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AOTC radio drama script

Discussion in 'Archive: Attack of the Clones' started by ppal, Dec 29, 2003.

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  1. ppal

    ppal Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 13, 1999
    I've just finished reading the TPM radio drama script posted on the timetales chronology web site and I thought it was awesome. I hope they write a similar script for AOTC. I have already begun writing my own version of it and I've already completed the first two chapters and am about to start on the third. Here are the first two chapters.

    ANNOUNCER: Star Wars ? Attack of the Clones. Based on the screenplay by George Lucas. Chapter One: ?A Dividing Republic.?
    Music: Opening Theme.
    NARRATOR: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there came a time of crisis, when a powerful Republic was attacked by enemies from within. Ten years have passed since the failed Trade Federation Invasion of Naboo. Since then Supreme Chancellor Augustis Palpatine has restored peace and prosperity to the Republic. But that peace was recently short lived. Several star systems have recently announced their intentions to leave the Republic. The forces of the Jedi Knights have been spread thin in a vain effort to hold the Republic together. A number of Republic senators have recently proposed a security measure which includes the creation of a standing military for the Republic. However, there is much opposition in the senate to this mainly lead by the former queen of Naboo, now senator Padme Amidala. But more recently a crises has surrounded the status of the planet Ansion. The council of elders of the city dwellers is in a border dispute with the nomadic tribes of the plains folk. The city dwellers wish to expand while the plainsfolk fear they will lose their sacred homeland. Secession from the Republic is in dispute and Chancellor Palpatine is now meeting with members for the Jedi Council to discuss sending the Jedi to resolve this dispute.
    Sound: Distant air traffic outside the chancellors office. The hum of air conditioners.


    PALPATINE: Thank you for coming Masters a grave crisis has arose and I am in desperate need of your assistance.
    MACE WINDU: We are here to serve you and the republic supreme chancellor. What is your request?
    PALPATINE: I have just been briefed by Senator Mosul of the planet Ansion. There is a grave crisis there now, a crisis which could spell disaster for the Republic if we do not act on this crisis now.
    MACE WINDU: With all due respect chancellor so many systems have broken away all ready. What difference would it make if a back water planet such as Ansion secedes ?
    PALPATINE: Ansion my friend is tied to a number of alliances. Should Ansion join the separatists I?m afraid a great many other worlds will join Ansion and we will lose a significant amount of space. I cannot afford to lose Ansion. Senator Mosul has recently been courted by the Commerce Guild who is said to be in league with Count Dooku and wanted to discuss the secession of Ansion. They are in a grave border dispute between the Council of Elders and the nomadic plainsfold. If they cannot settle this border dispute the Council will vote to secede from the Republic.
    MACE WINDU: And what is Senator Mosul?s position on this matter?
    PALPATINE: I?m afraid he has taken a neutral stance. He has told me he will abide by the wishes of the Council of Elders. He believes strongly in the service of his people no matter what path they choose to follow.
    YODA: hmmm a dangerous path do we walk, dark times these are.
    MACE WINDU: Yes indeed it is. We will send what jedi we have available for this mission and we will see to that Ansion and all of its associated alliances remain with the Republic.
    PALPATINE: I know you will Master Windu we need the jedi order more than ever now.

    Mace and Yoda are walking and conversing
    MACE WINDU: Who is available to send at this time? Our forces are spread thin as it is.
    YODA: hmm Master Luminara Unduli and Master Obi-wan Kenobi are in the temple now. But exhausted they are from completing recent missions.
    MACE WINDU: Do you believe the separatists could pose a threat to the Republic?
  2. ppal

    ppal Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 13, 1999
    Here is chapter 2:

    NARRATOR: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there came a time of crisis, when a powerful Republic was attacked by enemies from within. On the planet wide city of Coruscant otherwise known as Galactic City a brutal assassination attempt was made against Senator Padme Amidala the senator and former queen of the outer rim world of Naboo. But clever as the plan was the attempt was foiled by the cleverness of Captain Typho and the Naboo royal security force. But the foiled assassination attempt was costly as the senators bodyguard and close friend lay dying from mortal wounds inflicted on her by the explosion.
    Sound: The Naboo cruiser burning up and Typho and Padme rushing to Corde?s rescue.

    PADME: (shouting) Corde..Corde..Corde
    (Sound) Padme rushing to Corde?s side. .
    CORDE: (in a weak voice) I?m so sorry m?lady. I?ve..I?ve failed you senator.
    PADME: you haven?t failed me it?s..just..
    CORDE: (weaker voice) I?m..I?m so sorry..
    Note: Corde expires.
    PADME: Corde..Corde!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sound: Padme starting to cry.
    TYPHO: Senator your still in danger here we?ve got to get out of here quickly.
    PADME: Leave me alone!!!! I?ll not leave Corde like this!!!
    TYPHO: Senator would you so much see Corde?s sacrifice waisted by jeopardizing your own life by staying out here.
    PADME: I..I shouldn?t have come back.
    TYPHO: This vote is very important senator. You did your duty and Corde did hers now come!!!
    PADME: I will avenge you Corde I swear it!!!! Who ever did this will pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    TYPHO: Senator Amidala please come now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sound: Padme and Typho running away.
    MAS AMEDDA: Your excellancy we have just received word that Senator Amidala has been assassinated. It happened right on the landing platform as she was getting off.
    PALPATINE: Bye the gods what has become of this universe. Senator Amidala lead that brave offensive that liberated our planet ten years ago when she was queen, not to mention there have been dozens of other attempts on her life. What is to become of us now???? What shall I do about the vote???
    MAS AMEDDA: Your excellancy with all do respect Senator Amidala would?ve wanted the vote to go on. We must move on if the republic is to survive.
    PALPATINE: Yes perhaps your right, ready my guards. I shall make my way to the senate chamber as quickly as I can.
    Music: Imperial march playing softly then transitions into the emperor?s theme as Dooku?s hologram appears.
    Sound: The holoprojector being activated.
    DOOKU: Is she dead yet?
    JANGO FETT: Yes my lord, I have just received word from my associate the senator now lies dead on a Coruscant landing platform
    DOOKU: Excellent our designs are working perfectly. Without her the resistance to the military creation act will collapse especially if the separatists are implicated in the deed and we will soon plunge the galaxy into an all out war. More so I have satisfied Nute Gunray and am assured of his support now. You?ve done well Fett but I want you and your associate to remain on Coruscant for now just in case any loose ends come about.
    JANGO FETT: Yes my lord it shall be as you command.
    Sound: Senators chatting amongst one another.
    MASS AMEDA: Ladies and gentlemen, the supreme chancellor of the Republic Augustis Palpatine!!!!
    Sound: Cheers and applause from the senators.
    PALPATINE: My esteemed colleagues it is with great sadness that I must deliver this tragic news on this day. A close and very dear friend of mine was assassinated earlier today right here on Coruscant. Even in the face of crisis Senator Amidala always strode for peace. I can remember those ten years ago when she was queen of Naboo shortly after petitioning the senate in this very chamber for help she boldly returned to our lovely world and sought the aid of the Gungens an estranged people
  3. Magellan_the_Cat

    Magellan_the_Cat Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 21, 2003
    These will never be as good as the originals, because sadly, Brian Daley died just after the RotJ finished recording. His failing health is a large part of the reason it was rushed through production with very little in the way of scenes not part of the original movie (unlike the first 2, which had several new sections added in).
  4. DarthSapient

    DarthSapient Jedi Youngling star 10

    Jun 26, 2001
    I don't even have a clue what a radio drama is. Is it actually on the radio? I seriously don't have a clue.
  5. anidanami124

    anidanami124 Jedi Master star 6

    Aug 24, 2002
    Sapient a radio drama is kind of like well it would be where the only story is on the radio. For exmaple Little Annie was a radio drama. It's what are moms and dads would have listened to before TV came around.
  6. DarthSapient

    DarthSapient Jedi Youngling star 10

    Jun 26, 2001
    I know what the old radio dramas were. Totally understand. Is the initial post someone's creation of how they would write one or is there actually a radio station somewhere playing these?
  7. anidanami124

    anidanami124 Jedi Master star 6

    Aug 24, 2002
    Oh that's what you were asking. Well I think he just made them up.
  8. DarthSapient

    DarthSapient Jedi Youngling star 10

    Jun 26, 2001
    And that's fine. It's essentially a fan script as if it were to play out on the radios of old.
  9. Naboo1

    Naboo1 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 19, 2003
  10. ppal

    ppal Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 13, 1999
    Well I just finished chapter three, and I added some new dialogue of what I envisioned taking place such as a scene with the jedi council meeting while yoda is in meditation and they actually reveal to palpatine about obi-wan's discovery of the clone army before he is captured by the geonosians.

    ANNOUNCER: Star Wars ? Attack of the Clones. Based on the screenplay by George Lucas. Chapter Three ? ?The Guns of War.?
    Music: Opening Theme.
    NARRATOR: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there came a time of crisis, when a powerful Republic was attacked by enemies from within. Two assassination attempts have been made unsuccessfully against the life of Senator Padme Amidala. At the request of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine the jedi knights have taken charge of her security and have escorted her back to her home planet of Naboo for security. But little do they know that they are playing into the hands of their deadliest adversaries the dark lords of the sith who are secretly planning to plunge the galaxy into an all out civil war. Tasked with the job of finding the would be assassins of Senator Amidala is the jedi knight obi-wan Kenobi. But he must race against time before the security measure comes up for vote in the senate which threatens to plunge the galaxy into all out war.
    Sound: Whispers and machinery in the background.
    ANALYSIS DROID: Place the item to be analyzed in the sensor tray please.
    OBI-WAN: Here you go.
    Sound: The sensor tray being retracted and the computer beginning the analysis process.
    This goes on for a few moments.
    Sound: The sensor tray being opening as the analysis process is completed.
    ANALYSIS DROID: As you can see the item does not exist in any know culture. It was probably manufactured by a warrior not affiliated with any society within this galaxy.
    OBI-WAN: That?s impossible maybe we missed something. Could you possibly try again?
    ANALYSIS DROID: With all due respect master jedi our records are the most thorough and accurate of any in the galaxy and my analysis techniques are of the most precision of any in the galaxy the probably is highly unlikely that were any errors made in this analysis.
    OBI-WAN: Well then thank you for your time, but you may not be able to tell me where this came from but I know someone who can.
    ANALYSIS DROID: The probability of that is highly unlikely master jedi. As I stated before our records are the most accurate in the entire galaxy, if I can?t tell you where it came from nobody can.
    Sound: Obi-wan exiting the analysis room.
    Sound: People talking and eating, server droids serving food, and music playing in the background. .
    OBI-WAN: umm excuse me but is Dexter Jetster in???
    SERVER DROID: Yeah what do ya want him for.
    OBI-WAN: I?m an old friend of his I just stopped by to say hello.
    SERVER DROID: Ok sure, just have a seat and he?ll be right with you.
    OBI-WAN: thank you.
    SERVER DROID: Hey, Dex?
    DEXTER JETSTER: Yeah what do ya want?
    SERVER DROID: Someone?s here to see ya honey, jedi by the looks of him.
    DEXTER JETSTER: Well did he give ya his name.
    SERVER DROID: He said he was an old friend of yours.
    DEXTER JETSTER: Alright then I?ll be right out.
    Sound: Dexter walks out from the back.
    Sound: The viewscreen comes on.
    DEXTER JETSTER: (shouts) Obi-wan!!!!!
    OBI-WAN: (smiling) Hello Dex.
    DEXTER JETSTER: Where have ya been ol buddy, haven?t seen you in years???
    OBI-WAN: Oh, my padawan and I have been logging a lot of traveling days as of late, especially with the jedi being stretched so thin these days.
    DEXTER JETSTER: hah, I thought you?d have enough common sense to quit that stuff and live a more simple life like me.
    OBI-WAN: You know sometim
  11. ppal

    ppal Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 13, 1999


    CAST: (in chronological order) FX/Sounds
    Anakin Skywalker Naboo star cruiser
    Senator Padme Naberrie Amidala Speed boat
    RSF Officer speeder bike
    Queen Jamilla R2-D2
    Governor Sio Bibble various ships and machinery
    Captain Gordon Panaka lightsabers
    Riu & Pooja Naberrie laser guns
    Sola Naberrie
    Rui Naberrie
    Joval Naberrie
    Boat Pilot
    Dark Man
    Dock Officer
    Owen Lars
    Beru Whitesun
    Cleeg Lars
    Tusken Guard
    Shmi Skywalker Lars
    Qui-gon Jinn
    Obi-Wan Kenobi

    ANNOUNCER: Star Wars ? Attack of the Clones. Based on the screenplay by George Lucas. Chapter Four ? ?The Forbidden Love"
    Music: Opening Theme.
    NARRATOR: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there came a time of crisis, when a powerful Republic was attacked by enemies from within. Senator Padme Amidala recently had two assasination attempts agains her life. Behind the assasination attempts was a mandalorian bounty hunter named jango fett. Jedi knight obi-wan kenobi has tracked Jango Fett to the water planet of Kamino just outside the outer rim. There he discovered fett was the template for a clone army commisioned for the republic. But elsewhere in the galaxy obi-wan's padawan Anakin Skywalker was given the task of personally protecting senator amidala by escorting her home to her home planet of naboo. Though a seemingly simple task this is the young padawan's first assignment on his own without his master and there is much turmoil growing within anakin, turmoil that waits to explode like a ferocious volcano.

    ANAKIN: Mom, no, no Mom, Mom, Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PADME: Anakin wake up!!!!!
    ANAKIN: I..I had a dream about my mom, and..and she was dying padme she was dying a painful death. I have had these dreams for over a month now and they grow more and more intense. Master obi-wan seems to think there just dreams but I'm..I'm not so sure.
    PADME: Well, maybe he's right anakin. You know you didn't exactly leave your mother in the best of circumstances.
    ANAKIN: Yes I know I was.. I was just shocked when master que-gon said he could not free her and that I would have to leave her behind and maybe never see her again.
    PADME: Yes I know it must have been terrible to be a slave.
    ANAKIN: To put it mildly yes and it's even worse to know that your mother is still one even after you had been freed.
    PADME: Well than perhaps these are just dreams ani. Maybe in your heart you wish your mother were in a much safer and secure place such as naboo or coruscant.
    ANAKIN: Certainly but the thing is I am prohibeted from even communicating with her until I become a full fledge knight and that is the most frustrating thing of all about it.
    PADME: Well then maybe that is why you are so reckless and so anxious to become knighted so you can rush home to see your mother again.
    ANAKIN: You know it's funny when I was a little boy I promised I would become a jedi and free all the slaves on tatooine and during these last ten years I have made alot of peoples lives in the galaxy better but yet there is still much more to be done. There is still way too much injustice going on in the galaxy I just wish I could put it all right.
    PADME: (giggles) You know that is exactly the same way I feel about my place in the senate. I have fought so hard to try to make things better but yet I am so heart broken over all of the injustices in this galaxy.
    ANAKIN: Well then at least we both have one thing in common Padme.
    PADME: Well I don't know about you anakin but I am starving so what do you say we head on over to the mess hall and get something to eat there and we can talk some more.
    ANAKIN: Sounds great to me.
    Sound: R2 getting food out of the food counter in the line.
    SERVING DROID: Hey no droids allowed, get out of here.
    Sound: R2 beeps and then rolls over to Ana
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