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PT A Thread For Prequel Fans To Discuss New Star Wars Content (spoiler tags required)

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by Darkslayer, Apr 24, 2015.

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  1. Artoo-Dion

    Artoo-Dion Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 9, 2009
    It's more likely than not that "missing Luke" came from Lucas.

    Edit: Depending on how much you loved or hated the PT, either the worst ideas for TFA came from Abrams or Lucas, as the case may be. It's a great game to play.
  2. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    Still, “I’m optimistic,” he says. “I’m always optimistic.”

    And he’s optimistic about that fast-approaching day that he takes a seat in a theater, the lights go down and (presumably) the words “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . .” appear on the screen. (Surely they won’t have changed that.)

    Think of it this way, he says: “I never got to see the spaceship come over [in 1977]. I never got that experience that everyone else got to have. I never got to see ‘Star Wars.’ So this time I’m going to.”

    Of all people, it seems like he’s earned the right to have his mind blown.
  3. DarthAhem

    DarthAhem Jedi Master star 1

    May 6, 2014
    Yeah, the above quote (3 posts up) was something I almost posted as well. George is fine. I understand where he's coming from with feeling uncomfortable, but see he also gets it was his decision. I believe in the end I'll thank him for creating Star Wars and thank him again for allowing it to continue with Disney.
    Cryogenic, Sab Jo, Davak24 and 4 others like this.
  4. Alpha Sloth

    Alpha Sloth Jedi Youngling

    Aug 14, 2015

    Well Bobbajo is a Nu-Cosian and Tera Sinube is a Cosian. Zuvio and Embo however look nothing alike. Subspecies?

    Actually, the Battle of Jakku is 1 year after ROTJ, not 3.
  5. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    learn something from gl people. make wit de optimism.
  6. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    the new republic is formed apart from the rebels pretty much. it's just a government run by mon mothma on chandrlilla. by the time of tfa the rebels have turned into the resistance because the new republic won't fight wars or have an army of the republic. they condone no war and won't help leia a far as i'm aware. the new republic refuses to help chewie and han fight the empire left on kashyyyk but they don't stop them either. they have a hands off policy because all the trouble started when the old republic raised an army.
  7. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    Just Finn battling the stormtrooper and Kylo about to attack Finn unless I've missed a more recent trailer.

    And you know this how? Who says the Force is the only thing that makes a Jedi, a Jedi?
    Who knows what the heck, Lucas would have done? He'd probably pull something completely out of left field. Every new movie throws the previous movies on their heads. Why should TFA be any different?
    Why not be an Order of Zayne Carrick like Jedi? Terrible at the Force but a good samaritan.
    Cryogenic, Sab Jo and thejeditraitor like this.
  8. Obi-John Kenobi

    Obi-John Kenobi Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 30, 2012
    It's certainly something I never had in mind when considering the possibilities of the ST.....
  9. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001

    Nice try. There're things in both OT and PT I don't like that I'm pretty sure came from Lucas (or, at least, were approved by him on account of the first 6 movies being mostly his vision). If Luke is missing for no good reason and it was all Lucas's idea I'll say the same thing.
  10. DBPirate

    DBPirate Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 20, 2015
    Interesting if true, though EA should be more careful when just leaking plot details like this. I hope this is true. But I agree with -NaTaLie-. I doubt George Lucas would've had Luke do absolutely nothing. I've said this somewhere before on this thread. The New Republic should've been created in Episode VII and then we could've seen what's explained in that EA description at the end of the film.

    Also, fantastic video, SeventySeven! ROTS really makes ANH even more emotional and interesting.
    CIS Droid likes this.
  11. Obi-John Kenobi

    Obi-John Kenobi Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 30, 2012
    It seemed to me (from the little we know) Lucas seems the most concerned with:

    A) Vader's Grandkids. Apparently, in some way things won't turn out the way he intended there.

    B) The Force. I remember that being one of the earliest things he said after the sale. That he would be a consultant, mostly on the nature of the Force. (Supposedly in terms of what can & can't be done with it.) It's possible they want to pull "New Mega Force Powers!" out of thin air, now that the Force..."Awakens".
  12. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    we don't know what luke has done exactly but it's not nothing. that's part of what the movie will tell us. btw we have these same arguments in the tfa forum all the time. it's not the echo chamber people here think it is. not even close. it may be even more negative at times and i hate that too.
  13. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    I doubt any of us did. Makes it kind of cool. Something out of left field entirely.
  14. Artoo-Dion

    Artoo-Dion Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 9, 2009
    In any case, it's rumoured to be one of the ideas originating with Lucas.
    thejeditraitor likes this.
  15. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001

    True. Before the prequels, it was sad mostly because Luke lost his mentor and a new father figure. And the prequels fleshed out not just Vader but all the secondary characters in the OT, including Yoda and Palpatine - who, honestly, hadn't impressed me much before.
  16. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 28, 2015
    Exactly. What makes it more interesting is it shows all characters had flaws in the prequels. Obi Wan and Yoda just served as the gateways for Luke to become a Jedi while in the prequels, we see a young Obi Wan who makes mistakes and Yoda is kind of arrogant in his treatment of Anakin at times. It shapes the characters into more relatable figures and makes them more "human" in a kind of way. They learn from their mistakes and it gives them a more dimensional character.
  17. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    I finally had a chance to read the posts on this thread from the last 12 hours and want to add my two cents. Some of this is "off topic" but it was brought up and discussed here, on this thread today.
    1. There is quite a bit of emotional content in ANH. Luke's reaction to the deaths of Beru and Owen is quite emotional and is well played by Mark. Leia is very passionate and is obviously upset and irritated by Han's selfish attitude. Luke even chimes in to support her when he says "I care." Again, lots of emotion there. Sir Alec conveys subtle emotion throughout ANH especially when discussing the death of Anakin, his "good friend." He even comforts R2 after the Tusken Raider attack. I'm a fan of Ewan, but his portrayal of Obi-Wan augments Sir Alec's, it doesn't add emotion that was lacking from the initial portrayal. Obi-Wan had been living in relative isolation on Tatooine, and I'm sure he felt a lot of regret over what happened to Anakin and the Jedi and it changed him. Alec played this brilliantly. Ewan did a fab job showing the more idealistic version. The combined performances of these 2 men are among the very best in SW, imo. There is even emotion in the codependent relationship between R2 and Threepio. Ben and Leia's reaction to the destruction of Alderaan contains a lot of emotion as well.
    2. My favorite lightsaber battles happen on Bespin, then on DS 2. Father and son. I place the Mustafar battle third. We haven't seen an entire lightsaber battle from TFA yet, so I wouldn't complain about what we glimpsed in the trailers until I see the film.
    3. GL completed his goal of telling the story of the rise, fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. Mission accomplished. 6 great films. Done. GL sold the rights to SW knowing full well that his treatments, sketches, and ideas for the ST might be ignored. I've never seen his treatment so it would be odd for me to assume it's good or bad, let alone better than what we'll get with TFA. I don't consider the script of TFA to be fan fiction, based on my understanding of the definition. I like fan fiction as well though.
    4. Unless it had been pointed out to me repeatedly in this thread, it would have never occurred to me that there was PT disdain or other negative PT vibes in TFA. I respect that opinion. I just don't see it and I've read all of the posts here and seen all trailers, tv spots and posters. I will admit I have not watched and analyzed all of the interviews with JJ etc. I'm not saying anyone is wrong here, just that I'm not seeing it.
    5. It's fun to debate and whatnot, I appreciate it, keep it up. My only suggestion is that folks ought to actually watch TFA before worrying too much or getting too upset. It might actually end up being a great film.
  18. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 28, 2015
    Agree. It is my opinion of course. We didn't know Anakin as the audience back then so the reminiscence while nice and all doesn't mean much to some. The prequels give us insight on their adventures and augments the dialogue. The line means something to the audience now because we know who Anakin is and who he was. Of course, it was highly ignorant of me if I implied there wasn't any emotional punches in A New Hope, all have them of course but the audience didn't really know the pain Obi Wan was going through in 1977 and I know Sir Alec likely didn't either. He did a damn good job for the source material he was given but, in my experience, I didn't care about Obi Wan too much till the prequels. I agree Ewan augmented the performance but I think he added emotion. We understand the way Ben feels and the isolation because of the prequels. We see a younger Obi Wan whose ideals are questioned, not just by the Order, but by us. There are some on the forum that don't believe in Obi's methods in training Anakin and that echoes in the OT. When Yoda tells Obi that he can't train Luke because he is impatient, Ben responds with "Was I any different? " The line is a throwaway for most people in 1980 if you aren't a big fan like us here, but with the prequels, we hear that line and we feel that. Like "Oh yeah, I remember when Ben was young." It creates a new feeling and emotion to those who analyze it. Once again, we all love the films for different reasons. I understand some like ANH from a different perspective but emotional wasn't one for me.
  19. DBPirate

    DBPirate Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 20, 2015
    Well, I don't think anyone was implying ANH wasn't emotional but the prequels add even more depth to Obi-Wan and Vader, as well as the film in general.

    I agree with you on the TFA battles. Best not to judge those until we see them. But based on how some people in this thread are talking, it sounds like we've already seen some lightsaber duel I missing something?

    And also, most of the people here have acknowledged that TFA will be enjoyable at the least. But that doesn't change the fact they think it's fan fiction or how some of the marketing and the film itself could be perceived as insults to the PT.
    Darkslayer and Deliveranze like this.
  20. Slicer87

    Slicer87 Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 18, 2013
    I was just watching Aliens and realized that the new FO stormtooper variants are ripoffs of the space marines from that film. To start with the new FO stormtrooper blaster rifles have red LCD ammo counters on the side just like the marine pluse rifles. Some marines are armed with flame throwers instead of pulse rifles like the FO flametroopers. Some marines are armed with heavy guns they have to hold in a weird manner just like the heavy gunner stormtroopers. Hopefully this Snorke guy doesn't end up being a queen of some weird alien hive that wants to infest the GFFA. Ugg.
    sarlaccsaurs-rex likes this.
  21. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001
    At least Aliens didn't rehash the first movie completely.
  22. SlashMan

    SlashMan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2012

    This isn't exactly exclusive to the prequels, but seems like a slight to the entire Saga, in the sense that he's pretty much saying "I did it better." If he saw Star Wars as "just a boy thing," then it seems he sadly overlooked a great portion of the fan base. Star Wars was revolutionary for its portrayal of Princess Leia as a major character; not eye candy, not a damsel in distress. Then I see interviews where J.J. says he made Captain Phasma simply to add a female character. It seems arbitrary to add a character with the sole intention to appeal to some kind of group. I mean, people still think making something pink will automatically make it appeal to girls. Moviegoers are smarter than that; Star Wars has always been open to everyone, regardless of age, race, gender, etc. They shouldn't give girls this special treatment just to try to make them feel included when that already wasn't an issue.

    Then there's interviews where I see the filmmakers patting themselves on the back because Finn is black. Uhhh, congratulations?
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Be excited because John Boyega is a great new actor. Not just because he's black.
  23. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 28, 2015

    True. Alien was definitely a horror movie. A slasher film in space, if you will. Aliens added a sci fi action blockbuster twist, which was successful and a really good sequel, imo. Heck, the Colonial Marine Corps popularized the space marine trope. Of course, it wasn't the first with Starship Troopers, but for film and pop culture, it was.
  24. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    I agree that the PT augments the story told in ANH. I didn't need the PT to feel emotional back in the early 80's when I first saw ANH. I felt it instantly while viewing the film. I'm not ashamed to admit that I've gotten a bit emotional during ANH, especially when Luke's family is murdered.
    I don't know anything about footage of lightsaber battles in TFA except for the officially released trailers and spots.
    I also agree that it would be terribly insulting to me and many of us here if there was intentionally degrading implications directed at the PT being used to advertise TFA. Like I said, I'm just not seeing it.
  25. Cynda

    Cynda Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 20, 2014

    Eventually there was going to be a Star Wars film without, at the very least, George Lucas's input. Sadly, it happened a year earlier than anticipated. Will Rogue One be referred to as fan fiction? Episode 8?
    Darth Downunder likes this.
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