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A picture to the face?

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by Jumping Jedi Flash, Mar 28, 2001.

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  1. wild_karrde

    wild_karrde Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Oct 8, 1999
    yo, yo, yo! Wha's sup?
  2. Ramesh

    Ramesh Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 30, 2000
    Mark, patience is a great virtue and one which I do not possess... so where's our picture??? :)
  3. Bash

    Bash Jedi Youngling star 4

    Dec 8, 2000
    Can I email a picture of myself to someone so that they can put it up here then? PM me if you can do this. Thanks. :)
  4. Ooh_Aah_Cantona

    Ooh_Aah_Cantona Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 13, 2000
    You can email me. I'll PM you.
  5. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    Matt I am pretty sure I still have your pic on my comp at home ...... if that is the one you want up or can e-mail me a new one
  6. toochilled

    toochilled Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 17, 2000
    Hey LV, any more pics of you???

  7. Ooh_Aah_Cantona

    Ooh_Aah_Cantona Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 13, 2000
  8. Devils_Advocate

    Devils_Advocate Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 17, 2001
    Hey, LV, you should be honored, you made my sig!
    ;) :D :cool: [face_devil]
  9. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    I feel so honoured :)

    Not yet .............but I am going to the states soon for two weeks on the 12th May so there should be some more up when I get back ;)
  10. Ooh_Aah_Cantona

    Ooh_Aah_Cantona Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 13, 2000
    Whereabouts in the Staes LV? Florida? Careful, TC will over heat if he thinks he is going to see bikini shots. ;)
  11. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    lol I am going to Texas......and who says no bikini shots? you just have to be extra nice to me that's all ;)
  12. Ooh_Aah_Cantona

    Ooh_Aah_Cantona Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 13, 2000
    //blows a gasket. :eek:
  13. Bash

    Bash Jedi Youngling star 4

    Dec 8, 2000
    Sheesh LV, you are popular aren't you. Aren't the other ladies here jealous?
    LV, don't bother using that one I sent to you because it's like three years old now. I have a more recent one that I can send to OAC. Thanks anyway.
  14. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    lmao anyway I have to go write a report on a rude client.....I shall be back later :)
  15. Poodu

    Poodu Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Dec 3, 1999
    hubba hubba!

    And don't mention gaskets man....*wwaaaaahhh* :_|
  16. toochilled

    toochilled Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 17, 2000
    :D BIKINI :D

    But LV, why Texas???

    It's the one place I'm trying to avoid!
    - Though trust me, if I get offered a meeting in Dallas in mid-May I will have to accept this time!
    {company headquarters are there [face_plain] }

    Anyway, yeah, Bikini shots would be great!
    - I'm such a voyeur sometimes!

    - and you are so cute ;)
  17. Gav Daragon

    Gav Daragon Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 25, 2000
    Pssst everyone, J was at an all girls school ;)
  18. Poodu

    Poodu Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Dec 3, 1999
    My ex, Tasha, went to an all girls boarding school... they make the best girlfriends.
  19. Ooh_Aah_Cantona

    Ooh_Aah_Cantona Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 13, 2000
    The boy wonder Arun.
  20. toochilled

    toochilled Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 17, 2000
    I'm still not getting the pic [face_anger]

    Can anyone mirror it please?
  21. Ooh_Aah_Cantona

    Ooh_Aah_Cantona Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 13, 2000
    Try this link TC.
  22. Arun Dale

    Arun Dale Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 21, 1999
    BTW the guy on the left isn't me...

    Thats Alphawolf ;)
  23. Ooh_Aah_Cantona

    Ooh_Aah_Cantona Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 13, 2000
    That's right, it's Alpha. LOL.
  24. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    Reason why I am going to Texas is that my friend is out there for 3 months visiting her fiance and she asked if me and my other friend would like to go out and visit her. Plus it a free place to stay while me and my friend go shopping :D

    BTW thanks Andy! lol
  25. Ooh_Aah_Cantona

    Ooh_Aah_Cantona Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 13, 2000
    Cool, that's why I'm going to the states this summer. My friend is working out there so free place to stay. :D
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