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Discussion in 'Archive: Lafayette, LA' started by Jedi_Jacen, Jun 17, 2001.

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  1. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I didn't forget to watch Episode VI last night. It was more exciting watching Empire, I must admit. I did enjoy seeing the additional footage in the special addition though. You see I only own the original versions on VHS. So watching the Emperor's statue fall over as the citizens of Couruscant celebrated was awesome!

    I think your friend from RebelScum would make a great addition. Anyone who would travel to IN for Celebration II, must be a big time SW fan :)
  2. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I took my daughter to see SPIDER-MAN last night. She and I thought it was great! Her more so than me, but still, it was a fun movie.

    I found myself cheering and hateing the Green Goblin. Willem Defoe was impressive. I still can't watch him and not think of Platoon though [face_laugh]

    JEDI-SOLO CR Emeritus, SW Louisiana star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 12, 2002
    Man I'm pretty happy. I got a board for my AOTC trading cards plus the dice. The only thing is I have no one to play it with. :( I wonder if Kelly will play?

    I have about 200 cards now I'd say with in a week. Yes I am a dork! ;)
  4. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I'll play. You will have to teach me. Do I need my own cards?

    I play Pokemon with Amber. I'm good too. Will that help?

    JEDI-SOLO CR Emeritus, SW Louisiana star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 12, 2002
    Man I'm tired.
  6. DarthRender

    DarthRender Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 3, 2000
    yeah me too.
  7. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    Did you find new work yet, JEDI-SOLO or are you waiting until after the Episode II release events? :D
  8. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I'm getting nervous! [face_shocked] I have been reading many reviews of AOTC, and I am not sure what to think. Many of the negative reviews hit on things like shallow dialog and poor line delivery by Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman. Both of these young actors show great promise in other films. :confused: I hope Lucas is not to blame. I have lots of faith in the man. These are things I felt I would have problems with after watching some parts of the trailers and reading the novelization. I really like STAR WARS and I am looking forward to something worthy of best picture of all time. When I saw TPM, I was let down. It was only after watching it many more times that I accepted it as an essential part of the saga, and was able to focus on those things that I did like. Do any of you have reservations about AOTC? Do you think we are building up our expectations too much? Will I be disappointed again? I believe so much of this film has potential, but the potential is there for disappointment also. Perhaps I have read too much bad press already, but even many of the positive reviews are in agreement about HC's and NP's portrayal of Anikin and Padme'. I like all of the CGI stuff, but I read somewhere that LFL does some sloppy work with the saber wielding Count Dukoo (Like simply superimposing Christopher Lee's head onto his stunt double's body, AND not doing it very well! Like, it's noticable.) Is this possible? Could uncle George be so careless?

    I am so syked up about this new episode, but I can't take another disappointment. Lend me some encouragement folks. How are you all handling STAR WARS being upstaged all over the place by the Marvel web-slinger, SPIDERMAN? Don't get me wrong, I like Spidy. I enjoyed many of the comic character come to big screen events like BATMAN, JUDGE-DRED, SUPERMAN, X-MEN, BLADE, The CROW and others. Still, I will never put any of these movies as high on my list of all time favorites as any of the STAR WARS movies, to include TPM.

    Am I beside myself, as the campy line in Episode II promises to deliver when C-3PO is found in the midst of battle on Geonosis sitting next to his decapitated head? Help me cope people. I am having a nervous breakdown and I need help. :(

    JEDI-SOLO CR Emeritus, SW Louisiana star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 12, 2002
    Swamp I personally am not worried about it at all. Something is telling me that this movie is going to deliver where TPM only dreamed of doing. It will rock!
  10. Noghri_1

    Noghri_1 Jedi Youngling

    Apr 13, 2002
    Now, there-there Swamp. patting on your shoulder.

    That was a well thought-out comentary and I share your concerns. I too was irritated with a few elements of Ep-I and later was able to accept and enjoy the film. HOWEVER, I don't want to have to accept Episodes II and III.

    With all the possitive and negative reviews, I have trained myself not depend very much on them. We can just hope that Lucas doesn't screw this one up.

  11. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
  12. Lord_Sidious

    Lord_Sidious Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 14, 2001
    When reading critic reviews, I always think of a Tom Clancy quote after one of his books got bad reviews from critics. Paraphrased; "If critics could write, they would be writers. Since they can't write, they become critics. All that matters to me is what my fans think."
  13. DarthGuido

    DarthGuido Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 12, 2002
    As if we needed yet ANOTHER reason to go see AOTC tomorrow night, I was just on the official Matrix website and they have announced that the first trailer for The Matrix: Reloaded and The Matrix: Revolutions will be attatched to a certain movie premiering in theaters on the 16th. Kinda easy to figure out which one it is since AOTC is the only thing out this week. Just thought some of you guys and gals might want to know.


    JEDI-SOLO CR Emeritus, SW Louisiana star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 12, 2002
    That is awesome DG!
  15. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I just got back from Baton Rouge to visit with Lord_Sidious and view AOTC at Tinseltown. It was my first movie experience in a stadium style theatre. I had doubts about the quality of Episode II after watching it in Lafayette for the midnight show. I think the heat was getting to me or something. Perhaps I was too spoiled also. I viewed the movie the 2nd time and it blew me away! Something in my heart wants to hold the original SW films up on a mantle and call them the best ever, but I am afraid once I see this film in DLP, it will rise to a level of GREATNESS in my mind that has not been achieved by any other motion picture ever. Yes, Uncle George is BACK in ATTACK! :cool:
  16. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001

    JEDI-SOLO CR Emeritus, SW Louisiana star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 12, 2002
    Good job on that page swamp!!
  18. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
  19. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I had lots of fun at Fan Day II. It was a pleasure to meet Andre' Leeson of the Splash Page in New Iberia. He was very generous with his time and effort.

    I propose that some of us from this area meet at his next regularly scheduled session of STAR WARS CCG to learn to play. Perhaps it can turn out to be like poker night for FanForce Acadiana members. Anyone interested?
  20. wicket_the_ewok

    wicket_the_ewok Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 16, 2002
    man where have yall guys been, i've been playin star wars ccg for years. i go to splash page every saturday and play. it would be great if yall decided to come and learn how to play, but i have to warn you, the store is pretty small, it can fit about 10 people. but we would enjoy some new people to come and learn how to play.
  21. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I'm still deciding if the gaming session should be an official meeting or not. I think it should, but I know it will not be for everyone.

    I did play Pokemon for a while with my daughter. I know TCGs can be a lot of fun.

    I just bought some cards from SuperK. It has three of the 11 packs, that have the Young Jedi logo. How can I tell if I got the correct cards (old style)? The starter deck and 7 of the packs have the following logo:


    Would that be correct :confused:
  22. wicket_the_ewok

    wicket_the_ewok Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 16, 2002
    hey swampsurfer, those packs you got with the logo you posted are the right ones. And if you are still thinking about coming to Splash Page to learn how to play the ccg, we have league every Saturday from 10AM til about 4 or 5. Also we have league on Thursdays from 2pm til 5pm I think. So come on down and have a good time.
  23. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    In the course of researching the history of JEDI-SOLO's user icons, I ran across a user icon that I thought would be just perfect for Gray64.

    [image=] SWCCG is the icon name and it is found on Page 15

    It will help him stand out as the member who hosts our CCG sessions. It's just a thought :)
  24. Jedi_Jacen

    Jedi_Jacen Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 14, 2000
    Sorry to butt into a conversation, but when I saw someone mentioned Splash Page I just had to chime in. Man, I grew up in that store!! How is Andre doing?
  25. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    He is doing fine. We are going to visit today, I will tell him you said hello.

    BTY, Andre' is a member of our group. He goes by the User Name Gray64. Send him a PM. I'm sure he would be glad to hear from you :)
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