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[AFD] I guess i'm going to be the first to air this thought

Discussion in 'Denver, CO' started by Obi_Wannabe, Apr 1, 2008.

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  1. ZOOfo-Dyas

    ZOOfo-Dyas Jedi Knight star 6

    Oct 3, 2004
    About once a week, I go through old threads looking for something, and I never failed to find something Tim said that made my day a little better
  2. gra-co_o_hun

    gra-co_o_hun Jedi Master star 5

    May 5, 2005
    I am quite sympathetic to your loss Zoo and I know how that can feel but let's not forget that Tim has and will live on in Our Hearts. Tim was there with me the day I spent time cutting out the letters for the float, He was there as we paraded the float with His name proudly and he's there every time you look to the top of the board. We can all only Hope that we are thought of as much by so many people when we pass to the next phase.

    Zoo, even if we start over, it wouldn't be the same without You to be there for every new post and every new event we talk about. There is something here on this board and in this group of exceptional people that will stand against anything that tries to tear it apart. I really believe that. This is a unique and amazing cast of characters brought together by imagination and creativity and reflects so much of who we are and what we want to be and the wonderful opportunity to share that amongst those who can appreciate.

    I realize I came in late to this party and your memories extend far beyond me but I feel that I am as much a part of that era as I am now. This totally transcends time when it comes to the devotion of so many. I demand you stay and continue to walk with me and everyone else! Dammit! [face_mischief]

    Long Live The RMFF!!!
  3. gra-co_o_hun

    gra-co_o_hun Jedi Master star 5

    May 5, 2005
    Now Zoo, I realize maybe you don't need or want me to be Little Miss Mary Sunshine at the moment but what kind of Silly Ole Bear would I be if I didn't try to turn that frown, upside down. [face_mischief]
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