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Beyond - Legends All Things End -- Dear Diary Challenge / Talonverse OCs -- Completed

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Lilith Demodae, Jan 6, 2009.

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  1. Lilith Demodae

    Lilith Demodae Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 1, 1999
    Title: All Things End
    Timeframe: Classified
    Characters: Lt. Nashraak
    Keywords: Diary, Talon, TIS

    01.01.xx ABY

    At the illogical request of my court mandated mind-healer, I am keeping a journal. I am complying out of respect. He managed not to cringe, sweat, or stutter at our first meeting when I only sat and stared at him while he chattered endlessly about 'helping' me heal. Not many can manage this, especially non-combatants. I give myself extra points if they lose track of what they were saying.

    His references to healing are confusing. I am not wounded. My mission, though not officially sanctioned, went without a hitch. The other result of my court martial, my reduction in rank, makes him my superior officer, so I will comply with his instructions, though it strikes me as pointless.

    He is a strange man and makes little sense.

    02.01.xx ABY

    I have written in my journal as ordered.

    03.01.xx ABY

    I have written in my journal as ordered.

    04.01.xx ABY

    This does not seem to serve any purpose except to take up storage space in my datapad, nor do I feel less anger toward the Imperials. But I have orders.

    05.01.xx ABY

    I have written in my journal as ordered.

    06.01.xx ABY

    My court mandated healer has informed me that I am doing this wrong, but I am fulfilling my orders. How can that be wrong? No previous instructions were given concerning the content of my entries. He said I should write down what I am feeling. He is my superior officer, but I do not think my feelings are any of his business. Still, I have orders.

    I feel irritated.
  2. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    Great start!

    I'm looking forward to getting inside the mind of a Talon.:D If you have a PM list I'd love to be on it.

  3. Trika_Kenobi

    Trika_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 4, 1999
    And this is why Nash rocks my socks. :cool:

    Great start, Lilith! I love the flatness I feel in Nash's words. She definitely sounds irritated at the illogical, forced diary entries, and that last line is just hilarious. The in-between entries only add to the irritated feel.

    Awesome! Thank you! And put me on a PM list! [face_mischief]

  4. Darth Muis

    Darth Muis Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 11, 2000
    I love Nash and I love your writing, Lilith! I'd appreciate being on the PM list for this one!
  5. Lilith Demodae

    Lilith Demodae Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 1, 1999
    Thank you, my fellow Talons! :)

    Here's the next post.


    07.01.xx ABY

    I feel tired.

    08.01.xx ABY

    I feel bored.

    09.01.xx ABY

    I feel put upon.

    10.01.xx ABY

    I feel this is a waste of time.

    11.01.xx ABY

    Further instructions have been given concerning the content of my entries. My court mandated healer says I need to explain why I feel what I feel. Feelings are not logical, they are feelings. How is this not obvious? What explanation is needed?

    I have my orders.

    I feel frustrated because my healer makes little sense. How did he get this job?
  6. Trika_Kenobi

    Trika_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 4, 1999
    This healer is doomed. Heaven forbid Nash actually experience something really emotional, like the death of a comrade. She may have to start all over with the diary after forcing it down the healer's throat.

    I luff Nash. Great stuff, Lilith! :D

  7. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    I feel put upon.
    My favorite!=D=
  8. Jedi_Perigrine

    Jedi_Perigrine Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 22, 2008
    This is so kriffin awesome. I love it tons. :D Please keep me updated!
  9. Lilith Demodae

    Lilith Demodae Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 1, 1999
    For my few but faithful Talons, who go to the effort of responding twice... I luff you guys!

    12.01.xx ABY

    I feel silly, writing down my feelings. I know what I feel. How will writing them down change them?

    13.01.xx ABY

    I feel bored. I have been suspended from active duty, pending my court appointed healer's reccomendation, and have little to do other than train. There are only so many configurations of the base obstacle course.

    14.01.xx ABY

    I feel stir-crazy. We are having a chemical attack drill and I was caught too far from a clean suit. I am stuck in a small office with a twitchy civilian Human woman, who exhibits all the characteristics of a prey species. Then there is her too-talkative, over-sexed Twilek co-worker. If this drill goes on much longer I shall kill one of them, though the screaming would probably get on my nerves almost as quickly. I'm sure my court appointed healer would have something disparaging to say about that in his gentle, disappointed voice.

    On the other hand, the drill is keeping me from my apointment with him.

    I feel like purring, but that might scare the twitchy Human.

  10. Trika_Kenobi

    Trika_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 4, 1999
    I feel like purring, but that might scare the twitchy Human.
    LOL. I'd be freaked, for sure! Whenever Nash starts purring, bad things happen. Ghost isn't around, right? [face_mischief]

    Avert yer eyes, children! Great work, Lilith!

  11. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    I feel like purring, but that might scare the twitchy Human.

    Oh, please start purring! [face_mischief]

  12. Ping

    Ping Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 23, 1998
    Nice work. I feel sorry for the healer! This can only end in tears. (As in shreds. Maybe some of the water kind, too, but only if she doesn't kill him quickly enough.) ;)
  13. Jedi_Perigrine

    Jedi_Perigrine Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 22, 2008
    I only hope Nash doesn't get the idea that torturing people emotionally can be more deeply scarring than any physical cut. Then she'll really be catty.

    Wait wait, I'm the one who said it, I'll do it to myself.


    Awesome post, Lilith, I love this series!
  14. Darth Muis

    Darth Muis Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 11, 2000
    Wonderful update! I just love Nash!
  15. Lilith Demodae

    Lilith Demodae Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 1, 1999
    Thank you all for your encouragement and enthusiasm.

    15.01.xx ABY

    I feel like shredding something. My appointment was rescheduled for this morning and healer Viroj remonstrated with me concerning my 'unnecessary intimidation of someone you are duty-bound to protect.' Her whimpering was starting to make my head hurt and my claws twitch.

    I am a predator. I was born to be a predator, as were my parents and their parents before them. Predatory instincts are a fundamental part of my physical and mental make-up. Her fear and cringing was making me want to pounce. He seems to think my instincts are something I should try to overrule. They keep me alive in the execution of my duty and orders. So I stood over her and growled until she finally was silent. At least I did not leap upon her and rip out her throat.

    See? I can overrule my instincts when I have to.

    16.01.xx ABY

    I feel I am being watched. I know they are monitoring me closely. They have been since the court martial. Not that it is unjustified. I did indeed go AWOL from my duty station. I did indeed act in an insubordinate manner. It's not the first time either of those things has happened, nor do I feel that it will be the last. However, now that I think back on it, perhaps telling a superior officer that he was a spineless rockworm not worthy to wipe the mud from my feet for his slackening stance against the enemy might have been a tactical mistake.

    Imperials of that stripe should not be 'convinced' to join us and spill their secrets. They should be interrogated until the vital information is known, and then executed like the wild dogs they are. The fact that I got the information before the intended turncoat 'vanished' mysteriously, I believe, is the only reason I was not dishonorably discharged with jail time. That and the fact they never found a body. No victim, no crime, as they say.

    One more dead Imp makes the galaxy a cleaner place.

    17.01.xx ABY

    I feel that being seen to obey is a good thing at this point.

    18.01.xx ABY

    I feel frustrated. My usual information sources on pending missions have been drying up. It is too soon to try getting the information on my own, if I ever want to see active duty again.

    19.01.xx ABY

    Today healer Viroj asked me what I was doing to keep busy. I told him about my training regimen. He said, no, what do you do for fun? I told him about the xeno first aid class I was just finishing up with. He congratulated me on my educational choice. I said, yes, I now have much more detailed knowledge of the vunerabilities of the twelve most common species within the New Republic.

    He gave me that look that says I just gave him the wrong answer. For a being who told me at our first meeting that there are no wrong answers to his questions, he gives me that look quite often.

    He asked me if I didn't have any hobbies that I had to leave behind when I joined the NR military, or that I'd always wanted to try, but hadn't found the time yet. He hinted that a hobby that took me off-base would be the more acceptable choice. I told him, yes, there was something I'd never done before that I was interested in taking up. He smiled in his subdued, pleased way.

    I've never stalked a Jawa before.

  16. Jedi_Perigrine

    Jedi_Perigrine Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 22, 2008
    Another awesome post! I love Nash's attitude...I wish I could be like that, but it's hard for a guy my size to loom dangerously.

    See? I can overrule my instincts when I have to. and: I said, yes, I now have much more detailed knowledge of the vunerabilities of the twelve most common species within the New Republic.

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] Freaking heeelarious. Really great post, Lilith. Thanks for the PM, I'm looking forward to more!
  17. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
  18. Ping

    Ping Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 23, 1998

    Why do I have this image of a barbeque with the Jawa on the spit?

    Very lovely, and this gives me such a shiver of glee. :)

  19. Trika_Kenobi

    Trika_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 4, 1999
    He gave me that look that says I just gave him the wrong answer.
    LOL. Poor Nash, having to suffer through this. She's just going to have to make him understand eventually. :p

    I get this vision of Nash ready to pounce behind a corner for some reason while reading some of this. No victim, no crime, indeed! =D=
  20. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    This is hilarious Lilith :) I never really stray into Beyond but I'm glad I did today. Thanks for giving me a good giggle :)

  21. Lilith Demodae

    Lilith Demodae Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 1, 1999
    Peri - If looming is out of the question, have you tried lurking?

    Jag - Thanks. :)

    Ping - She's a predetor.

    Trikes - Hey, if they can't find his body, they can't prove he was murdered, can they?

    'Kit - Thanks for stopping in. And I'm glad you're enjoying it.

    I'd post a longer section, but I left the updated file at home today. :p


    20.01.xx ABY

    Subject: Mind Healer Sakda Viroj

    Followed subject from office to home appartment building. Home is off-base, as specified in last meeting. Subject usually wears neat dark blue robes and little round glasses with smoked lenses. He leaves the hood down on his robes while meeting with patients, but puts it back up while in public. A cultural taboo? The lenses must be to subdue the deep red glow of his eyes, as no sensitivity to light has been noted.

    The building directory indicated he was on the thirty-second floor, but would not give further information without approval from the subject. No further information is necessary. The subject's scent should prove sufficiently unique to allow identification of his specific domicile.

    21.01.xx ABY

    Waited until subject left for work, then effected entry into domicile. Only basic security was engaged and was easily circumvented. Whole floor is designated for species under 1.3 meters in height. Have to keep head ducked to keep from banging it on ceiling.

    Checked food storage. Vegetarian.
    Checked disposal. Likes Rodian take-out.
    Checked closet. Wears pastel tunics and pants under robes, and lots of shiny shoes.
    Checked desk. No sign of patient files. Must be kept at office. All games located were puzzles.

    Placed holocamera in potted plant in public room.

    Checked for signs of own presence, then left domicile.

    22.01.xx ABY

    Returned to subject's domicile to dig holocamera out of mud in plant pot. Maintenance droid watered the plant last night and submerged holocamera. Operative believes it was an accident.

    Replaced camera. Left domicile.

    Found excuse to wander past subject's office window while he was with another patient. Smiled at patient, with all teeth showing. Could not hear, but Bith patient looked panicy as operative left vicinity.
  22. Jedi_Perigrine

    Jedi_Perigrine Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 22, 2008
    Man oh man, I would not want Nash wandering past my shrink's office while I'm trying to purge my inner demons. I wonder if the Bith left a little wet spot behind him when he left. ;)

    What a great post, I love the idea of stalking her mind-healer. That's something that every psychopath---Iiii mean patient should do, just to keep the shrink honest. You handled that stalking extremely well...almost too well. You don't know where I live, do you?

    Great job! =D=
  23. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    =D= This is awesome! You know how much I love a good stalker.[face_laugh]
  24. Trika_Kenobi

    Trika_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 4, 1999
    Oh, man! This is just fantastic! The coldness of the writing, very direct and objective, is just perfect. What happens when the diary gets checked out again, though, for participation? LOL. Maybe trusting Nash is merely writing now will suffice... it's good she's writing, right? :p

    I personally think that it's good Nash is stalking. She's in her prime in action! [face_devil]

    Great work, Lilith! [face_mischief]

  25. Darth Muis

    Darth Muis Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 11, 2000
    [face_laugh]@ Peri

    Awesome update Lilith! Nash is such a great, well-defined character. I love the direction this diary is taking. Poor, poor Jawa...
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