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Beloved Monster (Story previously begun on Tears of An Angel)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction Stories--Classic JC Board (Reply-Only)' started by BelleBayard, Aug 29, 2000.

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  1. BelleBayard

    BelleBayard TFN Fan Fiction Archive Editor star 4 VIP

    Mar 16, 2000
    Okay, here's what I promised. As my characters keep saying, "Soon, soon." Hehehe...


    Although the Clone Wars have ended, Jedi continue to provide targets for mysterious 'accidents' until only a handful survive, Obi-Wan and Anakin included. Obi-Wan returns to Alderaan to tell Anakin of Palpatine's latest edict. He urges him to return to the Order. Refusing to leave Amidala again, Anakin takes her to Coruscant. There, despite Obi-Wan's advice that he wait until things become more normal, he goes before Yoda, the only Council member present to apply for Knighthood. Yoda's answer sets in motion events leading to Anakin's final transformation...


    Despite Yoda's foreboding predictions, Obi-Wan felt compelled to appeal to Anakin's good side. He found his former Padawan... how that hurt... at his wife's side. Sabé met Obi-Wan's gaze, a moment of understanding passing between them before Obi-Wan greeted the couple.

    "Queen Amidala, Anakin... Good to see you again," he told them with a smile.

    Amidala rose and met him with hands extended to clasp his. "Obi-Wan! Indeed, how good to see you again. How are Masters Yoda and Windu?"

    Obi-Wan looked down before he continued, trying to compose himself. "Last I heard, Master Windu had left Coruscant to come to the aid of another Jedi contingent under attack. I fear I have no idea how his endeavor has fared. Yoda remains well." He squeezed Amidala's hands before releasing them and joining Anakin. "I must speak to you, Anakin. It's of vital importance."

    "What is it, Obi-Wan? Surely it doesn't concern us," Anakin told him, not even acknowledging Obi-Wan as his Master any longer.

    "The Emperor has denied all non-human systems membership in the Imperial Senate. He has appointed Sector Governors to oversee all government functions and told the Senators they must act as representatives for the non-human worlds in their sectors."

    Anakin frowned and Obi-Wan could almost see the wheels turning. He didn't push any further, merely allowed the startling information sink in for a few moments before continuing. "The Jedi need you, Anakin. I need you. So many have died... More since the Wars ended."

    Amidala rejoined them, laying a hand on Anakin's arm. "Ani, please... Go with Obi-Wan. I'll be fine here. There are larger concerns now. If the Jedi disappear, the galaxy will be a poorer place."

    "I won't leave you again, Am. Anywhere I go, you go with me." He gave Obi-Wan a challenging glare, then placed his hand over Amidala's as he answered. "Very well. I'll come with you to Coruscant. I have something I must address with Master Yoda anyway."

    Obi-Wan held back his grimace at Anakin's grudging return, but at this point, he felt he had staved off the worst. He'd have to speak to Amidala alone some time in the future, so Anakin's insistence on her accompanying them actually worked to his benefit. He gave Amidala a bow and retired with Sabé to his usual assigned quarters.

    As they walked toward the room, Sabé gave a quick glance around, then slipped her hand into his. "I missed you terribly, Obi-Wan."

    "And I you, Sabé," he admitted.

    They had reached his door. He hesitated, debating the wisdom of renewing their relationship. She took the decision from him as she opened the door and pulled him inside. As he turned to face her, she shut the door and leaned against it, looking at him as if he were her savior.


    She didn't reply, merely threw herself into his arms, holding him so tightly he felt certain his ribs creaked. He didn't fight her, just wrapped his arms around her, sensing her anguish.

    "What's wrong, Sabé? You seem... upset."

    "Oh, Obi-Wan," she sobbed into his shoulder.

    He found himself stroking her hair, then moving with her to sit on the window seat. She'd not been this distressed since Naboo's fall. Moments passed as she wept in his arms, then she took a shuddering breath and raised a tear soaked face.

    "It's been dreadful, Obi-Wan. After we came here, Amidala drove herself to exhaustion. I tr
  2. Cindé of Naboo

    Cindé of Naboo Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2000
    Boy, that Palpatine sure knows how to be evil; playing off of Amidala's emotions to use her. Evil, evil, evil man!

    I think it was interesting that Anakin insisted that Amidala go with him -- rather possessive, isn't he? I see the Dark Side coming through... :(
  3. Alderaan21

    Alderaan21 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 24, 1998
    But alas, we all knew it had to happen some time. :(

    Again, you do write a wonderfully evil Palpatine, Belle. And it was great to have a long story post! :)
  4. LadyZ

    LadyZ Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 16, 2000
    Poor Obi-Wan still trust him... Alas, we all know that terrible things will come to destroy that faith...
    It was very nice that the Gungan guy appeared! Great writing- well, they just leave one planet, arrive to the other, but that sentence really proved me that they are on Naboo...
  5. BelleBayard

    BelleBayard TFN Fan Fiction Archive Editor star 4 VIP

    Mar 16, 2000
    Heh... Came back after lunch to find the Jedi Council had turned into the Sith Council. Rather appropriate, doncha think? Hehehe... Will try to do something with the next scene this afternoon.
  6. RebelMom

    RebelMom Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 20, 2000
    I'm still cringing after that meeting with Palpy. Poor Ami. She's losing her husband and she knows it but can't seem to do anything about it. Poor girl.

    Yep, Sith Council seems very appropriate. :)
  7. BelleBayard

    BelleBayard TFN Fan Fiction Archive Editor star 4 VIP

    Mar 16, 2000
    Sorry folks. Woke up this a.m. with sore throat, aching head and body, runny nose... you know... the gamut of a nasty cold (and I have to work tonight, to boot). Won't probably be up to doing much for then next couple of days until I can get the cotton out from between my ears (figuratively). :( Will try to work on this the weekend (in between sewing my daughter's Halloween costume). *sigh* Crawling off to bed now.
  8. Princess Sari

    Princess Sari Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 8, 2000
    Oh... poor Ami... ::sniff::

    Feel better soon Belle!
  9. LadyZ

    LadyZ Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 16, 2000
    Feel better Belle! (and don't let Palpy try to cure you... :) but a Jedi knight is another story of course)
  10. Cindé of Naboo

    Cindé of Naboo Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2000
    I surely wish Jedi healers were real...I could really use one when I have a cold. But even if they're not...get well, Belle! Wow...I rhymed. ;)
  11. BelleBayard

    BelleBayard TFN Fan Fiction Archive Editor star 4 VIP

    Mar 16, 2000
    Working like a fiend on this after that hideous flu! Sad stuff here, folks.

    Naboo begins to rebuild, but other things are coming to an end... Anakin's fall has arrived....


    The next morning Anakin awoke alone. He rose, wondering if last night had been a dream. After pulling on his clothes, he went outside to start breakfast. He found Amidala already up and talking to? a Gungan! He couldn't help grinning as he went over to her. Memories of Jar Jar and Qui-Gon flitted through his mind. Still, other memories of them fighting the Neimoidians dispelled that image of childlike creatures.

    "Ani! Look who's here!" Amidala held her hands out to him, her face bright with laughter.
    "Meesa remember you, Ani! But yousa growed sooo big ,dis Gungan no hafta look down any more," the cheerful words rang through the morning.

    "Jar Jar?"Obi-Wan's disbelieving voice came from behind Ani.

    "Dat's meesa all right, Jedi Kenobi."

    Anakin almost heard Obi-Wan's mental groan and suppressed his grin at his mentor's distress. He vividly recalled Obi-Wan's grudging acceptance of Qui-Gon's tagalongs? his 'pathetic lifeforms' as he'd called them so many years ago. He turned to Jar Jar, the thoughts of the Gungan's clumsiness uppermost. Still, time had treated Jar Jar well. His bright skin tone had faded to pale orange and his mouth sported the 'whiskers' of an adult male Gungan. He couldn't help wondering how many of the others had made it through the war. Images of the carnage he'd found slammed into him. With an effort, he shook them off.

    "So, Jar Jar? are there any others who survived?"

    "Yes, indeedy, Ani. Boss Nass got a few of da Otoh Gunga folks out before dose bombad Mandalorians did their stuff? So sad? Most of usen dead? Mosta Naboo gone?" The creature's drooping features suddenly perked up. "Meesa got some news for da Queen. Found some Naboo, we did. Have a whole bunch in one of our hiding places. You come? Meesa show you, Majesty."

    Amidala looked over at Anakin, beseeching him to let her go. Alone.

    "Am? I'd rather go with you. Jar Jar, do you think the Boss would mind if the Queen's husband comes with her?"

    "Oooh? Married to da Queen, eh?" The Gungan thought for a moment, tapping the fingers of one hand on his mouth. "No problems, meesa tink. Obi-Wan gonna come too?"

    "Certainly. I'd be honored, Jar Jar. But first, would you join us for breakfast?"


    After eating, Ani, Amidala, and Obi-Wan followed Jar Jar deeper into the still relatively wooded area. Then they sped toward one of the few mountainous areas of Naboo. Amidala had never visited the region before as no one lived in the inhospitable place. Larger land predators, reputed to roam freely in the protected valley ringed with sharp cliffs precluded settlement or use for anything more than a sort of living zoo. Somehow it had escaped detection during the war.

    "You sought refuge here?" Amidala asked in horror. "How in the world did you manage?"

    "Weesa no living in the valley, Majesty. Dere's a cave in one of da mountains where weesa living since da war," the Gungan explained. He pointed to a dark hole in the side of largest mountain.

    "Isn't that an active volcano?"

    "Yes'm. Dat's how we keepin' warm in da winter and getting hot water for bathin'. Come on! Meesa showin' you all." With a nod, he indicated to Obi-Wan a broad ledge just before the cave's mouth.

    Both speeders fit neatly onto the widened rock, though Amidala's stomach did a turn at the steep cliff that yawned but a few yards away. She climbed off the vehicle and peered down for a moment, took a deep breath and turned back to the others.

    "Let's go. I want to meet your survivors, Jar Jar," she told him with a tiny smile.

    A short distance into the cave, Jar Jar picked a lit torch from a holder in the wall and continued to descend down a winding path, deeper into the mountain. The air began to take on a slightly sulfurous smell and grew warmer the longer t
  12. BelleBayard

    BelleBayard TFN Fan Fiction Archive Editor star 4 VIP

    Mar 16, 2000
    Shameless uppers just in case folks think I died.
  13. Alderaan21

    Alderaan21 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 24, 1998
    Volcanoes on Naboo? Odd, but not unlivably so... that was a very sad post, Belle. :( (And of course I mean sad as in the emotion, not the quality of the story! :))
  14. BelleBayard

    BelleBayard TFN Fan Fiction Archive Editor star 4 VIP

    Mar 16, 2000
    Well, actually just one volcano and in an unpopulated area, one that might escape the Clone Wars. In fact, I'd been playing with idea of using another planet, but thought it more likely ol' Palpy'd show up on his own home world. Again, I know this is totally just my way of filling in all the blanks until GL gives us Ep II and III. Ah well, such is life. This wasn't an easy scene to write. I kept wanting Ani to turn his back on the Dark Side, but alas... it's not to be. :(
  15. Cindé of Naboo

    Cindé of Naboo Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2000
    *Sob!* I'll be taking a large box of tissues into Episode III, that's for sure!

    That was interesting (and sad!) speculation on Anakin's turn -- I really, really like how you brougt in the Gungans and gave them dignity -- even Jar Jar! ;) Meanwhile, though, I am very sad. At least I was somewhat prepared for it. The inevitable fall of Ani. :(
  16. LadyZ

    LadyZ Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 16, 2000
    First I didn't want to read it... :(

    Yes, I like what you wrote about his fall, especially that Obi-Wan pushed him too much... It seems believable and logical...

  17. BelleBayard

    BelleBayard TFN Fan Fiction Archive Editor star 4 VIP

    Mar 16, 2000
    A quick something before I go to work. Hanky warning here!


    The transformation is well under way... Palpatine gives Amidala an ultimatum and she makes a fateful decision...


    He found her that evening, alone on the balcony she had frequented in Naboo's better days. Tears streaked her cheeks, yet she made no sound. A strong one, she was. Too bad that very strength would make her so... intractable to his purposes. Palpatine moved from the shadows to join her.

    "Don't grieve, Your Majesty. He isn't dead."

    She didn't start and he conceeded her another point. Most others tended to startle when he used his Force abilities to seemingly appear from nowhere. Amidala, on the other hand, refused to look at him.

    "I hold you responsible, Senator, for my husband's demise. And how you can say he still is lives is beyond me. Obi-Wan told me he fell into the caldera. No one could survive such a fall," she responded, her voice cold and devoid of her obvious pain.

    "Ah, but I was there. Indeed, I brought him from the pit. He lies in a healing trance at the moment. However... " He paused, relishing her rising hope he so desired to dash. "There are many injuries which require more than these primitive conditions

    "You lie, Senator. For some perverse reason, you wish to inflict injury on me. How can I believe you? All you have ever done is lie... I should have known--"

    "Enough! I will no longer tolerate your attitude. I am the Emperor. Since you seem to have sensed certain things I will tell you that I am indeed more." He pulled up the cloak's hood, turning to give her full view of his shadowy visage above the Sith clasp he wore beneath his chin. "In the past, others have know me as Darth Sidious, Sith Master."

    Amidala stiffened and a grim smile flitted across his face as he sensed her understanding of just what he had been responsible for. For a moment, he reveled in her fear and hatred, then she closed herself off. Amazing, how well she could shield herself. Had his new apprentice taught her such a technique? Somehow he doubted it. More likely, that annoyance Kenobi had done it to keep him from probing her mind.

    "Regardless of this, I have saved your husband. Go to him. He lies unconscious on the caldera lip. Just ask Kenobi where he left him. Oh, and I have something else for you," he said, reaching into the sleeve of his robe. "I doubt your healers can do much to reattach this, but perhaps I am wrong."

    He held out his grisly trophy... Ani's right hand, still clutching his lightsaber. Amidala's hand trembled as she reached out to take it and as she focused on the horrific thing she held, Palpatine faded away, back into the shadows.

    His parting words before he left chilled her more than anything else he'd said. "Oh, and once he's in better shape, see to it you do your part. Get yourself with child. I need fresh blood if the Sith are to survive. See to it, or you usefulness will to me will end." With a parting cackle, he disappeared.


    She wanted to scream, shout, fall on her knees and sob, but she did none of those things. By sheer force of will, she went back inside her room, fully expecting to see Palpatine's loathsome face again. A fever of anger nearly overcame her. With an oath, she laid Ani's hand on the table, then ran out, calling for Obi-Wan and her handmaidens.


    "Amidala, what is it?" He emerged from his room, bleary eyed and rumpled, something she'd never seen him before in all the years she'd known him.

    "Palpatine just visited me--"
    "What?" Sabe' blurted out as she joined them.

    "He says Ani's still alive. Said you would know where he was, Obi-Wan."

    Obi-Wan frowned. "I saw him fall..."

    "The... Emperor... told me he got him out somehow, then left him where you and he were last." She wrung her hands, wanting to rush off to see if the nasty creature had lied about that as well.

    "Though I doubt it much, I'll gladly go with you. We should take the shuttle
  18. Alderaan21

    Alderaan21 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 24, 1998
    :( Poor Ani. And d@mn Palpatine... perhaps he should make *himself* useful, and follow his hopeful apprentice down into that cauldron. :)

    It's starting to remind me a bit of one of your other stories I read-- is this going to tie in at all with 'The Beast Within'? (Though obviously it can't completely, since that story's NC-17...)
  19. Cindé of Naboo

    Cindé of Naboo Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2000
    Thankfully, I just watched ROTJ today, so I can think happily on that and how Ani will be good and KILL THAT EVIL MAN!! er...yeah. I just hate Palpy more and more every day.
  20. Princess Sari

    Princess Sari Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 8, 2000
    ::tries to talk, even though her jaw is resting on the floor at the moment::

    Oh wow... definatly different from what everyone's been thinking happened at that volcano (and after). Wonderful posts Belle! Simply wonderful!
  21. BelleBayard

    BelleBayard TFN Fan Fiction Archive Editor star 4 VIP

    Mar 16, 2000
    Thanks, folks. I needed those kind words after the miserable night I had last night at work (Palpy'd have a ball with all the negative vibes around.). A21, yes, I'm modifying my The Beast Within and working it into this story. For those who want the... um, spicier version, I'll be putting up the er... NC-17 part on my site once I get this thing done. Already have about 3 chapters up. Incredibly time consuming, posting with the italics and all. Well, off to bed for me 'cause I have to work tonight, too.
  22. RebelMom

    RebelMom Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 20, 2000
    Palpy gave her Ani's hand with the lightsaber still in it. That was creepy. And what he said to her. Grrrrrr, evil man. Darn, he doesn't get killed for another 20 years or so.
  23. BelleBayard

    BelleBayard TFN Fan Fiction Archive Editor star 4 VIP

    Mar 16, 2000
    Well, keep your hankies handy, folks. There's a bit of steam between Ani & Am, but then the tear jerkers take over. Sad, sad, sad.... :(


    Amidala bids her love farewell and Anakin disappears beneath the mask. Palpatine has won yet his first battle and plans the Jedi fall under his purge...


    Anakin awoke gasping, clearing the last of the bacta from his lungs with a strangled cough. Nightmarish images flitted across his mind, mingling with whispered words that gave him a new name and a new purpose. Again and again, he lived the horror of the... accident. He couldn't bear to think of it as a duel. A blue lightsaber swung toward him, the cold burn of its blade biting into his weapon hand. Then his desperate jump away?from the lip of the volcano into the caldera, clinging to a ledge not far above the bubbling magma until he lost consciousness. Anything had seemed better at the time than falling to his old master's attack. Fury fought with anguish as he remembered Obi-Wan's accusations of carelessness and lack of character and the madness that had welled up between them.

    The rest, as they said, had become history. Anakin slumped back against the bed in exhaustion. He barely remembered how he had arrived in the med unit, the time filled with pain, rage, and a deep sense of betrayal. For the millionth time he wondered if things would have turned out differently if Qui-Gon had survived to train him as his Padawan. Twelve years he had struggled to gain acceptance from Obi-Wan. Ten years he had felt he never would be good enough for his master or the Jedi.

    Sadly, he realized the end had begun when Amidala had accepted him as her husband/consort. At first, Obi-Wan had nothing good to say of the union, insisting a Jedi had no time for a family, much less a wife who ruled a planet. Somehow Anakin sensed his master actually felt jealous of the relationship between his Padawan and the queen. Though he might never prove it, Anakin firmly believed it but one reason for Obi-Wan's unspoken rejection and disdain.

    He remembered the other little differences that had continued to build. The only kindly ear seemed to come from then Chancellor Palpatine, who must have seen how distressed he was and offered to listen and help if possible. Palpatine had come to him, encouraging him to stand up for himself against his master and the Jedi council.

    Yes, he recalled bitterly, once again they had looked askance at him. Once again they turned away from his needs. Especially Yoda. That truly hurt. The complete wall Qui-Gon's old master put between them seemed almost palpable whenever they met.
    Never again, Anakin vowed. He didn't have to listen to them any more. His marriage to Amidala had remained the only good thing in his life since the Jedi had cast him out. Now it seemed she had also turned from him and only the Emperor? Lord Sidious? would appreciate his need to search for justice. There would be time for revenge, but first he must heal himself.

    Anakin took a deep breath, wincing at the pain of torn muscles and the burning of damaged airways. Though he no longer looked out from the liquid bacta, he realized he wore some sort of device to aid his breathing. Frustration at his helplessness threatened to overwhelm him. A deep, festering anger settled in his chest and pushed him to struggle from the bed. As he sat up, he found a pair of feminine hands firmly pressing him back to the mattress.

    "Where do you think you are you going?" A tall, slender woman dressed in healer's robes stood frowning down at him. She looked... familiar. Ah, yes... Esmé, one of Amidala's former handmaidens.

    "I must leave this place?" he began, then realized he had no idea how long he had been unconscious. "What day is this?"

    "Hmmph. Three weeks from when you arrived. And you're still not ready to leave." She shook her head at his expression, then gave a lopsided smile. "Considering you were left for dead, you're doing quite well actually."

    As he con
  24. BelleBayard

    BelleBayard TFN Fan Fiction Archive Editor star 4 VIP

    Mar 16, 2000
    Another shameless up before I fall over in bed (it's 1:20 a.m. here, so what am I doing up? It's called being used to being awake at night... Don't you love it?) :)
  25. LadyZ

    LadyZ Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 16, 2000
    I can't imagine that it was hard for you to write this post, Belle! All along it has great style, it's very easy to read- I'm not sure I'm saying it correctly, but I really liked it.
    Belle-Belle, so it is your idea why Ani had to wear that respirator- he-he, I'm absolutely sure GL has something else in his mind :D
    When do you think Ani- oh, forgive me My Lord- Vader will realise that Palpy is evil?
    BTW thank you for the PM, it was the first time I got one :)
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