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Lit Reviews Books Best Audiobooks? Looking for Recommendations

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Kalio_Dynkos, Dec 19, 2020.

  1. Kalio_Dynkos

    Kalio_Dynkos Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 17, 2004
    Hey! So...with Mandalorian finished I'm looking for some more Star Wars.

    I have a bunch of the NJO audiobooks but the voice acting isn't great so far.

    The original Thrawn Trilogy is just solid gold.

    Any other recommendations. Any specific recommendations with good audio production? Legends or Canon is fine with me.
  2. Jedi Ben

    Jedi Ben Chosen One star 9

    Jul 19, 1999
    Dooku Jedi Lost is excellent.
    vstarvan and Kalio_Dynkos like this.
  3. SWpants

    SWpants Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 28, 2004
    I agree with @Jedi Ben
    The Shakespeare Star Wars are also good.

    Even the Aftermath books are good and I abhor the writing. Marc Thompson and the effects make them more than tolerable.

    Pretty much look up anything Marc Thompson narrates ;)
    Vialco and Kalio_Dynkos like this.
  4. Kalio_Dynkos

    Kalio_Dynkos Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 17, 2004
    I have to agree! Marc Thompson is by far my favorite. He just puts so much into the voices! My only complaint with NJO voices is that they don't sound like the characters, which is not to say that they have to but Han Solo is the standard bearer for me. January LaVoy did a fantastic job with him in Bloodlines, as well as nailing Leia's passionate voice.

    I'll look those up! Thanks!

    I'm tending to read the book when I have time, and play the audio book when I don't - or do a combination of both. Whispersync is a pretty cool thing, gotta say.
    SWpants likes this.
  5. SWpants

    SWpants Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 28, 2004
    i agree about Marc’s talent! It makes me want to look into any non-SW stuff he may have done :D

    I’ve also taken advantage of Whispersync. My problem is that most of the Kindle books that I have or want aren’t equipped with it
  6. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    I like darth plagueis.

    Though honestly Revenge of the Sith is good in audio form too.
    vstarvan and Kalio_Dynkos like this.
  7. Kalio_Dynkos

    Kalio_Dynkos Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 17, 2004
    Oooh @AusStig I hadn't thought about a movie adaptation! Thanks for that recommendation!
    AusStig likes this.
  8. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    It is the best Star Wars book ever.
  9. Daneira

    Daneira Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 30, 2016
    January LaVoy did the audiobook for Bloodline. The audiobook for Bloodlines was read by Marc Thompson.
    Kalio_Dynkos likes this.
  10. vstarvan

    vstarvan Jedi Master star 2

    Aug 11, 2013
    The new canon Thrawn trilogy is amazing and what got me hooked on the audiobooks. Another A+ for Thompson. Chaos Rising too.

    I second a lot of what's already been said in the thread. Dooku: Jedi Lost is phenomenal. Master & Apprentice makes for a decent companion piece to it as well. I couldn't get past a few chapters reading Aftermath, but I really enjoyed the audiobooks. Plagueis is great.
    The FACPOV books are really fun with all the different authors and narrators. I liked Catalyst.

    Ahsoka and Queens Shadow were just okay, but hearing them read by Ashley Eckstein and Catherine Taber added an extra level of enjoyment I can appreciate.
    Daneira and Kalio_Dynkos like this.