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Beyond the Saga Index

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction Stories--Classic JC Board (Reply-Only)' started by KnightWriter, Nov 8, 2002.

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  1. Jedi_Strike

    Jedi_Strike Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 15, 2001
  2. Sebulba2179

    Sebulba2179 Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2002
    The New Empire 4: A Powerful Ally
    by Sebulba2179
    Begun 111102
    Summary: When political strife brings Malastare to the brink of civil war, the Solo kids are sent in to investigate and contain the matter.
    Notes: NJO AU, Solo kids (all three of them), OCs, action/adventure, political intrigue and mystery
  3. JainaJediQueen

    JainaJediQueen Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 14, 2002
    It Starts With a Birthday
    Author: JainaJediQueen
    Began: 10.12.02
    Summary: Jaina and Jag are engaged, and face the predictable challenges. Ok, so nothing is predictable for them.
    Genres: NJO; J/J
    Completed: 1.29.03
  4. Miana Kenobi

    Miana Kenobi Admin Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 5, 2000
    Title: No Matter What
    Author: Miana Kenobi
    Date begun: 12/23/01
    Summary: 5th in a series of stories about Ellia Monas, a simple girl who changed the galaxy.
    Prequels: Lose & Live On, The 6th Bodyguard, Hidden Behind the Stars, When Visions Bring Tears
    Notes: OC/AU, Major Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Anakin Solo (and the entire expanded Skywalker/Solo family).
  5. Tych_sel

    Tych_sel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 29, 2001
  6. FTeik

    FTeik Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 7, 2000

    Title: Union of the empires greatest Warriors

    Author: FTeik

    Date begun: A long time ago...

    Summary: 17 years after RotJ, new (or perhaps old?) dangerous enemy, family-reunion A/A (after 300 pages or so)
  7. CeeWulf

    CeeWulf Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 15, 2002
    Followers of the Force

    Author: CeeWulf

    Date begun: 8/26/02

    Summary: A mysterious vision sends Luke, Ben and Leia on a journey to help a group of people being persecuted for their belief in the Force.

    Notes: Drama, Action, Adventure story taking place more than a decade after the events in the NJO.
  8. Tsavong_Lah

    Tsavong_Lah Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 29, 2001
    Title:Sage Saga: Episode 1
    Author: Tsavong Lah
    Date begun: 7/23

    Summary: Set 500 hundred years after Return of the Jedi. A Mysterious foe threatens the newly formed Jenrai Alliance, perhaps even the entire galaxy.

    Notes: EU Compliant up to the end of the NJO. After that is purely conjecture and wishfull thinking on what would happen in the GFFA after the Yuuzhan Vong War and about 500 yrs. Original Characters. Action, Adventure, Intrique.
  9. starkrusher

    starkrusher Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 4, 2002
    Title: Together
    Author: starkrusher
    Date: 10/19/02
    Summary: Jaina and Jag learn to face life together, no matter how hard that may be.
    Notes: NJO, J/J, mostly EU compliant
  10. Lucid_Lady

    Lucid_Lady Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 28, 2002
    Running Sims and Other Stories
    Author: Lucid_Lady
    Date Begun: 11/20/02
    Summery: A series of short stories about the pilots of Rogue Squadron and their segnificant others.
    Notes: Romance; EU-Rogue Squadron pilots
  11. InyriForge

    InyriForge Jedi Master star 5

    Jan 24, 2002
  12. InyriForge

    InyriForge Jedi Master star 5

    Jan 24, 2002
    Title: "A Change Of Plans"

    Author: InyriForge
    Date: Early November
    Summary: One Poster. Jag's plans for a romantic evening with Jaina are almost ruined when they realize they're in the same restraunt as Rogue Squadron/Wraith Squadron veterans.
  13. InyriForge

    InyriForge Jedi Master star 5

    Jan 24, 2002
    Title: How Did I Fall In Love With You
    Author: InyriForge
    Date: Sometime in October
    Summary: My first fanfic on the JC fan fiction boards. Jaina and Jag discuss their relationship. Mushy Vignette.
  14. JainaJag00

    JainaJag00 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 11, 2002
    title: Green and Brown
    Link: (sry no link, just http)
    Author: JainaJag00
    Date: 11/21/02
    Summery: j/j viggie. wat happens in the events a little after thier first kiss.
  15. rogue11lovesjag

    rogue11lovesjag Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 13, 2002
    The Eye of the Storm

    Author: rogue11lovesjag
    Begun: 11/18

    Characters: Jaina, Jag, Kyp Durron, Anja Gallendro, Jacen, Tenel Ka, Tahiri, Wraiths and of course, Wes Janson.

    Summary: The Chiss have been brought into the war, thanks to Jaina and Iella Antilles, and the poodoo is about to hit the ion engine. Also, Kyp and Anja explore what they really mean to each other, and Jacen and Tenel Ka have to come to terms with their conflicting priorities.

    Prequel:Maelstrom. Don't feel like wading through it, pm me and I'll send you the Word file.

  16. Tahi

    Tahi Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 8, 2002
    Title: Warrior of the Light

    Author: Tahi

    Date Begun: 10/21

    Summary: A series of stories that deal with people's reactions to Anakin's death, and one that deals with Anakin's thoughts before the Myrkr mission.

    Notes: EU compliant - basically vignettes that could be "missing scenes". So far including Tahiri/Anakin/Corran Horn
  17. Tahi

    Tahi Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 8, 2002
    Title: The Mantrusian Affair

    Author: Tahi

    Date Begun: 11/19

    Summary: The fledgling NR is invited to help out in a distant sector, and becomes involved in a mysterious incident with potentially dangerous consequences.

    Notes: EU compliant. Adventure, intrigue. Set not long after The Truce at Bakura. Original setting/original characters/Wedge/Luke/early Rogue Squadron
  18. Dog-Gon_Jinn

    Dog-Gon_Jinn Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 28, 2000
    Title: Star Wars - Part 2
    Author: Dog-Gon-Jinn

    Date Started: 11/22/02 (on this forum at least)

    Summary: Darth Vader is not the father of Luke Skywalker. Direct sequel to Star Wars (before it was ANH)

    Note: AU - Very AU.

  19. Devi

    Devi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 22, 2002
    Title: Mara Jade - By The Emperor's Hand: a fanfiction novelization

    Author: Devi

    Date begun: 11/15/02 ~*~ last updated on 12/02/02 ~*~

    Summary: A novelization of the comic. After the Emperor's death, Mara Jade has to find a way to survive - and to kill the crime lord Dequc.

    Notes: drama, action; characters: Mara Jade, Ysanne Isard, others. Expands a bit on what is in the comic.
  20. mistryljediskywalker

    mistryljediskywalker Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 26, 2002
    Title: Union: A Fanfic Novelization

    Author: mistryljediskywalker

    Date begun: sometime in the past month

    Summary: Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker are getting married and problems arise from all sides

    Notes: romance/drama (not much action) characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Leia, Han, Corran Horn, Talon Karrde, Kam Solusar (a lot others too) this includes more parts than the comic, don't expect it to be exactly the same. Also my first romance piece.
  21. Connemara

    Connemara Jedi Knight star 6

    Nov 18, 2000
    Title: Crimson Path of Destiny
    Author: Connemara
    Date begun: November 22nd, 2002
    Summary: A story of a group of young Jedi Knights who must face down one of the greatest evils ever to challenge the force of good
    Notes: Has some of the old favorite characters- Kyp, Kyle Katarn as well as Luke and Han. Takes place starting 9 years after RotJ.
  22. padme-96

    padme-96 Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 12, 2002
    Title - Visions of the Past
    Author - padme-96
    Date begun
    Summary - Jaina gets visions of her grandparents and goes to Naboo to solve them.
    Sequel - none at the moment. might add one later
    Notes - this is a K/J story with some mega mush at parts.
  23. Tahiri

    Tahiri Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2001
    Title: Rebel High

    Authors: Tahiri and Amidala22

    Date begun: May 28, 2002

    Summary: All the Star Wars characters (and we mean ALL) are thrown into the high school academic atmosphere.

    Notes: AU, features all characters in Star Wars interacting with one another in a school atmosphere. Features three schools: the Empire's Imperial Academy, the rebels and Jedi's school Rebel High, and the Yuuzhan Vong and other aliens' Worldship Institute. L/M, A/A, A/T, H/L, J/J, J/TK, and features characters from the PT, OT, JA, NJO, JQ, and etc. HUMOR/ACTION/ADVENTURE fic.
  24. JainaJag00

    JainaJag00 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 11, 2002
    Title: purple
    Author: JainaJag00
    Date: 11/23/02
    Summary: jaina ponders over her life. takes place around the middle of rebel dream.
    Notes: jaina viggie. has some j/j in it. mention of wedge, kyp, luke, mara, han, leia, jacen and anakin.
  25. InyriForge

    InyriForge Jedi Master star 5

    Jan 24, 2002
    Title: Evasion
    Author: InyriForge
    Date Started: Mid November (17th, 2002)
    Notes: Jaina Solo, Jagged Fel, Wes Janson, Wedge Antillies, Inyri Forge, Kyp Durron, Rogue Squadron, Wraith Squadron, and many other favorites show up frequently. (NJO)
    Genre: romance/adventure/humor
    Summary: This started as J/J, but it's now a broader story encompassing more characters during the days before and after a battle is launched to take Coruscant from the Vong.

    COMPLETED APRIL 29, 2003
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