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Saga A Scoundrel's Life

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by celine, Jan 8, 2008.

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  1. celine

    celine Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 26, 2007
    vadey: Loch would agree. He always needs a hug from a woman!:D

    Arthur: "No one can one up the Loch-man!!!" I think you think he's cooler than he actually is! LOL.

    golden: Yep outsmarted and kittiless. Poor Loch.

  2. celine

    celine Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 26, 2007

    Well I headed off to my ship only to find the cat-thing waiting at the ramp for me. It came buzzing happily toward me, tail in the air, like it was expecting me. I have NO clue how it knew where to go, it?s not like I keep the ship docked in my driveway like a speeder.

    I?m freaked out. I?m staring at the cat-thing now, my only company in the reaches of space, and I had this creepy dawning realization.

    It?s not a cat.

    I don?t know what the hell it is, but it?s not a cat.

    It KNOWS. I don?t know what it knows, but it wants me to look into Nera?s death. It has from the beginning. It?s orchestrated this whole thing.

    It?s looking at me now with weird yellow eyes. It?s getting up?and?and? it?s flushing the handle on the fresher.
    Force, I?m losing my mind.


    Lochlann, my Lochlann. I don?t know if you will ever read the words on this datapad. Even if you found it somehow, I know you won?t want to read my private thoughts. And if I?m lucky, and I?m simply fabricating some imminent danger in my mind?then there will be no need for you to read it. I?ll jot it down to one of my melancholy flights of fancy.

    Yet if you do read it, my brother, I want you to know that you have been the light in my universe. You are father and brother and friend-- and in some ways, my one great love.

    My only true regret is that we?ve spent so much time apart as our paths have wound in different directions.
    If I can return to you Loch, I will. If only in a breeze. Or a thought.

    Please find joy in your lifetime. Do not cleave to old and painful sorrows. Do not hide that hurt under a shell. Show some woman what you are REALLY made of?passion, and fire, and tenderness, and loyalty.

    Show someone else what you?ve only shown me, my brother. And let it go, Lochlann. Let it go?
  3. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    I?m freaked out. I?m staring at the cat-thing now, my only company in the reaches of space, and I had this creepy dawning realization.

    It?s not a cat.

    I don?t know what the hell it is, but it?s not a cat.

    It KNOWS. I don?t know what it knows, but it wants me to look into Nera?s death. It has from the beginning. It?s orchestrated this whole thing.

    It?s looking at me now with weird yellow eyes. It?s getting up?and?and? it?s flushing the handle on the fresher.
    Force, I?m losing my mind.

    Loved the update! Glad I caught it before I go green. :p

    Have a great holiday.

  4. Golden_Jedi

    Golden_Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 10, 2005
    It KNOWS. I don?t know what it knows, but it wants me to look into Nera?s death. It has from the beginning. It?s orchestrated this whole thing.

    It?s looking at me now with weird yellow eyes. It?s getting up?and?and? it?s flushing the handle on the fresher.

    Loved this paragraph!!

    Was that Nera's last entry in her diary? [face_worried]
  5. Meredith_Kenobi

    Meredith_Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 20, 2005
    The entry by Emperor Palpatine a while back was really good! You captured his character prefectly.

    And I love how, as you go on, each post just keeps getting longer and longer. This story is progressing really well. We learn something new about the characters every time you update.

    Keep it up, celine!
  6. celine

    celine Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 26, 2007
    NOTE: as you can tell by the random entry from Palpatine earlier, I had planned to weave his entries into he journal as well-- but I was told I couldn't do it for the diary challenge. Now that it's over--I can add them. Hope you enjoy...


    The True Lord of the Sith shall rule the galaxy with an iron fist.

    Star systems shall bend to his will. Sentients will be the carpet he treads upon. Planets-- his baubles.

    The age of the human shall dawn?and yet a human shall be his downfall.

    An orphan will rise from ashes of a dying order, and cast the Mighty one down.

    This is foreseen.


    A lovely young Corellian girl has made my acquaintance. She is spirited. She is intelligent. She is naïve. She is utterly
    guileless, and therefore believes everyone else to be so as well.

    I can mold her to my design like Alderaanian clay. I can ply her to my will like warm wax. She can be useful to me. I have already woven her into my web? another silken glimmering strand among the hundreds. I do not need to keep an eye on her, she is alone and fragile. She will come to me?like a shimmerfly in search of nectar.

  7. Golden_Jedi

    Golden_Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 10, 2005
    :D Damn old Palpy! (But so nice to see this diary updated! )
  8. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Argh. Palpy. :mad: But great update! :D
  9. celine

    celine Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 26, 2007
    And so, here I am on Coruscant. I left cat thing in the ship, I?m trying to keep it quiet. I don?t think it?s legal to be carrying a weird alien non-sentient around on the planet without a permit. But what nobody knows can?t hurt them. Or me.

    Now that I?m here, I?m feeling like this was a dumb plan. I really have no clue what I?m doing. Or looking for. I think I?m going to have to try and get access to the pharmaceutical company that Nera was suspicious of. But I have to figure a way in first. It?s not like they let people walk in off the street and look through their computer system.
    I?m sure I?ll think of something. I hope.
  10. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    I know it?s supposed to be very mature and vogue for males to show vulnerability, but that?s not me.

    Oh, and by the way?I kept the cat

    Loved it! =D=
  11. arthurweasley

    arthurweasley Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 16, 2008
    Watch out Loch! The cat is probably wasting all the water storage in the fresher!! :eek:
  12. Golden_Jedi

    Golden_Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 10, 2005
    Heee... did he leave enough food? :p
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