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Social CLOUD CITY CANTINA (20.0) The Force Ghost Party!

Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by Jar-Jar Binks, Jan 19, 2017.

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  1. Anakin.Skywalker

    Anakin.Skywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2016
    o_O Is JEDI-RISING a girl despite her account? Or was that just the gif you found?

    Besides, we should rejoice. The only good Jedi is a dead Jedi, right?

    :p :p:p

    Just kidding, I don't mean to insult any Jedi scum whatsoever.
    Jar-Jar Binks likes this.
  2. Jar-Jar Binks

    Jar-Jar Binks SWC Late Show With JJB Host star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 17, 2016
    I've had that gif bookmarked forever and never thought I'd use it. :p
  3. Anakin.Skywalker

    Anakin.Skywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2016
    Ah, it's good to have a stockpile of them. :)
    Valency Jane and Jar-Jar Binks like this.
  4. Jar-Jar Binks

    Jar-Jar Binks SWC Late Show With JJB Host star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 17, 2016
  5. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    Meh. I just search whenever I need one.
  6. Darth Kronos

    Darth Kronos Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 2, 2016

    I lol'd.
  7. Snax Rebo

    Snax Rebo Jedi Knight star 4

    Feb 1, 2017
  8. jedijoker

    jedijoker Chosen One star 8

    Jul 6, 2004
    he only good Sith is fried Sith ? :p

  9. Jar-Jar Binks

    Jar-Jar Binks SWC Late Show With JJB Host star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 17, 2016
    Allow me to throw another Sith on the fire.
  10. jedijoker

    jedijoker Chosen One star 8

    Jul 6, 2004
    I am going to bed
    I'm tired
  11. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    One more hour of work today.

    I'm not a morning person either.
    Morning is a good time for resting.
    Valency Jane and QueenSabe7 like this.
  12. Adella7

    Adella7 Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 8, 2016
    Hello :)
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  13. dolphin

    dolphin Chosen One star 5

    Nov 5, 1999
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  14. Adella7

    Adella7 Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 8, 2016
    I love the title of this parody movie. I hope its funny like Epic movie.
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  15. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    Hey everyone. Hope all is well this evening.
    I'm grateful to be home after a long day. Watching an interesting program about all the ins and outs of keeping airports running smoothly. It's quite complicated actually.
    Valency Jane and QueenSabe7 like this.
  16. twowolves

    twowolves Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 6, 2013
    I'm watching Lost from the first episode on. Again.

    [face_sigh] I missed Hurley and the gang...
    QueenSabe7 and Dagobahsystem like this.
  17. Snax Rebo

    Snax Rebo Jedi Knight star 4

    Feb 1, 2017
    Sounds interesting! What's the name? I love airports. [face_laugh]
    Valency Jane and Dagobahsystem like this.
  18. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    City in the Sky: Departure Snax Rebo I guess there are multiple episodes.
    They were discussing Hartsfield/Jackson in Atlanta, Dubai's Int. Airport and others. All aspects like architecture, baggage, food prep, fuel transportation etc...

    I really enjoyed the first 4 or 5 seasons of Lost twowolves Then it started getting really strange if I remember correctly. I still don't understand the finale.
    Valency Jane and Snax Rebo like this.
  19. twowolves

    twowolves Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 6, 2013
    It was purgatory. They were all dead. And when they "died" on the island, they moved on to the real afterlife. They were caught between life and death, and the devil and the angel (St. Michael in disguise) were fighting for so long and the devil was trying to use the island to enter the world on one of the times it phased into the real world.. The Dharma Initiative had been sent there when the island entered our world on one occasion, set up shop, and then got taken back to purgatory with it when the island "reverted" and they became trapped. That's how they got there. Same thing with Rousseau. That's why when Jack and the others went back to the real world, they felt out of place and were having strange visions--they were already dead and didn't belong there anymore. And that's why they had to go back to the island and finish it. And at the very end, everyone was finally dead-dead and gathered in the church because the others had all been waiting for everyone to get there, and they entered heaven together (the doors of the church opening and revealing bright light). That's why the island would manifest things according to people's focus. They could semi-shape reality on the island. The Dharma initiative thought it was just a strange power source underground, not realizing they were tapping into the very essence of reality.
    DarthIshyZ and Dagobahsystem like this.
  20. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    Thank you. Makes sense now.
    twowolves likes this.
  21. Darth Kronos

    Darth Kronos Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 2, 2016
    *watches the series premiere of Legion*

    My mind is thoroughly ****ed now.
    DarthIshyZ and QueenSabe7 like this.
  22. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    Hi Darth Kronos
    I will be watching Stranger Things with some friends on Friday. At least the first half to start.
    QueenSabe7 likes this.
  23. Darth Kronos

    Darth Kronos Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 2, 2016

    Watch no trailers. ^_^
  24. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    Ok, I won't.
  25. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
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