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Nash, TN Clone Wars cartoons discussion thread

Discussion in 'SouthEast Regional Discussion' started by Hama, Nov 7, 2003.

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  1. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    See, the Holiday Special was a trailblazer...setting the standard for ideas for years to come! [face_laugh]

    LOL! :eek: The Holiday special influencing Episode III?!(shudders) Scary thought. ;) PLEASE GEORGE, NO LUMPY! We don't need to see the Wookie family unit either. I want to see Wookies kicking some butt and ripping some droids' arms out of their sockets! "
    Wookies are known to do that" :D

    It would be cool to see how the Wookies get invovled in the Clone Wars. Maybe the cartoon series will lead up to that.
  2. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003

    Itchy RULES!
  3. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    HA! [face_laugh] LOL!!!

    Since we are talking about the "Clone Wars". I thought you guys might get a kick out of the trailer for the new LucasArts game Republic Commando. It reminds me of Aliens. COOL! :cool: We also get a new look at the Clone armor for Episode III! :D

    STAR WARS Battlefront looks cool too as you get to play as a soldier in intense multiplayer battles with up to 32 people. Choose your allegiance and pick a soldier from one of four different armies. Fight on ten legendary planets and use a variety of weapons and vehicles, including X-wings, snowspeeders and AT-ST?s. You get to fight on Hoth, Geonosis, Yavin, Tatooine, Endor, Kamino and Naboo.

    Back to the Clone Wars Cartoons which should be starting back up in a couple of weeks!
  4. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    Pretty sweet- makes me wonder what 'Aliens VS Predator' is gonna be like...

    Also hope we get to see more of that red clone trooper with the two pistols that's in the CW cartoon. I also really dig the troopers with the panchos and Obi-Wan in the clone armor and Jedi robes. Can't wait to see more of Assaj Ventress, and see how General Grievous turns out...
  5. Toymaster

    Toymaster Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 19, 2002
    Thought it might be time to bump this thread up top...

  6. Toymaster

    Toymaster Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 19, 2002
    Anybody else catch Anakin's line while he was in persuir of Asaaj Ventriss?

    "I have you now!"

    Also ran across a link to some Clone Wars avatars. Doesn't Sha'a Gi look familiar? Zoinks!!!

  7. Hama

    Hama Retired GSA, Retired RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 14, 2000
    "I have you now!"

    Very nice touch. :cool:
  8. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    I was actually thinking about that line as soon as they zoomed in on Anakin's eyes.

    Obi Wan has a seriously large stick where the sun doesn't shine. He doesn't know who Anakin is chasing or why, but proceeds to give him a direct order to cease pursuing that ship not even knowing that it did serious harm to the clone fleet.

    However, as a commanding officer in the military during the Clone war, Anakin is obligated to follow the chain of command.
  9. Scruff

    Scruff Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 1999
    Obi Wan was right. Anakin did not know who was in that ship and for any of them knew, she could be leading him into a trap. Anakin showed himself to be a loose cannon that should never have been trained as a Jedi.

    Oh, and from an earlier post: Don't worry Scott, the time frame of Episode 3 is long before Chewie mated with Mala and long before Lumpawarrump was ever born. And Itchy is just a pervert.
  10. GMSepiroth

    GMSepiroth Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 13, 2002
    OB1 may not have know what was going on in space but it seemed clear to me that he shouldnt have been flying throught the city chasing one fighter (and blasting building every time he missed). But Anakin DID say he felt the force in the pilot. And OB1 DID say that he felt the pilot was trapping Anakin. I have to say that OB1 was right.

    I have watched that chapter twice and every time that fighter evaded the fire after Anakin say "I have you know" I just have to blurt out "WHAAT". Its a conditioned response. I cant help it.

    In Chapter 12 that 'crusher'ship was kinda neat. When I first saw it I thought it was a World Devestator (from Dark Empire). Maybe the cartooists took part of the design from the comics. So yet again the cartoons are reflecting exsisting SW lore.

    I am REALLY digging these cartoons.
  11. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    I think "I have you now." will become like "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

    Yep, Anakin is proving himself to be a loose cannon, and Obi is showing just how much control over his padawan he doesn't have.

    I loved the opening shot of Chapter 12, and it was kinda nice to see Mace be able to handle a lightsaber for a change! Man, I hope Samuel L. Jackson has taken some lessons for this next one...the way Hayden is looking with the fight scenes it's no wonder Vader wiped out the Jedi!

    Looking forward to Anakin and Assaj fighting in this next one or two.
  12. Scruff

    Scruff Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 1999
    Anyone else have trouble downloading the episodes from cartoon network?
  13. penzargrat

    penzargrat Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jan 7, 2001
    WOW! Tonight's episode was the best ever! We finally got to see the true power of a Jedi MASTER. When Windu knocked down all those super battle droids at the beginning, I said out loud "WHOA!" Then he proceeded to kick boo-tay in every Force-induced way possible. Mace Windu the Super Hero! [face_laugh]
  14. Toymaster

    Toymaster Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 19, 2002
    Now we know why his wallet is the one that says "Bad Mother ______" on it...
  15. Elan-Rai

    Elan-Rai RSA Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 11, 2001
    Ken, depends on whether you meant "streaming" download or local download. I haven't tried streaming the latest, but as for local downloads... these puppies are more secure. I have a local copy of the first 10 chapters on my hard drive. The latest ones have a few different redirects to confuse your download accelerators. Looks like I'll have to use Kazaa or something to get them this time. ;)
  16. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    Unfortunately, many of you are too young to remember this, but did anyone catch the play on the old 1980 Mean Joe Green Coke commercial at the end. "Hey mean Joe, would you like my Coke?" [face_laugh] Too funny! I was waiting for Mace to toss him his tattered robe.
  17. Scruff

    Scruff Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 1999
    Last time I just did the streaming from Cartoon Network, didn't bother saving them. Couldn't get a download to work tonight. Probably try again later.
  18. GMSepiroth

    GMSepiroth Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 13, 2002
    [face_laugh] a Mean Joe paraty would have been SOO funny.
    I thought Mace was freakin' awesome. But one thing bothered me. The power he demonstated was a far cry from what we saw in AOTC versus the same type of droids. But it was still cool as hell to watch.
  19. obi-TN

    obi-TN Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 7, 2003
    I have been copying them from my TiVo to my computer using a Dazzle device. I have episodes 1-10 from the recap shows before Episode 11 and then the current episodes with the "Previously" and "Next Time". I will try to burn a DVD some time this week of the episodes.
  20. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    "The power he demonstated was a far cry from what we saw in AOTC versus the same type of droids."

    YUP!!! They took it a bit too far. If that were true that Mace & the rest of the Jedi were that powerful they would have been able to dispense with the battledroids in AOTC quite easily and would not have needed the clone troopers to intercede.

    Whats a "Dazzle Device"?
  21. Basill

    Basill Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 24, 2002
    Chapter 11 was ok. I agree with Scott about the Obi-Wan stick thing, but Anakin was acting on his passions and thus not thinking clearly. He should have listened to his master/commander and was thus in the wrong. In my opinion. Of course we all know where that springs from and where it is headed. Though, I must say, Obi-Wan's screaming was not a good sign of his ability to maintain control either.

    For 12 & 13, I thought the "Seismic Canon" was an interesting touch. (reminded me of a giant, constipated, Jawa sand crawler) It struck me however, as one of those things that, could you feasibly create such a device, you would have no real need to do so. Granted, I have no real idea it's exact functionality. Guess its just a terror weapon.
    Maybe a sign of things to come when the Empire is finally born. And did anyone else hear, the first time it deployed, that famous "scream" so popular in Lucas and Spielberg movies? Forget what name they call it.

    Loved the MJG moment at the end though.

    As for the SuperMace Windu... I too thought they were pushin' that envelope a tad. Force-Push/Incredo-Leap had me rolling my eyes a few times. There were some notable exceptions, like the quick-run and blaster evation technique, as well as that cork-screw Olympic dive maneuver. Also, I figured (presumably) at the beginning of the Clone Wars, those big-blue boys were news to the Jedi/Republic. Maybe just learning a technical thing or two about the enemy is enough to help a Jedi Master of Mace's calibur (with the force as his ally) in dealing with them. Total rationalization I realize, but I actually liked when he blew all the nuts and bolts out of that one, and it just collapsed. But sweeping hundreds away, and using them as punch bags was a bit too incredible for my tastes. And don't even get me started on leaping tall buildings in a single bound.

    Can't wait to see the "Ladies of the Force" tonight! :)
  22. Basill

    Basill Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 24, 2002
    Chapter 14... now that was awesome.
  23. Hama

    Hama Retired GSA, Retired RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 14, 2000
    And did anyone else hear, the first time it deployed, that famous "scream" so popular in Lucas and Spielberg movies? Forget what name they call it.

    It's called the "Wilhelm" scream. For a lengthy list of its appearances, check out this thread
  24. Scruff

    Scruff Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 1999
    (11)I totally disagree on the stick issue. There is a chain of command and Anakin was derilict of his dutites. He should never have chased the ship through the city in the first place and he should have immediately obeyed Obi Wan's order without question. If the Jedi had a courts martial system, Anakin would deserve it.

    (12)Mace-way over the top to the point of being completely ridicuous. The only thing that's come close in silliness was Yoda's battle with Dooku.

    (13)Oh for the love of, . . could this one have been any worse?
  25. Dork-Vader

    Dork-Vader Star Wars Sketch Card Artist star 4 VIP

    May 14, 2003
    I think they took Mace's abilities a bit far, but I did love the way he took apart that one and used others as shrapnel against several others. Him cutting thru the side of the ship then force blowning the piece inward was great, too.

    As for the "Seismic Canon", it could have been originally built for someo ther purpose- possibly mining, contruction, demolition, seismic charges for eathquake study, etc.
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