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Ahsoka Ahsoka Episode 1.07 - Discussion Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Current and Future Shows' started by Todd the Jedi , Sep 25, 2023.


Grade the Episode

Poll closed Oct 4, 2023.
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  1. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    Burning skeletons and all but 3 rebel fighters killed in the Death Star attack.
    A lot of Rebels killed in the attack on Hoth
    Rebel fighters and capital ships being destroyed at Endor.

    There are stakes in those movies because we have more than plot armor heroes on the screen.
    Bibliora, Sarge and rocknroll41 like this.
  2. Darth Valkyrus

    Darth Valkyrus Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2013
    Somewhere between

    "Named protagonists can never die"


    "You thought Ned was the main character and was safe, lol, he doesn't even make it to the end of S1 before getting his head chopped off"

    ...there lies a... not nescesarily happy medium, but a more plausible medium. A potentially more satisfying, in the long run, medium, even if in the moment it is shocking and saddening.

    A character we know and love dies, or gets a body part chopped off. Perhaps if they die, let it be a heroic sacrificial death where they save the other protagonists, or save a city or something, throw that in as a sweetener. Or maybe they don't die, but get savagely injured, losing a hand or a leg or something, or getting burned. SW has already had that.

    Something to raise the threat level to the characters the audience is invested in, so there isn't a feeling of "nothing can happen to them", but it's also not "he's dead, and he's dead, and she's dead, lol you thought they were safe" like say Game of Thrones was, at least in its early seasons. That, particularly in a SW show, would take it to another kind of ridiculousness.

    There is a balance to be found, they must find it.
    wobbits, Riv_Shiel, Sarge and 3 others like this.
  3. Maythe14thBeWithYou

    Maythe14thBeWithYou Jedi Master star 4

    May 26, 2014
    I agree. Some on YouTube have said that, but the GFFA is going to be the norm.
  4. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Star Wars is not Game of Thrones
    Bibliora and rumblewagon like this.
  5. Darth Valkyrus

    Darth Valkyrus Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2013
    Well yeah... I mean, that's basically what I said.
  6. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Also Star Wars is where for most of the time heroes dont die except the old mentors.
  7. The Chalk Jedi

    The Chalk Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2019
    But Fred, there have to be some consequences in a story for there to be tension and dramatic weight. Without those things, we have nothing.
    wobbits, Riv_Shiel and Bor Mullet like this.
  8. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Consequence is they get stranded and unleash an evil into their galaxy maybe two. Noti is like Ewoks and Porgs too cute to kill, Star Whales almost impossible to kill. Main cast is safe.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2023
    Lomer2012 likes this.
  9. The Chalk Jedi

    The Chalk Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2019
    There need to be consequences regularly throughout a story, not just at the very end.

    If you don't have consequences throughout, you lose energy (tension) and drama.
    wobbits, Riv_Shiel and Bor Mullet like this.
  10. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Depends on what you mean, there's huge and small ones. And Ahsoka tv show has had quite a few
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2023
    rumblewagon likes this.
  11. Count Yubnub

    Count Yubnub Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 1, 2012
    And who can forget Wade :_|
  12. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2023
  13. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    I couldn’t function for weeks after Wade’s death. Still processing it.
  14. DannyD

    DannyD Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2017
    There have been 2 death-related fake-outs, both of which took place in the obviously "dangerous" situation of combat. The first one, I thought Sabine had actually been fatally wounded. The second one, Ahsoka just fell off - a TV device so overused I was not worried about her.

    But it doesn't just need to be death though. Anakin losing an arm was a consequence. OWK and Yoda going into hiding was a consequence. In fact, Yoda never left hiding. Ezra and Ahsoka vanishing for year was a consequence.

    But in Ahsoka, there does not appear to be the dramatic risk of consequences. There isn't any form of set up for that. (I may be wrong, if someone can point it out). The only risk is Thrawn's return, and that's not brilliantly done.

    Is risk of consequence a SW thing? I would say yes. ANH had burning relatives, Luke on danger in a cantina, mind prove robots that did "stuff", a planet destroyed, pilots dying, and a trench run that was super tense.
  15. Lulu Mars

    Lulu Mars Chosen One star 5

    Mar 10, 2005
    I just see Thrawn winning. Those who don't have a conventional view of military success. Thrawn is unconventional - AND has limited resources on Peridea. His goal is not to crush the enemy, it is to get away.

    Killing off red shirts, by the way, is a cheap way to raise dramatic tension and it's been done to death ( :p).

    No. It does not. Live action is not adult or more dramatic, it's just live action.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2023
  16. Pro Scoundrel

    Pro Scoundrel New Films Expert At Modding Casual star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 20, 2012
    I hope so, but I doubt it.
    It is.

    But he's also using a minefield, fighters, a laser barrage of the planet's rings, a full squad of troopers, two trained dark Jedi, and 4 witches against two Jedi, one Mando, and crab people who throw rocks, and use slingshots.

    One dark Jedi bowed out, and his forces failed. All of those resources expended to distract 3 people, and retreat.

    That isn't tactical genius. It's not even competence. Not with that degree of superior resources expended to so little gain.
    I don't. But, I do expect him to win some engagements by actually out smarting his opponents. Especially opponents of equal or superior strength. That would show how he got his reputation. That would make him a credible threat. That would make him interesting.
    See above.
  17. rumblewagon

    rumblewagon Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 24, 2004
    Who's Wade? Oh yeah, that pilot in Obi-Wan. There was a missed opportunity where Hera could have screamed out the name of one of those pilots when the Eye of Sion went into hyperspace. Maybe even both pilots' names. Alas, I feel we lost our "Wade" moment.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2023
    Bor Mullet and Sarge like this.
  18. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    The ships were mostly background ships.
  19. Lulu Mars

    Lulu Mars Chosen One star 5

    Mar 10, 2005
    When Thrawn talks about staying one step ahead of Ahsoka, he is of course referring to the bigger picture that includes next week's episode. The season finale will show us the full extent of his plan.
    To Thrawn, this week's skirmish was just about buying some time. He really does not care what happens to Ahsoka and her friends as long as he gets away, because he believes they'll be stranded on Peridea. Losing a few soldiers to keep them occupied is acceptable to him. I really don't see the problem here.
  20. Stymi

    Stymi Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 10, 2002
    An odd strategy considering how the Rebel crew caused like 10 year exile for him.

    I am really hoping he will have a really badass moment that drive home what a threat he represents to the NR
  21. Bibliora

    Bibliora Jedi Knight star 3

    May 24, 2023
    Why do the number of killed make something adult? Unless specifically made for children, SW content is ageless. TCW for example, is there an episode where no one was killed? I'm sure there will be a lot death in the last episode of Ahsoka.
  22. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    Yes...but we saw plenty of troopers on Hoth or fighter pilot cockpits when they got unalived.
    Sarge likes this.
  23. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
    Maybe this was Baylan's?

    Happy Sando likes this.
  24. Pro Scoundrel

    Pro Scoundrel New Films Expert At Modding Casual star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 20, 2012
    Did you not watch Rebels? Same thing there. Thrawn is mostly talk. He loses to vastly smaller, less equipped opponents several times. The only time he wins in that show is because he has such an overwhelming advantage in resources, that he just throws them at the rebels until they have to retreat. He doesn't outsmart them, he out spends them. Again, a victory against someone you vastly outstrip in resources is not tactical genius. Thrawn's reputation is unearned, so far. That's the point. Not whether Thrawn eventually wins when he has every advantage. It shouldn't be impressive for someone to win under those circumstances.
    wobbits, Riv_Shiel and Sarge like this.
  25. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Rebels was also a children show, and coundt have him defeat the heroes