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Big Bang theory

Discussion in 'FanForce Community' started by aubreygraham, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. aubreygraham

    aubreygraham Jedi Youngling

    Jun 22, 2016
    I follow big bang theory and how I met your mother madly everyday. Watched almost every episode of it. Penny Sheldon Leonard Amy Rajesh(Raj) all good characters.

    My favorite is Sheldon, which is yours?
  2. Darthmaul208

    Darthmaul208 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 29, 2013
    It would be Sheldon also.

    I've seen quite a few episodes of TBBT but I've gotten bored of it.

    I started How I Met Your Mother a couple of days ago and that is pretty funny.
  3. edgerallenpoedameron

    edgerallenpoedameron Jedi Youngling

    Jul 19, 2016
    I've seen every episode of both shows.. HIMYM does not end well. Just forewarning you the rest of the series is great though.