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Saga A shining light in Darkness Dear Diary Challenge 2014 Completed

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Falcon, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    A shining light in Darkness
    by Falcon
    continuation from][/url] Order 65

    It has been a week since we reunited with Brice. We decided to keep Brice at the Palace when we learned Palpatine would be returning in a week from now. We wanted to lure him out in the opening. We planned to send Brice to Tatooine with Rex and Jess the day before his expected arrival. We didn’t want to tip Palpatine off too soon, this maybe our chance to kill him.

    At the moment the caregiver had no clue what was taking place, we allowed Brice to remain in contact without drawing suspicions to our plans. So far she was in the complete dark. Brice had promised not to say anything to her.

    Once a day we slipped the caregiver a sedative and told the palace medic what we were doing just encase she decided to get herself checked out as to why she was constantly sleeping. The medic agreed to give her a false prognosis.

    This allowed us to spend time with Brice in the meantime and continued bonding with him. He was happy to have us back in his life and we could sense just how much of an impact we’ve had on him. It was all positive, he was a happy child. Brice ran out in the field with a kite in his hand and I watched with a smile as Jess helped him get it airborne.

    Anakin walked up beside me watching as father and son had fun. “This has been a wonderful week.”

    “It sure has been,” I agreed with a smile as Brice got the kite air born. “Brice is a wonderful child. I just fear Palpatine may do something desperate.”

    “Agreed,” Anakin gave a heavy sigh. “I’ve been thinking, we should consider taking Brice back sooner. If Palpatine knew this was taking place. He will pull Brice back faster before you and Jess knew what was happening.”

    I sensed Anakin was right. If Palpatine knew, everything would fall apart faster then you could utter the words blast it. The medic warned us with continuing slipping a sedative to the caregiver. She could begin to develop resistance to it. She may wake up sooner then any of them expected, and then it would be game over. “I’ll think about it.”

    “Good,” Anakin said as he patted me on the shoulder.

    “Who are you and who is that with Brice?” A voice questioned from behind us.

    I turned around and I felt shock rush through me. The caregiver was standing behind us as she watched us with suspicion. I bit on my lower lip trying to figure out what to say without drawing suspicion.

    Nyota's Heart, Hazel, DaenaBenjen42, Venator88
    RX_Sith likes this.
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Great title and oh dear. Anakin's warning came two/five seconds too late. [face_nail_biting] Apparently, the sedative already was starting to not work as well. :eek: I have a feeling that if Brice is recaptured, he won't be as easy to rescue the next time.
    Falcon likes this.
  3. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Definitely an auspicious ending as the caregiver awakens.
    Nyota's Heart and Falcon like this.
  4. Venator77

    Venator77 Jedi Master star 2

    May 2, 2013
    Interesting to read. Can't wait for more.
    Falcon likes this.
  5. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    I stared at the woman trying to figure out where I had seen her face before. I saw her before. But where was the question? I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I realized she was waiting for an answer. “We’re friends with the royal family and vising from out of town. My husband is showing Brice how to fly a kite.”

    “No one is allowed near the Prince without prior permission,” the woman said with a hardened expression. “I don’t care if you are friends with the Royal family. I have my orders.”

    I fought hard to prevent myself from forming a fist as I glanced at Anakin with a raised brow. I’m close to bringing Brice home with me and I was not about to lose this chance. “Brice seems comfortable around my husband, isn’t that enough?”

    “No,” the woman answered as she narrowed her eyes sizing me up. “You look familiar.”

    “You do too,” I ground between my teeth as it hit me full force as Anakin placed a hand on my shoulder. Was she the Delphia look a like? She is I realized with horror. This was deliberate on Palpatine’s part.

    “Calm down,” Anakin whispered warningly as Brice and Jess stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to the balcony. “You won’t be helping by giving yourself to the dark side.”

    //I’m not losing my son again.// I shot over the Force bond I shared with Anakin as Jess sent an enquiry over our bond. //Caregiver is awake and very suspicious.//

    //Blast it.// Jess responded and I sensed frustration over the Force bond.

    //I wasn’t asking you too,// Anakin quickly answered. //Just saying we don’t need to be chasing you around the galaxy.//

    I raised an eyebrow in Anakin’s direction and released my anger to the Force and felt somewhat calmer. //Good point.// I watched the woman as Bail and Breha walked onto the balcony.

    “Is there a problem, Mi lady?” Bail was quick to jump to our rescue.

    “Are they friends of yours?” The woman questioned with a frown.

    “Yes they are,” Bail answered easily as Breha nodded in agreement. “They are very good friends of ours and Brice asked to play with them. We filled out the proper paper work and it cleared two days ago.”

    “No one informed me,” the caregiver said with suspicion.

    “You have been asleep for the most part,” Bail pointed out with a frown. “I’m sure there is a notice waiting for you. Names are Breila and Harlin Temker from Alderaan.”

    The woman’s features softened and nodded. “Yes I do remember getting that notice. Brice does look like he is enjoying himself. I think I’ll go grab something to eat.”

    As soon as the woman was out of ear shot I shot Bail an appreciative smile. “Thanks, I really appreciate that.”

    “You’re welcome,” Bail said with a concerned expression. “I suggest you and Jess take Brice and run. Breha will be accompanying you back to Tatooine.”

    “Your majesty, what about the safety of our people?” I questioned with concern.

    “Anakin has agreed to stay back and Obi-Wan is on his way, the Rebels you helped round out for battle with the separatists are willing to step up to the plate and help run the Empire’s presence from Alderaan. It has been agreed I will be acting in Breha’s place to keep her safe.”

    “It is an honour to serve the Royal family again,” I said with a respectable bow to Breha and Bail. “With your permission, I would like to stay here and help drive the Empire out. This will always be my home and I hope to retire here one day.”

    “You’re more then welcome to stay, Fress,” Bail said with a smile. “I’m sure our people will be glad to see you again.”

    I nodded in agreement as Jess came on the balcony with Brice in tow. “Change of plans?” He questioned with a frown.

    I nodded as I kneeled to Brice’s height as he rushed into my arms. “I love you, baby. I’m needed here. This is my home planet and I need to help.”

    “I know, stay safe,” Brice murmered into my shirt and I could hear the tears in his voice. It sounded shaky to me. “I love you, mommy.”

    “I will. May the Force be with you. I will be with you, always,” I promised as Jess kneeled down beside me as I hit my comlink. “Ahsoka, ready the ship. We’re taking Brice now.”

    “Change of plans and I heard,” Ahsoka answered easily. “Rex and I are on our way.”

    “Thanks Ahsoka,” I killed the transmission as Ahsoka manuavered the ship near the balcony, the ramp reached out to the platform as Jess and I shared a deep passionate kiss. “Keep Brice safe. I love you.”

    “I love you. Be safe Fress. I understand,” Jess returned with an encouraging smile. He stood up and allowed Brice to stay in my arms for a couple of minutes longer.

    I didn’t want to let him go, but I had too. “Be strong and send my love to everyone.”

    Jess took Brice’s hand and led him to the platform as Bail said his goodbyes to Breha. She walked up the ramp and waved to us before boarding the rest of the way.

    I watched as the ship rose up and made a beeline for space. My son was safe and that was the main thing for me. I turned my attention back to the entrance as the caregiver rushed forward with a blaster in her hand. I unhooked my lightsaber and flicked it on as she fired. I quickly blocked the blaster bolts with ease as her eyes widened in shock.

    “This was a trick to get the Prince,” the caregiver snapped with anger. “I demand you to bring him back this instance.”

    “I will never allow Palpatine near my son again,” I snapped back angrily as guards flooded the balcony.

    “Guards, seize that woman,” Bail ordered quickly as two guards walked forward and took a hold of the caregiver’s arms and brought them behind her back. “You’re under arrest. The Empire is not welcome on this planet. You are a prisoner of war. Brice Shern was kidnapped from his parents two hours after his mother gave birth to him.”

    “How do you know they’re not lying to you, Prince Bail?” The caregiver questioned with a hardened expression. “I was told they were killed.”

    “I’m not as dead as you think and I’m a very angry mother,” I snipped before Bail had a chance to respond. “Brice is my son and I would do anything to get him back. I held him in my arms for ten minutes after giving birth. I got some rest and then woke up to find he was gone, kidnapped from the medward.”

    I watched her for reactions as I stood there with my lightsaber ignited in front of me. I would never allow Palpatine near my son again. I waited for her response. I knew it wouldn’t be long before the Empire invaded Alderaan.


    RX_Sith, Nyota's Heart, Venator88
    RX_Sith likes this.
  6. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Falcon! I am very happy that Brice got away; that was very quick and effective thinking to split up. Bummed that Jess and Fress have to be separated though ;) But this looks like the best solution. [face_thinking]
    Falcon likes this.
  7. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Great escape for Brice, but I'm sure that the Empire will pursue.
  8. DaenaBenjen42

    DaenaBenjen42 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 15, 2005
    Once a day we slipped the caregiver a sedative and told the palace medic what we were doing just encase she decided to get herself checked out as to why she was constantly sleeping. The medic agreed to give her a false prognosis.

    I can just see that one: "oh, yes. You've got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." Hee!
    Falcon and Nyota's Heart like this.
  9. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    I stared at the caregiver waiting for her to respond as I sensed a familiar presence step onto the balcony. I turned my attention towards the door as Lux Bonteri gave a slight smile. “Been a long time, Lux.”

    “Indeed it has, Master Colias,” Lux answered as a female I didn’t recognize stepped in beside him. “How is Ahsoka?”

    “Happily married to Rex,” I answered with a tight smile. I remembered Ahsoka and Lux had some feelings for each other in the past. That was then, this is now. “Who is your friend?”

    “My wife, Janice Bonteri,” Lux introduced with a smile. “Janice this is Fress Colias. She’s a fully trained Jedi and is considered a warrior for Alderaan.”

    “I’ve heard of you,” Janice held out her hand with a soft smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”

    “It’s nice to meet you,” I returned shaking her hand. “Am I to guess you’re still in charge of the resistance on Alderaan, Lux?”

    “We both are,” Lux answered with a smile. “Ahsoka and the clone?”

    I rolled my eyes at the inquiry. “We don’t call Rex a clone. He’s too much his own person to even be considered one these days. You’re not jealous are you?” I questioned with a sly smile.

    “Of course not,” Lux was quick to defend himself. “I was just merely inquiring about how she’s doing and that is was indeed who I was thinking of.”

    “I see,” I noticed Janice looked confused over the question. I decided to let it drop for now. “Jess took our son, and made a mad dash for it. The Imperial Navy won’t be too far behind.”

    “I heard,” Lux walked to the care giver as she glared at Lux. “And I suppose you think she’s lying to you?”

    “I know she’s lying. This is just to get the prince,” the caregiver growled.

    “She’s not lying to you,” Lux turned his attention to the guard. “Take this woman to the detention level.”

    “Yes Captain Bonteri,” the guard led the woman off towards the cells in the palace.

    Anakin walked up beside me and turned his attention to Lux. “What’s the plan from here?”

    “We have some weapons but it’s not enough to take on the Imperials. I’ve already made a request out to the Rebellion, they’re sending support. Whether or not they will be here in time remains to be seen,” Lux explained with a frown.

    “Some help is better then none,” I commented with a frown as others joined us on the landing pad. The worst thing they could do was leave the Palace undefended. “Anakin, what are the chances of Palpatine seeing to this personally?”

    “Slim,” Anakin answered quickly. “He’ll send his henchmen in his place. He won’t risk his life unless he knows he has a chance of winning.”

    I had a feeling that was the answer. The only thing to do was prepare as we waited for the Navy to show.
    Three days later

    The support for the Rebellion showed up but the Empire has yet to make an appearance. Did that mean they were unaware that Brice was no longer with his caregiver? I walked up behind Anakin as he looked out towards the setting of the sun. “Either they’re unaware or they won’t bother to retrieve him.”

    “Something doesn’t feel right,” Anakin turned his attention to me with a frown. “Ahsoka made contact three hours ago to let me know they made it safely back without any complications.”

    It was a short message, but they agreed to prolong anything beyond that. We didn’t want anyone tracing the coordinates. Anakin was right, something was off. “The Empire should’ve been here by now.”

    “I know,” Anakin frowned. “Either they’re going to wait until we leave and overpower Alderaan when our backs are turned or, they don’t know Brice is gone.”

    Which was possible, we did lock everyone up in the detention level. They didn’t allow the caregiver to make contact with the Imperial Palace. Sooner or later Palpatine will realize something is not right. There was one other reason and I shuddered at the thought. “It is possible Brice is a clone of the original?”

    Anakin’s face saddened as he placed a hand on my shoulder. “It’s possible but I hope not.”

    It never crossed my mind to perform a skin test. I knew there was a technique discovered to transfer memories from the original host to a clone. “Anakin, I wouldn’t be able to take that kind of news. It feels like I finally got him back.”

    “Best not to think about it, you will only drive yourself nuts,” Anakin stated calmly as Bail walked up to them with a frown.

    “Your highness,” I greeted with a slight bow of my head. “Is there any word?”

    “Palpatine made contact with me, he’s waiting to hear from the caregiver. I put him on hold telling him I had to get the caregiver,” Bail explained patiently.

    “So he has no clue…” I glanced at Anakin with a frown. “Sooner or later he will know something is up.”

    “Most likely not,” Anakin held up a homing beacon that was flashing. “I found this in Brice’s room an hour ago.”

    I never thought to check for a homing beacon. If nothing else, this did give us an extra day to prepare for assault. “I think it’s time to let him know,” I commented as I followed Bail to the communications area. I grimaced at the thought, this was not going to be a pretty scene when all of this was said and done. I mentally prepared myself for the confrontation ahead of me.


    DaenaBenjen42, Nyota's Heart, RX_Sith, Venator88
    RX_Sith likes this.
  10. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Brice was cloned! Definitely not a good outcome for Anakin and the rest.
    Falcon likes this.
  11. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Ooh, that was intense there thinking what could have happened on the other hand and that the Brice they have on Alderaan could be a clone :eek: I like Lux and Janice :)
    Falcon likes this.
  12. serendipityaey

    serendipityaey Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 24, 2004
    Great interesting story!
    Falcon likes this.
  13. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    sorry it took so long to get this chapter written but I could not figure out how to carry out the conversation between Fress and Palpatine. I hope this turned out all right.

    Thanks for all the feedback, it means a lot to me know you're enjoying this story [:D]

    I walked into the holo communications room as Bail nodded for me to step forward. I swallowed hard,. I had not talked to this man since before Order 66. I stepped into the holo field making my face neutral.

    I stared at Palpatine as I fought my anger down. I was not a hundred percent sure if he was involved with the kidnapping or not. His eyes widened in surprise then quickly recovered as I waited for him to speak. I wanted an explanation as to how he came across my son.

    “Padawan Colias or is it Knight Colias now?” Palpatine questioned with a sickening smile that sent a chill down my back. “It does not matter, the order no longer exists. I was not apart of the kidnapping of your child. After a few blood tests the mother ran I came across the information and took him from her. It was foolish of her to take a Jedi child. It’s a bold move to take the Prince from us.”

    I bit on my inner lip, Palpatine was not apart of the kidnapping. If he were Tatooine would’ve been swarmed by Imperial troops all over the place looking for us by now. It was his cool and almost cheerful manner that was causing me to wonder. If we had Brice then why is he taking to the news so easily? It’s the last comment about taking Brice from them. “Brice is back with Jess and I where he belongs. And you will not be getting him back.”

    Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Anakin and Lux were watching the radar. Lux looked at me with a frown and mouthed they’re coming.

    “As of this moment, I do not need him back,” Palpatine claimed with a big smile as a small figure entered the holo field. “A clone of your son will suffice. You may have the real specimen back. There will be a price to pay for involving Alderaan in this scheme.”

    “Bail, we have incoming,” Anakin announced as the walls shook.

    The Imperial Navy has arrived. The connection with the Imperial palace was suddenly cut short. At least Brice and Jess were safe.
    DaenaBenjen42, Nyota's Heart, RX_Sith, Venator88, serendipityaey
    RX_Sith likes this.
  14. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    :eek: So the surmises about a clone were correct. But I'm glad Brice is safe... :) Oh dear, Falcon. What a cliffie that is! =D= [face_nail_biting]
    Falcon likes this.
  15. serendipityaey

    serendipityaey Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 24, 2004
    Oh no! Looking forward to more :D
  16. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    So, there is both good news and bad news associated with Brice.
  17. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    I stood in front of a security holo recorder. The Resistance on planet as well as the Rebellion was engaging the Imperials. Anakin and Obi-Wan were pointing out possible weak points, and discussing possible ways to break the Imperial army apart. I frowned as I walked around the recording noting that the majority of them were clones. The movements despite the armour gave them away. What blew my mind, this was over getting my son back. “This isn’t right,” I commented causing both men to look at me with frowns.

    “It doesn’t matter if it’s right or not, Fress. Palpatine is making an example out of Alderaan, he plans to keep other planets in line by controlling them with fear,” Obi-Wan explained with a frown. “We all knew the consequences as soon as we took Brice back,” I gave a short nod in agreement as Anakin pointed out another spot causing Obi-Wan to nod in agreement. “Good eye Anakin. That seems to be our attacking point.”

    Anakin raised a comlink in his hand and spoke into it, moving free troops to the North side. “If we come up behind them to the North, they seem to be blind there. Our only chance to turn this around is taking them by surprise.”

    “It’s a bold move, I’ll admit,” Obi-Wan agreed as he studied the holo again. “It should work,” he tuned his attention to me with a frown. “Fress. Take ten guards with you to the North entrance in case they do make it this far. You will be the last defence for the palace.”

    I nodded in agreement as I glanced towards the palace guards. “Who can shoot the quickest and most accurate?”

    Ten guards stepped forward as I stepped in their direction. “Let’s get to the North gate. Captain, I trust these are your best men?”

    “They are, Commander,” the Captain answered. “We’re at your command.”

    “Good, let’s get going. After you,” the Captain walked out of the room with his men following closely behind him. “Good luck, Anakin and Obi-Wan. May the Force be with you.”

    “You too Fress,” Anakin returned as I walked out of the room following the guards to the North entrance.
    I stood in front of the guards with my lightsaber in my hand remaining unlit for the moment. Anakin and Obi-Wan were out there attempting to break apart the Imperial troops. Whether or not they would be successful remains to be seen.

    “Will this work, Commander?” Captain Typho questioned with a frown.

    “We’re about to find out, Captain,” I answered with a frown. “All we can do is wait for Anakin’s signal.”
    I wasn’t too sure how this was going to play out. Not being out there on the front line and not having any visuals on what’s taking place was making me nervous and edgy. I hoped Anakin and Obi-Wan and the others out there had success in pushing the Imperials back. Alderaan did not plan to go down without a fight.

    “Commander?” Someone called from behind me. I turned around and watched as someone I didn’t recognize run up to me.

    “Yes, what is it?” I quickly answered back as I stepped towards him. “Is there news on the front?”

    “No Commander,” the man answered as he handed me a comlink. “You have an incoming message from someone who refused to identify himself.”

    I raised an eyebrow and glanced at the comlink in his hand. “Have the transmission redirected to my comlink.”

    “We offered that to him, but he refused,” the man answered as his upper lip twitched. Was he nervous? I glanced at the comlink and raised an eyebrow. I suddenly had a bad feeling about this.

    “Is he on that comlink now?” I questioned with a frown as the man nodded. “Did he say who he was?”

    “No Commander,” he answered as I nodded for him to go ahead. “This is Ensign Cardin, the commander is busy and is requesting us to redirect this transmission to her comlink.”

    “I told you that it has to be this one,” a familiar voice answered causing me to raise an eyebrow. Dooku. “Tell her it’s urgent that I need to speak with her.”

    I held out my hand and accepted the comlink with a frown. “What do you want, Dooku?”

    “You do remember me, Master Colias now is it? Considering the amount of Jedi killed on the front lines. I’m sure your rank has risen since,” Dooku answered in that calm maddening tone of his.

    “Cut the bull, Dooku and tell me why you’re calling,” I snipped allowing my tone to sound irritated. “I’m sure you’re well aware I’m busy here. All I wanted was to get my son back because he was kidnapped from me when he was an infant. Palpatine is holding Alderaan responsible for helping me get him back. You have some nerve to attack a peaceful planet.”

    “Is that why we’re attacking Alderaan?” Dooku questioned. He sounded surprised to me. “I was under the impression it was because you were there.”

    “It’s not the first time you’ve kidnapped children,” I challenged with a serious tone. “How do I know you’re not lying to me?” I questioned as Ventrice walked up with a small smile on her face. What was she doing here and when did she arrive?

    “It was Grievous who had helped Bane kidnap the children. I was against it the whole time,” Dooku explained. “If this is what it’s about, we’ll withdraw the Imperial army on one condition.”

    “What is the condition?” I questioned with suspicion as Ventrice raised an eyebrow in my direction. I don’t trust him. I mouthed to her.

    Ventrice nodded in agreement. I don’t trust him either. She mouthed back.

    “That you do not help the Alliance for the next four years,” Dooku explained causing my blood to run cold.

    “And why is that?” I questioned as suspicion set in. Four years of no activities would drive me nuts.

    “You have a child to raise, Master Colias,” Dooku explained. “I will give you two hours to think it over. In which time, I will temporarily withdraw the Imperial army until I have your answer.”

    The link went dead as I looked at Ventrice with a frown. “That was unexpected, makes me wonder what he’s up to in those four years?”

    “You and Jess? Ventrice questioned with a smirk. I nodded causing her to smile. “Congratulations, I do not trust this has to do with you raising your child.”

    “Thanks and children actually but he doesn’t need to know that. What are you doing here and when did you arrive?”

    “Fifteen minutes ago. I’m here on the Rebellion’s behalf,” Ventrice explained with a soft smile which I wasn’t used to seeing that expression too much on her. “I don’t trust Dooku anymore then you do. I can find out why he needs you out of the holo for four years.”

    “If he found out you were fishing for information, he’ll resume the attack,” I pointed out with a heavy sigh. “I feel we should run this by Bail first.”

    “As you wish,” Ventrice looked at the troops as they heard the Imperials have issued a stand down order. “At least he’s true to his word.”

    “Order our troops to stand down,” I ordered with a serious expression. The Captain nodded as he sent out the order. I glanced at the Captain and motioned him over. “I need to meet with Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Bail in the war room in the next ten minutes.”

    “Yes Commander,” the captain answered as he dialled in Bails comlink.

    I glanced at Ventrice and softened my features. “It’s good to see you again, Ventrice. I’m thankful you’re here.”

    “Likewise Skywalker’s pet,” Ventrice flashed a teasing smile as we headed towards the war room. I did not like this request at all, but if it will bring peace back to Alderaan and not fight. I may not have a choice but to abide by Dooku’s request. There are more then one way to get to the truth to this request even if it takes more a couple of months to do so. The safety of my people was on my mind.
    Nyota's Heart, Venator88, DaenaBenjen42, RX_Sith, serendipityaey
    RX_Sith likes this.
  18. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    =D= On the developments there.
    Falcon likes this.
  19. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Dooku is obviously up to no good, but what other choice does Fress have.
    Falcon likes this.
  20. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Sorry, double post.
  21. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Sorry, triple post.
  22. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    I stood inside the room as I watched Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Bail enter the room. Ventriss was standing off to the side looking at the scenery. It was beautiful I had to admit and at times I did miss the sunsets here. It’s been so long since I stepped foot on my home world. I took a deep breath as Bail shut the door behind him. I explained why the Imperials were called off and what the terms of agreement was. Still I didn’t trust Dooku, if he didn’t want me in the holo, there had to be a reason why.

    “I don’t like this,” Obi-Wan commented as he stroked his beard. “They’re up to something and you must be the one who will stop them.”

    “Or maybe it’s because Fress and Jess lost almost five years with Brice,” Anakin commented with a frown. “Considering his past, I find that explanation highly unlikely.”

    Ventriss turned around and faced the group causing me to raise an eyebrow at the assassin bounty hunter. What I didn’t get was why she was in the Rebellion. Not unless she’s just looking for payback against Palpatine and Dooku for betraying her and that was the only thing that I could think of. “I don’t trust this has to do with making up for lost time,” she explained making eye contact with everyone in the room. “I’m being paid by the Rebellion to track down and bring Dooku into custody. Prince Organa, I would like the time to investigate to see if I can find out what Dooku is up to.”

    That explained what she was doing here. I noticed Obi-Wan raising an eyebrow in her direction. “I’m surprised you haven’t left yet.”

    “I asked her to run the request by Bail first,” I explained turning my attention to Obi-Wan. “I don’t like it and don’t trust him. He’s up to something.”

    “The question is what,” Anakin commented as he walked to Bail’s side.” If Dooku finds out Ventriss is investigating, Dooku won’t hesitate to resume the attack. The question remains is what do you want to do, Fress?”

    “I don’t know,” I answered honestly with a resonated sigh. “I want to deny it but if it will keep Alderaan safe for four years. It will give us a better time frame to prepare troops here.”

    “This does put you between a rock and a hard place, doesn’t it?” Obi-Wan questioned. “Four years of not trying to help bring this war to an end is a long time.”

    “I would go crazy. I don’t want our children picking up the torch in this war,” I explained crossing my arms. “Dooku asks the impossible of me.”

    “Assassin, I am taking a risk but find out what you can,” Bail commanded with a frown. “As discreetly as possible and report directly back to me.”

    ”As you wish, Prince Organa,” Ventriss disappeared out the door as I looked at Bail with a frown.

    “Are you sure, Bail?” I questioned in concern. “What about the safety of our people?”

    “I don’t like this anymore then you do,” Bail explained as he walked t my side and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Your concern is noted and appreciated, Fress. I would feel more at ease if I knew why Dooku has asked you to step aside.”

    “Your emotions and attachment to your home world will cloud your judgement, to make the wrong decision will be costly,” Obi-Wan pointed out. “Despite the outcome of Ventriss’s investigation. I feel we should allow her to find out what she can before you make your decision.”

    I didn’t like this decision and Bail wasn’t giving me any choice in the matter. I was prepared to step aside but the actions and comments of my friends would not allow me to do so. Obi-Wan was right, my judgement was clouded due to this being my home world and the wrong decision could lead to a costly outcome. It was best to allow Ventriss to investigate.
    Nyota's Heart, RX_Sith, serendipityaey, Venator88, DaenaBenjen42
    RX_Sith and Nyota's Heart like this.
  23. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Enjoyed this =D= The bind Fress feels she is in, the no-best-solution state of affairs. [face_thinking]
    Falcon likes this.
  24. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Having to step aside while others still experience troubling matters definitely leaves an uneasy feeling for Fress.
    Falcon and Nyota's Heart like this.
  25. serendipityaey

    serendipityaey Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 24, 2004
    I like seeing all their input and what's best come to the front even when it's hard, very nice :)
    Nyota's Heart likes this.