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CE23 Celebration Europe 23 - April 7-10 2023

Discussion in 'Star Wars Celebrations' started by Obi Anne , May 30, 2022.

  1. Temp77

    Temp77 Jedi Knight star 1

    Mar 22, 2019
    For reference regarding panel lottery wins, I applied as a solo rather than in a group and I have a 4 day pass (if it ever turns up!!)

    I didn't have to apply for the panel lotteries in Anaheim as I was a Jedi then but I did secure some lottery panel wins in Chicago on a 4 day pass, again just applying as a solo.
    ChrisLyne likes this.
  2. PongKrell

    PongKrell Jedi Knight star 1

    Jul 17, 2016
    I’m in the same boat, I’m in Kent. Shipped on Thursday 23rd. I went to my delivery office today and they said it was “received with errors” by Royal Mail and hasn’t made it to my town. So I’m not expecting it really. I rang up the event and they’re going to put a note on my order saying I can collect at Will Call.

    Bit bummed that I guess I’ll have to get my shirts and lanyards from the store on Friday. I think they give you the name of someone to get in past the queue.
  3. Temp77

    Temp77 Jedi Knight star 1

    Mar 22, 2019
    I’ve just been to my local delivery office in Liverpool this morning and was told that the package hadn’t even entered the Royal Mail network! I’m hearing so many people complaining of issues with receiving their badges and the whole thing is farcical. It really shouldn’t be this difficult to ship badges and merchandise ordered months ago in good time for the attendees to receive them before the event!
  4. PongKrell

    PongKrell Jedi Knight star 1

    Jul 17, 2016
    Ah yeah, I think that’s the same as me. I don’t know how it works, maybe they generated the tracking numbers but didn’t send the packages out? It’s very disappointing. I can’t remember how much extra it was to ship with the merch included but I’ll try and get a refund.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2023
  5. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    I don't know of anyone in Sweden who has received their badges. My was shipped Fridy the 24th, but the tracking still says "preparing to be shipped", so it will be will call for me as well.
  6. Temp77

    Temp77 Jedi Knight star 1

    Mar 22, 2019
    I emailed the Star Wars Celebration helpline yesterday to inform them that I still hadn't received my badge after receiving an email on 23 March to say that it had been shipped. I had tried phoning them first but got a recorded message saying they aren't open on weekends. I received the following response to my email today:

    Hello there,

    Good day! I hope this email finds you well.

    As per Royal Mail, you will not be able to track anything not unless the order is already in transit or on its way to your shipping address.

    Furthermore, once you already receive the email that it's already for shipped out, that only means it'll be delivered prior the event.

    Also, all tickets are already in the specific carrier for ship out couple of months ago.

    Kindly keep an eye on our website and socials, including your emails for updates.

    Furthermore, if you haven't got anything days prior the event, you may pick up your tickets through the accessibility desk on-site to skip queue.

    Just be ready with your confirmation ID and photo ID.

    Keep us posted so we can notate on your order and be able to send your email to the management team that will assist on-site.

    Thank you and may the force be with you!

    This is the first communication that I've seen that refers to going to the accessibility desk rather than Will Call and the Celebration site only talks about going to Will Call if you don't receive your badge. Also, if what they say is correct about all tickets being given to the carriers ready to ship out a couple of months ago why is it that so many people are still waiting to receive their badges!!! :rolleyes:
  7. Chris_Fives

    Chris_Fives Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 16, 2015
    I'm flying to UK tomorrow, and still didn't get the badges. This is ridiculous. The tickets were ordered in July. 8-} I will have to change my schedule for Thursday and go to ExCel for the will call tickets...
  8. DarkRula

    DarkRula Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 3, 2015
    Still waiting here. I can imagine plenty of people in the UK are in the same situation. Gonna be missing out on a bit of Friday waiting to get 'em at will-call, I think.
  9. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    I just sent my email to them saying that I have not receieved my tickets and I want to have confirmation that I can pick them up at will call.

    I also requested a refund for the shipping costs, but I doubt that I will get any reply there.
    Chris_Fives likes this.
  10. Chris_Fives

    Chris_Fives Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 16, 2015
    I received this:

    Thanks for reaching out Star Wars Celebration.

    Badges are still in the process of being shipped. Keep an eye on your email for a notification that includes your tracking information.

    For the time being, the only thing that we can do is to wait for the tickets to arrive.

    Just in case you are not able to receive it, our team onsite will be able to verify the tracking and delivery status of orders. So if we can see that the package has not arrived, or if it has arrived after you have already departed for the show, we will be able to issue replacement badges onsite.

    You should just be prepared to show your original order confirmation, as well as photo ID.
  11. DarkRula

    DarkRula Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 3, 2015
    The FAQ section of the site has a similar thing. Just head to will call with photo ID and original order confirmation, and they'll be able to check delivery status and sort you out.
  12. ChrisLyne

    ChrisLyne Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 29, 2002
    They have really screwed up the badge shipments this year. Sorry to everyone having issues. I really hope you get them fixed quickly when you arrive.

    Bad combination to have - messed up shipments meaning more people need to go to will call combined with the venue/will call opening 2 hours later than it has done in the past. Ideally they should set something up that you can get to before joining the AM queue and open it before the official line but we know that won't happen.
  13. MotivateR5D4

    MotivateR5D4 Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 20, 2015
    I’m really surprised there aren’t will call hours for badge pickup the day before it starts. Thats usually pretty standard for big conventions.
  14. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    There is the possibility to go to will call on Thursday afternoon-evening, but I think quite a lot of people don't want to pay for an extra hotel night if they live close enough to go the same day, or want to do other things in London instead and plans to pick them up the same day.
    ChrisLyne likes this.
  15. MotivateR5D4

    MotivateR5D4 Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 20, 2015
    Fair enough.
  16. StarWarsFan1997

    StarWarsFan1997 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Jun 22, 2005
  17. ChrisLyne

    ChrisLyne Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 29, 2002
    Based on the timings they're not streaming Lucasfilm or Ahsoka. They could stream Villain and Bad Batch. Obi-Wan is an afternoon panel so could go either way.

    I hate that they have started doing this. It sucked in Anaheim and it sucks again in London.

    Black out a few clips if you have to but these panels are already that in demand you have to run a lottery for them. If the reason they do this is to get people to go to "be in the room" it sucks and is stupid as they already can't accommodate everyone who wants to be in the room.
  18. darthvader88

    darthvader88 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 29, 2005
    While I will not be attending Celebration London, I did manage to get some Star Wars guests at MegaCon..[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
    MotivateR5D4, DarkRula, JonSB and 6 others like this.
  19. PongKrell

    PongKrell Jedi Knight star 1

    Jul 17, 2016
    Has anybody been able to collect their missing merch from Will Call?
  20. Freelancer257

    Freelancer257 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Sep 20, 2004
    I had to collect my badges from Will Call this afternoon (along with hundreds of other people). One of the help desk people said that merch would be available for collection on Friday, but as it's Reed Pop anything could happen.

    They were giving out lanyards with the badges at Will Call today, if you'd ordered a lanyard.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2023
  21. Ginkasa

    Ginkasa Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jun 13, 2002
    What sucks too even if you're going is in Anaheim they didn't even stream the panels to the Live stage or anything. We're here! We paid! We'd be in the room if we could! But, nope, its crickets for you.
    ChrisLyne likes this.
  22. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    it's stupid as well as because the clips almost always leak.
  23. Amon_Amarth

    Amon_Amarth Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 27, 2005
    What bugs me the most about not streaming big panels is that is also denies this experience to all who actually bought the ticket and didn't win the lottery.

    Sent from my SM-G970U1 using Tapatalk
  24. PongKrell

    PongKrell Jedi Knight star 1

    Jul 17, 2016
    Ok thanks, the proper lanyards or temporary ones?
  25. j-jawa3

    j-jawa3 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2004
    Darth 88, you are so good at getting those pictures with the celebrities! very good, As for everyone at Cele. I hope everything gets figured out -fast! I hope everyone who traveled had a safe, trip and was able to get some sleep before Cele. opened. I woke up this morning strangely thinking I was at Cele..! but, I went over my routine I follow when attending and envied everyone there! have fun!
    MotivateR5D4 likes this.