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Saga Captain and Commander - TCW Episode Tags - Canon Vignettes [Rex & Ahsoka] 19/? - Jan 30

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Jade_Max, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    Disclaimer: It?s George?s sandbox, I?m simply destroying the sandcastles

    Story Notes: This series of one shots is a set of unrelated episode tags of things that I wanted to see, or I thought should have happened 'off screen' as it were. They're unrelated and out of order, but focus primarily on Rex and Ahsoka's tricky and complex relationship as friends and Commander / Captain.

    Read into it at your own risk; these are supposed to follow the cannon development of the characters and will be relatively tame, all things considered. You've been warned.

    [B]Title:[/B] Two Inches to the Left
    [B]Author:[/B] Jade_Max
    [B]Characters:[/B] Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano
    [B]Genre:[/B] Angst, Friendship
    [B]Era:[/B] Clone Wars
    [B]Summary:[/B] Set after Episode 10, Season 2; Rex returns to the [I]Resolute[/I] to undergo further rehabilitation and treatment and gets an unexpected welcome...

    [B][U]Two Inches to the Left[/U][/B]

    "Welcome back, Captain," the deck officer saluted and then eased up as Rex stepped off the transport with the rest of the wounded, medics coming in quickly to collect those that couldn't move under their own power. "I hear we nearly lost you there."

    "It was a close one, Shank," agreed Rex. "Two inches to the left and there would have been nothing Kix could-"


    Both Shank and Rex paused at the excited call, turning in the direction to see one excited Togruta female striding across the bay with her normal energy, a wide smile of welcome on her young face.

    "Hey kid," Rex greeted her with a smile. "About time you got back."

    "I thought you'd still be in the thick of it with Commander Cody and Master Kenobi," she teased as she neared. "Did you get... sick... of..." her smile faded as she caught sight of the black, charred hole near dead center of his chest and she stopped dead. Her eyes widened as she stared at the hole, the white markings on her pale orange skin suddenly seeming more pronounced. She lifted her gaze back to his, her blue eyes shimmering with worry and concern. "Rex?"

    He flinched.

    There was a wealth of uncertainty and emotion in the way she said his name; an accusation and plea all at once.

    Shank, watching the by-play, made himself scarce by returning to duty, leaving the Captain and the Padawan staring at each other from across the dozen or so feet that separated them. Rex moved first, towards her, his helmet under his left arm; the arm he'd only recently regained some mobility in. He wasn't quite sure what to say; clones were, after all, supposed to be expendable. If he'd died, Jesse or someone equally as capable would have been promoted to take his place.

    Except the fear and concern in Ahsoka's eyes told him a different story. She wasn't afraid for just anyone; she was afraid for [I]him[/I].

    Rex stopped just outside of her reach, letting her look for her gaze had dropped back to the damage in his armor. He forced a grin. "It needs some repairs."

    She blinked, but the expression in her eyes didn't change. One of her hands came up, as if to reach out and touch the damage, but she stopped herself before it got close. Looking back into his face, she searched for something, as if looking for a sign that he wasn't as well as he appeared to be. As if she was looking for a way to identify this as some kind of cruel joke.

    When she didn't find what she was looking for, her blue eyes darkened. "It does," she agreed quietly. "What about you? Are [I]you[/I] okay?"

    "I'm all right; General Kenobi ordered me back to have the medics take a closer look." He didn't resent the order, but he hadn't felt it was necessary and it must have shown in his voice for her lips twitched. "Kix handled the battlefield triage; he's one hell of a medic."

    "If you're one of the walking wounded, Rexster, he did something right." A little of her previous glimmer of energy appeared, the fear in her eyes abating but not the concern. "You're [I]sure[/I] you're okay?"

    "Nothing a few hours under the right kind of care won't fix," he assured her, stepping past her. It was no surprise when she fell in
  2. Lady_Misty

    Lady_Misty Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 21, 2007
    Kind of sweet.
  3. laloga

    laloga Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 28, 2011
    Lovely! Wonderfully subtle, with Rex not quite getting the exact reason for Ahsoka's concern until the very end. :) Loved his self-deprecating attitude - one that's mirrored in many clones, I imagine - and the way that he seemed to regard himself as little more than blaster-cannon fodder. Of course, he doesn't really feel this way, but I got the sense that he was playing the "brave captain" for her sake.

    Wonderfully done! [face_love]
  4. serendipityaey

    serendipityaey Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 24, 2004
    So nice, lovely Rex/Ahsoka. A perfect, simple little exchange between the two of them, with a hint at the feelings that are coming on. Very good writing, I enjoyed it [face_love]
  5. Luna_Nightshade

    Luna_Nightshade Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 25, 2006
    This was great! I loved how delicately you treated their relationship, and how Rex didn't understand what Ahsoka meant until the very end. You also wrote the psychology of a clone perfectly. Subtle and touching. Great viggie!
  6. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    Well done, well done! =D=

    Perfectly in character.
  7. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    Lady_Misty ? that?s what I was going for, thanks ?

    laloga ? I think most of the clones would have a very fatalistic approach to their own lives; they were bred, after all, to be expendable. You caught what I was trying to do with Rex, though; play the ?brave Captain? for her sake. Anything else and he?d probably have made things worse.

    Which, of course, would have been counter productive ;)

    serendipityaey ? it was written as a friendship vig that supposed to heavily showcase at the importance of Rex?s presence in Ahsoka?s life and how not having him around would hit her... more to it ? absolutely plausible ;)

    Glad you enjoyed it!

    Luna_Nightshade ? Thanks! I?ve thoroughly enjoyed the cartoon and the dynamic between Rex and Ahsoka is one of my favourite parts; if not -the- favourite part *grin* But for all he?s a clone in command of men, for all he?s been trained for warfare, I think the other side of the psychology would be a revelation to him.

    He expects his men to die; he expects himself to die ? that someone would care otherwise is what they?d like to believe, but I doubt they actually think it?s real. And then he gets faced with this ?proof? and now he?s got to actually consider it.

    It was fun!

    Valairy_Scot ? thanks! I worked hard to keep them in character for this; there are a lot of opportunities for missing ?moments? and episode tags in the series, think I might do a few more. It was surprisingly fun!

    Thanks for reading everyone!
  8. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    And up next on deck... ;)

    [b]Disclaimer:[/b] It?s George?s sandbox, I?m simply destroying the sandcastles

    [b]Title:[/b] You Owe Rexster Your Skin, Skyguy
    [b]Author:[/b] Jade_Max
    [b]Characters:[/b] Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano
    [b]Genre:[/b] Angst, Comfort, Friendship
    [b]Era:[/b] The Clone Wars
    [b]Summary:[/b] Set during Episode 6, Season 1; Rex returns to the Resolute with an unconscious and injured Anakin after recovering him from the remains of his ship in the asteroid belt...

    [b][u]You Owe Rexster Your Skin, Skyguy[/u][/b]

    Careening to a halt from a full run, Ahsoka skidded to a halt just outside the depressurized bay. Anakin?s fighter had been adrift for far too long and Rex hadn?t been able to reach him immediately. They were bringing him in now. Shifting restlessly from foot to foot, time seemed to drag, almost grinding for a halt as she waited for word.

    The medics around her that were prepping for her Master's return did nothing to distract her as they readied their equipment, preparing for the worst. The worst which wouldn't stop chasing ideas, each more gruesome than the last, inside her skull. He'd been in vacuum, exposed. Had his skin shriveled? His eyes popped? His brain imploded, leaving nothing but a-

    Unable to keep her calm any longer, she keyed her comlink with impatience and concern when she found she [i]needed[/i] information or she risked a breakdown. ?Rex??

    [i]?We?re almost in, Commander,?[/i] the ever unflappable Captain assured her. [i]?Just bringing up the last of the AT-TE?s now, sir.?[/i]

    ?How is he? Should I have any special equipment ready, Captain? I-?

    [i]?Have a medic or two on hand, Commander, they'll know what to do.?[/i] Rex?s voice was firm but held none of the panic that was starting to spread through Ahsoka?s system; her Master had been hurt, possibly on the verge of death, and she couldn?t get to him! As if sensing she needed more, Rex's next words were reassuring and upbeat. [i]?He?s breathing, kid; we?ll have him inside in no time.?[/i]

    Easy for him to say.

    But Rex?s confidence boosted her own and helped calm her fears enough that Ahsoka managed to quit fidgeting. She waited as the sound of the metallic feet from the walkers lumbered into the deck from where they were coming up the ramp. She managed to stay still for all of three minutes, anxiously waiting, until she could bear it no longer and began shifting from foot to foot again.

    The medics she?d called immediately upon Rex?s first transmission, when he?d first recovered Anakin from his damaged fighter, had long since arrived. Despite the fact she was supposed to be unflappable, supposed to be calm and collected, she?d come to admire her Master in the short time she?d been with him and it was distressing to think of the indestructible Anakin Skywalker as injured. It just didn?t seem possible. Her fidgeting turned into pacing, her gaze never leaving the doors.

    What was taking so long?!

    She keyed her comlink again, putting all of her frustration into her voice. ?Rex??

    [i]?We?re in!?[/i] Rex ?s voice came clearly through the comlink, urgency suddenly bleeding through the transmission. [i]?Bring in the medics, Commander and make sure they?ve got oxygen.?[/i]

    Passing along the instruction from Rex as she hit the door controls, Ahsoka was unable to wait any longer. The blast doors slid open and she was already through them before they?d slid completely home on their tracks. Momentarily pulled up short by the sight of Rex sliding an unconscious Anakin to the ground and taking a knee beside him, she was beside them before she consciously realized having moved again.

    Her eyes scanned Anakin?s prone, inert body, her throat closing. Anakin simply lay before her unmoving. Her Master was normally a force of nature; a whirlwind of purpose and power ? unstoppable. To see him so still so? lifeless was terrifying. Searching for reassurance, she glanced towards Rex but was unable to see his eyes; he still had his helmet on. ?How is he??

    ?Oxygen deprived,? he told her shortly, holding a makeshift oxygen mask to Anakin?s face;
  9. laloga

    laloga Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 28, 2011
    Again, just a great way to show their relationship. Actually, all the relationships in this fic were amazing, not just the obvious one between Rex and Ahsoka.

    Rex's respect, (sometimes bewilderment) for his general was plain to see, and I enjoyed reading how he tried to give Ahsoka his perspective on Anakin, which is clearly much different than her own. He has the benefit of experience, while she's still acquiring hers. ;)

    It's no secret that Ahsoka cares deeply for her master, and I just loved how you portrayed her, here: her conflicting desires to jump at his side and to berate herself for her "lax" in duty were touching and so 'Soka.

    Awesome update! :D
  10. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005

    Her Master was normally a force of nature; a whirlwind of purpose and power ? unstoppable.

    Yup, that's Anakin in a nutshell.
  11. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Amazing and nice viggies showing the relations between Rex and Ahsoka.
  12. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    laloga ? *grin* Then I got my showcase across. How Rex feels about his General was supposed to be one of those things that Ahsoka could pick up on because well? let?s face it, she takes a lot of cues from Rex. I?m glad that his experience came shining through and that the relationships between the characters did too; it?s what I was going for :D

    The more I write her, the easier Ahsoka is getting; she?s a surprisingly intricate character.

    Valairy_Scot ? *grin* I think so too!

    earlybird-obi-wan ? thank you; there will be more to come too!

    Okay, so this one I?m not so sure about but the Muse wanted it written and, considering the content, keeping the characters [i]in[/i] character is very tricky. I hope they?re not too OOC? :/


    [b]Disclaimer:[/b] It?s George?s sandbox, I?m simply destroying the sandcastles

    [b]Title:[/b] Boys Are the Same...
    [b]Author:[/b] Jade_Max
    [b]Characters:[/b] Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano
    [b]Genre:[/b] Friendship / Angst
    [b]Era:[/b] The Clone Wars
    [b]Summary:[/b] Set after Episodes 10 & 11, Season 3; Ahsoka ponders her meeting with Lux Bonteri with some unexpected assistance...

    [b][u]Boys Are The Same...[/b][/u]

    Her Master hadn't been pleased.

    A grimace crossed Ahsoka's face as she strode through the halls of the [i]Resolute[/i], headed for the observation deck. It was bound to be empty at this time of night and she needed a place, any place, private to think. Somewhere away from Anakin; away from his questions.

    Questions about Raxus. About Padmé and their trip; about the Bonteris.

    Questions that Ahsoka couldn't honestly answer just yet.

    She passed through the doorway into the dark observation lounge and breathed a silent sight of relief when she found it to be empty. Ahsoka settled herself with her back to the side of the stairs leading up to the upper platform of the deck, leaning against the wall.

    Lux Bonteri had been an unexpected and unwelcome surprise. Not so much because Padmé's friend had a son her own age, [i]that[/i] she could deal with, but because she'd been thinking about him an awful lot and their parting.

    The news of his mother's assassination hadn't yet fully absorbed and she unconsciously shied away from it.

    Instead, she'd been thinking about the first time she'd seen him, when he'd tried to take her case at his mother's behest and the smile he'd flashed her; about the surprise she'd seen in his eyes when she'd refused. She'd been thinking about their talk in the gardens of his home, about how he'd forced her to reevaluate her stance on Separatists in the same way she'd forced him to reconsider everything he knew about Jedi.

    She curled her arms around her knees, placed her chin on top and stared out the viewport.

    That he'd flirted with her to do it aside, she'd seen the knowledge flash in his gaze before he'd reverted to 'teenage boy' type. He'd made her think as much as she'd made him and a part of her was proud of that; Lux couldn't consider Jedi evil the way his friends did and she was grateful.

    Mostly, though, she'd been thinking about their parting; it [i]bugged[/i] her that he'd not responded to her taunt. Irritated and confused her; why had she baited him like that only to be disappointed when he hadn't risen to it? She was a [i]Jedi[/i]; wasn't she supposed to be above such petty nonsense?

    "I thought I'd find you here."

    Ahsoka jerked, her head snapping to the side to see the familiar form of the Torrent Company's commanding officer standing in the doorway. A smile blossomed on her face even though it was strained. She hadn't seen him in what seemed like forever and had felt every moment acutely; she could have used his insight on Raxus. The surge of relief at his appearance was unexpected.

    "Rexster," her greeting was less than exuberant but didn't lack warmth. "Good to see you're back in one piece."

    "You too, kid."

    She flinched at the pet name, a reaction Ahsoka couldn't control and hadn't anticipated. She'd never minded the moniker before and she had no reason to mind it now; except she found she did.

    He caught it and
  13. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Loved the talk about crushes between the two.

    A nice insight in the characters
  14. obsessedwithSW

    obsessedwithSW Jedi Master star 4

    May 24, 2005

    Ann I think you can make me like anyone. Ok so I really enjoyed these vignettes and I NOW WILL WATCH THE CARTOON with a different perspective on Ashoka and Rex. I do love this about fan fiction, it takes very shallow characters and dialog and flushes it out so they become real and meaningful and intrguing. Will there be more? What draws you to these to characters?
  15. sacharias

    sacharias Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 12, 2011


    I guess it's reasonably safe to admit here that I'm a Rexoka supporter. I didn't have any illusions about seeing it onscreen (though I do note that it is in the early TCW novels), but that's the only Ahsoka pairing I've ever gotten.

    So, it's probably no surprise I didn't take a liking to Lux Bonteri. I saw it coming, but I can't bring myself to enjoy him at all. I could list of the objective reasons why, but that's beside the point here.

    Ironically, this piece almost makes Lux tolerable for me. Not that I like more for it, but seeing (in this piece) Ahsoka questioning, wondering, and seeing her confide in Rex like she can with no other, adds an element of authenticity, depth, and even angst, to a storyline that (to me) is otherwise just an annoying slap at my "OTP".

    I can't say enough good things about this piece. Ahsoka's unsettled state is just perfectly done, showcasing her utter confusion at the ideas and feelings she is facing without sacrificing the maturity and levelheadedness she has gained in recent seasons. And I love how things that she can't bring herself to speak of to her Master, she finds she can talk about freely (though not without understandble awkwardness) with Rex.

    And then Rex himself, soldier as always, yet cool and understanding (and gratitous in his use of military terminology), willing to help despite being no more knowledgable than she is. I just love how quckly he picks up on her meaning. He doesn't know what a "crush" is, but he knows Ahsoka, and he almost instantly puts the pieces together as she tries - in her adorable, fumbling way - to explain what she's going through.

    Now, all the while I was reading this piece, I was wondering if? maybe, just maybe? Rex did have some sort of feeling for Ahsoka. Of course it's your decision as an author, but my mind just sort of works that way. And there were hints? his dodging her question, the steadfast, almost stoic response to the revelations about Lux. And of course in light of the ending, it's vividly clear. Because Rex does care for her, he does want the best for her, and he does have feelings for her that - as he has just learned - are quantified as a "crush", by some.

    And yet, in typical clone selflessness, his own feelings almost don't come out at all. He would have been perfectly at ease with discussing a potential love interest of hers - someone certainly not Rex or likke himself in any way - and saying what he could to reassure and guide her, only to walk away without so much as a sigh.

    But you're good enough not to torture him quite so much. Rex's tentative, shielded admission was simply stunning (even to me), and Ahsoka's near-panic at the reveal was palpable. But he doesn't put her on the spot, he seems to let it go with only the barest of hints, because, for Rex, it isn't about Rex. It's about Ahsoka.

    And then to hear Rex - unwittingly, of course - say the same words, use the same "pick up line", as it were, as Lux had? pure, utter genius. From Lux, it was testing the waters, it was flirtation, it was just like boys, Republic or Separatist.

    From Rex, it was honest, it was deadly serious, and it was a promise. This isn't a boy looking "earn points" with Ahsoka. This is a man - a very young man, really, but mature - who's fought by her side since almost the day she went to war. A man who would take a blaster bolt for her without a second's thought. A man who understands her, listens to her, and asks nothing in return.

    Again, I'm reduced to my intial comment. Wow. Part of me doesn't want to think that canon Rex has any feelings for Ahsoka, since it's clear what sort of "romance" subplot TCW has in the pipeline. But the idea of a quiet, unspoken, even unrequited attachment on Rex's part, as you portray here, is not only compelling, it's painfully easy to see onscreen.

    I'm afraid I'm never going to be able to watch TCW the same way, anymore.

    Wonderful work - I'm saddened that FFN's acting up, so we can't see this chapter there yet, but in the meantime, thank you so much for this!
  16. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    earlybird-obi-wan ? Thanks; I was trying to give another angle to them and I -hope- I?ve succeeded. They?re a lot tougher to write when they?re not in a battle situation and keep them in character!

    obsessedwithSW ? lol, make you like anyone, eh? I?ll take that compliment and run with it *grin* you?re far too kind, my friend.

    I?ve always wondered what was between Ahsoka and Rex that made them such a good team. We see it time and time again in the show that their friendship is a powerful thing. And it?s the little things on screen that we see that make my mind wander ? and turn into things like this *laughs*

    Look at my last story - a rabid bunny bred from a single line in RotS. It certainly doesn?t take much.

    Will there be more?

    Absolutely. I?ve another couple of ideas right off the bat that were started on my iTouch (yes, I write on my iTouch) that I?ll transfer over to here soon, but the ideas hit me at strange times so I?ll be bounding back and forth between the seasons. I hope to showcase the newness of their relationship with the established one as I bounce from episode to episode.

    What draws you to these two characters?

    Now that I can?t really say. I was first intrigued by the idea that Ahsoka made Rex laugh - really laugh; I mean, we never see him laugh otherwise. Then, as I watched and re-watched episode after episode [for which my husband continually teases me] I started noticing little things. Like Ahsoka looking to Rex before making a decision; or him looking at her before responding to something Anakin?s said. Things like that.

    I figured there was more to what?s on screen and decided to explore it. Trying to keep it canon, however, is more than a little tricky.

    sacharias ? would you believe me if I said I hadn?t posted it on until last night? I was really nervous about it because it?s so tough to keep them in character outside of a battle zone or conflict discussion, but your review shows that you actually understood what I was trying to do with this.

    So thank you for that; I posted it almost as soon as I read your comments ;)

    I guess it's reasonably safe to admit here that I'm a Rexoka supporter.

    Lol! Safe indeed.

    I do note that it is in the early TCW novels

    In the early TCW novels? I have to get my paws on those! I haven?t read them; can you tell?

    So, it's probably no surprise I didn't take a liking to Lux Bonteri.

    Nope, none at all :D I don?t mind Lux since I saw it coming but at the same time, the dynamic between her and Rex is fascinating. It?s not a brother/sister kind of relationship, but it?s not a romantic one either ? not overtly anyway

    Ironically, this piece almost makes Lux tolerable for me.

    *blinks* high praise for a self admitted Lux ?hater? *grin* thanks :)

    Seeing (in this piece) Ahsoka questioning, wondering, and seeing her confide in Rex like she can with no other, adds an element of authenticity, depth, and even angst, to a storyline that (to me) is otherwise just an annoying slap at my "OTP".

    *laughs* Well I?m glad I could make you view it with additional depth. It?s tough taking a couple of episodes that build so much into a character and add just that much more. Ahsoka?s questioning is one of the things I like best about her and I just can?t see her not turning that trait on herself.

    Ahsoka's unsettled state is just perfectly done, showcasing her utter confusion at the ideas and feelings she is facing without sacrificing the maturity and levelheadedness she has gained in recent seasons.

    That was what I was scared about most when I first started writing this piece. I love the character development that?s gone into her and I wanted to be sure it came through when I wrote it. I wasn?t sure though; we?re always our own harshest critics so these boards were a test run to see what the reaction would be.

    And I love how things that she can't bring herself to speak of to her Master, she finds she can talk about freely (though not without understandable
  17. laloga

    laloga Jedi Knight star 2

    Jul 28, 2011
    It was such a pleasure to read this again. You have both of these characters down so well, and I was blown away by the dialog. At times it was so simple, only a single word or two, but there was so much meaning packed within, it made my head spin.

    I could pretty much reiterate everything that sacharias said, because this is a fabulous piece of writing.

    Loved Rex. He was stern and very captain-ish, naturally, but his sense of humor was evident: that spark that he normally seems to hide beneath his command exterior, the one that seems to come out so much more around Ahsoka. "Not as badly as you'd think. Here, I'll..." he lifted one hand, licking his thumb and making to rub something off her cheek. I grinned so hard at this! Also loved the "thermal det" comment as well.

    Ahsoka: you mentioned in your A/N that she's actually a very complex character, and I must agree with you. When I started watching the show, she was so irritating, but after reading so much (well-done) fanfic...I gotta say, that girl is quite interesting. She's in a unique position in many ways, and we've never seen a character like her in canon. I love her portrayal in your hands: at times she's such a teenager, but there is a depth to her as well.

    Wonderful writing, as usual. I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment! :D

  18. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    laloga - [face_blush] compliments are too kind; I was very nervous about this last piece because of the layers of depth I was trying to portray and the implications underneath. It came out better than I'd hoped.

    Loved Rex. He was stern and very captain-ish, naturally, but his sense of humor was evident: that spark that he normally seems to hide beneath his command exterior, the one that seems to come out so much more around Ahsoka. "Not as badly as you'd think. Here, I'll..." he lifted one hand, licking his thumb and making to rub something off her cheek. I grinned so hard at this! Also loved the "thermal det" comment as well.

    *laughs* Rex is such a serious character, except when he's around Ahsoka; I figured some of that camaraderie would be used to make her smile - which was the whole point of the exchange you picked out. In such a serious discussion, there has to be some levity :)

    The thermal det comments comes from too much table top gaming *laughs* my crew are playing clone troopers themselves right now so the technical side of things is interesting and often come out in my writing *grin*

    Ahsoka: you mentioned in your A/N that she's actually a very complex character, and I must agree with you. When I started watching the show, she was so irritating, but after reading so much (well-done) fanfic...I gotta say, that girl is quite interesting. She's in a unique position in many ways, and we've never seen a character like her in canon. I love her portrayal in your hands: at times she's such a teenager, but there is a depth to her as well.

    I found she was crazy annoying when I first started watching too, but she's grown on me as they've developed her character. I didn't start reading fanfiction about her until recently and while I like the fanfics, I really enjoy her portrayal in the show. There are aspects to her character I wish we could see more of though. Only one is her friendship with Rex.

    *laughs* Such a teenager, eh? I agree with you there, but the depth you mention is what draws me to her, I think. She's a teenager but a very deep one and that makes her all the more fun to explore.

    I'm flattered you enjoy my portrayal of her; she's tricky but fun :)

    And now we delve back to season 1... whee.. lots of fodder in the first couple seasons ;) I'm looking forward to more and more; the ideas are just [i]there[/i] right now *grin*


    [b]Title:[/b] I?ll Take Good Care of Him
    [b]Author:[/b] Jade_Max
    [b]Characters:[/b] Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano
    [b]Genre:[/b] Friendship
    [b]Era:[/b] The Clone Wars
    [b]Summary:[/b] Set between Episodes 13 & 14, Season 1; Ahsoka gives Rex a little TLC after Anakin?s been brought to the Lurman village to be taken care of...

    [b][u]I?ll Take Good Care of Him[/b][/u]

    Ahsoka knew Anakin was being well tended before she was ejected from Wag Too?s hut just minutes after Anakin had been brought within. She?d come to check on him, admitting that she needed to see for herself he was in good hands. Not that she doubted the healer, she simply hadn?t been able to get his prone image out of her head. Her Master was not someone who looked good unconscious and, while she?d seen him injured before, never had she seen him like [i]this[/i].

    Wag Too hadn?t appreciated the interference, saying that Anakin needed rest and quiet more than company, which had landed her outside.

    Rex, to her surprise, was waiting for her, a grin on his lips and his right hand gripping his left bicep in a casual pose. His bucket was attached to his hip but he wasn?t holding it. ?I figured you wouldn?t be able to stay away, kid.?

    ?You?re no better than I am,? she accused, crossing her arms over her chest with a pointed look. ?If you were, I?d be alone.?

    Arching an eyebrow, Rex uncurled his hands from his bicep. ?I?m here on healer?s orders; what?s your excuse??

    ?You?re hurt?? Startled, Ahsoka stepped close, reaching up to grasp his arm and Rex stiffened, withdrawing.

    ?Sir, I don?t think-?

    ?Relax, Rexster,? she chided. He had no choice but to bend when she gripped his f
  19. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Love how you described that missing scene from the episode.

    All clones are different and Ahsoka is doing the right thing.
  20. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    Thanks; it's one of the more fascinating things about her character that catch and hold my attention. Anakin sees the clones as individuals to an extent,but Ahsoka really takes that to the next level and I like what it does to her dynamic with them; it's different from any other Jedi
  21. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    Title: Duty & Honor
    Author: Jade_Max
    Characters: Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano
    Genre: Friendship
    Era: The Clone Wars
    Summary: Set just before the beginning of and at the beginning of Episode 7, Season 2; Rex is helping Ahsoka to the gunship after her successful mission with Barriss Offee to destroy the Droid factory on Geonosis....

    Duty & Honor

    ?Rex, take over here, would you??

    Anakin stepped away from Ahsoka as the gunships came in overhead, releasing her hands and she swayed on her feet. She was unsteady in the aftermath of the near miss that could have, and almost had been, her death. The rubble behind them was all that was left of the droid factory Ahsoka and Barriss Offee had been tasked with destroying, a testament to their success even if it had nearly become their tomb.

    His order made her brow furrow. ?Master??


    ?Take Barriss and Ahsoka back to the base camp and ensure they get back to the Resolute; they?ve done enough for today.?

    ?Yes, sir.?

    ?But Master-?

    ?This isn?t a discussion, Snips,? Anakin's admonishment was surprisingly stern but kind. ?I can send you to triage, but I?ll feel better having the medics check you out in a fully equipped bay.?

    ?I feel fine.?

    ?You just had a droid factory dropped on your head,? returned Anakin sharply. ?Go get checked out, get cleaned up, grab a little shut eye and, if the medic clears you, then you can come back.?

    ?But Master-?


    ?I?ll make sure she goes, sir.? Rex assured him as he stepped close, slipping his right arm around Ahsoka?s waist and, given no choice, she placed her left hand on his shoulder to steady herself. He was considerably taller than she was and, as he noted it, Rex shifted, bending a little to make it easier for her even as he took the brunt of her weight. Ahsoka shot him a frustrated look - which he promptly ignored. ?Even if I have to carry her the whole way.?

    ?Good." Anakin smirked but it faded quickly. "Master Kenobi's coming in with reinforcements, Rex; I need you back at the base camp. Torrent's done enough for today anyway; have the worst of the wounded sent back with Ahsoka and Barriss."

    "Yes, sir."

    "Good; we'll see you shortly." Turning to the other Jedi, Anakin lifted an inquiring brow, nodding to a waiting gunship. "Master Luminara??

    ?Have one of your men assist Barriss, Captain,? the older Jedi instructed, not unkindly. ?She?s no steadier on her feet than Ahsoka... however she will be more obedient.?

    Ahsoka had the grace to look abashed and looked down towards her feet.

    ?Yes, General. Crag,? Rex turned to one of his nearby walking wounded would be going with the Jedi back to the staging area to be removed to the ship still in orbit. Giving the man something to do, especially such a task as escorting a Jedi, would lessen his frustration at being removed from the battlefield. "Front and center."


    ?Commander Offee requires your assistance; give her your arm.?

    ?Yes, sir,? the clone, injured in one arm and walking with a slight limp, approached and offered his good arm to Barriss where she swayed while upright. ?May I assist you, Commander??

    ?Thank you, trooper; Crag, was it??

    Rex grinned within his helmet as Ahsoka stiffened in his hold; Barriss was far more gracious in accepting the help of the trooper than she?d been accepting his and offered no resistance to the idea of leaving the field. Despite Ahsoka?s obvious discomfort, it didn?t stop her from trying one last time.

    ?Master, we don?t need-?


    She sagged against Rex and he tightened his hold lest she slip to the ground. Anakin?s tone had been sharp and uncompromising; a sign he wasn?t going to change his mind. Finally giving in to the inevitable, she tightened her grip on Rex?s shoulder, a pressure he felt through the plastoid, and nodded to her Master. ?Don?t have all the fun without us, Master.?

    Anakin?s stern expression dissolved and he threw her a wink. ?Wouldn?t dream of it; get some rest.?

    Luminara bid her Padawan farewell and Crag began escorting Barriss tow
  22. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Great viggie with Rex and Ahsoka arguing.
  23. iceaffinity

    iceaffinity Jedi Knight star 1

    May 23, 2010
    Thought I'd review over here this time. [face_love] Still loving this series of vignettes, I really wish the canon included scenes like this more often. It's so good seeing this moment of downtime after battle - Ahsoka and Barriss have just come through an incredibly difficult experience - and there's Ahsoka, pushing herself to do even more. Ahsoka's determination shines through here, but so does Rex's - he's concerned for her wellbeing, and intends to make sure she doesn't push herself too far. Love how in control Rex is, and considerate - not just of Ahsoka either, but in making sure the walking wounded also feel useful, and that Crag is able to feel a part of things by helping.

    As always, a lovely piece. [face_love]
  24. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    A wonderful series of Rex and Ahsoka vignettes.
  25. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    earlybird-obi-wan - thanks! I wanted to show a different side of their friendship in this one ;)

    iceaffinity - I'm with you on that which is where the inspiration for these vignettes came from. The moments that have to pass between them since they're so close and yet, we almost never see.. In this one I wanted to showcase Ahsoka's stubborn streak; her inability to admit when she's had enough and at the same time show that she's met her match in Rex - he won't let her over push herself if it's not necessary. His care for his men is mentioned as an integral part of his character and we see it more and more as the show goes on - I wanted to show a little of that here too.

    I'm glad you're enjoying them!

    Valairy_Scot - Thank you :)

    This one hit me last night while I was watching the end of Season 3 again and took over my fingers when I was trying to work on something else - go figure.


    [b]Title:[/b] Signs
    [b]Author:[/b] Jade_Max
    [b]Characters:[/b] Captain Rex
    [b]Genre:[/b] Angst, Friendship
    [b]Era:[/b] The Clone Wars
    [b]Summary:[/b] Set during Episodes 21, Season 3; Rex is searching for Ahsoka after she goes missing during the attack on Felucia

    [b][u] Signs[/b][/u]

    ?Everybody fan out,? General Skywalker ordered, ?I want a perimeter sweep, [i]now[/i].?

    "We'll take the back wall, sir," Rex informed Anakin with a sharp salute.

    "Good; find her Rex."

    "We'll do what we can, sir."

    It wasn't the answer the General wanted, but it was the only answer Rex could give.

    The clones separated into their companies and Rex keyed his mic so everyone would hear him. ?You heard the General; Commander Tano is missing. Sweep the perimeter in an ever expanding net, no more than two meters apart starting ten meters from one corner of the back wall to the other. Kix, Hardcase, Jesse; you?re with me.? Rex motioned for them follow him, pointing at the rest to fan out in a standard search pattern before he turned to the officer who?d reported her last location. ?Corporal Boost??


    ?Where did you last see Commander Tano??

    ?Center of the rear wall, sir; this way.?

    The small squad followed Boost, who?d been assigned to Ahsoka?s team, leading the way to the back wall where she?d last been seen. The men following Rex spread out as they went until it was just he and the Corporal coming up on the area they?d left the Jedi Padawan. Kix, Hardcase and Jesse began sweeping the area in the forest where the clones had initially begun their attack from; with the dense foliage, it was slow going.

    ?This is the area, Captain,? Boost motioned to the clearing covered in low foliage before them, turning to look this way and that before a frown sound in his voice. ?I don?t see her.?

    ?If something?s happened to her, Corporal, we wouldn?t,? Rex managed to keep his concern from his own inflections as he approached the wall, scanning the area for any signs of the Jedi Commander who?d become his friend and confidant. If there was anything, he?d find it.

    He motioned for Boost to stay back as he knelt and examined the forest floor, hoping to keep the area as close to as it had been upon her disappearance as possible. He eased into the clearing, looking for signs, his fingers tracking lightly back and forth across the earth.

    The HUD on his helmet was no help, sending him conflicting readings as to the composition of the soils and possible irregularities and Rex tugged it off with one hand before examining the area again. Flicking on the lights, he turned the helmet to help illuminate the forest floor.

    Footprints were everywhere, but they could easily have been from the clones when they?d come in for the attack. Trampled vegetation and lightly churned earth crisscrossed the clearing towards the wall itself and Rex found and followed one that seemed lighter than the other, carefully tracking it towards the wall.

    It was how he found her lightsabers.

    Ending a couple of feet from the wall, the tracks suddenly turned, planting themselves, twin indents where the Togruta had carefully balanced herself on the balls of her