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[C & P] Costumes for Charity

Discussion in 'Denver, CO' started by ChiefsBlow2004, Sep 23, 2004.

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  1. ChiefsBlow2004

    ChiefsBlow2004 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 15, 2004
    Personally, I thought this needed it's own thread since it's going to get buried rather quickly in the normal C & P thread. Originally posted by Sarnia.

    Hey Everyone!

    I know that, if you are like me, there lurks in your closets costumes that are shoved in the back. You know, the ones that are "proto types" or are from when we where first starting out and aren't up to par. Don't want to give them to good will but don't really want the constant reminder. Well, if this holds true for you I have 2 charities currently looking for donations of old costumes and obnoxious clothing.

    First - The Brig.

    As you all know, we at the Brig love to torment and embarass people in many obnoxious ways. One of the new (and now most popular) ways is to dress them up fun outfits and parade them around. Now last year all outfits you saw worn at StarFest came out of my closet because we weren't sure if the idea would take off. It did, nicely. And we need more stuff, and more sizes than what I am able to provide. So if you have anything to donate to the cause please get it to me. All proceeds from the Brig are donated to Charity.

    Second - Magic Moments, Inc.

    You may or may not know this, but I am on the Board of Directors for a non profit charity that provides financial assistants to groups in the community that work with special needs children and adults. We also put on a yearly production, involving our special needs friends=) ( has more information) Now this year our Director has decided to do a fantasy inspired show. You know, with wenches, knights, satyres, faeries, cherubs, etc. He has also decided that he wants cast memeber to be sets. So if we need a boulder or trees, I need to have the cast dressed as a boulder or trees. We would gladly take any kind of donation towards this effort. We could use costumes, either on loan or donated (I have been loaning stuff for years and it always comes back in great shape), fabric, notions, thread, sewers, materials, costume designers, people who can create trees out of people, makeup artists, anything that people are willing to donate. If you can, please let me know as soon as you can. The show isn't until around St Patrick's day, but with a cast of 220 it is never too early to start

  2. Sarnia

    Sarnia WOTR Liaison star 5

    Jun 1, 2004
    Thanks P-Josh


  3. ChiefsBlow2004

    ChiefsBlow2004 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 15, 2004
    Now, I know that we're all good people, but I also know that we're all human, and charity doesn't exactly pop up as the first thing on our minds. And unless some people know what the benefits are, they might not even think about contributing. So, I'll be the @$$ and ask for everyone else...

    What's in it for us? :)
  4. kitarusapien

    kitarusapien Former RMFF CR star 6 VIP

    Nov 19, 2001

    If yu'v ever seen the smile on some of those folks' faces after an event like that, yu'd know why, bro! But, it's all harm in askin'.....FLOL!

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