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Lit Biggest unsolved mysteries in Legends or Canon?

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Galactic Bibliophile, Jan 2, 2024.

  1. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    I have already shown you some evidence, now it is time for you to tell me how you fix the TCW continuity errors in Clone Wars Multimedia Project spoiler alert it would still make no sense ROTS novel and Republic comics does not deserve to be Retcon in the EU Timeline just for TCW as i said before you want TCW? just follow the Disney Universe in there TCW is more important also the EU is not longer continued why should i care for what Lucasfilm said in the last days of the EU but well, some fans defend some contradictions made by Disney in their own novels the EU is not coming back so i say believe what you want to believe but for me TCW is not canon in the EU
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2024
  2. Watcherwithin

    Watcherwithin Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2017
    You keep saying it makes no sense but haven’t given a specific example of a contradiction you think is too difficult to resolve. AFAIK the biggest is contradictory timelines but that’s easy enough to change. I don’t think the fact that Ahsoka isn’t mentioned or doesn’t appear in certain stories is a contradiction of its own, but some people cite it as one
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2024
  3. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    Read the Clone Wars Multimedia Project and watch TCW and then you will realize that there are many contradictions
  4. Watcherwithin

    Watcherwithin Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2017
    I read and watched both and whenever I noticed a contradiction I either came up with a headcanon or lucasfilm did it officially with a retcon. For example that article says Ventress was introduced in the clone wars with a completely different backstory. But that backstory can be reconciled with the Republic comics and the clone wars micro series. At the most the story group said to disregard parts of a comic, but they didn’t erase anything from continuity entirely the parts that still work happened
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2024
  5. SyndicThrass

    SyndicThrass Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 25, 2016
    The EU was riddled with contradictions, that’s nothing new. Ask any fan of Boba Fett. Just because a writer later comes along and hastily uses retroactive continuity to try and make sense of those contradictions doesn’t change that fact.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2024
  6. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    Boba Fett in the EU had satisfyingly well made retcons like the Mandalorian fighting during the Clone Wars in the original Marvel Comics was in reality Spar not Boba and Jaster Mereel name was an alias that Boba Fett used in honor of Jango's mentor now tell me what retcons TCW did to satisfactorily fit with Clone Wars Multimedia Project? TCW did forced retcons that you simply had to accept because Lucasfilm wanted TCW to have the same level of importance as the movies no matter that it contradicts most of the Clone Wars Multimedia Project stories i prefer to have the ROTS novel and all the arcs of Republic comics than to stay with TCW in the EU continuity the Disney Universe had a different version of Luke fate a different Han and Leia kid why can't the EU have a different version of the Clone Wars era?
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2024
  7. SyndicThrass

    SyndicThrass Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 25, 2016
    It doesn’t matter if you found the Jaster Mereel retcon to be satisfying, it’s still a masssive contradiction and example of retroactive continuity. The EU is littered with other instances of that, it doesn’t change those stories nature as being part of the EU.
    QuinlanSolo likes this.
  8. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    You still haven't told me how you would solve the contradictions that TCW caused with the Clone Wars Multimedia Project but well Lucasfilm now considers the Disney ST as canon movies that Lucas never made no matter how much Leland Chee tried to maintain continuity, he was still a Lucasfilm employee and had to say yes to everything it's funny how Dave Filoni is now contradicting Disney novels and comics as he did with Clone Wars Multimedia Project but there are still fans who continue to defend him Lucasfilm now considers the Kenobi show as canon show that contradicts ANH, it was obvious that Lucas wanted Obi Wan and Vader not to see each other again until ANH, but Disney doesn't care about breaking movies canon, so if Lucasfilm can break movies canon, it is obvious that they would accept TCW contradictions with the Clone Wars Multimedia Project
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2024
  9. PowBasilisk

    PowBasilisk Jedi Padawan star 1

    Jan 4, 2024
    Yes the clone wars era needed the most retcons out of any era in legends, in no small part due to TCW, and yes TCW officially is canon to the legends timeline. If you prefer the CWMMP as it was prior to the retcons that came as a result of TCW, just do what I do and headcanon TCW into the s-canon tier, or out of legends entirely. This argument has become very redundant, and it’s getting annoying
    Sturm Antilles likes this.
  10. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    No. Just no they are not. Abel is a random force monster (no different from Waru) that Denning ties into a couple throwaway episodes of a dumb kids show (that was implied to be metaphysical anyaway and no one remembers after it). It is not essential, it is a peripherally story.

    The NJO is an essential story.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2024
    PowBasilisk likes this.
  11. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    There could be an argument that FotJ isn't essential.

    But LotF is pretty essential, and it ends on Daala which is it's own essential.
  12. son_of_skywalker03

    son_of_skywalker03 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 7, 2003
    I feel like I have PTSD from that still.
    AusStig, Vthuil and PowBasilisk like this.
  13. The Positive Fan

    The Positive Fan Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 19, 2015
    If you're going to consider "something I assume GL would have wanted but wasn't honored by later projects" a contradiction, then I don't see how there's much more discussion to be had about it. The entirety of both canon and Legends pretty much collapses right then and there, doesn't it? Although the number of times GL contradicted himself by that standard might be amusing to consider.
  14. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    It felt very appropriate to me, if only because the cast did drop the ball and the heroes would/should be punished for that.
  15. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    But they aren't punished, at least not in LotF, Han even says "give her a chance". It's not until FotJ that Daala stops obeying the jedi, I mean becomes an issue.
  16. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    The idea that Ahsoka Tano exists in the EU and lives in the same universe as Kyle Katarn, Jacen and Jaina Solo, Lumiya, Kyp Durron seems very fan fictionish to me Ahsoka feels more like a modern character and i feel like she doesn't fit with the old classic Star Wars Universe the EU you still haven't told me how you would justify the contradictions of TCW, the current Lucasfilm will never do it because they don't care about the EU
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2024
    SWpants and JediFett10 like this.
  17. Sturm Antilles

    Sturm Antilles Former Manager star 6

    Jun 22, 2000
    Yeah, yeah. Let's move on.
  18. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013

    We all know she was NOT Luke's mom, but someone from Akanah's life, but why did she pick her name out of all possible ones for her fake story? Maybe there was more to her than meets the eye and some truth in the lie?

    At least to me that is still an open mystery. Who could she be, especially if NOT Padmé under an alias, nor any handmaiden as we know their fates by now (especially in OneCanon).

    Nashira means "bearer of good news" in arabic as per etymology. And Wialu told Luke that Leia would have a place amongst the White Current Fallanassi if she ever so chose to come. Was that a prophecy? Why Leia? Luke did not meet their criteria, we know. And instead of Leia later Jacen would come and take up that offer in her stead but without the intent to stay, lieing about that part to get admitted even, which shows how offbalance he already was before he joined them.

    So regarding Wialu's offer I wonder if her offer could be connected to Nashira and her secret identity after all and a legacy the Skysolos have with the White Current unknown to them.

    While Padmé and Handmaidens are ruled out, there may yet be someone to meet the criteria.

    Maybe a handmaiden from outside the core cadre that formed the Amidalans? Given the EU had many more named than just them.
    Maybe a relative of Padmé on the Naberrie side?
    Maybe even someone from Shmi Skywalkers family before she got taken by pirates and sold into slavery.
    Sturm Antilles likes this.
  19. Sturm Antilles

    Sturm Antilles Former Manager star 6

    Jun 22, 2000
    I've always wondered about Nashira, too, and it was a shame that it didn't actually get connected to Padme in some roundabout way.

    I still remember reading the back-cover blurb from Before The Storm in my 15-year-old naivete and actually thinking we were going to learn more about Luke and Leia's mother, when Episode I itself was still a good three years away. Ah, youth. I think the Black Fleet Crisis is among the most underrated of all of Legends and I love the trilogy to death for various reasons, but the "gotcha" of Nashira -- plus Akanah's whole attitude towards Luke -- is the one aspect of the trilogy that still doesn't sit well with me, even after more than a few re-reads through the decades.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024
  20. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    Did Sate Pestage and Kinman Doriana exists in Disney Canon? imagine both being part of the First Order and Sith Eternal in the EU Sate Pestage helped Palpatine Dark Empire

    What about Mara Jade she existed in Disney Canon or not?
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2024
  21. The Positive Fan

    The Positive Fan Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 19, 2015
    Sate Pestage exists in canon, Kinman and Mara do not as yet.
    PowBasilisk, JediFett10 and AusStig like this.
  22. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Biggest is still in canon, the Syfo Dyas mystery. His death, how he he got enough funds to order an army of clones. Him and Dooku working together before Dooku Kills him.
  23. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 31, 2024
    Whatever happened to the Neo-separatist Union, Confederacy of Corporate Systems, and the Sovereign Lattitudes of Excessive Eloquenc.
  24. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    What color lightsabers did the characters in Dark Empire actually use?
  25. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 31, 2024
    Sickly green.
    darklordoftech and PowBasilisk like this.