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Lit Ajunta Pall in Tales of the Jedi, and other misc. Exiles observations

Discussion in 'Literature' started by SheaHublin, Sep 27, 2020.

  1. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    What species is Karness Muur? He has elf ears.
    SheaHublin likes this.
  2. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 35X Wacky Wednesday/25x Hangman Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Sephi seems like the "elf species" in Star Wars, though some have bigger ears than others.
    darklordoftech likes this.
  3. Golbolco

    Golbolco Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 20, 2016
    Could it therefore be assumed that any Golden-Age Red Sith depicted with pointed ears probably descend from Karness Muur? Not that any come to mind for me.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2024
  4. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    For me XoXaan is a Rattataki or a Nightsister
  5. Morgoth333

    Morgoth333 Jedi Padawan

    Apr 11, 2023
    I've had this thought before as well. Dathomir was somewhat close to Sith Space. If the Dark Jedi Exiles divided up that part of the galaxy and each had their own specific territories they ruled over, perhaps Dathomir was part of XoXaan's territory? Maybe her influence there had something to do with the eventual creation of the Nightsisters. Perhaps she ended up becoming some sort of figure that the Nightsisters venerate and worship as part of their religion.
  6. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Actually that does not work for Xoxaan. Her look may be TCW Nightsister-like, but that Rattataki-Nightsister look is based in the Zabrak-Human crossbreds that happened only after the NSW when the Zabrak landed/crashed on Dathomir. Any previous witches are not of that breed, at least not in any particular recogniseworthy numbers. So connecting her to the Nightsisters would be anachronistic and also enforce a modern Disney/TCW era look on past times which I don't think is a good idea. I like her connection to the culture though, yet not based on looks or species.

    Dathomir is not the only world with Rancors, nor the only one with witches. Past times saw Dathomiri shamans move offworld or back multiple times. So their look may not neccessarily have to lead back to Dathomir. But its sector or Paecia may be interesting while keeping Dathomir itself for other fame.
    Irredeemable Fanboy and Golbolco like this.
  7. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    Legends Nightsisters were still powerful but they are not as OP as TCW/Disney Nightsisters i don't know maybe XoXaan is a Umbaran or a Rattataki make her an ancestor of Asajj Ventress
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2024
  8. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Just make her an albino Haruun Kal... Mace Windu's ancesstor :p
  9. Kadar Ordo

    Kadar Ordo Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 9, 2021
    In Supernatural Encounters, XoXaan is a Palliduvan, probably because of the long fingers.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2024
  10. Morgoth333

    Morgoth333 Jedi Padawan

    Apr 11, 2023
    Interesting, I had no idea they finally gave Aurra Sing's species an actual name.
  11. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    Only in Disney Canon in Legends/Clone Wars multimedia project Aurra Sing is a hybrid between a human and an unknown Alien species
  12. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    It is obvious she was inteded to be a Half-Anzati, I guess.. not just trained by them.
    Irredeemable Fanboy likes this.
  13. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    That character was Rajivari the holocron was telling the stories of the Force Wars
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
  14. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    Is there any source for the Republic wanting to execute the Exiles or did Wookieepedia make that up?
  15. SheaHublin

    SheaHublin Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Feb 15, 2008
    It was never made completely clear, but there is a visual similarity in terms of the hairstyles of him and Dreypa, which if anything seems to be hint at some sort of connection in their past that was never elaborated upon but which might have something to do with why they both hated each other so much. Maybe they were from the same world and culture originally, maybe even illegitimate siblings.

    Dreypa, Baron Dreypa, seems to be from an established bloodline, given his Naval background, title, and concern for the propagation of his bloodline and his view of the inhabitants of Sith Space as "mongrels".

    Muur, on the other hand, has no such notions or title, and actively dreams of one day walking in power through the Galaxy, which implies that he never did, suggesting a "lesser" personal background than that of the Baron that he so hated.
    darklordoftech likes this.
  16. SheaHublin

    SheaHublin Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Feb 15, 2008
    Muur actually seems to have NO descendants among the Sith of the Hyperspace War era. There's a very interesting scene with the Covenant talking about Muur and the Talisman, where Lucien says that Sadow and his peers "tore themselves apart" trying to find it (presumably during Ragnos' reign), and that it had been lost long before their time. The Exiles lived for Centuries per multiple sources, Muur himself is shown to grow old in Sith Space, their descendants also lived for Centuries, and the Sith Councilors of 5,000 BBY spoke of their own ancestors multiple times. Less than 1,900 years doesn't leave room for many generations when each generation lives for Centuries. All of that suggests that Muur was not one of the personal ancestors of the Hyperspace War Council, because if he had been they would have known his fate instead of just that he "vanished" and the fate of his Talisman.

    Andeddu is another Exile that probably didn't have any direct descendants. With the big revelation from Legacy 27 that
    he was really dead all along and his immortality was a huge Force Illusion
    the only real question is just how long had he been pretending? When did he actually die? There's absolutely nothing to rule out him having been dead even before Corbos, and as far as I'm concerned he was dead long before that final battle. Nobody checked him for a pulse because they didn't realize he wasn't actually alive. Alternatively, he didn't actually survive Corbos, but was able to fake it and load onto the transport with his living peers. It's also highly likely that Wyyrlok III wasn't actually the first person to figure out his secret, and that the catalyst for his fellow Exiles turning on him and forcing him to flee was because they figured out he'd been fooling them. Suffice it to say, the undead probably aren't siring descendants.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2024
    Golbolco likes this.
  17. SheaHublin

    SheaHublin Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Feb 15, 2008
    Several sources say as much. Exile was deemed to be a worse fate, as at least officially they weren't expected to ever leave the transport. There was probably a lot of the Jedi that banished them figured they would all turn on themselves and kill each other in short order, as being stuck together in close quarters would inevitably cause their personal conflicts to boil over.

    Their craft was also given a fighter escort out of Republic Space, and we see in Spiral that Republican and Jedi forces knew perfectly well that they were inside the Stygian Caldera, as they were waiting to pounce on them the instant anything exited, as we were shown in Spiral.

    There's a lot to suggest that the Republic and Jedi intentionally used the Exiles to try and find the Sith Kingdom, as I noted earlier in this thread. There was a secret Shadow War between the Republic, Jedi, and the Kingdom for millennia prior to the HYD, and the Sith had long been targets that they could never access. They intentionally left Corbos, the Dark Jedi world closest to the Caldera, as the last unliberated World, and they intentionally pointed the Exiles towards the Caldera and waited for them. Their genocide of Sith Space in the Fall of the Sith Empire makes a lot more sense if they had been waiting Millennia for the opportunity.
  18. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    He is a Sephi to me
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2024
  19. Irredeemable Fanboy

    Irredeemable Fanboy Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2020
    That would also explain her long lifespan, because Anzati are very long-lived, Aurra by the time of LOTF seems to be the same as always.