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Beyond - Legends ~Beyond the Rim~ A/T SbS AU Completed 8/09!!!!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Lonewolf89, Mar 31, 2003.

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  1. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    Yeah. They'd kick some butt! :D

    But I wish they'd pair Tenel-Ka and Jacen up more often! Especially with him now taking up diplomatic interests, he could be so perfect for her in the Hapes cluster!
    Better than Danni certainly. ;)
  2. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Oh, Danni. Don't even get me started on her. As long as she stays confined to the nearest science lab I can stand her. The moment she steps outside her realm of science though, couldn't hater her more.
  3. Moff_D

    Moff_D Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 3, 2002
    What's wrong with Danni? C'mon, Tenel Ka is duller than a rusty axe. This is a fact. :p

    Exciting post Lonewolf, some good action. Things is heating up. ;)
    Once again--what about poor little Valin?

    Man, I had to put you on the watched users list--much easier to keep track of your story. ;)
  4. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002

    [face_shocked] You don't like Tenel Ka?
    I thought you liked red heads! :p
    What's not to like? She's tough, she's smart, and she's a princess (actually a queen now) to top it all off!
  5. Moff_D

    Moff_D Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 3, 2002
    A one-armed Jedi? Twice as useless! :p

    j/k. No, Tenel was a fine character but I don't know if there is much more that can be done with her at this point. The characters have moved on anyway. ;)
  6. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Moff: Tenel-Ka?s great! A perfect match for Jacen anyway. Much better than Danni who?s much to boring.

    You?ll have to wait a little longer to find out what happens to Valin. [face_devil]

    I had to put you on the watched users list

    *bows* I am honored. :D

    Hey, last I saw Tenel-Ka kicked Vong arse even with one arm.

    Chapter 21: Fear

    Arles gripped a commandeered amphistaff tightly in her fist as a Yuuzhan Vong warrior stalked forward. This wasn?t the first time she had been forced to use an alien weapon, but each time she felt a swell of uncertainty. It was almost as tall as she was, and the Vong were much more confidant welders.

    She shook her head, burying the anxiety as the warrior pounced. Two weapons slammed together, causing a cracking sound to ring through the air. She was pushed back, coming dangerously close to the edge of the ravine behind her. Gritting her teeth she took a step forward. She pressed the blade of her amphistaff sharply towards her attacker; grimaced as pain shot through her injured arm.

    Arles? silver eyes narrowed as they locked with the Yuuzhan Vong warrior?s black gaze. Her muscles strained against the pressure of his onslaught. Spin around, the warrior sent her flying against the cave wall. She spared a glance towards Danato who was have his own problems holding off three warriors with his blaster. Her gun had long since run out of ammo, and she was already cursing herself for not bringing more power packs.

    Rhyll slid down the rock wall as her attacker moved closer, a menacing grin on his face. She tightened her jaw. In one quick movement her leg flew out, catching him in the stomach. She pushed herself up onto her elbow and twisted her other leg around and slammed him in the head. The warrior tried to regain his balance as she grabbed her amphistaff again. Spinning it she thrust it upwards and through his crab armor. His eyes widened for a moment. Then he slowly sank to the ground.

    ?Nice work,? Danato said as he holstered his weapon. A dopey grin was plastered on his face.

    ?You didn?t do too bad I suppose,? Arles replied cooly, looking at the three warriors who laid dead beside him.

    ?Want some?? he asked, as he tilted his canteen towards her questioningly.

    Rhyll nodded, taking it from his hand. She leaned back against the wall next to the cavern's entrance. ?How much do you have left?? She asked when she saw Danato checking his blaster's power.

    ?Not enough,? he replied, grimace as he tossed his back into it?s holder. ?A few more shots at most. I?m thinking we should head back to the Firelight and catch up with the others there. If we get into another fire fight we?re fried.?

    Arles was about to respond when she heard a scuffle coming from the passage. She dropped to the floor just in time to miss the amphistaff blade that sliced through the air above her. Pushing herself off the ground she moved forward, grabbing the warrior?s weapon as she tried to wrestle it out of his grasp.

    She bit down on her tongue as pain shot through her arm. Noticing, the warrior looked down, instantly spotting the white bandage wrapped around her arm. Sneering, he let go of his weapon and grabbed her forearm. His fist hammered into her injury, snapping her wrist in the process. Twisting around the warrior caught his amphistaff as it tumbled to the ground.

    In an instant he pushed it into Rhyll's side.


    Anakin ran forward, just in time to catch a amphistaff flying straight for Tahiri?s head. He felt the breath he had been holding ease out of his lungs as he glanced over at her. She gave him a thankful smile and then jumped back into the fight. He sighed. It seemed that that was all the got now days. Brief glances at each other right before charging into battle again. It wasn?t much of a life, but it was better than what some people were left with. At least they were together.

    It hadn?t taken long for the Yuuzhan Vong to figure out that the Jedi were inside the caves. After a few minutes searching through the winding labyrinth war
  7. Star-Lead

    Star-Lead Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 22, 2003
    And now all hell breaks loose.
  8. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Pretty much sumed it up there, Star-Lead. :D
  9. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Chapter 22: Never Easy

    ?Anything?? Jacen asked as his brother rounded the corner and headed towards back the group of Jedi.

    ?All clear,? Anakin replied, his expression perplexed.

    ?This doesn?t make any sense,? Jaina said, voicing the thoughts everyone else was having.

    ?If they know we?re coming, why aren?t they trying to protect this thing more?? Tahiri questioned. She crinkled up her nose as she cocking her head in confusion.

    ?Well, they were pretty much abandoned by the rest of their fleet. It could be that they don?t have the forces to protect it,? Kyp Durron replied.

    ?I think they do,? Anakin stated matter of factly, ?I think they?re just holding out on us. They?re waiting till we get somewhere we can?t get out of and then they?re going to hit us with all they?ve got.?

    ?So these untrained warriors they?ve been throwing our way are just decoys so we don?t get overly suspicious,? Jaina stated, nodding her understanding.

    ?But when and where is this ambush going to take place?? Tahiri asked, frustration in her voice. She didn't like riddles and ploys. She would have much preferred a straight out battle.

    ?We?re close to our target, that?s I know,? Anakin replied, ?So what ever they?re going to do they?re going to have to do it soon.?

    ?Any bright ideas?? Jaina asked, looking over at her brother. It was strange, looking to him for guidance and plans was becoming second nature. Anakin had always seemed older than his years, as if he had a thousand centuries of memories and experiences running around in his brain. That side of him at been more evident in his young years, before the war. But even how she could see that his ice blue eyes still held that same aged wisdom she had come to admire.

    ?There?s nothing we can do, not now anyway,? Anakin said, the gears in his mind already trying to come up with a course of action that wouldn?t lead them all straight into a trap. ?The passage breaks off just up ahead. I?m pretty sure both cave veins lead to the same place. I want you, Jaina, to go with Jacen and Kyp down the left side. The rest of you come with me. If we enter from different points it may give us an advantage.?


    Danato sighed, laying Arles on the ground so that he could take another look at his map. So far every exit he had tried had been blocked by a squadron of Yuuzhan Vong. If he had had a few explosives left he might have tried slipping past them. If he had had a few more shots in his blaster he might have made an attempt too, but as it was he knew he wouldn?t stand a chance in hand to hand combat. Especially since he was trying to keep someone else alive. That left him with very few options.

    ?You don?t have to do this,? Rhyll said, breaking in on his thoughts.

    ?Do what?? Danato asked, feigning confusion.

    ?I?m slowing you down. You and I both know you could make it out of here without me,? she stated, looking at him expectantly.

    ?And you and I both know I?m not going to do that,? Danato replied, turning back to his map.

    ?I?ve never understood that,? she said after a long pause, ?You?ve spent so many years trying to evade me. You?ve had so many opportunities to kill me. Why haven?t you??

    ?I could ask you the same question,? he responded, not glancing up.

    ?I am a military officer. It would be dishonorable to kill a man who I was not in direct combat with,? she replied, grimacing as a wave of pain washed over her.

    ?Yeah, but that General of yours wouldn?t hold it against you. I mean, you have a reason to want me dead, and no one would think less of you if you killed me when you got the chance,? Danato commented, looking over at her. Somehow she was managing to keep her expression calm. If he didn?t know better he might not have believed she had just been stabbed.

    ?I would blame myself,? Rhyll replied, her silver eyes locking with his dark purple.

    ?Well, if it satisfies your curiosity Commander, I don?t think I could kill you any more than you could kill me,? Danato replied, pushing himself off the rock wall. ?Now, care to contin
  10. Star-Lead

    Star-Lead Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 22, 2003
    Damn it, why does this always happen?
  11. Tahi

    Tahi Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 8, 2002
    Golly gosh - these guys sure work for their living don't they! Marvellous additions Lonewolf.

    Ready? Anakin sent echoing through her mind.

    She smirked inwardly, That is a fact.
    I liked that bit. :) I'm enjoying your version of Tenel Ka a lot. She's the ideal character to be the warrior companion for Anakin, and I'm glad you're using her in that role.

    I also enjoyed the scenes between Arles and Danato, and the laconic humour. Those two are made for each other.

    I'm very curious as to what those sneaky Vong are up to. Poor Anakin and Tahiri - they really don't get much quality time. I hope at the end they get to make up for it. ;)
  12. The_Jedi_Obi-Solo

    The_Jedi_Obi-Solo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 6, 2003
    Those were some great posts! :D
  13. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Star-Lead: It?s an unwritten law that the moment a SW character thinks they?re going to get off without a hitch something goes wrong.

    Tahi: Thank you! The more I write Tenel-Ka the more I like her. It?s been a great excuse to reread some of my favorite parts of the YJK books, too. :D

    Obi-Solo: Thanks! BTW, I like that Indiana Jones icon!
  14. Jedi_jainafel

    Jedi_jainafel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 5, 2002
    NOOO!!!Arles better not die!!!She's to cool!!!!!!!Please don't kill her Lonewolf89!!!!!

    Anakin has really come into his own as a leader.Will there be more A/T mush in future posts??


  15. The_Jedi_Obi-Solo

    The_Jedi_Obi-Solo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 6, 2003
    UP! :D

    Thanks I like it ,too.
  16. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    jainafel: MMWWWAAHHH!!! [face_devil]

    More A/T scenes to come. I just have to get them out of this newest perilous situation first. :D

    Thanks for the up, Obi-Solo. A little proof reading and then I'll be posting the next part.
  17. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    Chapter 23: The Choices We Make

    Danato came around the corner just in time to see three bright lightsabers come to life and Anakin, Tahiri, and Tenel-Ka run straight at an onslaught of Yuuzhan Vong warriors. He quickly leapt back into the shadows and out of the way as Jaina, Jacen, and Kyp came running in behind him. All were ready to charge as they lit their weapons.

    The clashing of blades echoed down the corridor as he tired to think of what to do. Rhyll needed him, yet he didn?t want to leave the Jedi without helping in someway. Then again, he was out of ammo. With a heavy sighing, he closed his eyes and said a silent prayer to what ever deity might be watching over him.

    In a blur of motion he ran into the cavern ahead. He quickly spotted a blaster hanging on Kyp Durron?s belt. Dropping into a roll, Danato grabbed it as he moved past. He leapt back to his feet and spun around, instantly getting a armor clad warrior in his sights. He pulled the trigger, and twisted out of the way as a amphistaff slammed down on the ground centimeters away from him. Anakin spun forward, his violet blade arching as he caught another slice headed towards the marauder?s scull.

    ?Thanks for the help, Captain,? Danato said with a nervous grin.

    ?Glad you dropped in,? Anakin replied as his blade locked with an amphistaff. Danato brought his blaster around and shot the Jedi?s attacker in the chest. Anakin kicked the alien back and ran forward to meet the next warrior.

    Anakin reached out to Tahiri, feeling a rush of panic. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw three Yuuzhan Vong zeroing in on her. He smiled proudly as she buried her fear and leapt forward, green saber slashing through the air. In a matter of seconds one of the ominous figures was down. Giving way under his opponent's onslaught, Anakin came up behind the warrior. With two precise jabs the Vong was down.

    Turning around Anakin ran forward and into Tahiri?s fray. She was beginning to loose ground. He slammed his elbow into the side of one alien's head, sending him stumbling sideways. Anakin brought his fist around and jabbed it into a scared jaw. He heard the familiar snap of bone as the two collided. His mind screamed at him, causing him to duck just in time to miss the sharp dagger headed for his middle.

    He spun backwards, slashed up, and caught the warrior in the arm. With a roar, the Yuuzhan Vong launched himself at the young Jedi, attempting to get Anakin pinned against the rock wall. Anakin ran towards the jagged rock face, and ran up it. He twisted his body in mid air as he flew over the warrior?s head. He landed on his knees, thrusting his lightsaber blade up again. This time the blow was fatal. The alien collapsed as his amphistaff dropping from his hand.

    Anakin pulled his saber back, and turned to check on his team mates. A steady stream of warriors were still making their way into the cavern. If they didn?t act quickly their chance at completing their mission would be lost.

    Tahiri, he called, reaching out to her. She sent him a wave of understanding as she picked up on his idea. She carefully began picking her way through the battle over to Jaina. Anakin moved forward, covering both of them as they began backing up towards the sphere.

    Jaina helped Tahiri scrambled up the side of the smooth ball, then spun around to catch a flying thud bug with her lightsaber.

    ?You better be watching my back down there,? Tahiri called to her as she straddled the side of the sphere. Jaina merely grinned at her. Tahiri pulled herself up, digging her fingernails into the side of the creature she was sitting on. She immediately felt a wave of panic flooding through the Force.

    ?Anakin!? she screamed, trying desperately to keep her grip as electricity began to flow across the round surface. Pain coursed through her body as she pushed her fingers deeper. She saw a glimpse of Anakin below her, his expression a mixture of fear and determination. She felt him connecting to their bond, combining his strength with hers. He quickly created a Force bu
  18. Jedi_jainafel

    Jedi_jainafel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 5, 2002
    You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Show'em what your made of!!!!Ok, so she has many times before, but thats the Feminist in me coming out to play 8-}

    Arles isn't going to die...riight???Do i have to get down on my knees and beg??!

    *Falls to knees*

    PLEASEEEE DON'T KILL HER Lonewolf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Star-Lead

    Star-Lead Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 22, 2003
    Endgame begins I see.
  20. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    jainafel: Don't worry. I don't plan on killing Arles off. Good to know you like her though. :D

    Star-Lead: Looks that way.
  21. Star-Lead

    Star-Lead Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 22, 2003
    Indeed, it does seem that way.

    Oh, and I could use another reader for Manticoran Honor. 1st link in my sig.
  22. Lonewolf89

    Lonewolf89 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 26, 2001
    I've got some bad news, guys and gals. My computer crashed this morning, erasing all my fan fics and other files. Since I was a few posts ahead in my writing before this, it's going to take a while for me to catch up again. I'm still working on the fic though! It'll just be a few more days till my next update. Sorry for the delay! :D
  23. Moff_D

    Moff_D Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 3, 2002
    Well, it'll give me time to catch up on your posts. I was intending to do that tonight but... [face_blush] Sorry. I'll get there though! ;)
  24. Moff_D

    Moff_D Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 3, 2002
    Wow. That is some good stuff Lonewolf. You certainly have a knack for action. How is the recovery going? C'mon, plenty of details missing! ;)
  25. Moff_D

    Moff_D Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 3, 2002
    Whoops, wrong thread. [face_blush]
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