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Beyond - Legends ~Beyond the Rim~ A/T SbS AU Completed 8/09!!!!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Lonewolf89, Mar 31, 2003.

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  1. Tahi

    Tahi Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 8, 2002
    I really enjoyed the scene between Jacen and Anakin, and the growing understanding between the brothers. The change in pace was good - a nice rest between the previous action and the problem they're about to have with the oxygen. EVA suits!! Memories of Yag'Dhul and lockers - ;) No Corran around this time though.

    I like the way the Arles-Danato relationship is coming along. I especially liked that observation about sleep being an enemy - that was a marvellous piece of insight.
  2. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Tahi: Ah, yes, Rebirth flash backs. :D

    Thanks for the comments. I really loved writing that last post. The more introspective stuff is easier for me to get into then the action scenes. Strange, since action seems to be dominating this fic. :)

    I might be getting my next post up tonight or tomorrow.
  3. The_Jedi_Ambyr-Rose

    The_Jedi_Ambyr-Rose Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 24, 2003
    memories of lockers...what a fine memory! lol good post, i liked it. I like how Jacen and Anakin are being brotherly. Good job!

  4. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Thanks, Ambyr-Rose! :D

    Here's more.

    Into The Vacuum:

    Anakin sat on the floor next to Tahiri. Her head rested against his shoulder as she began to nod off. He couldn't blame her. Even with the threat of oxygen depletion he was finding it difficult to stay awake. He couldn't wait to get some sleep. So many hours of fighting and worrying had begun to wear him down. What he wouldn't have done for a hot shower and a soft bed. He shook his head quickly, jerking himself away from the thought of sleep. He didn't have time for that right now.

    He had transfered all the air into one room in hopes of making the oxygen supply last longer. So far they had been sitting in the cramped quarters of the cockpit for almost an hour. Any ideas Anakin had about a ship rescuing them were beginning to fade. He glanced at the air monitor, noticing they had less than three hours left.

    Leaning Tahiri back against the wall he stepped away. He made sure he didn't wake her before pushing himself off the floor. She need the break. He stepped over the sleeping forms of his sister, Kyp, and Valin. Tenel-Ka was sitting on a small stool in the corner, meditating silently. Moving past her, Anakin walked over to Danato who was loyally positioned next to Rhyll who was sleeping.

    "How good are the Merin's ship comms?" he asked in a hushed voice.

    "Pretty good as far as range goes," Danato replied, looking at him curiously. "But even so, it's not likely that they'll pick up a transmission this far out."

    Anakin winced. He had been avoiding that question for a while now. His heart sank. After all of this, they might not make it back home after all. He bit his tongue. He had to focus. He vainly searched his brain for some other option he might have overlooked earlier.

    "You've got an idea?" Jacen whispered, moving over to Danato and his brother.

    Anakin looked over at him slowly. "Maybe. We've got a signal booster right? Something to strengthen the Firelight's transmission?"

    Jacen shook his head. "We've got one, but it went off line during the scuffle down on the planet. We'd have to go outside the ship and hook it up manually."

    He nodded, "I know. I didn't drain all the air out of the EV suits. There's at least ten minutes left in the tanks. I could go out, make some repairs, and patch things up. That would strengthen the comm signal by a lot. Enough to get the message heard if we're lucky."

    Jacen looked at Anakin incredulously. "Ten minutes isn't very much time. I don't know that you can connect everything that quickly. Jaina might have a better chance-"

    "No!" It was all Anakin could do to keep his voice low. "I don't want her out there. I'm the leader here, it's my job. Besides, I'm better at locating the problem areas. My repairs will be faster."

    "Alright, but ten minutes only! No heroics. Once the air tank alarm goes off start heading back," Jacen consented hesitantly.

    Anakin shot his brother a lopsided grin. "Hey, it's me!"

    Jacen glared at him, "That's what worries me."


    Anakin could hear his breathing echoing through his helmet as he floated towards the Firelight's hatch. He pushed himself off the wall, sending himself flying into the door. Reaching over, he typed in the unlocking code and moved back.

    "Hatch is opening," he said into the comm link he had connected with Danato and Jacen. It had taken a little persuading, but he had managed to talk them out of waking the others. He knew Tahiri would have objected to this plan, and he wasn't in the mood for an argument.

    "Go ahead," his brother replied. "And remember, ten minutes."

    Anakin ignored his sibling's remark. He pulled himself forward, out into space. He took a moment to gaze out into the star dotted sky. This was the thing he most enjoyed about space walks. The uninhibited view of the black night. No matter what was happening, time seemed to stop when he was floating weightlessly there. He loved the feeling of complete freedom that passed over him.

    "You ready?" Danato asked, breaking into his thoughts. A
  5. Jedi_jainafel

    Jedi_jainafel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 5, 2002

    *Mouth falls open*

    What the hell was that????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He can't be frocking dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are so [face_evil]!!!!!!WHY WHY WHY!!!!

  6. Star-Lead

    Star-Lead Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 22, 2003
    No way.

    No fething way.

    *suits up in battle armour*

    Better go rescue him then.
  7. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    *cue evil laugh* [face_devil]

    Ah, don't worry Jainafel and Star-Lead. To take a saying from Jedi_Anakin_Solo, 'I never kill Anakin.' :)
  8. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
  9. Jedi_Sari

    Jedi_Sari Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 4, 2002

    hehehe, o well I have a feeling he'll be alright, I'm just wonderin how
  10. Moff_D

    Moff_D Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 3, 2002
    Ok, so Anakin is dead. Who's next? :p

    Way to leave us hanging.

    I know! Annoy all the readers, have Jacen rescue Anakin! :D

    Nice, tense post Lonewolf.
  11. Jek_Windu

    Jek_Windu Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 26, 2003
    Great post!! Exactly like Anakin to take ridiculous risks to his own life for the lives of others.

  12. Jedi_Sari

    Jedi_Sari Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 4, 2002
    i second that!
  13. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Thanks for all the replies, folks! Sorry I haven't been over here. I've been pretty busy lately. Anyway, here's an update. :)

    Of Visions and Rescues:

    Anakin was laying face down in the dirt. Raising his head, he could faintly see the Yuuzhan Vong, Nom Anor. The alien was running towards a detonator a few feet away from Anakin. He knew somehow that the high ranking Vong wasn't supposed to reach it. He could feel a group of Jedi somewhere behind him. Pain and frustration filled each of them. Some were injured. The others were struggling to stay alive and protect their comrades. He could even sense the faint, lingering presences of dead Knights.

    A brief glimpse of Tahiri's tear streaked face flashed through his head, and suddenly he understood what was happening. He was dying. He looked down. Blood had soaked his jump suit. Agony ripped through his body. He could feel the Force pulling him apart molecule by molecule.

    Anakin glance back up. Nom Anor was almost on the detonation device. He was grabbing for it with a scared hand, and his face was twisted in horrific delight. Not knowing what else to do, Anakin reached for the device with Force. Using the last of his strength he rolled it towards a nearby cargo pod.

    He didn't get the chance to hear the angry curse that followed, or watch the Yuuzhan Vong executer run for his life. In a blinding flash of white light, Anakin felt himself dissipate into the Force.


    Anakin's ice blue eyes flew open. His gaze raked across the room in a blind panic. Where was he? What was happening? The sound of beeping machinery filled his ears. He searched franticly for something familiar.

    "Whoa, whoa, take it easy there Fly Boy."

    Anakin immediately recognized the voice. He turned his head sharply to his left, regretting the move seconds later.

    "Lay back down," Tahiri suggested, pushing Anakin firmly back against his pillow as he grimaced.

    It was all a dream, he thought to himself, disbelieving. A vision of what could have been?

    "Where are we?" he asked, squeezing his eyes closed. His head pounded. Pain was shooting through his skull.

    "On the Magmor," Tahiri replied. She smirked at him, moving back into her chair.

    Anakin forced his eyes open and looked around him for a second time. He was in a medical bed, hooked up to two blinking machines. The walls were a stark, antiseptic white, and the smell of cleaner hung in the air. Tahiri was sitting on a seat near his bedside. Her blond hair was pulled back into a pony tail, and she was dressed in a black Merin uniform.

    "How did we get here?" he asked, still trying to piece together what had happened. The last thing he remembered was trying to attach a set of wires together and her screaming voice. Anakin pressed the palm of his hand against his forehead. His headache was beginning to dull.

    "General Adare picked up our signal. He arrived at the Firelight a few minutes before the oxygen tanks hit empty." Tahiri's pale green eyes trace along his face, "They all thought you were dead. It wasn't until I talked them to pull you into the ship that we realized you were still alive."

    "How long was I out?" Anakin questioned.

    "You were floating in space for almost three hours. Jacen's been trying to figure out how you survived ever since we were picked up. You've been here two days now."

    Anakin looked at her. He could see anger and happiness battling for a place on her face. Finally a mixture of both was left and she threw her arms around him.

    "By the Force, you're going to be the death of me, Anakin Solo!" she shouted, hugging him tightly.

    The reaction took him slightly off guard. He had expected more of a reprimand. Maybe even something involving a smack over the head or a painful punch in the arm. He just looked at her, puzzled, and placed his arms around her waist. "I'm sorry," he said quietly.

    Tahiri pulled back and glared at him. Tears were rolling down her cheeks, but she was still smiling. "I thought we'd gone over this already. No more kamik
  14. JediMasterChie

    JediMasterChie Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 7, 2003
    [face_shocked] WOW! All together now... WOW!!!!!!!!
    I've been lurking a while and finally decided to post again. Hehe. Glad Anakin's not dead! :D YAY!!!!!!!!!
  15. Moff_D

    Moff_D Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 3, 2002
    Yeah...interesting 'vision' at the beginning of the post. ;)

    Otherwise, a little recovery in this post. I don't think they'll be out of trouble for long though.
  16. Jedi_jainafel

    Jedi_jainafel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 5, 2002
    *Breaths sigh of relief*

    See, i KNEW you wouldn't kill him *cough cough*.....ok, so i DIDNT know that, but it just sounds better if i say i did :D

    It also brightened up my day.See a few days ago, i was wearing a top and it must of had somethingin it, like wood lice or some caterpiller, but it bit me in this one clump on my back and round my side!!!!It kills!!!!!!*Shudders* and the cream stuff i have to put on, smells like that liquid panadol *shudders* i HATE that stuff!!!!!!!!!Very veryyyy bad childhood trauma memories involving that stuff, did you know it comes in banana and blueberry flavour??!!!

  17. Jedi_jainafel

    Jedi_jainafel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 5, 2002
    *Breaths sigh of relief*

    See, i KNEW you wouldn't kill him *cough cough*.....ok, so i DIDNT know that, but it just sounds better if i say i did :D
    You should have put in some A/T mush!!!There was a perfect place for it in that post :mad:

    It also brightened up my day.See a few days ago, i was wearing a top and it must of had somethingin it, like wood lice or some caterpiller, but it bit me in this one clump on my back and round my side!!!!It kills!!!!!!*Shudders* and the cream stuff i have to put on, smells like that liquid panadol *shudders* i HATE that stuff!!!!!!!!!Very veryyyy bad childhood trauma memories involving that stuff, did you know it comes in banana and blueberry flavour??!!!

    Opps, sorry for the rant-turned-ramble-thingy.

  18. Star-Lead

    Star-Lead Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 22, 2003
    A double postie?

    Anyway, that is very good that you didn't kill Anakin.

    I presume this state affairs will stay *loads tri-barrel*.
  19. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Chie: Thank you! I'm glad to have you back. :)

    Moff: My copy of SbS was sitting on my desk when I started writing. I figured I might as well pull something out of it. :D

    Jainafel: Sorry to hear about your illness. I hope you make a speedy recovery!

    Star-Lead: For now. [face_mischief]
  20. Star-Lead

    Star-Lead Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 22, 2003
    *aims tri-barrel at Lonewolf*

    I warn you, I'm quite trigger happy.

    *paints patterns of the Holy Wounds on thread*

    Now, rise O thread.

    *rants about death and glory and the honour of the Blood Angels for a bit, then stops because people are looking at him funny*

    *puts down tri-barrel and takes out multi-melta*

    What are all you heretics staring at, hm?
  21. Star-Lead

    Star-Lead Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 22, 2003
    Aargh, a double post!
  22. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001

    Fine, fine... I'll let them off easy this time. :D

    I got some new software today, and salvaged all of my stories from my computer! So, plan on an update today or tomorrow.
  23. Tahi

    Tahi Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 8, 2002
    Finally caught up again. Great posts Lonewolf -plenty of suspense. I like dthe idea of using the vision of what might have been too. :)
    Anakin shot his brother a lopsided grin. "Hey, it's me!"

    Jacen glared at him, "That's what worries me."
    Heh heh - snap!

    I liked the other echo too - when Anakin tells Danato he's a good fighter. Memories of Ep 4.

    I also liked Tahiri's reaction to Anakin's exploits. Sounds like she's softening a bit - or maybe she's just learned that he'll never change. ;)

    Another enjoyable read. :)
  24. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Tahi: Thank you! I think Tahiri knows Anakin?s never going to listen to her, she?s just settling for the idea of him being more cautious when he decides to save the galaxy. :D


    Arles Rhyll stood at attention in front of General Adare?s desk. She had just been released from med deck that morning. Her wrist still hung awkwardly from a sling around her neck, but her stab wound was healing much better. A week or two on light duty and she would be back at her old position.

    She gave a snappy salute as Adare stepped into the room, data pad in hand. ?At ease, Commander,? he said, a wisp of a smile on his face as he returned the gesture. ?I?ve been going over your report and speaking with Captain Solo. I must say, I am very impressed. You?ve gone above and beyond the call of duty on this mission.?

    ?I was just following orders, sir,? she replied, her expression impassive. She appreciated his praise, but she didn?t want to look too pleased.

    ?No, you didn?t. You were ordered to escort them to the planet. From there you could have left them to their own devices. But, you chose to fight beside them, protecting both your team and the Merin people.?

    The General eyed Arles from his chair. Unlike some soldiers he had called to his office in his years onboard this ship, she was taking his praise modestly. Yes, she was proving herself to be an excellent officer.

    ?I?ve sent my report to the Council and they see things the same way I do.? He continued, standing. He walked around his desk to stand next to Arles. ?Congratulations, Commander Rhyll, you?ve just been promoted.?

    She looked at him, unable to hide her shock this time. He picked up a small box from his desk and opened the lid. Sitting in a black velvet lining was a set of Colonel?s insignia.

    The General picked them up, pining badges to Rhyll's collar. He patted her on the shoulder and moved to sit back down in his chair. ?Not only that, Colonel. You?ve also been given command of your own ship. A Black Model Star Cruiser.?

    Arles was too stunned to reply. She took the data pad Adare held out for her and glancing over it carefully. Sure enough she was to take control of a new cruiser that had just been commissioned. The Black Model ships had begun production shortly after the war ended. They were the most powerful ships in the line. Only five had been completed, and already they were filled with enough fire power to replace all of the older model battle ships.

    ?Thank... thank you, sir,? she stuttered, unable to thinking of another way to respond.

    ?No need, Rhyll. You?ve earned this,? the General said, leaning back in his chair. ?If you read the rest of that data pad you?ll get information on your first assignment. You?re being sent to escort Solo and his group back to their galaxy. There you?ll help them eradicate any remaining Yuuzhan Vong threats, and open peaceful negotiations with his people.?

    ?Yes sir.?

    ?Before that though, you?re going to have to pick a first officer. Most of the crew has already been assigned to your ship. But as you know, first mate is Captain's prerogative. I have a few personal files here you could go over.? Adare reached for his files, but Rhyll stopped him.

    ?No thank you, sir. I already have someone in mind,? she said with a smirk.


    ?How are you feeling?? Tahiri questioned, stepping past Anakin and into his temporary quarter onboard the Magmor.

    ?I?m just fine, and I wish people would stop asking me that,? he replied, rolling his eyes as he closed the door behind her.

    Tahiri walked up to him, locking her fingers loosely around his neck. ?You almost died out there. I can?t help but be a little worried.? She stood up on her tip toes and planted a kiss softly on his lips.

    ?Well, I guess I can?t argue with that,? he replied, a dopey grin forming on his face.

    ?They really went all out on our accommodation,? she stated. Her gaze wandered around his room as she moved to sit down on the edge of his bed.

    ?You?re telling me. This place is huge. I?ve stayed in some nice h
  25. queen37

    queen37 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 14, 2002
    LOL!! I love that last scene! This is an awesome story and I can't wait for more! Update soon!
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