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Cinemark Valley View

Discussion in 'Archive: Cleveland, OH' started by southbeach, Apr 23, 2002.

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  1. TX421

    TX421 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 16, 2002
    Chagrin Cinema is selling presale tickets for the 1201 showing on 5/16 only, for right now, I'm sure more will be available when schedules are figured out.
  2. TX421

    TX421 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 16, 2002
    Cinemark in Valley View is now selling tickets for AOTC, they have a 1201 showing too.
  3. Darth-Zod

    Darth-Zod Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 9, 2001
    YES!!! Cinemark Valley View is selling tickets for AOTC. I just got back from purchasing my tickets for the 12:01am show. For those of you coming back from Celebration 2, tickets were still available when I purchased mine on May 5, 2002 at about 3:30pm. They don?t know if it will be shown digitally.

    Edit: Darn, TX421 beat me to it. :)
  4. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    While I can't guarantee that I'll get them, cuz I'm entrusting my dad to do it, Mullet and I will probably be going to the midnight showing as well, cuz my dad's getting tix for me today. So, assuming he can get them if they're still available, we'll see you guys at the show too! Let's try and coordinate something! If Mullet, Zod, and I are there, we could consider it a meeting, as it will be three people...
  5. DarthZome

    DarthZome Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 17, 2000
    I have four tickets for theater 13. I'll probably go dressed as a Sith Lord.

    Are they going to ban lightsaber hilts from the theater?
  6. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    I don't think they would ban hilts. I'm most likely going to be a Jedi, and I plan on bringing my hilt...
  7. DarthZome

    DarthZome Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 17, 2000
    But do they ban metal hilts?

    I have one carved out of aluminum and it's a lot heavier than the toys.
  8. southbeach

    southbeach Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 4, 2002
    I just bought 4 tickets for the midnight showing at VV Cinemark through their website. I would of figured it would of been sold out. However, I simply bought 4 and recieved confirmation of it. I will be picking them up tommorow. Yehawwww!!!
  9. _-Reborn_Jedi-_

    _-Reborn_Jedi-_ Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 9, 2002
    w00t I got 3 tix so far for the 7:45 showing...anyone going to that showing? Also, do I have to redeem these online tix before the movie release, or can I do this when we all get there?
  10. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    12:01 AM showing for me, and my saber hilt that I mentioned above is metal too. It's the new saber I just finished constructing, it's bada$$.
  11. DarthZome

    DarthZome Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 17, 2000
    Could you post a picture of that saber?
  12. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    I'd need a digital camera to take a pic of it...
  13. Douz

    Douz Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 15, 2000
    TBX has their tickets for Macedonia (midnight as well as an evening show). In a week or two I know I will be hitting the VV digital theater for the proper viewing.
  14. JediKnightPasJoDacle

    JediKnightPasJoDacle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 16, 2002
    I know for a fact that the metal hilts are not banned
  15. DonC

    DonC Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 30, 2001
    Cinemark still has tickets for it's 12:01AM show available. They are only selling advance tickets for one theater, but it's their digital one, baby!
  16. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    CONFIRMATION: Etra-Sco Pilna and Pas-Jo Dacle will be at the Midnight showing at Valley View! My dad got us tix, so we will DEFINITELY be there! Anybody who's going to be there, Zod, Don, etc, we have to get together before the show and bask in the glory that is Star Wars. Time to go hardcore! I'm so excited!
  17. Darth-Zod

    Darth-Zod Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 9, 2001
    What time are you guys planning on lining up for the show? I say 10 pm at the latest. Lets all meet up and someone bring a Star Wars Edition of Trivia Pursuit to help pass the time. Krash, Padawan92, weren?t you two going to get tickets for this show?
  18. DarthZome

    DarthZome Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 17, 2000
    The question is, how will we be able to identify one another?
  19. JediKnightPasJoDacle

    JediKnightPasJoDacle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 16, 2002
    WHOHO!!!! STAR WARS! STAR WARS!!! I'm f-ing pumped...umm...can I say that...This is really how pumped I am, 10 sounds good to me! Does anyone have an extra jedi Robe I can wair?????
  20. Padawan92

    Padawan92 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 22, 2001
    I want to go but Krash as to buy them. Plus I want to go to the midnight one but that means convincing my dad to let me stay up. HAAAAAAAAAAA! Guess I am not going to the midnight one so I can brag to my friends.
  21. southbeach

    southbeach Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 4, 2002
    Yeah 10 sounds perfect. Of course I will bring my saber. I hope they arent going to be pr1cks and not allow anyone to bring their sabers and not allow us to fight. They did that last time. Yeahhhhhh!!! I am also bringing a camera to take pics of everyone so look your best....
  22. TX421

    TX421 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 16, 2002
    Hello everyone, I'm also going to the 1201 showing at Valley View after, ah-hem, I see the 7:30 pre-screening at Richmond. I'll be down there around 11:00, so be on the lookout and keep an eye out for you guys, OK?
  23. Anrev_the_Jedi

    Anrev_the_Jedi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 14, 2002
    whats V V's url?
  24. DonC

    DonC Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 30, 2001
    For tickets all you need to do is go to Sounds like we have a time and place for our next meeting, doesn't it?
  25. JarJarJedi

    JarJarJedi Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 6, 2001
    They still have tickes right now, I hope they still do when my mom decides. (It's looking hopeful right now. :))
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