Kenobi

    Kestrel_Kenobi Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 26, 2005
    ack, sorry I got so behind, but I've been away.

    So Obi-Wan was Nyla's son! I didn't see that coming! I'm glad they got to have a reunion.

    So sad that Shmi dies, but I love that Anakin found a way to the jedi. And Obi-Wan's reaction to him was perfect! lol. So sweet.

    A lovely read Kelia =D=
  5. emerald54

    emerald54 Jedi Knight star 1

    Apr 4, 2007
    Anakin quieted down, his eyes fixed firmly on Obi-Wan?s.

    Obi-Wan gazed down at him, continuing the song as the tendrils of an unbreakable bond began to form between the two.

    :_| It's so bittersweet. Both mothers got to meet their sons, one right before she passed away and the other after so long. Oh, I wish I had your writing ability!

    Thanks for the PM!
  6. DanaeMariSkywalker

    DanaeMariSkywalker Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 24, 2006
    This is a great story!

    Poor Shimi! Too bad she had to die! :_|

    Awww! The part with Obi-Wan and Anakin was so sweet! [face_love]

    Awesome! Obi-Wan got to meet his mother! I just knew that he was the old lady's son when she told Shimi about her son who was taken away to be a Jedi.

    I love this story! Keep up the good work! =D=

  7. Tahi

    Tahi Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 8, 2002
    Sorry to be so late. I've been travelling around the States and visiting my daughter and son-in-law. Also met of the TFNers. :)

    This was a sad but lovely post. How heart-warming for Obi-wan to meet his Mum and for her to see he's okay. :)

    Qui-Gon gazed at Shmi silently. Something in the back of his mind was telling him he must help this woman and her child. Exhaling softly, he reached into the Force, searching for the child?s presence.

    He smiled gently as he felt Shmi?s anxious yet hopeful presence, reaching deeper towards the faint Force signature coming from the baby. A signature that was growing stronger and stronger the closer he got.

    Abruptly, his eyes snapped open, his hands dropping to his sides. Never had he felt such a strong presence, not even around Yoda who was known to be the most powerful Jedi in history.

    Good old Qui-Gon. Always eager to seek what the Force says.

    I loved poor Obi's awkwardness with the baby. That was sweet.

    Thanks for this, Kelia. Very emotional and satisfying. :)
  8. EGKenobi

    EGKenobi Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 27, 2005

    Are you going to be writing a sequel to this? It has the makings of a fantastic story! This one's brilliant as it is, but there must be more...

    PM me if there is a sequel or something..

  9. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    VaderLVR64: So beautiful. Sad, but hopeful too.

    Thanks. I wanted there to be some good coming from such a sad ending.

    Poor Obi-Wan, so flustered!

    But he covered so well, didn?t he? [face_love] [face_love]

    DarthBerryStraw: Awww, what a lovely ending!

    Thank you. I didn?t want to just end everything with Shmi?s death.

    Nienna_Narmolanya: Shmi's goodbye to Anakin was perfect (*sniff*), and I loved Obi-Wan's reaction to having to look after baby Anakin. Sometimes, no matter what you do, babies just don't want to quiet down.

    Thank you. As tough as it was for Shmi to say good-bye, knowing Anakin was going with the Jedi made it a bit easier.

    Poor Obi indeed!! [face_laugh] [face_laugh] Fortunately, he figured out a way to calm little Ani.

    Kestrel_Kenobi: So Obi-Wan was Nyla's son! I didn't see that coming! I'm glad they got to have a reunion.

    Thank you. I thought it would be a nice touch and help to ease the coming heartbreak with Shmi?s death.

    So sad that Shmi dies, but I love that Anakin found a way to the jedi

    I love the idea of him having a life far, far away from slavery.

    And Obi-Wan's reaction to him was perfect!

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] I?m glad you enjoyed that.

    emerald54: It's so bittersweet. Both mothers got to meet their sons, one right before she passed away and the other after so long. Oh, I wish I had your writing ability!

    Aww?[face_blush] [face_blush] [face_blush]

    I?m glad you enjoyed the story. I thought it was important for Shmi and Nyla to spend just a bit of time with their sons. I?m so glad you enjoyed.

    DanaeMariSkywalker: Poor Shimi! Too bad she had to die!

    Yes, too bad :_| :_| It was, however, necessary so Anakin would go to the Order.

    The part with Obi-Wan and Anakin was so sweet!

    I?m glad you liked that. It was so much fun to write.

    Obi-Wan got to meet his mother!

    Yes. I thought it would be a nice touch for both. Glad you enjoyed.

    Tahi: This was a sad but lovely post. How heart-warming for Obi-wan to meet his Mum and for her to see he's okay.

    Thank you ? I?m glad you liked the story. I wanted Nyla to see her son all grown up and happy with his life.

    I loved poor Obi's awkwardness with the baby. That was sweet.

    I thought it would be typical, considering his age.

    EGKenobi: Are you going to be writing a sequel to this? It has the makings of a fantastic story! This one's brilliant as it is, but there must be more...

    Thank you so much! I?m glad you enjoyed.

    Alas, I do not have any plans for a sequel just yet, though I never say never. I?ll be happy to let you know if the muse changes her mind, though.
  10. padawan_learner86

    padawan_learner86 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 23, 2005
    That was very sweet. I feel for Shmi and it was really nice to get some more background story on her.

    "He?s a person and his name is Anakin." Very interesting that you gave Anakin's lines to Qui-Gon.

    Will there be a sort of sequel to this? I'm just wondering in what ways this might effect Anakin as a person. :)
  11. SilSolo

    SilSolo Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004
    if only this were Canon and please write a sequel where Anakin was raised a Jedi
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