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Battle of the Heroes in the A New Hope Lightsaber Duel!

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith' started by han_solo_321, May 13, 2005.

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  1. RushinSundaws

    RushinSundaws Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 23, 2005
    thumbs up...I liked it.
  2. jedicam10

    jedicam10 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 16, 2005
    Best duel music to the first duel...PERFECT
  3. bry-maul

    bry-maul Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 5, 2005
    I liked the idea. I know the oldschooler OT people don't want the OT tinkered with (and I agree for the most part), but I think a little music makes the consensous weakest saber fight (relative to the others and already with NO music) have some umpff.

    The original fight is fine to me (these young whipper snappers just want "faster, more intense") But with the music, (IMO) you don't actually need to change the duel - saving most of the integrity of the scene.
  4. Ob-wan-shawa

    Ob-wan-shawa Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 10, 2005
    I loooooved it, but maybe the BOTH was a little too overpowering, but besides amaizng!
  5. Lixsta

    Lixsta Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 21, 2005
    I think the Saber fight between Vader and ObiWan in ANH is still good. I mean they havent used their sabers for 20 or so years plus they are older and know each other well. That fight was more about the dialogue then the fight anyways

    By the way, the new clip is pretty good. I like the part when ObiWan's cloak gets cut it in half, the music fits nicely
  6. Dagobah_Dweller

    Dagobah_Dweller Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    Very very cool...the only problem I have with it is the dialogue is really really muffled under the music....but it really put a new spin on that battle! thumbs up!=D=
  7. Sifo-dyas1

    Sifo-dyas1 Jedi Youngling

    May 22, 2005
    it doesnt really fit into what there saying...the music is always done with the scene but that just makes it feel outta place
  8. Uric-Qel-Droma

    Uric-Qel-Droma Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 22, 2004
    it was ok..the music didnt quite fit i have to say.
  9. CloneCommander07

    CloneCommander07 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 24, 2004
    Like it has been said before, it was not that bad but could have a few improvements. I liked it. Especially the "death" of Obi-wan. The music fit that perfectly.

    However the timing of the music was off, which can be fixed. There shouldn't be crazy dramatic trumpets when C-3PO tells R2 to "Come Along". It just didn't fit that well. I actually think Duel of the Fates would suit better in that duel. Just my opinion.

    But very nicely done! Hats off for this!
  10. MasterJedi101

    MasterJedi101 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 23, 2004
    yeah i thought it was really nice. It did make the duel better
  11. Lars_Muul

    Lars_Muul Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Oct 2, 2000
    That was quite hilarious :)
    It would be interesting to add that kind of music if they extended the duel and made it more energetic.

    You should have come back
  12. Count-Tyrannus

    Count-Tyrannus Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 4, 2005
    The ANH duel would be best with the Benny Hill theme over it. Would you do that for us Han?
  13. orn-free-tada

    orn-free-tada Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 11, 2001
    suprisingly good IMO
  14. DoOrDoNotNoTry

    DoOrDoNotNoTry Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Dec 12, 1999
    Well, I just watched it and I LOVE it. It almost seems like it was composed for that scene. For example, there's that little playful bit in the music. This plays right when you see Luke, Han, Chewie and Leia. Brilliant. And, the part where Obi-Wan is struck down is brilliant too.

    Seriously, this added so much more tension to the scene. People keep saying that this scene might need to be redone to match the PT duels. Screw that. Add this music track to it, albeit slightly edited, and it would really make the scene.

    Great job.
  15. Agent_SkywalKer

    Agent_SkywalKer Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 28, 2005
    That's amazing! :)

    It makes the duel a lot better! :D
  16. black_saber

    black_saber Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 4, 2002
    Once Again that was an Amazing Remix of the duel in A new hope. Damn that music gave me more chills then Duel of fates and what also gave me Goosbumps was when they put both of the Duel musics togther.
  17. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    The music linked up wonderfully, and you edited so that it would be moreso. I think a better scene would have been Luke's duel with him in ROTJ, though admittedly the musical link would not be as strong. The only thing is, the music is so soaring and heroic and the duel is fairly piddly.
  18. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    The music linked up wonderfully, and you edited so that it would be moreso. I think a better scene would have been Luke's duel with him in ROTJ, though admittedly the musical link would not be as strong. The only thing is, the music is so soaring and heroic and the duel is fairly piddly.
  19. darth_ral

    darth_ral Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 9, 2004
    it would interesting to see battle of the heroes mixed with an OT specific song during the duel, becuase i really loved the intensity it gave it, but it gave me a little to much PT feel . perhaps if a slower score where intertwined with that one, much how during the fight in the mustafar control room i OT score is briefly mixed in....just my thoughts....very well done though, good job.
  20. Ekenobi

    Ekenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 4, 2002
    I am still not able to vie wit. I uploaded to version 10 but when I click on lnk it still pulls older version of WMP.
  21. Extreme_yoda

    Extreme_yoda Jedi Youngling star 2

    Nov 26, 2002
    can i say OLDSKOOOL!!! lol

    good stuff good stuff ....its like watching it all over again but better.....

    good times !!!

    [face_dancing] =D=
  22. r8hitman

    r8hitman Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 30, 2004
    =D= =D=
    Excellent job!!

    (But is this the right forum for this??:confused: )
  23. MasterCoeus

    MasterCoeus Jedi Youngling

    Jun 23, 2005
    One thing that just came to me while watching this (good job by the way)...After seeing the lightsaber duels in the prequels, I have been really saddened by the original duels. However, it has now come to me that it is no wonder that this duel is drastically less "active". Obi-Wan is now about 60 years old and has not been in a duel since Anakin on Mustafar, Also, Darth Vader is 1/2 man and 1/2 machine. He hasn't been in a duel since his battle with Obi-Wan, and this is the first one he has been in with both his arms cut off, and two prosthetic legs. Oh, he also can't breathe the way he was able to 20 years ago. So a little less action, but definitely more drama.

    Thanks for that.
  24. Sidious_T

    Sidious_T Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 2, 2004
    Why was this thread upped from last May? That will cause it to be locked by the mods..

    SAND-CRAWLER Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 12, 2003
    Am I the only one here that thinks that that was terrible? The music(BotH) represents a high paced duel to the death. The ANH duel, however, is a gentlemans duel. It is a duel between two old wizards that chose their shots. It is not between two young naive punks in their prime lashing out without care.
    When I watched it, I kept waiting to hear Obiwan or Vader start looking around saying "Why is there a choir singing in the other room...and why does it feel like I should be in a highspeed dogfight".

    The music doesn't match the ANH duel at all. The ANH duel music was perfect before...there was no music. Music in movies is there for one reason and that is to convey emotion. Why would you want to convey the emotion of crazy high speed reckless abandon when they're not fighting like that? Again, I thought it was totally terrible. A better choice of song would have been "Palpatine's Teachings" with a bit of a flare as Obiwan got chopped in half. The duel should have tension, not action. It's more of a duel of philosophies and words than a duel of strength. The music should emote it.
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