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ST Carrie Fisher (Leia Organa) in the ST

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by MattOrgana, Dec 18, 2015.

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  1. GeneralAutum

    GeneralAutum Jedi Knight

    Jun 25, 2016

    she looks amazing with letting her hair go natural, usually woman that does that, it makes them look older, but she's pulling it off amazingly. i have clients that want's to have platinum gray hair and ugh, it only makes them look about 70+ rarely looks nice, but Carrie, SHE"S KILLING IT!
  2. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004
    The length is great; IMO she always looked best with longer hair. The multi-tone with the silver makes her look so refreshed, which is, I agree, rare. Back in 2014 I was very against Leia going gray, thought it would visually age the character prematurely, but if they could pull off this look I wouldn't mind at all.
    Darth Nikean and iluvkoalas like this.
  3. Darth Nikean

    Darth Nikean Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 30, 2016
    Do you know why they had Leia die her hair blond? Wsd she missing her brother or something?
  4. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004
    Leia's hair doesn't look blonde to me in TFA.

    It looks light brown mixed with gray to me. Looks like they tried to capture her coloring from how it looks in TESB:


  5. Darth Nikean

    Darth Nikean Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 30, 2016
    Thanks for the picture I think I need my eyes checked I thought I saw blond . light brown dark blond with grey .
    Marks hair seems to have gotten darker and some grey with age though but I think he colored his hair
    Master_Lok likes this.
  6. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004
    Carrie's hair was colored for TFA too.
  7. MattOrgana

    MattOrgana Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 7, 2015
    Carrie's looking GREAT. I think it's worth remembering she'll turn 60 in just a few days.

    And she's looking so happy. She's having the time of her life.
  8. Jedi Jessy

    Jedi Jessy Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 28, 2016
    jaqen yeah, Leia's hair color is like Padme's (light brown)
    [​IMG] (while Luke is blonder like Anakin as a kid)
  9. Master_Lok

    Master_Lok Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 18, 2012

    Which is wonderful... may that happiness continue for quite some time to come.
    MattOrgana likes this.
  10. MattOrgana

    MattOrgana Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 7, 2015
    Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher show their love on screen


  11. MattOrgana

    MattOrgana Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 7, 2015
    A Bunch of Times Carrie Fisher Proved She’s the Queen of Twitter


  12. Drewton

    Drewton Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 8, 2009
    So has Leia never been elected Chancellor in new canon?
  13. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004
    This is a bit off topic and a nitpick, but William Shatner has had a pretty phenomenal career outside of Star Trek. To even imply he hasn't "had much of a career" beyond is signature role is just beyond ignorant.
  14. cerealbox

    cerealbox Force Ghost star 6

    May 5, 2016
    Still waiting on a TJ Hooker reboot.
    jaqen likes this.
  15. Jedi Master Scorpio

    Jedi Master Scorpio Star Wars Television star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 24, 2015

    Nope. In Bloodline She was nominated by her party (The Populists I think?) To run for I guess it was Chancellor, but they referred to the position as Senator. Anyway in the book it seemed to me she was a shoe in to be elected since she had went on some Missions with Ransolm Casterfo and Casterfo at that point had gained a ton of respect for her, so it was implied that Casterfo could sway the Centrists to vote for her as well. It was interesting that to many Centrists Leia for them seemed more Centrist than Populist.

    Long story short, news broke that Darth Vader was Leia's real father and things went to hell soon after. She did try to use the fact that Padme was her mother to justify that she didn't have the dark tendency like her real dad but was more like her real mother. Didn't work though.

    She served out her term and when she left she promptly created the Resistance because during the missions she had she discovered another player in the game (FO) However she didn't learn the First Order name per se.
    Jedi Jessy likes this.
  16. MattOrgana

    MattOrgana Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 7, 2015
    Carrie Fisher is So Much More Than Princess Leia


    Doctor who invented the Heimlich manoeuvre finally uses it aged 96

  17. ObidioJuan

    ObidioJuan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 1, 2002
    Stay on topic, stay on topic...


    I posted this on another thread but not here.

    I believe that Leia will die in EPVIII. Not sure how but the more I think about it and search my feelings I'm growing convinced that she will die either in the third act of EPVIII or at latest the first act of EPIX.
  18. Krueger

    Krueger Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2004
    NEVER! [face_not_talking]
    MattOrgana likes this.
  19. MattOrgana

    MattOrgana Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 7, 2015
  20. Jedi Master Scorpio

    Jedi Master Scorpio Star Wars Television star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 24, 2015

    Makes sense to me. Since Hosnian Prime was destroyed and most of the Senate with it. You are left with rebuilding the New Republic as well. Leia is one of maybe a handful of folks left with any Senatorial experience in the Galaxy. I would imagine she would be one of the main players in rebuilding the New Republic.
    Jedi Jessy likes this.
  21. Scruffy nerf

    Scruffy nerf Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 11, 2015
    I highly doubt Leia will ever be killed off. I still think Han would never be killed either if Ford wasn't only likely to come back for one go around. Luke possibly, but it would be at the end, and he'd preside over the whole thing as some sort of serene ultimate ghost. The powers that be will want to preserve these three iconic cinematic creations as best as possible.
  22. The PiedPiper of Alderaan

    The PiedPiper of Alderaan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2015
    they're not gonna kill a "legacy character" in each film of the trilogy, that would be to predictable and mechanical storywise, i don't think they can repeat this again in ep8 with Leia or Luke. And with CT's comments it seems logical to think they'll both be alive in ep9....don't know if they'll still be alive by the end of it all but that's a story for another time....
  23. MagnarTheGreat

    MagnarTheGreat Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 21, 2016
    I could see them potentially pulling a Poe Dameron/Finn with Leia and making the audience think Leia dies, but it turns out later on that she still lives.
    jaqen likes this.
  24. Korr Sella

    Korr Sella Jedi Knight star 1

    Aug 1, 2016
    You mean like being in a coma? ;)

    I don't see any reason why Leia or Luke would be killed off while Mark and Carrie are still happy to reprise the roles. Killing of mentor characters for shock value or because you can't figure out how to prevent them from showing up the younger characters is cheap and lazy.
    leiamoody and ChildOfWinds like this.
  25. iluvkoalas

    iluvkoalas Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 6, 2015

    I agree, but look at what they did to Han.
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