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Beyond - Legends Absolutely Perfect - L/M Update - 05/27

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by EmeraldJediFire, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. EmeraldJediFire

    EmeraldJediFire Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2012
    Title: Absolutely Perfect
    Timeframe: Post VOTF, Pre-Union
    Genre: Romance

    Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars, I do borrow the Farmboy once in awhile though. (hey can you blame me!?)

    Notes: This came to be last will be a small thread. I thought it should have its own thread rather than attaching it to pre-existing ones.

    There will be two recurring themes...

    "Mara.." Luke whispered, watching her form highlighted by the moonbeams.

    She had one knee on the bed and was preparing to climb in with him.

    "Hey, Farmboy,"

    "What're you doing here? The wedding is in three days."

    "I can't see my husband?"

    "Well..its not that."

    Mara put two fingers to his lips to silence him.

    "Shh. No talking."

    She climbed in the rest of the way, and proceeded to make herself comfortable. Luke watched her as she laid down beside him, propping herself up on one elbow so she could get a close look at his face.

    "I've been in your room before, so I don't see the harm." Her fingers danced along his tunic.

    Luke barely contained the shudder that ran through his body.

    Mara smirked and laid her palm flat against him, then lowered herself from her slight upright position until she was hovering over him. With her hand still on his chest, she leaned inward to kiss him. He accepted her kiss, returning it with equal fervor. He wrapped his hand around her waist, pulling her closer to him so that she was straddling one of his thighs.

    The kiss went on what seemed like forever and when they finally drew apart both were breathless, faces flushed with the heat of the moment.

    “There, now wasn’t that worth it?”

    “Mmmhmm.” He wrapped his other hand around her waist.”Now, as much as I enjoy your presence, I have to wonder…”

    “Why brings me here tonight?” She finished. “I just had to see you….and I was just wondering what it’d be like...”

    “What it’d be like?” He repeated.

    She nodded. “To sleep in the same bed of the person you love.”

    Mara’s admission struck a particular chord in him, one that made his heart resonate. She was never a woman to express these type of thoughts lightly nor had she ever been a particularly emotional person. She was passionate though; he’d learned that through their years together and up to this point she’d proved just how passionate she could be. With him, she seemed to let go of any preconceived notion she had and delved into the new found relationship they’d begin.

    She tested it and immersed herself within it with wonder and a passionate ardor—it that among many things that he’d grown to love about her.

    Love her.

    He smiled. Yes, he did love her, perhaps way before the events of Nirauan even transpired.

    “What’re you smiling for?” He heard her murmured.

    “This…you…me…” He ran the back of his fingers along her cheek. “That we should come so far, to find something like this…so wonderful…” Luke paused. “I can’t help but think…that I should have known, should have realized.”

    Mara propped herself up once more and stared into his eyes.

    “You didn’t know...I didn’t.”

    “You were…are my best friend, and I’ve never had a connection with anyone as strong as the one I have with you.” He propped himself up. “And, I doubt any woman could match you anyway.” There was a playful twinkle in his eye.

    “You would be right on that one.”

    “Why do I have the feeling that’s the last time I’ll be right?”

    “Wait. You’ve been right?” Mara smirked. “Since when?”

    Luke rolled his eyes.

    “I stand corrected then.”

    “Very good.” Mara lay back down, placing her cheek upon his chest. “This is perfect.” She said after awhile.

    “What’s perfect?”

    “This. You….me…just lying here together.” She drew in a breath. “..absolutely perfect.”

  2. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Get to bootknocking and then it will be perfect. are teasing me EJF! [face_not_talking] [face_shame_on_you]

    ;) Very nice! I wish there was more romance...or any romance in Union. ACK!

    There should be more female writers on the staff of DarkHorse. Get the lady who wrote 50 Shades of Grey to redo Union. Now that would be a sight to see.
    Jade_eyes likes this.
  3. taramidala

    taramidala Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 18, 1999
  4. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    That was very lovely and romantic and just... perfect.
    Jade_eyes likes this.
  5. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Happy [face_dancing] EJF! Very romantic and sweet dialogue and realizations =D= I think he did kinda sorta know earlier than Nirauan ;) and nope no lady could match her in anything. :D I too love the passion Mara brings to a relationship: the wonder and the discovery, blended with the emotional and Force bonds they share. It makes their relationship that much more great. And we can never have too many continuing, simultaneous L/M threads - [face_laugh] as soon as one closes, like Mayo's So Damn Lucky, I'm thinking: OK, who's gonna start a new one? [face_batting] [:D] !!!!
  6. Stone Jade

    Stone Jade Jedi Knight star 1

    Feb 27, 2013
    Wonderful story.

    You give Mara credit for being far more patient than I do. I have trouble imagining, after waiting 10 years, that she'd waste any more time sleeping apart from Luke. Isn't there something like 3 months between VOTF and Union?
    EmeraldJediFire likes this.
  7. EmeraldJediFire

    EmeraldJediFire Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2012
    I know they spent a few weeks on Garqi. I was under the impression the time between that wasn't too long though.

    Also in stupid canon, they still had their own apartments.
    Jade_eyes likes this.
  8. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    It is perfect when they're together. [face_love] And I love when corrected him on having been right. [face_laugh]
    Jade_eyes likes this.
  9. mayo_durron_666

    mayo_durron_666 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Nov 26, 2005

    Loved this little mush moment..[face_love]
    Jade_eyes likes this.
  10. EmeraldJediFire

    EmeraldJediFire Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2012
    Jedi_Lover: You and me both sister.
    taramidala: Thanks!
    Jade_eyes: Couldn't agree with you more, with the last part more specifically but in general I agree with all of what you said.
    Briannakin: Thanks...anything with them is perfect imo
    Stone Jade: Maybe I do. (shrugs) I was just of the impression there wasn't much time in between Union and Vision.
    ginchy: Luke's big mistake was thinking he'd ever been right to begin with.

    Tags: Jedi_Lover, taramidala, Jade_eyes, Briannakin, Stone Jade, ginchy

    Mara woke early that morning; she turned on her side to look at her new husband who was sound asleep beside her. It was odd. Luke was usually known for being an early riser and she was the one who was a late sleeper. But now, they had reversed roles this morning.

    She leaned over, gently touching his blond hair that seemed to gleam under the rising sun. She would never have imagined she would get to wake up to a sight so perfect; that she would rise every day to look at the face of the man she loved.

    Love such a seemingly foreign concept to her; at least it had been years ago. Now, she didn’t mind it, didn’t dismiss it. For once she believed in it, said it, and loved to have it said to her.

    This man, he had loved her so with all her faults—and he had seen through her barriers and gently hacked away at the thorns she had surrounded herself with. It was because of Luke’s unflagging goodness that she and he were here in this spot.

    Her heart beat faster as she examined Luke’s sleeping face. No one would expect the Jedi Master to sleep so serenely with an entirely boyish expression. It didn’t really matter though, because no one else was meant to see it.

    Brushing his bangs off his forehead, Mara began to think back on last night. It had been their first night in their apartment; not hers, not Luke’s but theirs –another symbol of what they had become together.

    Luke had wandered into their bedroom dressed in dark blue sleeping pants but remained entirely bare-chested. She had grinned at the sight of his chest; she had seen much more than that on their honeymoon.

    “What?” He said, obviously noticing the way she had been eyeing him.

    “Oh, nothing,” She responded. “Not that particular anyway.”

    She had been dressed in a silken black nightgown that hung to mid thigh. Mara lay on her side, hand propped up beneath her head as she looked him over.

    He sat on the bed, still looking at her. “Are you sure?”

    She grinned. “Positive.”

    His eyes traveled down her form then back up till he was looking into her eyes. They sparkled with a certain light as she drummed her fingers against the mattress. She then made a circular motion and patted it invitingly.

    “You want me to join you?” He asked, smiling.

    “You don’t.” She challenged.

    “Oh, I want to, after all the incentive is…pretty good.” He still carried that light tone he’d taken on during their honeymoon—and even before when they were engaged.

    “Then what are you waiting for?” She asked, giving him a sultry look.

    He responded with, “Absolutely nothing,” before climbing into bed with her.

    As he positioned himself to lie down beside her, Mara reached out and ran her hand down his chest. He watched her hand play across his chest and covered her hand with his, clasping the fingers gently. “Well, here we are.” He said, voice husky.

    “Here we are.” She repeated, mesmerized by his clear blue eyes.

    “Our first night in our apartment.”

    The unspoken words were clear; their first night in their home as a married couple.


    His voice was practically hypnotic.

    He drew her to him gently, melding her body against his. She could feel his heat seeping through her silken gown. She laid her hand on his shoulder.

    “The first night…in our bed.” Mara murmured.

    There was deep meaning embedded within that statement. Luke looked into Mara eyes and saw the truth, the meaning behind her words. He could sense joy emanating from her and he rejoiced inwardly with her. After all, who would have thought something so simple could hold such meaning…could bring such joy.

    He saw the future in her eyes and she saw it in his as well.

    Mara smiled contently, remembering the absolute perfectness of that night. She sighed heavily and opened her eyes to find blue eyes staring back at her.

    “Good Morning,” He murmured, an amused look in his eye.

    She smiled sensually. "Come here and I'll make it better."
    Jade_eyes likes this.
  11. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Oh Squggles! Melty, gooifying yum!!!! Thanks for posting this. I squeed even as I opened the thread, before I even read a word. [face_laugh] ^:)^ !!!!!
  12. EmeraldJediFire

    EmeraldJediFire Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2012
    Thanks...but I sorta changed the last give the last part another read (I like what I changed it to better).
  13. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Oh, baby yes, that is da bomb! [face_laugh] [face_dancing]
  14. Stone Jade

    Stone Jade Jedi Knight star 1

    Feb 27, 2013
    Jade_eyes likes this.
  15. mayo_durron_666

    mayo_durron_666 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Nov 26, 2005
    Love this line..
    Great L/M moment! :D
    Brightened my day with aww & mush!
    Jade_eyes likes this.
  16. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Great LM moment! I love your mush!
  17. immertreu

    immertreu Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 4, 2012
    Squee! I love romantic Luke/Mara moments.

    The last line is perfect. :D
    Jade_eyes likes this.
  18. EmeraldJediFire

    EmeraldJediFire Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2012
    Note: Set in Mara's 9th month of pregnancy.

    Tags: @Jedi_Lover, @taramidala, @Jade_eyes, @Briannakin, @Stone Jade, @ginchy, immertreu

    Mara lay in abject silence. Her back was severely hurting her as the time drew nearer to when the baby would be born. She had her hand rested on it and shifted uncomfortably. Her son was fit to find his way out; he would make himself obvious by placing his feet in uncomfortable places like down on her bladder or up under her rib cage. Other times, he would flip over as if trying to find a better position.

    I hope its working for you because I've given up, son.

    She heaved a sigh and tried to find a more comfortable spot despite her own words.

    "Mara, are you all right?" Luke murmured beside her.

    "I'm fine.." She mumbled miserably.

    "Mara,," His voice was a warning.

    "I just can't get comfortable. This kid is pitching a fit and he's doing acrobatics inside my stomach."

    "Sounds like he's having fun." Luke said, trying to lighten the mood.

    Mara glared at him.

    "Or not." He retracted."Why...don't you try sleeping on your side?"

    "The beds not big enough.Besides, I already tried. Why do you think the body pillow is on the floor?"

    Luke peered over the side of the bed; sure enough, there was the pillow tossed to the far side of the cabin.

    "My back is the only alternative" She groused, struggling to sit up. "And so far, its not a very good one."

    "I can go sleep somewhere else if you need more room."

    His wife smiled wryly.

    "That's a lovely thought, but your snoring is the only thing that's giving me any comfort at the moment."

    As odd as that sounded, it was true.She should have been irritated by one more thing disturbing her sleep, but she wasn't....knowing he was near was comforting. Of course, months earlier she hadn't been so forgiving seeing as how she was just getting use to not being able to sleep due to her burgeoning stomach. The sight of Luke's peaceful sleeping face had made her so irate one night she'd taken to frustratedly clobbering him with a pillow--repeatedly.

    "What's made you smile?"

    Mara turned her head to side to look at Luke. She smiled, "It's nothing,dear."

    He raised a brow not at all convinced. He was smart enough not to challenge her though. Good man.

    "If you say so, sweetheart."He scooted his way to end of the bed.

    "Where are you going?" She asked in a weary voice.

    "I'm going to go get you a glass of warm milk."

    Mara made a face.

    "That's not going to help." She swept her gaze around, landing on the body pillow. She dismissed it. "Just come back to bed."

    He looked uncertain.

    "If you're sure."

    "Positive." She said, annoyance creeping in.

    Mara suspected Luke had gotten her point and was pleased when he slipped back into bed. He lay back down beside her and lay an arm over her stomach. "Turn over onto your side." He suggested softly.

    "I told you that's not going to work."


    She glared at him again with bleary eyes.

    "Humor me, Sweetheart."

    Mara did so reluctantly. She was sure what Farmboy had in mind, sleeping on her side hadn't helped before--and now without the pillow she was doubting she'd get a good sleep. Suddenly, she felt her husband's right arm wrap gently around her, his hand resting on her stomach. He pulled her close to his bod, tucking her head under his chin.

    "I know its not much, but if you get frustrated I'm right here."

    There was a hint of humor to his voice.

    Mara slowly smiled.

    So he had remembered.

    "You know, Skywalker, its a very brave man that offers that."

    "I know."

    "Okay, as long as you are ready to deal with the consequences." She mumbled, willing herself to get back to sleep.

    "Well, I did have a lot to do with the current ones."

    She snorted softly.

    It wasn't perfect, but it would do.
    Jade_eyes likes this.
  19. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Aw! That was very sweet.
    Jade_eyes likes this.
  20. EmeraldJediFire

    EmeraldJediFire Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2012
    Thanks! I thought it was time I updated this.
  21. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Lovely story you've got going here Emerald! :D
  22. mayo_durron_666

    mayo_durron_666 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Nov 26, 2005
    Oh she has him well trained..:D
    Lovely lil scene! Nice writing ;)
  23. EmeraldJediFire

    EmeraldJediFire Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2012
    Was there ever any doubt?
    Jade_eyes and mayo_durron_666 like this.
  24. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Delightful. Huge grin because Luke is a darling and Mara is a hoot. [face_love]
    mayo_durron_666 likes this.
  25. Stone Jade

    Stone Jade Jedi Knight star 1

    Feb 27, 2013
    Jade_eyes likes this.