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Challenge Angstmongers Anonymous | Angst Challenge & Discussion Thread | ANGSTEMBER is here!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by ViariSkywalker, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
  2. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
    We accept you, gooble gobble!

    I may actually have to cheer for the Eagles this week, what an odd development :p
  3. vader_incarnate

    vader_incarnate Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 29, 2002
    Vi I know we're several months out from this first challenge, but do you feel like dropping #4 on me? [face_batting]
  4. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
    Absolutely! :D Here you go:

    4. “They played at hearts as other children might play at ball; only, as it was really their two hearts that they flung to and fro, they had to be very, very handy to catch them, each time, without hurting them.” (Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera)​

    I look forward to seeing what you'll make of that one. [face_mischief] [face_batting]

    And yikes, how long has it been since we ended our last challenge?! :oops: I actually did intend to take something of a break during the Kessel Run so that we wouldn't all get burned out, but that's still no excuse for neglecting this thread. Maybe it'll help jump start things again if I say I've finally finished my entry for our most recent challenge? :p

    Doing double duty as one of my KR entries, here's While There Is Breath in Your Lungs, which features yet another AU of my Enter!verse. (This particular AU is all @Mira_Jade's fault, by the way. [face_batting])

    As for the next challenge, I'd like to hear from all of you! Are you interested in a full-on challenge while the Kessel Run is still ongoing? Would you rather have a set of prompts to pick from at your leisure? Or should we continue our break from challenges and just stick to discussions about angst/writing in general, and catching up on all the amazing reading? Let me know what you think! :D
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2023
  5. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    A challenge once the Kessel run is finished? Or there may be secret prompts that are great for Angsty things.
    Vlad Dooku is my main character in "trouble in the Jedi-temple" and he sure can be ANGST
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2023
  6. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
    For me personally, I can't imagine being able to keep up with other challenges in addition to the KR, but I'm not going to object if everyone else wants to keep the challenges going, either. I'm also fine with the other options.

    Essentially, I'm commenting just to say that I'm happy with whatever everyone else decides, hope that's helpful for you, Vi :p
  7. DLR001

    DLR001 Jedi Knight star 1

    Feb 9, 2023
    I know I am still something of a new blood around here, but I figure I'll throw my two creds in as an aspiring angstmonger:

    Full on challenge while KR is going? I love a challenge, and since I joined the site in this odd in-between period, I'm excited for whatever new ones may come along - but I understand folks who aren't. DRL can be a real downer, and between work and helping my better half study, I know my time isn't super free either. But rest assured, I am game. I also like the notion of picking prompts at our leisure!

    Even away from challenges, joining in on discussions and the like could be great fun! I still need to get back around to reading and reviewing as I should, so it may be for the best, but the challenges just seem too fun for me to resist.
  8. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Ooh, I can't wait to see what you make of this quote! That was one of my favorites on the list. [face_love]

    I agree with this. I have quite a bit in my writing queue right now - including my response to the last AA challenge, which I probably won't be able to work on again until after the KR. That said, I also have absolutely zero chill when it comes to challenges (for example, my first instinct when Elli signed up for a second Gothic quote was to do the same :oops:) and if another challenge were to start while the KR is still ongoing, I would happily dive in to the best of my ability. What's yet another WIP at this point? 8-} ;) [face_batting]
  9. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    My muse always enjoys the freedom of a set of prompts to pick from at my leisure. Those sorts of prompts can be a great source of inspiration for me.

    But I also would be happy to try to participate in a full-on challenge since my muse has no self-control and loves to pile too much on my writerly plate.

    In other words, I'm excited for whatever comes next in this thread[face_dancing]
  10. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    The spring Bingo can be angsty too
  11. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
    If I'm George, then this thread is Marty:


    [face_whistling] :p

    Hello, Angstmongers! Who's ready for some pain? [face_mischief] I know, I know, we just finished the Kessel Run a couple weeks ago, and a lot of us are probably still feeling a bit tapped out, but I think it's about time to get this thread up and running again. So! I have a new challenge for you. We're going to do another roulette, but with a bit of a twist this time...

    Angst Challenge #3

    Hurt/Comfort Roulette

    That's right, it's a fanfic classic: some good old-fashioned hurt/comfort. (Or if you're feeling really angsty, hurt/no comfort.) This challenge has a few steps, so read carefully:
    • You will choose one of five different relationship types to center your story around: 1) parent-child, 2) siblings, 3) romantic pairing/lovers, 4) friends, or 5) enemies. (You do not have to choose any particular characters in advance, only the type of relationship you plan to write.)
    • Next, you will pick a number from 1 to 15.
    • Once you have chosen your relationship type and your number from 1 to 15, post both of them here in this thread, and I will provide you with a very literal hurt/comfort prompt to anchor your story. We're talking grave injuries to body, mind, and soul here. Of course, the interpretation of your prompt is up to you!
    You may choose any one of the five relationship types listed above, but you must do so before you receive your prompt. If you find that your prompt just isn't working for the type of relationship you've chosen, you may switch to one of the other relationship types listed. You will have eight weeks to complete and post your challenge response, with this caveat: since we're coming off of an intense and lengthy period of writing, I'm fine with extending that deadline by a week or two (or more). Just let me know what you guys think! ;)

    Some additional guidelines:
    • Your fic must be at least 500 words
    • Bonus Challenge: For those who are so inclined, the extra (and completely optional) requirement is to include the following line somewhere in your story: I've never once held you.
    • Only one number per person and one person per number, to start out. After a few weeks, if there are open spots left and you want to take another number, feel free to ask!
    • Don't forget to post in this thread to tell us what type of relationship angst you're going to dive into, and to pick your number for the roulette!
    • Entries are due Thursday, June 15th (edit: deadline extended to Thursday, July 13th). As always, the due dates in this thread are goals, and you are always welcome to write for any of our challenges, even after the deadline has passed. :)

    Once again, the five relationship types are:
    • Parent-Child
    • Siblings
    • Romantic pairing/Lovers
    • Friends
    • Enemies

    Hurt/Comfort (or Hurt/No Comfort) Roulette:

    1. Hallucination (Raissa Baiard; romantic pairing/lovers)
    2. Gun/Blaster shot (Starith; parent-child)
    3. Drowned/drowning (Nehru_Amidala; romantic pairing/lovers)
    5. On the run (Gabri_Jade; romantic pairing/lovers)
    7. Buried alive (Pandora; enemies)
    8. Blood loss | bringing comfort by earlybird-obi-wan (romantic pairing/lovers: OC's Jarin Keana, Elsi Keana, Horns and Halcyons from the High Republic era)
    9. Hypothermia | Hypothermia in Zero Gravity by devilinthedetails (parent-child: Leia Organa & Ben Solo/Kylo Ren; Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader & Leia Organa)
    10. Poisoned/Drugged | Chapter 5 & Chapter 6 of The Book of Gand, Part the Fourth: The Findsman’s Secret by Findswoman (romantic pairing/lovers: Zuckuss/Telfien [OC])
    11. Sleep deprivation (Mira_Jade; friends)
    12. Bruised (amidalachick; siblings)
    13. Memory loss (vader_incarnate; parent-child)
    15. Field medicine | Shadows in the Weave by Kit' (siblings: OCs Zallie, Nicco, Kei, and Taro D'ladame)
    16. Sensory overload (ViariSkywalker; siblings)

    A big thank you to @Mira_Jade for putting together this particular list of prompts!

    As always, the TOS apply! Happy writing, and may the angst be with you. [face_batting]

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2023
  12. Nehru_Amidala

    Nehru_Amidala Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 3, 2016
    Oooh, I wanted to explore more Thrawn/Leia in Mononoke!verse, and now I have a chance to. Number 3 please:
    Kahara and ViariSkywalker like this.
  13. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @ViariSkywalker So excited for this challenge[face_dancing]

    I'll take the Parent-Child relationship with prompt #9 please and thank you:)
  14. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Perfect for my Corellian Jedi Jarin Keana. I will take the 3 romantic pairing/lovers and 8 please
  15. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Aw yeah, but this is gonna be good - or, you know, good from a certain point of view. [face_mischief] [face_devil]

    I couldn't decide which relationship I'd like to write, but the random number generator of fate gave me Friends and then #11, if you would be so kind! (I think I'm ready. [face_nail_biting])

    Then, as for our hostess, @ViariSkywalker, would you like one of us to pick a number for you? Or I'd love to tack on a #16 to the list and come up with something completely new for you, too. Whichever you'd prefer. [face_batting] [:D]
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
  16. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
    First taker! Your hurt/comfort prompt is 3) Drowned/drowning [face_mischief]

    Yay, I'm glad to hear it! :D ;)

    Excellent! Your hurt/comfort prompt is 9) Hypothermia [face_worried]

    Awesome! Your hurt/comfort prompt is 8) Blood loss[face_nail_biting]

    [face_beatup] [face_whistling] [face_mischief]

    [face_laugh] Here you go! Your prompt is 11) Sleep deprivation [face_tired] [face_mischief]

    Ooh, a new prompt, you say? [face_thinking] I'll take it! #16 for me, please, and I'll plan on writing for siblings. [face_batting] [face_whistling] [:D]
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
  17. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Oooh, veeeery interesting. Let me see what I can do with this! [face_thinking] [face_devil]

    This is my shocked face. [face_mischief] :p

    For #16, it's my pleasure to offer you Sensory overload for your angsty inclinations. [face_batting] [:D]
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
  18. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    May I have #1 for lovers/romantic relationship, please?
  19. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
    Absolutely! Your hurt/comfort prompt is 1) Hallucination [face_hypnotized]

    Hmm, so many possibilities... [face_thinking] [face_mischief] [face_batting]
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
  20. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    OK, my curiosity is piqued… I could use a post-Kessel jumpstart, and recent playing of KOTOR has been reawakening Carth/FemRevan thoughts, so let’s do this:

    Romantic pairing with no. 10, please? [face_batting]
  21. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
    Romantic pairing and number 5, please [face_devil]
  22. vader_incarnate

    vader_incarnate Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 29, 2002
  23. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
    Aw yeah, that's what I like to hear. :cool:

    You got it! Your prompt is 10) Poisoned/Drugged [face_bleh] [face_mischief]

    Lol, I swear this is a coincidence, but your prompt is 5) On the run :p [face_batting]

    Ooh, this has some good potential! [face_mischief] Your prompt is 13) Memory loss :confused:
  24. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
  25. vader_incarnate

    vader_incarnate Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 29, 2002