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Cloud City Cantina [Version 10.0] - Home of the freaking strange!

Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by Qui-Gon_Reborn, Dec 31, 2009.

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  1. The_Zeltron

    The_Zeltron Jedi Master star 6

    Sep 29, 2010
    Hi, Dreadwar! You've been following the RPG, then?

    *Salutes* Adviser Dooku-Darklighter, it is a pleasure to see you. If that is the Emperor's wish, so shall it be.
  2. JarJarJedi

    JarJarJedi Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 6, 2001
    I don't know, ask him! :p

  3. Darth Dreadwar

    Darth Dreadwar Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jan 26, 2010
    I don wanna... I'll get scared. :p

    Not exactly. Me and the Co-GM had a bit of a falling out, I'm afraid, but I was once Sub-GM so I checked in a few days ago. ;) I can't believe all the Jedi characters are still rescuing people I killed/trapped months ago. :p

    Things seem to be getting interesting in Forces though, with my evil conniving apprentice on the scene. [face_devil]
  4. JarJarJedi

    JarJarJedi Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 6, 2001
    Bid on the last post of this version of the CCC? ME! ME! [face_praying] :)
  5. The_Zeltron

    The_Zeltron Jedi Master star 6

    Sep 29, 2010
    Well, actually, Dreadwar, as far as I can tell we're still in day one.:p I have no idea on the timeframe, but I can't see that a single day has passed.:p Yes, they are getting interesting. And thanks to your apprentice, my character is the main target of the Nightpath Academy.:p
  6. Qui-Gon_Reborn

    Qui-Gon_Reborn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 11, 2008
    But since MM isn't here, it seems that the victor is obvious. :p
  7. Darth Dreadwar

    Darth Dreadwar Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jan 26, 2010
    Actually I think two days have lapsed in game time (although that's not to say more than 24 hours has lapsed)... the Battle of Corellia started the day after my first post I believe.

    What is Draco_Drake up to now? How are you the target?

    Every post you make boosts my spirits. :D :p
  8. JarJarJedi

    JarJarJedi Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 6, 2001
    But I want to be the last person to post! :_|
  9. Darth Dreadwar

    Darth Dreadwar Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jan 26, 2010
    Join the ASE and I'll let you have it. :p

    *withers underneath QGR'S disapproving glare*
  10. Cushing's Admirer

    Cushing's Admirer Chosen One star 7

    Jun 8, 2006
    QGR & Zeltron: [:D] It's good to be back. Hopefully I'll stay awhile. Thank you for your obedience.

    QGR: Is anyone still active in NJT? This Grey Knight is considering coming back.
  11. Qui-Gon_Reborn

    Qui-Gon_Reborn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 11, 2008
    All of you guys can give me a quote or a picture or something you want me to post, and I can incorporate it all into a mega-post. Which is just a nice way of asking whether I can be the last one to post. [face_laugh]
  12. The_Zeltron

    The_Zeltron Jedi Master star 6

    Sep 29, 2010
    See, it's not months later, Dreadwar.:p Or did you mean in real time? I don't know what happened to Draco_Drake. I haven't seen him around in a while. So you didn't actually catch up on all the events? My character met his character, he eventually used a Darkside power, my character realized he was Sith, and left, Draco's character sent a message to Darth Malison, the head of the Nightpath Academy, naming my character as especially dangerous, so Darth Malison sent Furio on a mission to capture my character and my character only. There, now you're caught up on that part.:p

    [:D] I'd like to get to know you, Adviser Dooku-Darklighter. I'm a member of the NJT, as well, and it's still pretty active.;):D
  13. Darth Dreadwar

    Darth Dreadwar Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jan 26, 2010
    QGR, you're a True Sith AND a Jedi. Everyone will be happy if you have the last post. ;)

  14. ILuvJarJar

    ILuvJarJar Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Oct 19, 2008
    Hey guys!

    Your old buddy Jar Jar has a serious problem, so here it is:

    I am in LOVE with Drew Barrymore, I mean Obsessed. Its kind of sickening. It all started when she guest starred on Family Guy. I then watched a lot of her flims and began idolizing her, and before I knew it, I was in love with a women who I didn't even know.

    I know that obviously I will never get her, because she's famous and we have about a twenty year age difference.

    Its making JJ sick that he won't ever be able to be with his love.

    So, instead of calling me insain, does anyone have any advise on how JJ can get over his really crazy love for Drew?

    This is serious, its not only a crush, but at least JJ knows that this isn't normal.

    *sips martini*
  15. The_Zeltron

    The_Zeltron Jedi Master star 6

    Sep 29, 2010
    Dreadwar: Hmm. I wonder why I haven't seen him. You should do that.;):p

    Hey, Jar! I don't know if I can really help you there...[face_worried] You've got quite a problem if it's not just an overblown crush.
  16. Mister_Master

    Mister_Master Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 17, 2007
    Happy New Year!

    That is all I wanted to say. *Is gone again, but will be back again when he wakes up.*
  17. Qui-Gon_Reborn

    Qui-Gon_Reborn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 11, 2008
    Get used to the idea that you're heart will be continuously and strenuously broken, JarJar. :p

    Since when you do speak for everyone, Dreadwar? :p
  18. Darth Dreadwar

    Darth Dreadwar Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jan 26, 2010
  19. Qui-Gon_Reborn

    Qui-Gon_Reborn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 11, 2008
    You created this universe? Psh. What an underachiever. :p

    Guys, I'm serious about this mega-post, thing. PM me whatever pictures, quotes, jokes, or links you want me to include, and I'll create the last CCC post in about an hour.
  20. ILuvJarJar

    ILuvJarJar Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Oct 19, 2008
    @Zeltron: Then we've got a big problem.

    @QGR: Thank you, that actually helped a little. :p

    @Dreadwar: I don't know, would she like me? Would it be weird if I asked her out? I don't want to make myself sound stalkerish. Should I like hold her hand?

    *sips martini*
  21. The_Zeltron

    The_Zeltron Jedi Master star 6

    Sep 29, 2010
    I'll have to think on it, QGR.;) So, we'll have version 11.0 up tomorrow? I won't be here.:( I'm going to be off until Monday.:_|
  22. Qui-Gon_Reborn

    Qui-Gon_Reborn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 11, 2008
    Well, you've got less than an hour to think about it, so think fast. :p The new version will go up right after I post the last post, so in about an hour.
  23. JarJarJedi

    JarJarJedi Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 6, 2001
    QGR, I already PMed you. :) That's me in the picture. :)
  24. Qui-Gon_Reborn

    Qui-Gon_Reborn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 11, 2008
    Wow, JarJar, I thought it was just a random picture you found somewhere in cyberspace! That armor is seriously awesome. :D
  25. The_Zeltron

    The_Zeltron Jedi Master star 6

    Sep 29, 2010
    My, my, pushy, aren't you?:p Well, maybe I'll be up to see it.:)
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