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Saga April 2010 Jedi Temple Archives Index - Kamino still missing, but new stories ahead!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by GeneralKenobi7, Apr 4, 2010.

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  1. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    Welcome to the April 2010 New Stories Index for the Saga Board!

    This Index will be updated daily (or so...:p ) with new fanfiction stories from this board, so you can spend less time searching and more time reading these great fics.I will try to locate new stories every day, but you're welcome to send me the info for your fic through PM. If I've missed your story, or if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to PM me.


    Please put the following information in the first post of your fic to make the whole thing easier for me:



    Below is a list of common terms and abbreviations used in this forum that will be helpful for readers searching this index using the find functions in their browsers:

    EU - Expanded Universe (all of the books)
    JA - The Jedi Apprentice books about Obi-Wan's youth before TPM
    pre-TPM - takes place before the movies
    AU - alternate universe
    OC - original (author-originated) characters
    GFFA - Galaxy Far, Far Away
    H/C - hurt/comfort
    vignette - a one-post story, especially a single scene
    humor - lots of silliness
    angst - anguish, torment, fear, anxiety
    crossover or x-over - mixing Star Wars with another movie, tv series or book
    round robin or RR - multi-author story inviting more people to join in (also called an add-on)
    song fic - a story based on the lyrics of a song


    If you have any other questions concerning the fan fiction boards in general, you can contact any of our lovely moderators:

    Jedi Trace



  2. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    None for April 1

    None for [hl=darkred][color=skyblue]April 2[/color][/hl]


    [hl=darkred][color=skyblue]April 3[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Chasing Redemption[/link]
    Author: Estora
    Timeframe: Clone Wars (just before RotS) onwards.
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Palpatine/Sidious, Padmé Amidala.
    Pairings: None.
    Genre: AU, angst, drama, suspense, action/adventure
    Summary: Anakin Skywalker was dead. It was all terribly unfortunate, Sidious mused, since the boy was the Chosen One and all. Really, Anakin's death messed up his plans dreadfully, the inconsiderate boy. Well, he thought, Kenobi is still alive. With the right manipulations, he could be a more than ample replacement...Chaptered. Rated T.
    Notes: This is also being posted over at FanFiction.Net. That version will be exactly the same as this one, however it will be update more frequently. You may find the story at this link. There will not be a PM list for this fic, for which I apologise. I would love it if you could review, but don't worry, I don't expect everyone to do so. I don't believe in holding chapters hostage. I will update whether I get ten reviews or absolutely no reviews for a chapter. Thanks, guys, and I hope you enjoy Chasing Redemption!
  3. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    None for April 4

    None for [hl=darkred][color=skyblue]April 5[/color][/hl]


    [hl=darkred][color=skyblue]April 6[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Til Death[/link]
    Author: Takianna
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: Captain Rex and Ahsoka
    Genre: Drama
    Notes: This is by no means an original idea because many people have expounded on this thought. I just wanted to do my own take on it. I don't take credit for the idea, but how it's carried out is all my own.
  4. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    None for April 7

    None for [hl=darkred][color=skyblue]April 8[/color][/hl]


    [hl=darkred][color=skyblue]April 9[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Foundation of Fate[/link]
    Author(s): dancing_star
    Timeframe: post-ANH
    Characters: Han, Luke, Leia
    Summary: Focuses on the developing relationships between the characters and the events that shape their friendship.
    Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars. wink
    Notes: This is intended to be a short story, but I'm not sure how long it will turn out to be. I really appreciate comments/reviews and take them to heart, so please let me know what you think! batting Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoy!

    Title: [link=]The Broken Chain (PT-OT, AU)[/link]
    Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are given an assignment one year before the events of Revenge of the Sith to locate a young boy who may be a Jedi potential on Corellia. In the present time Han Solo is confronted by his past in The Empire Strikes Back which changes everything.
    Notes: Very AU. The idea was inspired by the new film, Clash of the Titans, and from reading Qui-Gon Jinn's bio on I will update whenever possible. I'm keeping no PM list.
    Author: Sara Kenobi
  5. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    April 10

    Title: Dagobah
    Author: GuerreStellari
    Characters: Everyone, except Luke and Owen. But mostly: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Leia, Beru.
    Time period: 8 years after ROTS, one week after Starting Again
    Summary: Rebel Senators Mon Mothma and Bail Organa make an unexpected discovery on an anonymous Mid-Rim world.
    Author's Notes: Honk if you like it. Honk twice if you don't.

    Title: Contrails
    Author: stapled_my_fedora
    Summary: Luke Skywalker has been transported to earth during the late 1970's. Just when he thinks he's having a bad day, he learns a Sith is on his tail!
    Notes: This fic was part of TF.N Fan Fiction Archive's 2010 April Fools Day Celebration. Reread and enjoy. You can also check out The Abnormal Proliferation of Osteoblasts in the Frontal Bone: A Case Study.

    Title: Unsung Heroes
    Author: Raptor517
  6. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    April 11

    Title: To Venture Forth?
    Author: DaenaBenjen42
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, some Gamorreans...
    Timeframe: ROTJ
    Disclaimer: Don?t own it. Happily playing in the sandbox.
    Notes: This was written for the Oldies Challenge where three words had to be used. Mine were Sinister, Dank, and Myth.
  7. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    April 12

    Title: In Her Eyes ? Reflective Poem ? Star?s fic-gift
    Author: Jade eyes
    Character: Luke, mention of Mara
    Genre: Reflective romantic poem
    Disclaimer: Own only the words.
    A/N: What he sees and finds in the lady with the jade eyes is all he needs or wants. Squee!
  8. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    April 13

    Title: Colours of our skin
    Author: Twilek_Aide
    Timeframe: OT
    Characters: OC un-named
    Genre: Parody/Spiritual
    Notes: It is a parody song, but it's not funny. It's more of a spiritual journey.
    Disclaimer: Star Wars is owned by George Lucas and Colours of the wind is from Disney's Pocahantas - belongs to Walt Disney/Disney Studios.

    Title: Not Scandalous
    Author: Twilek_Aide
    Timeframe: Before ROTJ/EU
    Characters: Bib Fortuna *EU hints*
    Genre: Parody Song/Humour
    Notes: none
    Disclaimer: Star Wars is owned by George Lucas and Scandalous belongs to Mis-TeeQ.

    [hl=darkred][color=skyblue]April 14[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=] Mandalorian Surrender: Kyr'tsad [/link]
    Author: Saarai
  9. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    April 15

    Title: Ruin
    Author(s): darksideyesplease, FelsGoddess
    Timeframe: Post-TPM
    Characters: OCs
    Genre: Romance, action
    Keywords: Jedi, refugees
    Summary: A young Jedi and a refugee from the doomed planet Ennth cross paths. One must choose what is the correct path while the other must decide what they want and if it's worth the price.
    Notes: I thought up the main plot and she was able to think up some great details to solidify the plot for me. This is going to be mainly original character driven. Sometimes we will rotate chapters, sometimes we will both write parts of one chapter. It is just all going to depend. Hope you enjoy.

    Title: Sacrifice, A mother's love
    Author: Thorn058
    Time-frame: post RoTS, Rise of the Empire, the Dark times
    Genre: AU, Drama,
    Characters: All OC driven, and an appearance by Mara Jade
    Summary: A strange birth in a imperial penal facility brings hope, love, death and sacrifice to four prisoners.
    Note: I had originally started this as an entry for the OT/PT rewrite challenge around Valentines day but set it aside as it grew longer than I think was good for the challenge. I decided to finish it and post it as a vignette. Feel free to offer any concrit you may have in mind.
    Disclaimer: Everything that follows is all me but George holds the right to the sandbox, this is just my day with the toys and I thank George for creating it and allowing me to play.
  10. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    None for April 16

    [hl=darkred][color=skyblue]April 17[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Clones, a Pinky and the Brain challenge[/link]
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: Clonewars
    Characters: Pinky, Brain, Amidala, Jar Jar and others.
    Genre: humor challenge
    Summary: Pinky and the Brain visit the senate.
    Disclaimer: Star Wars is owned by G.L.
    Note I got number 9. ?What can I do for fun, Pinky? That's it! I'll send several bills to Senate for ratification, then veto them all!? - Star Wars character ? Padme Amidala

    Title: [link=]Star Wars: Infinities: Revenge of The Sith [/link]
    Author: masterofmagnetism
  11. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    None for April 18-23

    [hl=darkred][color=skyblue]April 24[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Run for the Shadows[/link]
    Author: aeternium
    Characters: Padmé and Beru
    Timeframe: Cuts between the middle of AOTC and just before the final scene of ROTS.
    Disclaimer/Claimer: George Lucas. It's his playground.
    Summary: A lot can change in three years. One of the most powerful women in the galaxy through the eyes of a moisture farmer's wife.

    Title: [link=]THE BANE OF HIS EXISTENCE[/link]
    Author: Estora
    Timeframe: Uhh...PT. And maybe into the OT.
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and others.
    Pairings: Whatever comes up when the mood arises.
    Genre: Canon and AU, humour, drama, drabbles.
    Summary: A collection of 100-word drabbles about Obi-Wan Kenobi and his permanent headache. Ahem, I mean, his Padawan Learner, Anakin Skywalker. RATED K+ / G.
    Notes: I like writing drabbles. They're fun and challenging. You won't anything too serious here. I can say here that every single drabble posted will be exactly 100 words. This is also being posted over at FanFiction.Net. That version will be exactly the same as this one, except I may occasionally drift into slash territory as a joke over there. Here is the complete and utter GENERAL and HET, K+ / G version. You may find the story at this link. There will not be a PM list for this fic, for which I apologise. I hope you all enjoy this collection of drabbles!
    Notes #2: I am very open to suggestions, so if you've got any ideas you'd like to see, just tell me and I'll see if I'm able to write it! Thanks, guys, and if you have the time please leave a review!
    Blanket Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by George Lucas. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
  12. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    April 25

    Title: According to Plan
    Author: aeternium
    Characters: Padmé, Anakin, Luke, and Leia
    Timeframe: AU middle of A New Hope
    Disclaimer/Claimer: Not mine?
    Summary: In a future where Anakin never turned and for the Skywalker family every day is just another struggle to survive, Padmé's learned to stop making plans.

    Title: Meet Me Halfway
    Author - Anakin_Heartbreaker
    Genre - Songfic, Romance
    Era - Pre ROTS
    Characters - Anakin and Padme
    Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Lucas owns Star Wars. Kenny Loggins owns Meet Me Halfway - Over The Top Soundtrack
    Notes: Hi everyone - This is just a one off for me. It's my birthday tomorrow, and I had this written up a while back. Since these boards are close to my heart I wanted to post this. This song is one of my all time favorites. If possible for anyone who is going to read this, play the song in the background and you will see how I envisioned this scene. I might not be back to do any replies, for that I apologize. But I do thank anyone who reads from the bottom of my heart. *Vanishes back into DRL*

    Title: Ain't Nothing Gonna Change
    Author: amidalachick
    Notes: The title is taken from the song "Change" by Daniel Merriwether. This is a response to the Pinky & The Brain Quote Challenge. Thanks to PonyTricks for coming up with such a fun challenge!
    My quote was #4: "You know, Brain, I've been thinking I don't want to be an elf anymore.? and my character was Yoda. Hope you all enjoy reading this!
    Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to George Lucas, Pinky & The Brain belongs to Warner Brothers, and The Simpsons belongs to Matt Groening. I own nothing and make no money off this.

    Title: Ophelia Who Walks the Sky
    Author: aeternium
    Characters: Padmé
    Timeframe: Jumps around within the saga.
    Disclaimer/Claimer: If I were George Lucas, I'd be a millionaire. If I were William Shakespeare, I'd be dead. In neither case would I be writing fanfiction.
    Summary:White her shroud as the mountain snow / Larded with sweet flowers / Which bewept to the grave did go / With true-love showers. The life and loves of Padmé Naberrie.
    Note: I've been getting requests for updates on some of my other fic. This is really very flattering, but the majority of my fic are one-shots, and long-since written (just being posted here now), so this is really it. But thanks so much, and enjoy!
  13. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    None for April 26

    [hl=darkred][color=skyblue]April 27[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Chancellorcide[/link]
    Author: Estora
    Timeframe: ROTS.
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala.
    Pairings: Anakin/Padmé
    Genre: AU, Humour, Parody
    Summary: Anakin killed Palpatine on board the Invisible Hand. Granted, the method was a little unorthodox...Chaptered. Rated K+ / G.
    Notes: This is also being posted over at FanFiction.Net. That version will be exactly the same as this one, however it will be updated more frequently. You may find the story at this link. There will not be a PM list for this fic, for which I apologise. Also, this is my attempt at intelligent crack (??), so it's definitely not meant to be taken seriously. Um. Yeah. *Coughs* This will occasionally parody situations from my other stories. Chancellorcide has been inspired by the fourth drabble from my The Bane Of His Existence series, but you don't need to have read that to understand this. So, yeah. I hope you enjoy this, and I hope that I'm able to make a few of you laugh!
    Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by George Lucas. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

    Title: [link=]Light up the Night[/link]
    Author: aeternium
    Characters: Shmi Skywalker, Aayla Secura, Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka Tano, Shaak Ti, Asajj Ventress, Leia Organa.
    Timeframe: Jumps around within the saga.
    Disclaimer: This is George Lucas' sandbox. He's just letting me play in it. Bev Ulahara, Bvisa'ari, Gurshan, and Amrita are my own creations.
    Summary: Shmi was the life-giver, Aayla the warrior lover, and Padmé the eternal mother. Ahsoka was the wild maiden, Shaak the devadasi, and Asajj the dark wisewoman. Leia restored them all to life. The cycle of destruction and rebirth of the sacred feminine in a galaxy far, far away.

  14. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    April 28

    Title: But Where the Colors Are
    Author: aeternium
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Satine, Kit, Aayla, Leia, Padmé, and a few surprise guests.
    Timeframe: AU A New Hope.
    Disclaimer: This is George Lucas' toybox. He's just letting me play in it.
    Summary: Obi-Wan chose love over duty, Aayla was born twenty years later, and Padmé was something much different than Queen of Naboo. Three things that never happened before the rise of the Empire. Three consequences that never came after.
  15. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    None for April 29

    [hl=darkred][color=skyblue]April 30[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Then You Take That Love You Made[/link]
    Author: aeternium
    Characters: Beru Whitesun, Shmi Skywalker
    Timeframe: Four years before AOTC.
    Disclaimer: This is George Lucas' toybox. He's just letting me play in it.
    Summary: Beru doesn't know her boyfriend's stepmother. Not really. But she will.

    Title: [link=]Round Robin/Add on. Intelligence vs Canon----rewrite the scenes! [/link]
    Author: Raptor517
    Notes: ANYBODY CAN POST ON THIS THREAD: all you have to do is take any scene from the movies and re-write part of it, with some character doing something they could have done, but didn't.

    Title: [link=] Insane - Someone wonders about Ben Kenobi [/link]
    Author: Lady Misty
    Summary: A citizen of Anchorhead wonders why they always end up with the unwanted people.
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