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ST Colin Trevorrow NOT directing Episode IX

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by starocean90, Aug 15, 2015.

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  1. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004
    Leia wasn't a character in the core storyline of ROTJ? I must've missed that cut.
    DaddlerTheDalek and MattOrgana like this.
  2. Starwarsfan9000

    Starwarsfan9000 Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 24, 2012
    The one thing is if they recast Leia they'd either have to pick someone very close to Carrie in terms of look or someone close enough but they could put CGI over the other actress like they did in Rogue One.

    It depends on how big her part is if they can keep that up for more than a few scenes unlike the one scene she had in Rogue One and the few Tarkin had.

    Recasting and carefully bringing these characters back to where we can recognise them despite the change is tough. Especially since there aren't many who at least the moment I can think of who can capture Carrie's voice and how she was in her older years compared to when she was younger which some people have been able too with soundalikes like Julie Dolan does in Star Wars Rebels.

    There's a lot to manage here in recreating it in detail so that it seems seemless be it through CGI or not. I've never heard much from Genieve O'Reilly regarding her role as Mon Mothma but I'm sure she probably had to go back and look at Return of the Jedi a lot to get the feeling down of a young Caroline Blakison in terms of performance to match the look she already had.

    This isn't like when Marvel recast Edward Norton and Terence Howard where after they bring in Mark Ruffalo and Don Cheadle they seem to be completely new versions who are doing their own thing even taking out the fact the former actors didn't really make the character own enough to where the change didn't matter or you didn't notice.

    While a new actor's intepertation of a character for a Star Wars film in comparison will probably have differences there's a lot they have to do as well that reminds you of the other actor even if they don't become that version yet like Ewan did with Obi-Wan. The way he delivers lines and subtle nuances combined with the look does make him feel believable in turning into Sir Alec Guinness later in life.

    But they've said so far recreating or recasting isn't the plan and I guess until we hear or see a change we won't know if it'll remain that way or not. Todd and Billie have given them their blessing already we're just going to have to wait and see if they'll take the offer.
  3. Thrawn082

    Thrawn082 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 11, 2014
    Replacing her 2/3 of the way through the ST, and especially when people will be well-aware of why they did it, just wouldn't work imo.
  4. dogprivilege

    dogprivilege Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 19, 2015
    This isn't about "would carrie have been ok with a recast". Reality is, a recast would feel weird to most people. The OT3 were literally told their characters would be written out of the story if they didn't come back, and that would have been really imo the most feasible time to have a recast if it were necessary. Now after two ST films, it's going to take a ton of people out of the movie to see another person playing Leia and seeing her interacting with the rest of the cast especially.

    imo they need to just kill her off and have her death hang over the plot and theme of IX. Force ghost appearance, maybe.
  5. ThreeDeathstickProblem

    ThreeDeathstickProblem Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 25, 2014
    In 2014 I would have agreed. Then Tomorrowland came out. And later we found out Trevorrow got the gig because he reminded Brad of himself. So I'm a bit soured on him directing it.
  6. Rogue Seven

    Rogue Seven Jedi Padawan star 2

    Sep 6, 2017
    Google Stevie Nicks. ;)

    But I see the regular group of "How dare you suggest they recast Leia" members have arrived on thread. Which means it's probably time to stop discussing it for fear of being raked over the coals for the suggestion. ;)
  7. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004
    People stuffing words in Carrie's mouth. Everything she's ever said suggests the polar opposite.

    She is Leia and Leia is her. That's consistently what she's said for decades.

    A lot of people? Where is this ground swell of people screaming for a Leia recast? I've literally only seen a handful of people even make that suggestion. It seems to be a hard NO for the majority of people. To the extent that the talk leaned for more on a CGI Carrie-looking Leia than any recast.
  8. dogprivilege

    dogprivilege Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 19, 2015

    no one's attacking you for suggesting it, please don't be this disingenuous. People simply don't think it would work, and you didn't win anyone over with your arguments.
    jaqen likes this.
  9. Darth Downunder

    Darth Downunder Chosen One star 6

    Aug 5, 2001
    Yet if something happened to MH in between TFA & Ep VIII a recast would have to've happened. It's literally impossible to continue the story from the end of TFA without Luke. What we don't know is how Leia's story resolves at the end of TLJ. So we should table this discussion until December & get back to talking directors...
    jaqen likes this.
  10. DarkMark

    DarkMark Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Apr 6, 2002
    People are going to be critical with whatever they do. Recast, CGI, killing her off, keeping her "off screen" - none are ideal. It's a no-win scenario.

    If TLJ features some kind of pivotal scene between Leia and Kylo - which, based on the BTS reel, it just might - and it's Kylo's first step towards coming back to the light, it could allow IX to be about him choosing his mother's legacy over his grandfather's (with the help of some abstract Force-visions of Leia). That's probably the best case scenario now.

    If there isn't a Leia-Kylo scene ... I think that's a major problem for the story of this trilogy. But as I said - there's really no good solution here.
    DaddlerTheDalek and Axrendale like this.
  11. Qui-Riv-Brid

    Qui-Riv-Brid Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 18, 2013
    That's alright. We clearly see it as two different things. I can't not see it as a PT/OT hybrid. When the two central characters are largely derived from Anakin of the prequels never mind everything else going on around them.

    I think I know what you mean by "romp" but I suspect it's the same kind of thing where people think the movie is about cute teddy bears overthrowing the Empire and for whatever reason ignore the actual core story approach and tonality of Luke and Vader's story.

    As for RJ I hope that is the case. I really do but what Kasdan said is totally undercut by TFA "Those movies will have the “Star Wars” saga as their basis, but everything else will be different"

    This clearly did not happen for TFA. It was about as the same as you possibly could get and deliberately so. With that as a basis exactly how RJ will extricate himself from that will be something to see. Then CT had to work from there. What was it that after 2 years of work lead to presumably this recent difference of visions? At this point the movie is largely planned out and simply awaiting the start of the execution of the plan with shooting commencing.

    No she wasn't. The core storyline was Luke and Vader with the Emperor and sideline to that Obi-Wan and Yoda. Leia was added as a sideline character during production of course but if they had to drop her then she wouldn't have been missed at all because then she wouldn't have been added as the other.
  12. Starwarsfan9000

    Starwarsfan9000 Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 24, 2012
    And if I had to say what they should do? No I'm not going to tell them what do. Because at the end of the day I'm just one person here amongst several. It's their own decision and I'm sure in the end they will find the proper and respectful decision.

    Recasting Leia at this point so late as others have said would be a bit of a stretch and almost more strange then if they used CGI again.

    While seeing it took me out of it in Rogue One it's only because I wasn't expecting it whereas this time if they said it'll happen or we do see it we know it's coming this time
  13. Rogue Seven

    Rogue Seven Jedi Padawan star 2

    Sep 6, 2017
    Oh you misunderstand me, I never said anyone was attacking me.

    Sufficed to say, I watched these very same small group of members absolutely lambast those that suggested a recast after CF passed away on some threads back when it occurred. It's not disengeniuosness, it's an observation that I remembered from before I was a member and just read the threads.

    Which is why I suggested we stop talking about it before people start talking past one another, and serve zero discussion.
  14. Darth Chiznuk

    Darth Chiznuk Superninja of Future Films star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 31, 2012
    This isn't the Carrie Fisher thread. Please take this conversation there and keep this thread on topic.
  15. Rogue Seven

    Rogue Seven Jedi Padawan star 2

    Sep 6, 2017

    On topic.

    I would love to see Spielberg on IX. It would be really interesting to see what a Spielberg SW film would look like.
  16. D'an

    D'an Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 21, 2014
    Thrawn082 & I have argued quite a bit in the past, but we are on the same page in regards to Carrie. Recast Leia at your own peril. What would make me walk out of Episode IX? CGI or someone else playing Leia. A force ghost cameo would be more fitting & appropriate. You can't replace Carrie.

    [edit]: sorry I typed this up before the redirect. I do feel as though Carrie's death had a big, albeit indirect, impact on Trevorrow's eventual firing however. The Book of Henry certainly didn't help.
    MattOrgana and jaqen like this.
  17. Thrawn082

    Thrawn082 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 11, 2014
    With RO you at least had the excuse that they needed a 19-year old ANH-era Leia (and Carrie was obviously far too old to play that version of Leia in 2016). And it was a really brief cameo at the very end. And with the PT you're seeing classic characters at different/younger moments of their lives. So it was appropriate there as well.

    With this, it'd be a Leia that we'd just seen Carrie play in the first two films, and people would know that she was only being recast because she died. It's not the same situation.

    As for Spielberg, I believe that he took himself out of the running to direct TFA because he felt like it was time for younger filmmakers to get their shot.
    jaqen likes this.
  18. Starwarsfan9000

    Starwarsfan9000 Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 24, 2012
    Agreed in regards to getting things back on topic. The important thing now is just waiting until we hear more..
  19. cerealbox

    cerealbox Force Ghost star 6

    May 5, 2016
    He's booked up for LucasFilm's next film after Episode IX though, Indiana Jones 5, which will start pre-production early next year
    jaqen, D'an and Rogue Seven like this.
  20. Rogue Seven

    Rogue Seven Jedi Padawan star 2

    Sep 6, 2017
    Ah. This is true sadly. Ah well, perhaps a film in the next trilogy?
  21. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004
    ROTJ is my favorite SW film. So no, I'm not referring to "teddy bears overthrowing the Empire". I'm simply referring to the overall tone of ROTJ, which ramped up the action, in scope and volume, and overall went for a spirit of adventure, more so in comparison to other episodes. I think most people gather what I mean by "romp", and it has nothing to do with the hefty Vader/Luke scenes. I'm taking about the overall film.

    As do I. And, according to the man himself, he has an incredible amount of creative license. And the core actors have expressed shock and awe at his approach and decisions. I think we're likely in for a very different kind of SW film.
  22. Chewies_bandolier

    Chewies_bandolier Force Ghost star 4

    May 5, 2002
    So back to Colin?

    Unexpected change of script with difficulties + terrible Book of Henry film (+/- panic at Lord and Miller firings) + failure (presumably) at script doctoring ... parting of ways before things got worse.

    How would people feel about Larry Kasdan taking over?

    (and yes, I maintain internal consistency on some things - my prerogative).
    jaqen likes this.
  23. Rogue Seven

    Rogue Seven Jedi Padawan star 2

    Sep 6, 2017
    Kasdan's writing skills are MUCh better than his Directorial ones. His Directorial outings have been middling-to-bad. So I'm not sure he'd be a good choice for that chair.

    I say this as someone who gave him the benefit of the doubt and saw Dreamcatcher in theatres.
    Chewies_bandolier likes this.
  24. Starwarsfan9000

    Starwarsfan9000 Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 24, 2012
    Having Spielberg take over would make sense since he has worked with Lucasfilm and is Lucas's friend. Kathleen Kennedy got her start on E.T. and produced many of his films and he was one of the people who suggested J.J. John Williams is also a frequent collaborator.

    And I don't think any of the actors would be upset with working with him they'd probably be delighted. The guy seems to almost be loved by everyone and he is an established veteran who even when he makes a dud it doesn't feel like a big loss at least for films following 1941.I'm sure there are some negative stories on films he's done but by in large people seem to get along with him.

    Still though they may have to still persuade him to do it. He doesn't seem like someone who would say yes right away despite all those boxes that would qualify him for the job. Maybe but right now I'm just going to guess either Rian or someone else.
  25. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004
    EDIT: Just saw the mods warning. Dropping this.
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