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Bryan Singer's Superman

Discussion in 'Archive: The Amphitheatre' started by TheEmperorsProtege, Oct 12, 2004.

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  1. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    The Kill Bill speech is absolutely killer if you're talking about Golden Age Supes, which he seems to be... but I don't want to get into that again now :p Supes has obviously changed a lot over the years, particularly in the last 2 decades.

    Oh and ok, aparently it's ok for Batman to get all weepy over his parents or that incredibly unsympathetic gf of his, but not ok for Superman to ever have any feelings about someone he truly loves or his SON. Gotcha.

    -sj loves kevin spacey
  2. fettmaster39

    fettmaster39 Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 9, 2005
    Dude was 7 and saw his parents shot to death in front of him!
    (ftw Batsy never weeped cuz of a gf)

    The other guy left Earth years then came back and starting crying because she
    kicked his ass to the curb!

    There's no comparison!

    .....And don't even get me started on why the hell the writers thought the inclusion of Superbrat was necessary.
  3. Keijo-Sawyer

    Keijo-Sawyer Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 14, 2007
    First off I'm a Batman/Superman fan. I like them both...a lot. Secondly: To Fettmaster39: Batman Begins was a fun movie for sure, but it was not nearly as emotionally involving as Superman Returns primarily due to Katie Holmes failure to act properly. I can give you specific examples if you like. First one to come to mind is when she shoots her taser at Batman and has a conversation with him. Every line is executed with a monotonous dull rhythm. She should be scared out of her mind, but she does not appear to be so. Would you disagree with me?

    To Cryogenic: "Instead, Routh never moves out of the shadow of Reeve; never stretches himself; never does anything that might risk being seen as an individual, open to the criticism that all individuals, great and small, are naturally open to."

    Honestly you should read Solojones' blurb about Routh's performance. Secondly, while some of your criticisms are valid it's hard to take you seriously when you so often resort to name-calling when describing said errors. Superman Returns is a good film in my opinion, but not a great film. Still, it looks more like you're bashing the film than actually offering a legitmate opinion. Here's an example: " the sprightly and somewhat overplayed Jimmy Olsen" Now I understand you have a right to an opinion about the film, but I feel like if you're going to share it with a bunch of Superman fans you need to actually back it up. You say Jimmy is overplayed, yet you don't say anything more.

    Why was Jimmy overplayed? What did the actor do to deserve that criticism from you? You frequently made these rather general remarks without any specific information to back yourself up with. Thus what could have been a legitimate intiative for discussion about the film's faults seems to have fallen into more of a frustrated rant designed not to be questioned or argued with.

  4. fettmaster39

    fettmaster39 Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 9, 2005
    Just because Katie Holmes sucks, doesn't mean Batman Begins isn't emotional like
    you guys claim Superman Returns is.

    The guilt and anger the Bruce feels about his parents death, the sense of
    duty Bruce has to Gotham, the interactions and relationship as partners Gordon and Batman have,
    and their sense of optimism they have and the end of the film.

    All immensely superior themes to SR's
  5. Keijo-Sawyer

    Keijo-Sawyer Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 14, 2007
    But did you personally feel moved by these elements? Bale's performance was (as always) fantastic, but many of his best moments were wiped away by her dull reactions. I did not care about her character. The entire story uses her character to deliver the most important lines of the film. In this way, relationship to Bruce and her importance as a character leave a huge hole in the film because of her lack of performance. It takes away from the believeability of not only her character, but everyone surrounding her. This made it quite hard-at least for me to feel much for the characters. Bruce's struggle was clear to me and I felt his fear and his anger-actually I felt his character quite a bit, but it still didn't affect me personally all that much.

    In Superman Returns you have to consider the facts-Superman is alone-now more than ever. The girl he has been in love with for years has gotten MARRIED. Even more pressing is the fact that she still loves him AND that her son is his. Not only that, but there isn't much of a weak link in this equation. Heck I haven't even factored in Richard's angle yet.

    I don't know about you, but when I see films like these I often find myself in the protagonist's shoes-or right alongside him/her. I don't understand how being in Superman's shoes-in this film wouldn't make you feel something. It's a very emotional film-that and the music simply adds to that feeling. Gee I just got back from seeing that everyone on my planet really is dead and oh...well look at that...the girl I'm desperately in love with is married. She was the only friend I had left in this world besides Jimmy and my MOM. Just great, but hey she has my son. Too bad he can't know that I'm HIS FREAKING FATHER. Oh wait I have to remain calm, tell the truth, save everyone. *The incredibly whiny version of Superman, but I think you get the point-there's a lot that presses the EMO button here...*

    When I put myself in Batman's shoes-I care about the Chief....and Alfred...but neither really come into any real danger...nothing really to worry about there. Katie Holmes gets gassed and stuff, but after all that "RACHEL!" yelling I still don't really care about her. I'm just a playboy afterall. *See my point?*
  6. fettmaster39

    fettmaster39 Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 9, 2005
    The way you summed up Superman why I hate it, thanks.
    Seriously, that sounds like some cheap storyline you expect from day time T.V.
    but not in a Superman film. I'll admit, the
    "guy who's hurt because the only girl he's ever loved has moved on" story point has some
    appeal, but then you have to factor in that Lois Lane's moving on was Superman's own fault by leaving in the first place. Then you add in that instead of maybe fighting some crime and giving me some actual entertaining action scenes, HE SPIES ON LOIS AND HER FAMILY.

    And Superbrat. My my, the Superbrat. The 5 year old weakling kid who shoves a piano at a guy, killing him. the Superbrat who's mother should know absolutely nothing as to why he has powers in the first place, seeing as she doesn't remember sleeping with Superman in the first film.
    (That's a flaw of coming out with a quasi-sequel to a 25 year old movie)
    This whole son of his storyline is just completely $%^#$! up and serves no purpose other than to piss me off.

    And now to Batman. He didn't choose what happened to him in Batman Begins, it just happened, and
    he is forced to deal with it. His parents are murdered, his city becomes corrupt, and its up to him to save it and redeem it. That's bad ass story telling. Superman pissing and moaning because his girl moved on when his leaving was the cause of it, and keeping the fact that Richard's son isn't really his, its Superman's? AND Supes finds it ok to try and get Lois to cheat on Richard with him? That's just a dis-service to Superman, not "emotionally gripping".

    Oh and Lois and Richard aren't married.
  7. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    the Superbrat who's mother should know absolutely nothing as to why he has powers in the first place, seeing as she doesn't remember sleeping with Superman in the first film.

    It is quite clear she knows she slept with Superman and that's why he has his powers. I got it. So did everyone else. At this point your just spinning things like Bill O'Reilly.

    I could go into more detail on other points but it's apparent your just trolling if your just going to ignore what is actually going on in this movie.
  8. fettmaster39

    fettmaster39 Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 9, 2005
    I'm a troll and I'm Bill O'Reilly because I don't agree with you, and I think this movie sucks?

    Ok whatever. Bro, get over yourself and the movie.

    Yes, it is quite clear she knows she slept with Superman, and the kid is his. But why?
    The two fragged in Superman II, then Supes gives her the ole amnesia kiss, thus, erasing her memory of fragging. So imagine how freaked out she would've/should've been when he kills the guy with a piano. And don't give me the reply of "its only a loose sequel, should could remember fragging him", because therein lies the fault of not rebooting the franchise.

    Regardless, this whole story point has no place in a Superman film IMO
  9. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Uh no, you made one actual quality post giving your opinion and I responded in kind and then you just turned into the typical basher and not even an original one at that. It's you who needs to get over yourself.
  10. Keijo-Sawyer

    Keijo-Sawyer Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 14, 2007
    ACk! You're right-they weren't married-whoops!

    Superman left-that doesn't make it's his "fault" that Lois moved on. She moved on because she wanted to and it's no one's "fault."

    Also I'm pretty sure the whole--Krypton exploding thing wasn't his fault either. It just happened-just like how Bruce's parents were murdered.

    But "faults" aside, that doesn't change the fact that it IS an emotional story. What you're arguing is that Superman Returns isn't emotional/a good story because much of what happens is his fault.

    You're comparing this film too much to the previous ones. Seriously, have you ever seen the original comics? They're RIDICULOUS. You think you know how Superman should be portrayed? Yes in this film he is portrayed as a more believable character because he's not perfect-because he makes mistakes and is faced with problems that are relatable to a degree.
  11. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001
    Lex asked who was the father of young Jason. He figured it out without having been there. Lois realized that Lex was right, when Jason shoved the piano to save her from Brutus. Thus she knows that at some point that she slept with Superman, but doesn't know why she doesn't remember. She is stunned when she sees the piano slam into Brutus and looks over at Jason to see the look on his face. That's why she asks Jason if he could do it again with the kitchen door.

    As to Superman spying on her, Jimmy raised a valid point. If she were really over Superman, why didn't she marry Richard four years ago? Why does she get testy everytime someone asks when the big day is? Why is her password still Superman and not Jason or Richard? Clark wasn't trying to get Lois to cheat on Richard. He flew up to the rooftop as Superman to finally confront her about his leaving. To show her that the world does need a Superman, despite what her article suggests. He also did it because Clark understood that if Lois is to have an opportunity to complete her story on the blackout, she needs to interview Superman. Remember that Perry forced her to do this, taking the story from her and giving it to Clark. If Lois really loved Richard and not Superman, she wouldn't hesitate to marry Richard.
  12. Keijo-Sawyer

    Keijo-Sawyer Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 14, 2007
  13. WormieSaber

    WormieSaber Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 22, 2000
    I don't think Lois loves Richard in the same way she loves Superman. Superman is one of a kind.
  14. Keijo-Sawyer

    Keijo-Sawyer Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 14, 2007
  15. JohnWesleyDowney

    JohnWesleyDowney Jedi Master star 5

    Jan 27, 2004

    Man of Steel, the Superman Sequel, is on the ropes, according to MSN:

    Currently in Germany directing the Nazi drama "Valkyrie" starring Tom Cruise, director Bryan Singer may have been surprised to find out he doesn't have another "Superman" movie to come home to. Previously announced for 2009, "Superman: Man of Steel" was set to pick up where "Superman Returns" left off and begin production next summer. Now, "Justice League of America" has muddled the situation.

    Both Variety and The Hollywood Reporter confirmed the long-rumored selection of George Miller ("Happy Feet") to direct the action ensemble "League" for Warner Bros. The ultimate superhero team featuring Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash and Green Lantern, the picture is expected to begin shooting in Australia this spring before the dreaded screenwriters "strike date" of July 1. The studio is making it a tentpole release the following summer. Intriguingly for Superman fans, Variety said "Man of Steel" has "taken a backseat," but the Reporter said "Steel" is still "in development." And although screenwriter Mike Dougherty is currently working on a "Steel" screenplay, a lot can happen in two years. With "Steel" getting pushed back to an expected 2010 release, will Singer wait around that long?

    The popular filmmaker is certainly in an odd spot. Somewhere before or after "Steel" he is supposed to helm "The Mayor of Castro Street," which tells the tale of slain, gay icon Harvey Milk, but that picture is battling a start date over a similar project from Gus Van Sant (nobody wants "Capote" vs. "Infamous" again). Considering how quickly "Valkyrie" came about this year and Singer's previous history of jumping ship off the third "X-Men" movie, it wouldn't be surprising to see the director move on to something completely different by the time Warner Bros. decides to make another Superman movie.

    The studio currently has a more pressing concern to lower fan expectations that either Brandon Routh or Christian Bale will reprise their respective roles as Superman and Batman in "League." Bale is close to finishing almost six months of shooting "The Dark Knight" and dismissed any thought of "League" during the press day for "3:10 to Yuma." Routh's noninvolvement is more of a surprise. The actor hasn't appeared in a studio movie since "Returns" (that's a long 18 months since that flick wrapped), but he recently joined the cast of the independently financed "The Informers" opposite Billy Bob Thornton and Kim Basinger. Oddly, Routh's noninvolvement in "League" could mean there will be three different Supermen in Hollywood: Routh, the new "League" actor and Tom Welling (a fan favorite from "Smallville"). There's always a chance the studio could change its mind, but at this point, Miller and Warner Bros. are expected to choose talented but less famous actors for the project, similar to what Zack Snyder has done with another Warner Bros. movie, "Watchmen."

    With Variety saying those involved with "League" are "holding their breath" that the whole project doesn't fall apart and with "Steel" up in the air, fans can sleep easy knowing "The Dark Knight" will definitely hit theaters next summer.
  16. Chancellor_Ewok

    Chancellor_Ewok Chosen One star 7

    Nov 8, 2004
    I don't think its fair of them to say that, Singer not comming back for X3 was Fox's fault, not Singer's.
  17. Ogmios22188

    Ogmios22188 Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 12, 2004
    And X-3 was worse off for it.
  18. Ghost_Jedi

    Ghost_Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Sep 27, 2003
    SR basically turned Lois Lane into a guest of Maury Povich's next "I dont know who my baby's daddy is." We are to believe that Lois Lane, so deep in love with Superman, quickly hopped into the sack of Richard. Richard fully believes the boy is his. Or does it take longer germination period for Kryptonian-Earthling child?

  19. Chancellor_Ewok

    Chancellor_Ewok Chosen One star 7

    Nov 8, 2004
    Well considering that he sneezed and blew a grand piano across a roomn, I'd say its a good bet that Superman is his father, not Richard.
  20. Wilderness_Comedian

    Wilderness_Comedian Jedi Youngling star 6

    Feb 5, 2005
    I thought it was kinda obvious Lois knew who the kids Dad was.
  21. Chancellor_Ewok

    Chancellor_Ewok Chosen One star 7

    Nov 8, 2004
    Well I don't if it was obvious persay, but it just occured to me that the reason why Lois might have been pissed at Superman's leaving was because she suspected that the child was his and running out on his kid doesn't make the Big Blue Boyscout look too good does it?
  22. Wilderness_Comedian

    Wilderness_Comedian Jedi Youngling star 6

    Feb 5, 2005
    That's why Lois wrote all those slammed articles about Superman. She was mad at him for leaving.
  23. GrandAdmiral_Frank

    GrandAdmiral_Frank Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 26, 2003
    Rocked hardcore.
  24. JohnWesleyDowney

    JohnWesleyDowney Jedi Master star 5

    Jan 27, 2004

    I really wonder now if Man of Steel will ever get made. Seems like Singer was it's biggest proponent.
  25. Wilderness_Comedian

    Wilderness_Comedian Jedi Youngling star 6

    Feb 5, 2005
    If JLA bombs, it will probably get made.
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