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JCC An Actor’s Best Role Ever

Discussion in 'Community' started by Darth Punk , Dec 13, 2024.

  1. DarkGingerJedi

    DarkGingerJedi Chosen One star 7

    Nov 21, 2012
    Disagree. This is Patrick Stewarts best role.
    Jedi Bluth likes this.
  2. Jedimarine

    Jedimarine Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 13, 2001
    Counter arguments...




    Just to name a few.

    And we cannot forget to mix in his truly phenomenal voice acting work over the decades.

    The truly great actors will always lead to tremendous debate on this subject.

    Other actors I'd have difficultly nailing down to one truly great role:

    Daniel Day-Lewis

    Al Pacino

    Robert De Niro

    Denzel Washington

    Alec Guinness

    James Earl Jones


    Yesterday, as I was working through some of these picks, I started to differentiate 3 categories.

    1) Iconic roles...roles that are acclaimed and famous because of that actor.

    2) Fitting roles---roles the actor was so suited to, it is almost not even acting.

    3) The role they seemed to enjoy the most.

    For Patrick Stewart...I think you get some of that with Professor X and Captain Picard.

    Professor X is probably the most fitting role for Stewart.
    Hairline aside, his temperament, gravitas, and talent were as if the character was created to be Patrick Stewart.

    Captain Picard is probably his most iconic role. There was nothing but a name before this man came to LA, took this role, and turned it into a pop culture titan...on par with anything in the history of the franchise, or the genre as a whole.

    What was his favorite? The role he seemed to have the most fun at? His Shakespeare stuff has always been top notch. His Ahab in Moby Dick was every bit that of Peck's from the generation before. He did a memorable Scrooge. I think he is absolutely hysterical in some of his voice work like American Dad, etc, when he gets to be completely irreverent. Hard to say.

    Sometimes, the categories cross over, which is usually when you know you have a "best role" candidate.

    But the great actors...all the roles can be great.

    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
  3. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
    You can't change my mind


    Jedimarine likes this.
  4. Jedimarine

    Jedimarine Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 13, 2001
    Probably the most "impressive" role he ever had.

    Proved he could act.
    I remember reading somewhere his dad forced the studio to put him in this movie, otherwise he would not do Home Alone 2.

    Ultimately the movie wasn't very successful, but he was good in it. His dad's meddling probably torpedoed his career trajectory, somewhat.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
  5. Luke02

    Luke02 Chosen One star 6

    Sep 19, 2002
    Nah, his best role was in LA Story when he played the Maitre d at L'Idiot:

    Jedimarine likes this.
  6. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball Draft/SWC Jedi Commish star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was absolutely at his acting best in Airplane!
  7. Guidman

    Guidman Skywalker Saga Mod and Trivia Host star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 29, 2016
  8. Jedimarine

    Jedimarine Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 13, 2001

    This one is my favorite.

    But it easily could've been:

    Eddie is Eddie, really.


    All great.
  9. Adam of Nuchtern

    Adam of Nuchtern Chosen One star 6

    Sep 2, 2012

    “Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.”
  10. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
    Frankly I don't care whether or not the movie was successful or not. If this film happened to be on TV while I was browsing through my cable channels, I would put it on. That's more than I can say for either of his Home Alone films. I don't think I've seen HA or HA2 in about 30 years.
    Jedimarine likes this.
  11. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Albert Finney as Scrooge.
  12. Luke02

    Luke02 Chosen One star 6

    Sep 19, 2002
    @Ahsoka's Tano Blasphemy! We go to the Home Alone "house" every year, typically the day before Thanksgiving as the way to kick off our holiday season. Even my kids love those movies and they don't like much unless it was made about 5 minutes ago.:)
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
    Jedimarine likes this.
  13. timmoishere

    timmoishere Force Ghost star 6

    Jun 2, 2007
    Another actor who was just born to play a role is, of course:
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
  14. tom

    tom Chosen One star 8

    Mar 14, 2004
  15. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Chosen One star 6

    Mar 22, 2003

    oh c'mon, Alistair Sim .

    also Albert Finney's had much better roles , Arthur Seaton for one.
  16. Jedimarine

    Jedimarine Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 13, 2001
    Getting a little more obscure now...






    But there in lies a question.

    Can multiple actors have the same character be their best role?

    I'd argue it is totally possible.

    There could be a fight over which portrayal is better, but that is a completely different discussion.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
    Sarge likes this.
  17. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Chosen One star 6

    Mar 22, 2003
  18. timmoishere

    timmoishere Force Ghost star 6

    Jun 2, 2007
  19. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    McKellen in Richard III (the movie) blows his Gandalf out of the water, IMO.
    Pitt’s best are Inglorious Basterds and Tree of Life. Especially the latter. I’ll die on that tree.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2024 at 5:56 AM
  20. Luke02

    Luke02 Chosen One star 6

    Sep 19, 2002
    William Shatner in Airplane 2

    "Irony can be petty ironic sometimes."

    And on a personal level, even though time marches on, I will never get over macho grande. Those wounds run pretty deep.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2024 at 6:09 AM
  21. PCCViking

    PCCViking 12x Hangman Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 12, 2014
    Don't forget Mushu from Mulan.
    Sarge and Jedimarine like this.
  22. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Chosen One star 6

    Mar 22, 2003
    For Shatner it's TJ Hooker. c'mon it's not even close.
  23. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    Jessica Walter as Lucille Bluth
    Martin Sheen as President Josiah Bartlett
    John Mahoney as Martin Crane
    Richard Schiff as Tobey Ziegler
    Paul Giamatti as John Adams
    Tim Robinson as Carmine Laguzio
    solojones likes this.
  24. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 4, 2021
    I agree with this
    DarkGingerJedi likes this.