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Saga And Now, Here's Jim with the Weather (A Holonet reporter's Diary) - update #6 - 4 April 2008

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by slow_dawn, Jan 2, 2007.

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  1. slow_dawn

    slow_dawn Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 18, 2006
    Title: And Now, Here's Jim with the Weather (at least thats the title for now i might change it. oh, and the main characters name is NOT Jim)
    Author: slow_dawn i.e. ryan.
    Timeframe: AoTC-ROTS, in that era
    Characters: OCs, and who knows who else.
    Genre: some of everything I imagine--humor, drama, angst, a little romance even
    Summary: The musings of a HoloNet reporter.
    Notes: Written for the ?Dear Diary? ? challenge. Thank you brodiew for betaing.

    A little clarification:

    You really could almost read these independently of each other if you so desired, cos within Derek's greater plot arc, there will be many little vignettes of things that he sees or has seen along the way.

    ~~~~~ this means that Derek has decided to break into story mode or return to diary mode

    ~~ this means a scene change while in story mode

    While in story mode, Derek?s thoughts will typically be italicized.

    So here I am?page one of a very empty diary. Yes, you read correctly, page one. My mother is a bit eccentric, she loves antiques and this paper diary fascinated her. She always wanted me to be a writer, and what better way to pique my interest than with a diary? So I received a diary for my birthday almost fifteen years ago. What she just didn?t realize was that a ten-year-old boy couldn?t be bothered by writing about anything; much less write it in a diary. I had known, as all young boys did, that diaries were for girls.

    So, I unceremoniously cast it aside and didn?t give it another thought. But as mothers have a certain way of knowing more about us than we do, she kept the diary.

    I once heard that journaling can be therapeutic?a way to relieve stress. With the state of things today, we could all use a little less stress. I decided to dig up my old forgotten diary.

    You may be wondering why I?m writing to you. After all, this is a diary--isn't it supposed to be secret? Well, I fancy myself a bit of a story-teller. I?m a HoloNet reporter, so you might say that telling stories is my life. That?s why I am going to tell you a story. This will be my story of course, but I hope it will be more than that. Hopefully, it will be the story of the homeless old man from Coruscant?s sub-levels, the refugee family from Jabiim, and many others I hope to find along the way. I want to bring you the story of a galaxy torn by civil war; the story that the HoloNet won?t let me to tell you.

    But before you begin to think that I am some great bearer of truth and knowledge, remember this, I?m just a man writing a diary. I don?t think that it will change the galaxy; that would be giving me more credit than I deserve. What I do hope is that, maybe someday, one person might read this and be able to see all the things I have seen, and will continue to see, through my work. And maybe, just maybe, this diary will open someone?s eyes to the realities of our war-torn galaxy. Hey, a guy can dream can?t he?

    To open people?s eyes to galactic injustice?isn?t that why any young man or women goes into journalism? I?d like to think so.

    But enough with this philosophizing, I?d like to leave you with this?the caf today at work was as terrible as always and I lost my keys. There now that?s more like any diary I?ve heard of.

    Oh, and by the way, didn?t anyone ever tell you not to read another person?s diary?

  2. misssolo

    misssolo Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 28, 2006
    good job slow_dawn!
    i like it!


  3. Star_Angel

    Star_Angel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 18, 2006
    I really liked this and I can?t wait until I get to read more.

    And please, if you have a pm list, could you add me to it.
  4. Aiden_Sanic

    Aiden_Sanic Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 25, 2005
    You know something...

    Your the first story I've read in these boards for quite a long time. This was very refreshing. Please put me on your PM list, this is very good.
  5. slow_dawn

    slow_dawn Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 18, 2006
    Thanks for reading everyone, and I'm glad you were refreshed Aiden. I should have a new entry up rather soon.

    So here is the PM list!

  6. Lea-El

    Lea-El Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 13, 2005
    Good start Dawn can I get on your pm list Please.
  7. slow_dawn

    slow_dawn Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 18, 2006
    Lea-El - Thank you. Yes, you can definitely be added to the PM list.

    Right so here is entry number two...enjoy! And thank you brodiew for the beta.

    PM List


    Hello again. Another standard year has recently come to a close. With the promise of a new year, people everywhere I go seem to be possessed by an unexplainable optimism. Curious, especially when one considers the state of things. I suppose there is a sense of renewal, new beginnings even, that accompany such a day. But that?s just it, it?s just a day. Do I feel any different? Well, other than the after effect of the office party, no. But seriously, all flippancy aside, do I now see the galaxy through rose colored glasses? I don?t know about you, but I don?t feel any great rebirth.

    So, how do I see the new year? I see it as a time to thank the Force or whatever is out there for keeping me and those I care about going for another year. Just last week we found out that Erik, who?d been with the Net longer than any of us, was killed on some outer-rim world. That could easily have been me in his place. It just makes you think?no one is really safe anymore.

    Let?s just imagine for a moment that there is no war raging all around us, forget all my philosophizing, and focus on what is truly important: the office holiday party? simultaneously the most dreaded and highly anticipated engagement in an employee?s happy life.

    What?! You never knew this? It?s quite true. Socially, this seemingly harmless gathering of co-workers will make or break you. This is the social engagement of the year?the perfect opportunity to schmooze with the boss, to ascend the rickety social and career ladders to the top of the pecking order! Well, that?s what my friend Kyra would have me believe, but I don?t buy it. To me it seems all seems like a lot to do over nothing. All I did was enjoy the food and chat with some friends. But then, I?m nowhere near as ambitious as Kyra.

    Our bosses love Kyra. She?s the ideal employee it seems. She is definitely one of those über-employees that lesser mortals, like myself, love to hate. And I probably would if we weren?t such close friends. I went to university and graduated with Kyra. She?s a bit like the sister I never had.

    Anyway, back to the office party. I wondered if we would even have it this year. I shouldn?t have worried though. Our little branch of the HoloNet is run by a married couple, but don?t let that lull you into believing they are kindhearted rays of sunshine?they love galactic chaos, and all the wonderful stories that come with. What?s the best way to create chaos on a galactic level, you ask? Why a civil war of course! They couldn?t be happier with the state of things. Apparently, it?s great business.

  8. brodiew

    brodiew Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    This is proceeding nicely, padawan. I love the whisically cavalier tone of the narrator. It make the fic flow very well. You character is interesting. I look forward to leaning more about him.

    Keep it up! :cool:
  9. Star_Angel

    Star_Angel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 18, 2006
    That was amazing.

    So, how do I see the new year? I see it as a time to thank the Force or whatever is out there for keeping me and those I care about going for another year. Just last week we found out that Erik, who?d been with the Net longer than any of us, was killed on some outer-rim world. That could easily have been me in his place. It just makes you think?no one is really safe anymore.

    I loved the meaning behind those lines.

    Great job on this one as well and I?m looking forward to read more.

  10. Lea-El

    Lea-El Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 13, 2005
    It is amazing how the change of a date affects people.

    Thanks for the pm @};-
  11. DancesWithBlasters

    DancesWithBlasters Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 22, 2006
    Wow. You are truely an amazing writer, you know that? Absolutely fantsic job! Your character's voice is really, turely alive. It's wonderful, and it flows so smoothly and perfectly together. It seems so natural, so real. Please PM me with updates!
  12. slow_dawn

    slow_dawn Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 18, 2006
    brodiew - Thanks master. Cavalier, eh? I like it.

    Star_Angel - Thanks, Star!

    I loved the meaning behind those lines. Yes, they ring true not only for those in the story, but for us in the 'real' world as well, with all the crazy scary stuff in the world.

    Lea-El - Thanks for the read. Quite true. I'm not gonna lie I felt optimistic about the new year on New Year's, myself.

    DancesWithBlasters - Amazing!?? I think I'm blushing. I'm glad you think the character seems real. I'll gladly PM you.

    PM List
  13. Aiden_Sanic

    Aiden_Sanic Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 25, 2005
    I love the almost-sarcasticness of your character Slow_Dawn. You really feel as if the man is writing in his journal expressing his thoughts he dare not say outloud.

    Bravo again. =D=

    Can't wait for more!
  14. slow_dawn

    slow_dawn Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 18, 2006
    Aiden_Sanic - Thanks. That is what i was going for, so I'm glad you liked the man's voice.

  15. correllian_ale

    correllian_ale Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 20, 2005
    You may be wondering why I?m writing to you. After all, this is a diary. Isn?t it supposed to be secret? Well, I fancy myself a bit of a story-teller. I?m a HoloNet reporter, so you might say that telling stories is my life. That?s why I am going to tell you a story. This will be my story of course, but I hope it will be more than that. Hopefully, it will be the story of the homeless old man from Coruscant?s sub-levels, the refugee family from Jabiim, the Jedi Padawan who saved his master, the list goes on. I hope to bring you the story of a galaxy torn by civil war; the story that the HoloNet won?t let me to tell you.

    But before you begin to think that I am some great bearer of truth and knowledge, remember this, I?m just a man writing a diary. I don?t think that it will change the galaxy; that would be giving me more credit than I deserve. What I do hope is that, maybe someday, one person might read this and be able to see all the things I have seen, and will continue to see, through my work. And maybe, just maybe, this diary will open someone?s eyes to the realities of our war-torn galaxy.

    Wow, I like the nice twist you've given this one slow_dawn.

    What?s the best way to create chaos on a galactic level, you ask? Why a civil war of course! They couldn?t be happier with the state of things. Apparently, it?s great business.

    [face_laugh] Much like the weathermen who keep tell you to tune in at 11 to find out how much snow we'll be getting, and it never ever even snows; it's all about ratings.:p

    Great diary s_w! =D=
  16. DancesWithBlasters

    DancesWithBlasters Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 22, 2006
    Are we going to get an update soon? Or will you leave me here dying to hear more? Now, you wouldn't want that, would you?
  17. slow_dawn

    slow_dawn Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 18, 2006
    correllian_ale - I'm glad you liked the little twist.
    Much like the weathermen who keep tell you to tune in at 11 to find out how much snow we'll be getting, and it never ever even snows; it's all about ratings.

    Exactly--I hate that!

    DancesWithBlasters - Glad to know you're so eagerly anticipating an update, Dances!

  18. slow_dawn

    slow_dawn Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 18, 2006
    Note: Sorry about the long wait between posts. Also this is the first entry with the story in a story thing going on so do not be confused.

    Well, it seems as if my job is about to get a little more interesting. I found out yesterday that in less than a week I will be on a shuttle heading towards the outer rim.

    I got a phone call from Kyra just last night telling me that the boss wanted to see us and that it was important.

    Rather than tell you what happened in journal mode like I?ve been doing, I?m going to tell you a story. Why? Because this is my journal and I can do whatever I want! Plus, I think it will be a bit more interesting that way. That?s what you want, right?a little entertainment? I?m really just doing this for your benefit....


    I had a feeling that we would be the next to be sent to the outer rim. Kyra sounded excited when she called and that really worried me?what else could excite her so much?

    I turned and looked ruefully down at my half-eaten dinner. It would just have to wait for my return. Duty calls, I thought, as I picked up my bag and walked out the door.


    When I entered the office, Kyra was already there waiting.

    No surprises there.

    ?Hi, Kyra,? I said.

    She smiled up at me. ?Derek, you made it. Do you know why they would call us at this hour??

    ?I?m not sure,? I lied.

    I had a feeling she knew why were here as well?she had a sort of crazed glint in her eye, like a hunger, not unlike the look that came across Mrs. Iraldi when she smelled a big story.

    Kyra shot out of her seat as the door opened and Mr. and Mrs. Iraldi walked in.

    ?Elles, Fyr, good to see you!? Mr. Iraldi boomed. ?Sit down, sit down. Now, you may be wondering why we asked you here?.?

    I glanced over at Kyra. She was perched on the edge of her chair, hanging on his every word. I rolled my eyes. Same old Kyra. To her ears, there is no sweeter music than the sound of Mr. or Mrs. Iraldi giving her an assignment. Obviously, our tastes in music are quite different.

    ?I imagine you?ve heard by now that Erik was killed last week??

    ?A real loss,? Mrs. Iraldi added.

    ?Yes, a real tragedy?didn?t even get to finish his last story.? Mr. Iraldi agreed. ?He was the best we had.?

    ?Next to you, dear,? Mrs. Iraldi quickly added, looking at Kyra, who was blushing and trying not to look too proud of herself.

    ?That?s why we?ve decided?? Mr. Iraldi paused at looked over to his wife.

    ?To send you two to the Outer Rim in his place,? Mrs. Iraldi finished, as her husband nodded in agreement.

    Kyra seemed ready to explode with excitement, but instead, contented herself with jumping out of her seat, and wringing the Iraldi?s hands, assuring them that she was up to the challenge.

    She is actually a bit calmer than I expected....


    Well, there you go. And just like that my life has the promise of becoming quite interesting. I don?t think Kyra realizes what we are about to get into. Doesn?t she realize what awaits us? The Outer-Rim Sieges--we?re heading into a war-zone! Obviously Kyra?s sense of duty outweighs the concern for a long healthy life.

    At least I have my priorities in order. I imagine Kyra won?t focus on anything but potential stories. That leaves it up to me to keep us out of trouble. Perfect. Just like every other time we?ve worked together. Well almost. Now, the potential for being blown up has drastically increased.

  19. DancesWithBlasters

    DancesWithBlasters Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 22, 2006
    [face_laugh] I love Derek! (And we finally know the name, too.) He's so . . . perfect is the only word that comes to mind. He's absolutely perfect. I love his humor and his "I'm going to tell a story in my journal because I want to" attitude, as well as him manly refusal to admit his journal is a diary. He's your average guy, thrown into situations beyond his control. Yup, classic hero material. Whatever you plan on forcing him through, I'm gonna be there to read about it, never fear!
  20. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    To her ears, there is no sweeter music than the sound of Mr. or Mrs. Iraldi giving her an assignment. Obliviously, our tastes in music are quite different.

    I quite liked this, it struck me as very droll & brilliant!

    On to the Outer-Rim Sieges for some in-depth reporting...*gulp*[face_worried]

    Fun update s_d, especially smooth switching to first person!

    EDIT: Sorry, used the OC sock
  21. Star_Angel

    Star_Angel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 18, 2006
    I?ve meet a few people like Kyra in my life and it?s always interesting.

    Amazing update and thanks for the pm. I?m looking forward to see how things will go in the Outer Rim.
  22. slow_dawn

    slow_dawn Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 18, 2006
    Dances - Thank you, I'm glad you see something worth connecting with in Derek. I'm glad you like the humor--let's see if he's able to keep that humor up as things move along....

    ale - Oh wow did I write Obliviously--I meant Obviously...whoops. Glad you enjoy the humor. To the Outer Rim seiges, what will he find there, I wonder?

    Star - I think there may be a Kyra in every class I've ever been in.

    Thanks for all the comments. Now on to the story!


    Kyra and I have three more days until we leave for the outer rim. Our workload has been pretty light without the Iraldi?s throwing any new stories our way. I guess they think that we will get enough action out in the field.

    Of course I?m taking full advantage of this little vacation and getting reacquainted with my bed. What did you expect?that I would be scrambling around getting ready? All I need to pack is plenty of socks. Kyra on the other hand....

    She?s acting as if she has just won some grand pleasure cruise. Actually, I think her excitement is starting to rub off on me?not that I would ever admit it. Maybe it won?t be so bad.

    Now that we have essentially nothing to do at work, she seems to be doing twice as much. I?m not quite sure where she has found all this work. Knowing Kyra, she is probably acquainting herself with the more trivial details of every planet on the Outer Rim. Today at lunch, she was rhapsodizing about an intensely interesting planet that has violet blossoms and flourishes at a temperature of 37 degrees C in areas that get at least 150 cm of rain per standard year. I?ll definitely be sure to keep an eye out for it.

    Yesterday was mother?s birthday. Kyra thought it would be nice if to take her to a fancy restaurant, so that?s what we did. Despite all I say about Kyra, we really are quite close. If you were to ask my mother, she would tell you that Kyra is already a part of this family. She treats Kyra as if she were her own. Lately, she's even been dropping hints about what a nice couple we'd make.

    I think Kyra fills part of the hole left in my mother after my father and sister left. When I was quite young, my father just picked up and left, taking my baby sister with him. After all the stories I?ve heard about him, it really doesn?t surprise me that he left. That story will just have to wait until I have more time. Kyra just called?probably to tell me about giant green moths or something?so, until next time....

  23. DancesWithBlasters

    DancesWithBlasters Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 22, 2006
    [face_love] [face_love] Awww! Kyra and he are friends after all! Despite her overeagerness to pitch head first into war, Kyra does sound like a nice person. A bit hyper, obessive and lacking in some compassion, but there's something good about her deep down.

    Derek's dad, on the other hand sounds like something I'm not supposed to say on these boards. I hope his sister is alright. I get a feeling this backstory is going to be important later. *Shrugs* Or maybe I'm wrong.
  24. DancesWithBlasters

    DancesWithBlasters Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 22, 2006
    Upupupup! I really want the next part! Please? Maybe? I wanna hear more about Derek and Kyra!
  25. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    This is really wonderful! :D I love your OC!

    Please put me on the PM list for this one, I don't want to miss an update. :p

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